If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?

Rich doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. This country is full of high-income earners who would gladly see the government take a larger part of their wealth, and give it away.

It helps them sleep better at nights.
/ā€”ā€”/ I disagree, the dem rich give lip service to tax hikes so they donā€™t become targets of the unhinged. They use every tax shelter possible to protect their money. And there is nothing wrong with that.

I dunno man, there's something wrong about raising taxes on the rich and at the same time creating tax shelters and loopholes so you and your buddies don't have to pay it. It ain't illegal, but it ain't exactly kosher either.
/ā€”ā€”/ Iā€™m comfortable upper middle class, but not that kind of rich, so itā€™s not ā€œme and my buddies.ā€

My apologies for a poorly worded post. I wasn't referring to you or anyone else specifically, instead of saying 'you and your buddies' I should have said 'the rich guys and their buddies'. The point being the Dems make a big deal out of raising taxes on the rich but allow various legal tax dodges to avoid paying more taxes. For them it's always a linear equation, if we raise their tax rates by 10% or whatever, then we'll get 10% more money from them. But reality doesn't work that way, they pay some very smart people to find ways to reduce their tax burden and so the gov't never gets the additional revenues that they were expecting. But the Dems never tell us that part.
Well the Unions donā€™t like Bernie so they wonā€™t vote for him either.

Major Nursesā€™ Union Backs Bernie Sanders and His Push for ā€˜Medicare for Allā€™
NY Times. Funny. Medicare is for retired seniors. Shove it you know where.
NY Times. F

Medicare for All

"Today, more than 30 million Americans still donā€™t have health insurance and even more are underinsured.

"Even for those with insurance, costs are so high that medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States.

"Incredibly, we spend significantly more of our national GDP on this inadequate health care systemā€”far more per person than any other major country.

"And despite doing so, Americans have worse health outcomes and a higher infant mortality rate than countries that spend much less on health care.

"Our people deserve better."
If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
Have you looked at what puts people in the top 1% of income earners in this country by state? You idiots act as if the top 1% is full of billionaires. The top 1% consist of many families that are doing well but are not close to riding around in yachts.
Are you telling me the rich are taxed too much?

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia

"Just prior to President Obama's 2014 State of the Union Address, media[8] reported that the top wealthiest 1% possess 40% of the nation's wealth; the bottom 80% own 7%.[9]

"The gap between the top 10% and the middle class is over 1,000%; that increases another 1,000% for the top 1%.

"The average employee 'needs to work more than a month to earn what the CEO earns in one hour.'"
I don't think you have any recollection of 1968, and your focus on class also misses the mark. But I think Bernie would have tough sledding in places like Wisc. Mich and Pa where a
I voted for the first time in 1968 when many other first time voters in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were still reeling from the political assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy.

I still believe Tricky Dick would have lost that contest had Democrats nominated Eugene McCarthy instead of a candidate who didn't run in any primary elections.

Bernie's politics have changed very little since 1968, and voters interested in eliminating medical bankruptcies, endless wars, and Wall Street fraud will consider enduring higher taxes in exchange for quality health care.
Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
I think you are mistaken about Bernie. It was "New Democrats" like Clinton, Obama, and Biden who gave us Trump in the first place. Obviously, it's impossible to predict what will happen between now and next November, but I believe Bernie has the best chance to not only defeat Trump at the polls but also prosecute him and his crime family to the full extent of the law after taking office.

What is it you're hoping to see in Bloomberg?
Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
I think you are mistaken about Bernie. It was "New Democrats" like Clinton, Obama, and Biden who gave us Trump in the first place. Obviously, it's impossible to predict what will happen between now and next November, but I believe Bernie has the best chance to not only defeat Trump at the polls but also prosecute him and his crime family to the full extent of the law after taking office.

What is it you're hoping to see in Bloomberg?

Funny. Bernie supporters not backing Hillary is what gave us Trump*
Donā€™t kid yourself. Unionā€™s donā€™t want to lose the good healthcare coverage employers are forced to provide them. And they are not for open borders either.

Bernie's supported labor unions for the last fifty years more consistently than any other POTUS candidate of either major party.

Bernieā€™s labor support snowballs

"Sanders has already racked up 11 labor endorsements, more than any of his Democratic rivals, most of which are from local, regional and statewide unions.

"And some are among the most powerful labor organizations in early-voting and Super Tuesday states."
It is (still) the economy, Stupid.

"FEBRUARY 18, 2020
The Escalating Class War Against Bernie Sanders

"Voting patterns in the New Hampshire primary reflected whose economic interests the Sanders campaign is promising to serve.

"With 10 active candidates on the Democratic ballot, Sanders 'won 4 in 10 of voters with household incomes under $50,000 and nearly 3 in 10 with incomes between $50,00 and $99,000,' the Washington Post reported.

"Meanwhile, a trio of researchers associated with the Institute for New Economic Thinking ā€” Thomas Ferguson, Jie Chen and Paul Jorgensen ā€” found that 'the higher the townā€™s income, the fewer votes cast' for Sanders. 'Lower income towns in New Hampshire voted heavily for Sanders; richer towns did the opposite.'"
Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
I think you are mistaken about Bernie. It was "New Democrats" like Clinton, Obama, and Biden who gave us Trump in the first place. Obviously, it's impossible to predict what will happen between now and next November, but I believe Bernie has the best chance to not only defeat Trump at the polls but also prosecute him and his crime family to the full extent of the law after taking office.

What is it you're hoping to see in Bloomberg?

Funny. Bernie supporters not backing Hillary is what gave us Trump*
The one, and ONLY, good thing about Bernie is that when he fails to take any of PA, Wisc, Mich, Az, FL, NC the dems will be forced to realign themselves, as they did after 1972 when the lost to arguably the most hated man ever in American politics.
The one, and ONLY, good thing about Bernie is that when he fails to take any of PA, Wisc, Mich, Az, FL, NC the dems will be forced to realign themselves, as they did after 1972 when the lost to arguably the most hated man ever in American politics.
Democrats lost big in '72 because they nominated a corporate, status quo, pro-war hack in 1968 who did not compete in a single primary contest.

Bernie is the Democrat with the best chance of appealing to voters in the Rust Belt who were betrayed by corporate cogs like Clinton, Biden, Obama, and Trump.

Hopefully, the next major political realignment in the US will see the break up of the Democratic and Republican parties.
Right. Farmers will vote for socialized health care. Of course they will. Go McGovernII.

And actually McGovern was a war hero and pretty decent guy by most accounts, which Sanders will not be accused of. But bet your ass there's video of him praising Che or sunning himself on his honeymoon in Yalta, or something along those lines. Trump will run train on you guys. And actually, i'll enjoy it. Trump's a cretin, and his surrender to the gop establishment on taxes, deficits and soc sec sucks, but he has walked the walk on immigration and trade.
Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

"The Medicare For All plan proposed by Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would save taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year and would prevent tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, a new study shows.

"The analysis, conducted by researchers at Yale University, the University of Florida and the University of Maryland, found that transitioning the U.S. to a single-payer health care system would actually save an estimated $450 billion each year, with the average American family seeing about $2,400 in annual savings.

"The research, which was published Saturday in the medical journal The Lancet, also found that Medicare for all would prevent about 68,000 unnecessary deaths per year.

"'Our study is actually conservative because it doesn't factor in the lives saved among underinsured Americansā€”which includes anyone who nominally has insurance but has postponed or foregone care because they couldn't afford the copays and deductibles,'"
Think of it as a rewrite on the fable of Jesus driving demons into a herd of swine.

Elite Democrats, who would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes, toss Bernie under the MAGA bus if he magically manages to snare the 2020 nomination


This is how Chris Hedges sees the circus unfolding:

The New Rules of the Game

"But unlike in the biblical story of Jesus driving the demons into a herd of swine, they will be driven into the senator from Vermont.

"Trump will become the establishmentā€™s reluctant least worse option.

"Sanders will become a leper.

"The Democratic and Republican party elites, joining forces as they did in the 1972 presidential election, will do to Sanders what they did to George McGovern, who lost in 49 of the 50 states."

It appears that Democrats will be confronting a contested (brokered?) convention in July.

If so, 2020 may resemble 1968 more than 1972 when Eugene McCarthy lost the nomination to a 'candidate" who did NOT compete in ANY primaries?
[Checking to make sure this isn't in Political Satire]


No, rich Democrats oppose Trump as much poor Democrats and will work to ensure Trump is defeated.

Too funny.
And actually McGovern was a war hero and pretty decent guy by most accounts, which Sanders will not be accused of.
McGovern was a good man and candidate who ran for POTUS four years too late:

George McGovern - Wikipedia

"McGovern grew up in Mitchell, South Dakota, where he was a renowned debater.

"He volunteered for the U.S. Army Air Forces upon the country's entry into World War II and as a B-24 Liberator pilot flew 35 missions over German-occupied Europe from a base in Italy.

"Among the medals bestowed upon him was a Distinguished Flying Cross for making a hazardous emergency landing of his badly damaged plane and saving his crew."

By November 1972 Nixon was an incumbent POTUS who was lying about ending the most unpopular war in US History.

Four years earlier, Eugene McCarthy became a prominent peace candidate in the wake of the Tet Offensive.

After Johnson's declaration he would not seek or accept his party's nomination for a second term and the assassination of Robert Kennedy, McCarthy would have been in a good position to win against Nixon.

Instead, establishment Democrats nominated Johnson's VP, and Dick the Trick moved into the White House.

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