If Bloomberg runs, what are the ramifications?

He'd run as an Independent, so he wouldn't have any effect on the Democrats' nomination.

He might deter Jim Webb from running, and that would be a disappointment.
I am assuming that he will enter before the primaries, or he's thinking he might be a dark horse winning at the convention if Hillary goes down.
He'd run as an Independent, so he wouldn't have any effect on the Democrats' nomination.

He might deter Jim Webb from running, and that would be a disappointment.
I am assuming that he will enter before the primaries, or he's thinking he might be a dark horse winning at the convention if Hillary goes down.
Could be. From a timing perspective, he probably wouldn't wait for a Hillary fall to get in, so he'd have to pick his affiliation.

Also, if Hillary did have to drop out, I'd think Biden would jump right in, no?
It is too late to declare one's candidacy. The deadline is passed.
He'd run as an Independent, so he wouldn't have any effect on the Democrats' nomination.

He might deter Jim Webb from running, and that would be a disappointment.
I am assuming that he will enter before the primaries, or he's thinking he might be a dark horse winning at the convention if Hillary goes down.
Could be. From a timing perspective, he probably wouldn't wait for a Hillary fall to get in, so he'd have to pick his affiliation.

Also, if Hillary did have to drop out, I'd think Biden would jump right in, no?
Wow, what a prospect: Bernie, Hillary Bloomberg and Biden! Why not Weiner???
My gut is that Bloomberg being as liberal as he is, would sap the Democrat vote... Conservatives would not vote for him.
It is too late to declare one's candidacy. The deadline is passed.

For dems n repubs . Bloomy can run on his own .
Good luck with that.

As for the idea that a Bloomberg candidacy would ensure a Sanders victory, the opposite is true.

Nanny State Bloomberg would steal votes from The Bern. He would ensure a GOP victory.
If either Trump or Sanders win their party's nomination, Bloomberg will run as a Moderate Independent. He might dominate the middle with 40% of the vote. That might be enough.
He'd run as an Independent, so he wouldn't have any effect on the Democrats' nomination.

He might deter Jim Webb from running, and that would be a disappointment.

He wouldn't be in until the general, he could well be the regressives Perot, sucking off 3-4% off the dems.
Bloomberg has a very odd oral fixation... he is fixated on what people stick in their mouths.
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Now, now, OKTexas, stop, stop.

You are the regressive far right, and we all know it.
Bloomberg would hurt Bern badly and offer a centrist position to the crazies supporting Donald.

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