If Bill Mahrer had talked to an empty chair


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
it would have been hailed as a stroke of genius.

The lib media who bashed it were just sore that Clint was quicker-to-the-draw.....................
Mahrer would have used expletives.

Clint kept it clean.

Colbert did it, and damned well. He is, of course, a satiric genius. Usually the technique is used in print. It carries better. Colbert demonstrated the proper use of it by making people aware of both sides of the conversation.
Mahrer would have used expletives.

Clint kept it clean.

Colbert did it, and damned well. He is, of course, a satiric genius. Usually the technique is used in print. It carries better. Colbert demonstrated the proper use of it by making people aware of both sides of the conversation.

Eastwood's faux pas will live in infamy with "I am not a crook" and "There is no Soviet dominance of Eastern Europe."

From now and forever, if Bill Maher or anyone, does a skit that includes talking to an inanimate object it will be considered a parody-----a parody of a moment of primetime idiocy at the incredibly ineffective 2012 political convention of Romney's Republican Party.

I wonder if Clint can see Hawaii from his house? LOL

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