If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?

Yep. That’s what we want, a meek President. LOL
But he's a tough old Jew who probably has a boiling point we just don't know about.

Great signature photo! Thanks!
There is no “fault”. Trump won via the EC and handily
Bernie was robbed.
He's just to meek to go after them for it.

The reason Trump won is because people with any basic knowledge of the world knew Hillary Clinton was and is a corrupt war monger.
Yep. That’s what we want, a meek President. LOL
I'm writing in Zakk Wylde .....

I never knew it, but Zakk Wylde is a devout Catholic who attends church regularly. He is also he is widely considered to be a Republican, or at least in sync with Republican ideals, was a supporter of GW, and is most likely a trump-supporter.

Zakk Wylde’s Religion and Political Views
The only thing anyone knows about Bernie Sanders is the media propaganda about him and the alleged TRILLIONS his policies will cost us.
And another thing President Sanders will do is inform tens of millions of Americas just how many TRILLIONS Wall Street is currently costing us:

Fed Chair Powell Has Gone Rogue on Repo Loans and the Volcker Rule

"Since September 17, 2019, the New York Fed, with full awareness from Chairman Powell, has funneled $6.6 trillion in revolving loans to the trading houses of Wall Street with no vote in Congress and no disclosures as to what firms are receiving this money and why."

"President Sanders will do"??

Aren't we putting the cart in front of the donkey? :laughing0301:
Think of it as a rewrite on the fable of Jesus driving demons into a herd of swine.

Elite Democrats, who would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes, toss Bernie under the MAGA bus if he magically manages to snare the 2020 nomination


This is how Chris Hedges sees the circus unfolding:

The New Rules of the Game

"But unlike in the biblical story of Jesus driving the demons into a herd of swine, they will be driven into the senator from Vermont.

"Trump will become the establishment’s reluctant least worse option.

"Sanders will become a leper.

"The Democratic and Republican party elites, joining forces as they did in the 1972 presidential election, will do to Sanders what they did to George McGovern, who lost in 49 of the 50 states."

It appears that Democrats will be confronting a contested (brokered?) convention in July.

If so, 2020 may resemble 1968 more than 1972 when Eugene McCarthy lost the nomination to a 'candidate" who did NOT compete in ANY primaries?
I think they will have NO CHOICE but to Support President Trump.

Dem U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as 'a symbol of the work we have to do'

BTW, these are actual campaign buttons & logos.


VICTOR JOECKS: Sanders campaign workers want to ‘guillotine the rich,’ send Republicans to gulags

They're playing a very dangerous game. Of course, I can understand that, seeing as how desperate they are and how much they have to lose.
The filthy Democrat Party is seething with corruption and corrupt politicians so if any of the Moon Bats start lecturing us on corruption they are being hypocritical assholes.

uh huh. And you draw this conclusion from your own strawman in the first half of the sentence, in which you can't even spell the name of your subject.

The infamous trio often pointed out. And in NONE of those states could Rump, or anybody else, win the votes of even half the state.
The infamous trio often pointed out. And in NONE of those states could Rump, or anybody else, win the votes of even half the state.
Looking ahead nine months, does "anybody else" include Bernie?

The infamous trio often pointed out. And in NONE of those states could Rump, or anybody else, win the votes of even half the state.
The infamous trio often pointed out. And in NONE of those states could Rump, or anybody else, win the votes of even half the state.
Looking ahead nine months, does "anybody else" include Bernie?

We don't have the numbers for the future.

But I do find it interesting that in these three states that swung the election, not a one of them majority-voted for Rump. The same was true here in Carolina, as well as Florida, AridZona, even Utah. That says more about how the electrical college works than about candidates -- Rump got 100% of the EVs in states where most votes were cast for somebody else.

Except Utah where it says much about Rump.
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It is going to be interesting to see how the DNC eventually gets rid of Bernie in favor of Clinton.
If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?

You bet your ass they will....whether they admit it or not...
It is going to be interesting to see how the DNC eventually gets rid of Bernie in favor of Clinton.

Probably just as entertaining to watch the Bernouts and Bernie Bros burn down half the city of Milwaukee, during the Democrat National Convention.
Many democrats realize that they will go on after Trump. Once Bernie takes the country communist there's no coming back from that.

The New Rules of the Game

"Sanders, unlike many more radical socialists, does not propose nationalizing the banks and the fossil fuel and arms industries.

"He does not call for the criminal prosecution of the financial elites who trashed the global economy or the politicians and generals who lied to launch preemptive wars, defined under international law as criminal wars of aggression, which have devastated much of the Middle East, resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead and millions of refugees and displaced people, and cost the nation between $5 trillion and $7 trillion.

"He does not call for worker ownership of factories and businesses.

"He does not promise to halt the government’s wholesale surveillance of the public.

"He does not intend to punish corporations that have moved manufacturing overseas.

"Most importantly, he believes, as I do not, that the political system, including the Democratic Party, can be reformed from within.

"He does not support sustained mass civil disobedience to bring the system down, the only hope we have of halting the climate emergency that threatens to doom the human race.

"On the political spectrum, he is, at best, an enlightened moderate."
I bet if that shithead Biden becomes the Presidential nominee of the Moon Bat Party you will vote for the sonofabitch just like you voted for that corrupt piece of shit Crooked Hillary and that worthless turdbrain Obama. Am I right or am I right?
Dead wrong, Loser.
I haven't voted for a Democrat or Republican for POTUS for decades; when will you learn?
Many democrats realize that they will go on after Trump. Once Bernie takes the country communist there's no coming back from that.

The New Rules of the Game

"Sanders, unlike many more radical socialists, does not propose nationalizing the banks and the fossil fuel and arms industries.

"He does not call for the criminal prosecution of the financial elites who trashed the global economy or the politicians and generals who lied to launch preemptive wars, defined under international law as criminal wars of aggression, which have devastated much of the Middle East, resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead and millions of refugees and displaced people, and cost the nation between $5 trillion and $7 trillion.

"He does not call for worker ownership of factories and businesses.

"He does not promise to halt the government’s wholesale surveillance of the public.

"He does not intend to punish corporations that have moved manufacturing overseas.

"Most importantly, he believes, as I do not, that the political system, including the Democratic Party, can be reformed from within.

"He does not support sustained mass civil disobedience to bring the system down, the only hope we have of halting the climate emergency that threatens to doom the human race.

"On the political spectrum, he is, at best, an enlightened moderate."

That image cracks me the hell up. Now imagine Trump the one tied to the tracks and the Never-Trumper RINO Republicans doing the tying.



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