If Bernie endorses Clinton, he betrays his supporters

He will endorse her and keep his integrity. He's a politician.

only a party shrill such as yourself would say that endorsing someone who is the polar opposite of what you are is an exercise in integrity.

Shrill? Too stupid.

You weirdo. I'm a Bernie supporter...but I'm realistic. I am not a democrat. I'm a liberal. Bernie knows....as I do...that Hillary Clinton is more liberal than anyone that the GOP has to offer. She's even more liberal than Trump.

You say things....but they aren't based in fact. Silly nutter.

Lone there is but a nickles difference between a Democrat and a Repuclican once voted.
Just look at Obama...corporatist/elitist to the core.

Here is an exercise...we are more alike than you think, we all are. The party dividers have us convinced otherwise.

Tell me how many of these statements you DISAGREE with..

1) Corporatism, and it's resulting dramatic concentration of wealth is one of the greatest threats to our way of lives.
2) The concerns/needs and welfare of the vast majority of Americans are overwhelmingly ignored in favor of special interest by both parties.
3) Employee compensation is purposefully being reduced to improve the bottom line, and further engorge the wealthy elite. (reduced benefits, the disappearance of pensions, wage stagnation, reduced/eliminated retirement matching)
4) The Federal government, along with state governments have been writing legislation and bureaucratic red tape that favors large businesses, and increasingly making it harder and harder for small businesses to develop and compete. This is happening regardless of what party the state is known to support.
5) The Federal Government, along with State Governments are complicit with the dramatic decrease of private ownership in favor of corporate ownership of property and wealth.

How many?

Cool we agree on that stuff.

Keep going.

Ok, so now you see why some conservatives (the ones who are not party shrills themselves) have some common ground with Bernie. He is an anti-corporatist, he is the ONLY one talking about wealth concentration and the loss of private ownership in a meaningful way.
Hillary, in my objective and honest opinion is the worst choice between the top 3 or 4. She is a corporatist through and through. She is perhaps the most big money/globally connected politician in Washington. She is polar opposite of what any sane liberal would support that is not deeply mired in party blindness.
Trump? I have no idea what the man thinks. Anyone who says they do - is not listening. The man contradicts himself in the same conversation! He is VERY good at saying populist ideas, but I honestly haven't the faintest clue if he believes what he says. Like Hillary, he has played both sides of the fence for his personal gains as she has. Of course she does it 1,000 times more.
My problem with Bernie is he is also a wild card. At the same time he is deeply mistaken about the need for America to maintain a very strong military. As well as his mantra to "tax ourselves into prosperity". That is a complete fairy tale. Won't happen now or ever. I do not believe he is strong enough to fight the corruption of a bought Congress and Senate.

Having said all that, many of us, both sides want the same basic things. And even agree on most core needs and problems.
We can't get our heads out of our asses believing and repeating the party elites and media playing us for fools - keeping us divided so we don't dare upset the glorious bonanza they all enjoy at our expense.
Both sides,

I demand competence and intelligence from a POTUS. I don't expect perfection. I know that none of the fucks on the right will fight against Citizens United. None will even talk about the shit you seem to find important. Both Bernie and Hillary at least make the effort.

This nation is big and complex. Running it takes pragmatism and measured action.

You are paralyzed by your distrust. It's kind of weird and sad. I don't think I can help you.

And...the word is shill. Not shrill.
I thought he put it really well in this interview.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) insisted he’ll stay in the presidential race, but outlined conditions under which he would endorse Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton “if I can’t make it.”

“If I can’t make it — and we’re going to try as hard as we can until the last vote is cast — we want to completely revitalize the Democratic Party and make it a party of the people rather than one of large campaign contributors,”

Sanders also listed policy demands he would make of Clinton, including a single-payer health care system, a $15 an hour minimum wage, tougher regulation of the finance industry, closing corporate tax loopholes and “a vigorous effort to address climate change.”

Bernie Sanders Lays Out His Requirements For Endorsing Hillary Clinton
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

Yup, he won't. Hopefully he'll run Independent.

He changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket and scorch donations from Democrats. He goes back to Independent now, he'll be the most hated man in Washington D.C. His credibility and his policies go up in smoke.
NEWSFLASH!!! He's been caucusing w/ the Dems forever. I'm embarrassed for you.
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.
Bernie feels that it is far more important Clinton win than Trump.

Simple as that.
If Bernie endorses Clinton, his supporters will be disillusioned with the democrat party as I have been for over twenty years. Most, like me will vote for the Green party candidate, and Bernie will go down in disgrace. There is no difference between Trump and Clinton...they are both war mongers...both corporate flunkies....both narcissists... and neither will fix anything for the next four years...so Bernie has nothing to lose by endorsing a third party.

Regardless...there are many young people who will call it done.

They have no interest in supporting an establishment whore like Hillary.
I love the idealism, but the reality of politics means you do what you have to in order to get your ideas to fruition. Clinton and Sanders will reach an agreement, and progressives (and most of the rest of America) will unite against the nightmare that is today's GOP.
I love the idealism, but the reality of politics means you do what you have to in order to get your ideas to fruition. Clinton and Sanders will reach an agreement, and progressives (and most of the rest of America) will unite against the nightmare that is today's GOP.

And vote the republicans back into the house in control......

They've already had it longer than the democrats....after GWB handed it back to the left.
Bernie Sanders and his policies were soundly defeated by Democrats. There is no free college education on the table anymore. There is no adding 29 trillion dollars in Federal Government spending anymore.

Really it's astounding to me that we have a long time Senator come out on the campaign trail, with his major campaign platform, being about breaking up the big banks. Never once realizing that he, nor the Federal Government had the authority to do that. The Federal Reserve banks and the Federal Government have always operated independent and separately from one another. The Federal Government is not in charge of the Federal Reserve Banks.

There are 100 Senators in the U.S. Senate and I imagine there was only 1 Senator that did not have this basic--fundamental banking knowledge, and his name is Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Bernie Sanders and his policies were soundly defeated by Democrats. There is no free college education on the table anymore. There is no adding 29 trillion dollars in Federal Government spending anymore.

Really it's astounding to me that we have a long time Senator come out on the campaign trail, with his major campaign platform, being about breaking up the big banks. Never once realizing that he, nor the Federal Government had the authority to do that. The Federal Reserve banks and the Federal Government have always operated independent and separately from one another. The Federal Government is not in charge of the Federal Reserve Banks.

There are 100 Senators in the U.S. Senate and I imagine there was only 1 Senator that did not have this basic--fundamental banking knowledge, and his name is Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

That was a shocking snow job by The NY Daily News.
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.
Bernie feels that it is far more important Clinton win than Trump.

Simple as that.
True but his supporters may not see it that way. Another "least of the worst" choice.
"Voting for the lesser of two evils, is still voting for evil."

Maybe, but if evil is your only alternative, the right thing to do is support the least amount of evil you have to.

Trump isn't evil and you know it , hyperbole much?
I'd like to know how you know Trump isn't evil. He has promised to invade Iraq and Iran and take their oil. What are your standards for killing and thievery?
If Bernie truly cares about his supporters, he'll run as third party candidate.

Just sayin'.
Are you a Sanders supporter?

After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.
I won't be if he endorses Clinton.
pretty obvious why those who bring up vagina refuse to support her, though... :thup:
She doesn't deserve to be POTUS just because she has one. Like Obama not deserving to be POTUS just because he is black, ....he was the best person for the job, instead of being the lesser of two evils. Clinton's evils have made her famous.
Bernie feels that it is far more important Clinton win than Trump.

Simple as that.
True but his supporters may not see it that way. Another "least of the worst" choice.
"Voting for the lesser of two evils, is still voting for evil."

Maybe, but if evil is your only alternative, the right thing to do is support the least amount of evil you have to.

Trump isn't evil and you know it , hyperbole much?
I'd like to know how you know Trump isn't evil. He has promised to invade Iraq and Iran and take their oil. What are your standards for killing and thievery?

Where has he promised to invade either, let alone steal their oil? My God...
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.
Bernie feels that it is far more important Clinton win than Trump.

Simple as that.
If Bernie endorses Clinton, his supporters will be disillusioned with the democrat party as I have been for over twenty years. Most, like me will vote for the Green party candidate, and Bernie will go down in disgrace. There is no difference between Trump and Clinton...they are both war mongers...both corporate flunkies....both narcissists... and neither will fix anything for the next four years...so Bernie has nothing to lose by endorsing a third party.

To put it simply--if Bernie Sanders does not endorse Hillary Clinton, he will be committing political suicide. That means that he and his fruitcake policies would have no support from other Democrats for decades to come. He would be ridiculed and censored in the Senate.
BWAH HA HA HA HA! Yeah, those democrat policies have been doing as well as the GOP policies. NAFTA...GATT....buying friendships with foreign aid....subsidies for big oil...big pharma...military contractors....support for the Iraq invasion.....$19 trillion national debt.
True but his supporters may not see it that way. Another "least of the worst" choice.
"Voting for the lesser of two evils, is still voting for evil."

Maybe, but if evil is your only alternative, the right thing to do is support the least amount of evil you have to.

Trump isn't evil and you know it , hyperbole much?
I'd like to know how you know Trump isn't evil. He has promised to invade Iraq and Iran and take their oil. What are your standards for killing and thievery?

Where has he promised to invade either, let alone steal their oil? My God...
Are you too lazy to google....or do you really not want to know?
"Voting for the lesser of two evils, is still voting for evil."

Maybe, but if evil is your only alternative, the right thing to do is support the least amount of evil you have to.

Trump isn't evil and you know it , hyperbole much?
I'd like to know how you know Trump isn't evil. He has promised to invade Iraq and Iran and take their oil. What are your standards for killing and thievery?

Where has he promised to invade either, let alone steal their oil? My God...
Are you too lazy to google....or do you really not want to know?

You made a claim sir, back it up PERIOD
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

Spoken like an ideologue that supports Sanders. Standing up for your principles will get Trump elected. You are an idiot.
So be it....at least I won't be responsible for the mess Clinton will make. And if you think she will fix things, you're no different than those that think Trump will. There is not a dimes difference in the two. They're both narcissists. Neither gives a shit about anything but their fame. For Clinton, it's all about being the first female POTUS. For Trump, it's all about buying his new toy....the White House.
Maybe, but if evil is your only alternative, the right thing to do is support the least amount of evil you have to.

Trump isn't evil and you know it , hyperbole much?
I'd like to know how you know Trump isn't evil. He has promised to invade Iraq and Iran and take their oil. What are your standards for killing and thievery?

Where has he promised to invade either, let alone steal their oil? My God...
Are you too lazy to google....or do you really not want to know?

You made a claim sir, back it up PERIOD
Okay little boy, your mommy isn't there to help you so.....

ISIS, of course, controls oil fields that properly belong to the people of Iraq and Syria, but Trump wants those resources for the United States. This echoes a longstanding Trump argument that plundering fossil fuels should be a goal of American foreign policy. In early 2013, he tweeted:

In a December 21, 2015, speech at Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump said, “You take the oil. You know, to the victor belongs the spoils. You take the oil. You don’t just leave it. ... And you know what we do with the oil? We give some the soldiers that have been so badly hurt, some to the wounded warriors, we give some to the parents who have lost soldiers.”

The crassness of Trump’s remarks point to an interesting shift in Republican politics. In 2002 and 2003, the Bush administration offered a host of reasons for invading Iraq, but it was only the critics who complained about a policy of “blood for oil,” which the Republicans hotly denied. Now the Republican presidential frontrunner is crudely saying that the goal of American foreign policy should be just that. “Blood for oil” is no longer an accusation but a policy proposal.

Donald Trump’s first campaign ad promises blood for oil.

Donald Trump finally laid out his plan for dealing with Iran (or ISIS?) on Fox & Friends Tuesday, recommending that the United States “knock the hell out of them” and then “take the oil.”

Donald Trump Returns to Fox & Friends, Doesn’t Talk About Megyn Kelly
only a party shrill such as yourself would say that endorsing someone who is the polar opposite of what you are is an exercise in integrity.

Shrill? Too stupid.

You weirdo. I'm a Bernie supporter...but I'm realistic. I am not a democrat. I'm a liberal. Bernie knows....as I do...that Hillary Clinton is more liberal than anyone that the GOP has to offer. She's even more liberal than Trump.

You say things....but they aren't based in fact. Silly nutter.

Lone there is but a nickles difference between a Democrat and a Repuclican once voted.
Just look at Obama...corporatist/elitist to the core.

Here is an exercise...we are more alike than you think, we all are. The party dividers have us convinced otherwise.

Tell me how many of these statements you DISAGREE with..

1) Corporatism, and it's resulting dramatic concentration of wealth is one of the greatest threats to our way of lives.
2) The concerns/needs and welfare of the vast majority of Americans are overwhelmingly ignored in favor of special interest by both parties.
3) Employee compensation is purposefully being reduced to improve the bottom line, and further engorge the wealthy elite. (reduced benefits, the disappearance of pensions, wage stagnation, reduced/eliminated retirement matching)
4) The Federal government, along with state governments have been writing legislation and bureaucratic red tape that favors large businesses, and increasingly making it harder and harder for small businesses to develop and compete. This is happening regardless of what party the state is known to support.
5) The Federal Government, along with State Governments are complicit with the dramatic decrease of private ownership in favor of corporate ownership of property and wealth.

How many?

Cool we agree on that stuff.

Keep going.

Ok, so now you see why some conservatives (the ones who are not party shrills themselves) have some common ground with Bernie. He is an anti-corporatist, he is the ONLY one talking about wealth concentration and the loss of private ownership in a meaningful way.
Hillary, in my objective and honest opinion is the worst choice between the top 3 or 4. She is a corporatist through and through. She is perhaps the most big money/globally connected politician in Washington. She is polar opposite of what any sane liberal would support that is not deeply mired in party blindness.
Trump? I have no idea what the man thinks. Anyone who says they do - is not listening. The man contradicts himself in the same conversation! He is VERY good at saying populist ideas, but I honestly haven't the faintest clue if he believes what he says. Like Hillary, he has played both sides of the fence for his personal gains as she has. Of course she does it 1,000 times more.
My problem with Bernie is he is also a wild card. At the same time he is deeply mistaken about the need for America to maintain a very strong military. As well as his mantra to "tax ourselves into prosperity". That is a complete fairy tale. Won't happen now or ever. I do not believe he is strong enough to fight the corruption of a bought Congress and Senate.

Having said all that, many of us, both sides want the same basic things. And even agree on most core needs and problems.
We can't get our heads out of our asses believing and repeating the party elites and media playing us for fools - keeping us divided so we don't dare upset the glorious bonanza they all enjoy at our expense.
Both sides,

I demand competence and intelligence from a POTUS. I don't expect perfection. I know that none of the fucks on the right will fight against Citizens United. None will even talk about the shit you seem to find important. Both Bernie and Hillary at least make the effort.

This nation is big and complex. Running it takes pragmatism and measured action.

You are paralyzed by your distrust. It's kind of weird and sad. I don't think I can help you.

And...the word is shill. Not shrill.
Her voice is SHRILL.

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