If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?

Ah but that ignores that the POTUS is still one man and can't get (whatever) done without Congress behind him.

The POTUS has a pen and he has a phone. This one even has a Twitter account.

And we can thank our lucky stars that's ALL he has.

Hell I have a hundred pens and two phones. Fear me.

You're unaware of everything he's accomplished, in spite of having so little to work with? Someone should bring you up to speed, dearie.

Not at all unaware. Shall we list some?

Transferred his father to "a very wonderful place in Germany". Declared "I don't see why it would be Russia" and then changes it to "wouldn't" as soon as Russia is out of earshot. Claims to have got more done than anyone since Truman (didn't). Claims to not have said "Tim Apple" (did). Claimed to have got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan (didn't -- even Mike Pence got more). Claimed "three million illegals" voted (with no evidence). Claimed the Revolutionary War army "took over the airports" (didn't exist). Classified black countries as "shitholes". Sent a hurricane to Alabama despite his own National Weather Service stating otherwise. Called Bhutan and Nepal "Button" and "Nipple". Fagged out of a WWI commemoration because it was raining, while Trudeau and the rest of the European heads of state including the 92-year-old Queen of England went out regardless. Walked in front of that Queen and declared that the UK and England are the same thing. Fagged out of a debate because Meanie Megyn Kelly would be there. Melted down over getting caught fabricating a fake Time Magazine cover. Paid off a porn actress to stay mum just before the election. Declared he''d 'never settle' a fraud suit with a "Mexican" judge (from Indiana) and then settled with that Indiana "Mexican" judge just before the Electoral College voted so they wouldn't have to consider an active fraud case. Called for a death penalty against innocent people and then doubled down when they were exonerated by DNA because doesn't have the balls to admit he fucked up. Fagged out of the WHCD because he doesn't have the balls to face direct jokes. Dissed veterans from McCain to Gold Stars. Set up a charity purportedly for veterans and then raided it. Stiffed El Paso for rally security. Incited uncountable acts of violence at his worship rallies. Retweeted racist bullshit about black crime. Accused his predecessor of "tappppppppppppppppppppppping his wires". Played footsie with, and took orders from, David Dooky. Played footsie with, and got played by, Dim Dung Ill, even saluting his general. Called Nazis/skinheads "very fine people". Made up a bullshit story about "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" and then mocked the congenital disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie to back up his own lie. Ejected legitimate news organizations from press briefings and replaced them with Jim The Fuck Hoft. Attacked the free press repeatedly, threatening open discourse with perversion of "libel laws". Tried to manhandle FBI investigation (failed). Promised to release taxes (failed). Promised to construct a wall Mexico would pay for (failed). Trotted out fake doctor note claiming "astonishingly excellent" health complete with fake weight and fortune.

Oh and not to leave out, continues to paint his own face orange.

Those are just the POTUS-related "accomplishments". Shall we venture further back? If we do, one thing we can eliminate at the start is ever having held a job. Or any position of responsibility at all.

All that, and you can't seem to find one single good thing he's done for this country? Truthfully, not one single thing you mentioned even moves the needle of my Trump-o-meter.

Sorry you're so thin-skinned, easily-offended, and ate up with the TDS. You got it pretty darned bad, I'd say.


Hey, you thought I was "unaware of all he's accomplished" and I proved you wrong by listing a hundred thousand things.
You listed --------- let's see --------- zero.
The POTUS has a pen and he has a phone. This one even has a Twitter account.

And we can thank our lucky stars that's ALL he has.

Hell I have a hundred pens and two phones. Fear me.

You're unaware of everything he's accomplished, in spite of having so little to work with? Someone should bring you up to speed, dearie.

Not at all unaware. Shall we list some?

Transferred his father to "a very wonderful place in Germany". Declared "I don't see why it would be Russia" and then changes it to "wouldn't" as soon as Russia is out of earshot. Claims to have got more done than anyone since Truman (didn't). Claims to not have said "Tim Apple" (did). Claimed to have got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan (didn't -- even Mike Pence got more). Claimed "three million illegals" voted (with no evidence). Claimed the Revolutionary War army "took over the airports" (didn't exist). Classified black countries as "shitholes". Sent a hurricane to Alabama despite his own National Weather Service stating otherwise. Called Bhutan and Nepal "Button" and "Nipple". Fagged out of a WWI commemoration because it was raining, while Trudeau and the rest of the European heads of state including the 92-year-old Queen of England went out regardless. Walked in front of that Queen and declared that the UK and England are the same thing. Fagged out of a debate because Meanie Megyn Kelly would be there. Melted down over getting caught fabricating a fake Time Magazine cover. Paid off a porn actress to stay mum just before the election. Declared he''d 'never settle' a fraud suit with a "Mexican" judge (from Indiana) and then settled with that Indiana "Mexican" judge just before the Electoral College voted so they wouldn't have to consider an active fraud case. Called for a death penalty against innocent people and then doubled down when they were exonerated by DNA because doesn't have the balls to admit he fucked up. Fagged out of the WHCD because he doesn't have the balls to face direct jokes. Dissed veterans from McCain to Gold Stars. Set up a charity purportedly for veterans and then raided it. Stiffed El Paso for rally security. Incited uncountable acts of violence at his worship rallies. Retweeted racist bullshit about black crime. Accused his predecessor of "tappppppppppppppppppppppping his wires". Played footsie with, and took orders from, David Dooky. Played footsie with, and got played by, Dim Dung Ill, even saluting his general. Called Nazis/skinheads "very fine people". Made up a bullshit story about "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" and then mocked the congenital disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie to back up his own lie. Ejected legitimate news organizations from press briefings and replaced them with Jim The Fuck Hoft. Attacked the free press repeatedly, threatening open discourse with perversion of "libel laws". Tried to manhandle FBI investigation (failed). Promised to release taxes (failed). Promised to construct a wall Mexico would pay for (failed). Trotted out fake doctor note claiming "astonishingly excellent" health complete with fake weight and fortune.

Oh and not to leave out, continues to paint his own face orange.

Those are just the POTUS-related "accomplishments". Shall we venture further back? If we do, one thing we can eliminate at the start is ever having held a job. Or any position of responsibility at all.

All that, and you can't seem to find one single good thing he's done for this country? Truthfully, not one single thing you mentioned even moves the needle of my Trump-o-meter.

Sorry you're so thin-skinned, easily-offended, and ate up with the TDS. You got it pretty darned bad, I'd say.


Hey, you thought I was "unaware of all he's accomplished" and I proved you wrong by listing a hundred thousand things.
You listed --------- let's see --------- zero.

I don't care to play your flirtatious little game of one-upsmanship. Don't even care if you don't believe Trump has ever accomplished one single thing. The only thing that matters to me is the fact that he will be your President for the next four years.

Just think of all those wonderful things you can add to your list by 2024. :04:
Think of it as a rewrite on the fable of Jesus driving demons into a herd of swine.

Elite Democrats, who would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes, toss Bernie under the MAGA bus if he magically manages to snare the 2020 nomination


This is how Chris Hedges sees the circus unfolding:

The New Rules of the Game

"But unlike in the biblical story of Jesus driving the demons into a herd of swine, they will be driven into the senator from Vermont.

"Trump will become the establishment’s reluctant least worse option.

"Sanders will become a leper.

"The Democratic and Republican party elites, joining forces as they did in the 1972 presidential election, will do to Sanders what they did to George McGovern, who lost in 49 of the 50 states."

It appears that Democrats will be confronting a contested (brokered?) convention in July.

If so, 2020 may resemble 1968 more than 1972 when Eugene McCarthy lost the nomination to a 'candidate" who did NOT compete in ANY primaries?
I think they will have NO CHOICE but to Support President Trump.

Dem U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as 'a symbol of the work we have to do'

BTW, these are actual campaign buttons & logos.


VICTOR JOECKS: Sanders campaign workers want to ‘guillotine the rich,’ send Republicans to gulags
Foreigners gave tons of money to both Obama and Crooked Hillary. Wall Street and the billionaire community gave more money to Obama than they did to McCain or Romney. The Democrats have the Silicon Valley billionaires and the Hollywood Limousine Liberal mega millionaires in their back pocket.
Can you name any mega millionaires or billionaires backing Bernie? Every politician you mentioned would never have been elected without rich backers.

Buttigieg defends big-dollar fundraisers: 'I am following' same practices as Obama
Foreigners gave tons of money to both Obama and Crooked Hillary. Wall Street and the billionaire community gave more money to Obama than they did to McCain or Romney. The Democrats have the Silicon Valley billionaires and the Hollywood Limousine Liberal mega millionaires in their back pocket.
Can you name any mega millionaires or billionaires backing Bernie? Every politician you mentioned would never have been elected without rich backers.

Buttigieg defends big-dollar fundraisers: 'I am following' same practices as Obama

The rich back Democrats. At least that is their recent history. I suspect that if Commie Bernie get the filthy ass Moon Bat Party nominations he will get all kinds of money from "the rich", just like those assholes Obama and Crooked Hillary did. They can't help themselves.
Pfft....When Bloomberg is selected, half of the Bernie Bros are going to vote for Trump just to spite the party.
It looks like a contested (brokered) convention for Democrats next July; if Bernie wins the most delegates but doesn't win the nomination...?

The 2020 Democrats All Have the Same Problem

"The results from Iowa, polls in New Hampshire, and surveys of Democrats beyond those states all point toward the same conclusion: So far, none of the candidates has built a coalition that reaches broadly across the party. Instead, each is confined to a distinct niche of support that is too narrow to establish a commanding advantage in the race.

"That could guarantee a lengthy war of attrition for the nomination—and possibly even a brokered convention—as the leading contenders divide the Democratic voter base along lines of race, class, generation, and ideology."
Economic divide is not my problem. I did not cause that, and anyone in this country has the same opportunities to prosper that you or I have.
If your skin is as white as mine, we have had multiple advantages over many Americans with different skin hues.

How rising U.S. income inequality exacerbates racial economic disparities - Equitable Growth

"Fifty years after the U.S. civil rights movement, racial economic inequality remains an undeniable force in American life.

"The family income gap between blacks and whites today remains at almost exactly the level it was in the 1960s—just one of many indicators of the remarkably little progress toward racial convergence in family income."
Many democrats realize that they will go on after Trump. Once Bernie takes the country communist there's no coming back from that.
The rich back Democrats. At least that is their recent history. I suspect that if Commie Bernie get the filthy ass Moon Bat Party nominations he will get all kinds of money from "the rich", just like those assholes Obama and Crooked Hillary did. They can't help themselves.
Pity the poor Republicans?

I guess you missed how Don the Con, lifelong crony capitalist, cut out the middleman in 2016.
The rich back Democrats. At least that is their recent history. I suspect that if Commie Bernie get the filthy ass Moon Bat Party nominations he will get all kinds of money from "the rich", just like those assholes Obama and Crooked Hillary did. They can't help themselves.
Pity the poor Republicans?

I guess you missed how Don the Con, lifelong crony capitalist, cut out the middleman in 2016.

You forgot to include the Biden Ukrainian and Chinese corruption. Did you forget because you are a low information uneducated Moon Bat or is it because you are suffering from the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome?

I bet if that shithead Biden becomes the Presidential nominee of the Moon Bat Party you will vote for the sonofabitch just like you voted for that corrupt piece of shit Crooked Hillary and that worthless turdbrain Obama. Am I right or am I right?
The filthy Democrat Party is seething with corruption and corrupt politicians so if any of the Moon Bats start lecturing us on corruption they are being hypocritical assholes.
Depending on the vote and the breadth of the Democratic Party victory, it could portend macro changes far beyond one candidate.
If Bernie wins in 2020 and his coattails rival those of Trump in 2016 (control of House and Senate), we could see major changes by November 2022.
Pfft....When Bloomberg is selected, half of the Bernie Bros are going to vote for Trump just to spite the party.

I don't think that many will vote for Trump, they'll just stay home, which, is about the same thing.
The only thing anyone knows about Bernie Sanders is the media propaganda about him and the alleged TRILLIONS his policies will cost us.
And another thing President Sanders will do is inform tens of millions of Americas just how many TRILLIONS Wall Street is currently costing us:

Fed Chair Powell Has Gone Rogue on Repo Loans and the Volcker Rule

"Since September 17, 2019, the New York Fed, with full awareness from Chairman Powell, has funneled $6.6 trillion in revolving loans to the trading houses of Wall Street with no vote in Congress and no disclosures as to what firms are receiving this money and why."

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