If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?

But I do find it interesting that in these three states that swung the election, not a one of them majority-voted for Rump
Nationally, Trump lost the popular vote by eight million ballots in 2016 when counting Green and Libertarian support. He many "win" even bigger in 2020.
Rich Dems are not the biggest problem for Bernie, it's the moderate Dems who have left the Party or are in the process of leaving. On top of that, I don't think most independent voters will vote for a socialist, so his chances of beating Trump can't be good IMHO. It's hard to say how many rich donors will support Bernie, I suspect not many. But some of them won't be writing the big checks to the Super PACs that they would have for a candidate with a better chance of winning.
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Well the Unions don’t like Bernie so they won’t vote for him either.
Rich doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. This country is full of high-income earners who would gladly see the government take a larger part of their wealth, and give it away.

It helps them sleep better at nights.
/——/ I disagree, the dem rich give lip service to tax hikes so they don’t become targets of the unhinged. They use every tax shelter possible to protect their money. And there is nothing wrong with that.
If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?

You bet your ass they will....whether they admit it or not...

The "least-worst-candidate con has a new face in 2020 if Bernie wins the Democratic nomination.

The New Rules of the Game

"The quadrennial political game of least worst, or how to scare the public to vote for presidential candidates who serve corporate power, comes this season with a new twist.

"Donald Trump, if he faces Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar or Michael Bloomberg, will continue to be an amalgamation of Adolf Hitler, Al Capone and the Antichrist.

"But should Bernie Sanders manage to evade the snares, traps and minefields laid for him by the Democratic Party elites, should he miraculously become the party’s nominee, the game of least worst will radically change..."

"Trump will become the establishment’s reluctant least worse option.

"Sanders will become a leper."
Rich Dems are not the biggest problem for Bernie, it's the moderate Dems who have left the Party or are in the process of leaving. On top of that, I don't think most independent voters will vote for a socialist, so his chances of beating Trump can't be good IMHO. It's hard to say how many rich donors will support Bernie, I suspect not many. But some of them won't be writing the big checks to the Super PACs that they would have for a candidate with a better chance of winning.
Moderate Democrats put Trump in office in the first place. Bernie will bring millions of first time voters into the polls and FLUSH Trump straight into prison.
Rich doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. This country is full of high-income earners who would gladly see the government take a larger part of their wealth, and give it away.

It helps them sleep better at nights.
Some of the rich seem to understand the economic divide in this country can not continue to widen without serious consequences, but I wonder if they are willing to sacrifice their fair share?

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe

"In 1980, the top 1 percent’s share of income was about 10 percent in both Western Europe and the US, but since then, the two have severely diverged.

"In 2016, the top 1 percent in Western Europe had about a 12-percent share of income, compared to 20 percent in the United States.

"And in the US, the bottom 50 percent’s income share fell from more than 20 percent in 1980 to 13 percent in 2016."

Have you looked at what puts people in the top 1% of income earners in this country by state? You idiots act as if the top 1% is full of billionaires. The top 1% consist of many families that are doing well but are not close to riding around in yachts. In CT for example, where the top 1% has the highest qualifier, the number is 700k/yr. In Miss., 254k/yr. You can't seriously believe that someone making these salaries, for one, aren't paying their fair share and secondly, are billionaires or necessarily even millionaires. Taxing the guy that makes 254k in Miss. at 90% would be quite ridiculous.

The envy game will always end badly.
Rich doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. This country is full of high-income earners who would gladly see the government take a larger part of their wealth, and give it away.

It helps them sleep better at nights.
/——/ I disagree, the dem rich give lip service to tax hikes so they don’t become targets of the unhinged. They use every tax shelter possible to protect their money. And there is nothing wrong with that.

I dunno man, there's something wrong about raising taxes on the rich and at the same time creating tax shelters and loopholes so you and your buddies don't have to pay it. It ain't illegal, but it ain't exactly kosher either.
Rich doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. This country is full of high-income earners who would gladly see the government take a larger part of their wealth, and give it away.

It helps them sleep better at nights.
/——/ I disagree, the dem rich give lip service to tax hikes so they don’t become targets of the unhinged. They use every tax shelter possible to protect their money. And there is nothing wrong with that.

I dunno man, there's something wrong about raising taxes on the rich and at the same time creating tax shelters and loopholes so you and your buddies don't have to pay it. It ain't illegal, but it ain't exactly kosher either.
/——/ I’m comfortable upper middle class, but not that kind of rich, so it’s not “me and my buddies.”
Think of it as a rewrite on the fable of Jesus driving demons into a herd of swine.

Elite Democrats, who would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes, toss Bernie under the MAGA bus if he magically manages to snare the 2020 nomination


This is how Chris Hedges sees the circus unfolding:

The New Rules of the Game

"But unlike in the biblical story of Jesus driving the demons into a herd of swine, they will be driven into the senator from Vermont.

"Trump will become the establishment’s reluctant least worse option.

"Sanders will become a leper.

"The Democratic and Republican party elites, joining forces as they did in the 1972 presidential election, will do to Sanders what they did to George McGovern, who lost in 49 of the 50 states."

It appears that Democrats will be confronting a contested (brokered?) convention in July.

If so, 2020 may resemble 1968 more than 1972 when Eugene McCarthy lost the nomination to a 'candidate" who did NOT compete in ANY primaries?
I don't think you have any recollection of 1968, and your focus on class also misses the mark. But I think Bernie would have tough sledding in places like Wisc. Mich and Pa where a lot of dem voters have their retirement systems and 401ks tied to the stock and real estate markets, and those same people already have healthcare for which they don't pay taxes.

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