If both Trump and Pence get impeached - will Nancy Pelosi become president?

After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?
We know why Trump will be removed. What charges will be brought against Pence?
Which is why attempting to remove Trump from office via the impeachment process is pointless – Democrats gain nothing, Pence is as bad as Trump – if not worse.

Best to let the voters remove Trump from office in 2020.
After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?
We know why Trump will be removed. What charges will be brought against Pence?

Pence was head of the transition - yet pretends to be ignorant of things he should have known.
After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?
We know why Trump will be removed. What charges will be brought against Pence?
Which is why attempting to remove Trump from office via the impeachment process is pointless – Democrats gain nothing, Pence is as bad as Trump – if not worse.

Best to let the voters remove Trump from office in 2020.

I agree. That way voters can remove Trump and Pence at the same time in 2020. Then, Trump could be indicted. Also, that would prevent Pence from pardoning Trump.
After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?
Yeah, then she could get Hillary Clinton as VP. Then Pelosi could resign and go back to being Speaker of the House and Hillary is President. That should make right wing heads explode.
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Lol....the OP sits on a rock at night, smokes a pipe in the pitch black in the middle of nowhere.

Write it down now s0ns. Chances Trump will be removed from office = zero. The powerful dont want massive civil unrest. Doy
After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?
We know why Trump will be removed. What charges will be brought against Pence?

Keep dreaming. Trump is not going to get removed even if the Congress impeaches him. They don't have nearly the votes in the Senate to do that, especially given the flimsy accusations. All it would do is start a political war whereas the next Dem President with a Republican Congress will have to go through the same thing.
The answer to the thread is actually no - not necessarily, anyway. "Impeached" is the parliamentary equivalent of "indicted." If charges are warranted, the House votes to impeach, essentially acting as a huge Grand Jury voting to indict. If they say yes, then the Senate holds what is essentially a trial, and if the President is found guilty there he is most likely removed from office. Andrew Johnson was impeached but escaped removal by one vote, and Bill Clinton was impeached but didn't come close to removal, and the process probably ended up hurting the GOP politically in the end. Impeachment procedures were under way for Nixon, but he resigned beforehand; he probably would have been removed.

So, before the Presidency passes down to the Speaker of the House (probably Nancy Pelosi come January, but who knows for sure), President Trump would have to be impeached by the House, then found guilty by the 53-GOP Senate (not likely), then President Pence (!) would have to go through the same process all over again, assuming he doesn't pull a Spiro Agnew and resign beforehand.

Obviously, any of these situations would be, to say the least, unlikely.

What does the "53-GOP Senate" comment mean? All of them aren't needed to convict. Two-thirds vote is required - meaning all 47 Democrats and 19 or 20 Republicans.

You are dreaming, a Republican Senate would never vote to remove both simultaneously, if Trump went first the Senate would wait until the new VP was sworn in, if Pence was voted to out first Trump would appoint a VP right away, then the Senate would proceed.
Of course your idea that they are both guilty is nonsense anyway.

Any Republican Senator who would vote to have Trump removed from office would be committing political suicide.
After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?
What if Trump and Pence get impeached and Nancy Pelosi dies in a horrific car wreck?

Good grief........
After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?

Moron.....they have to be removed from office by the Senate...impeaching doesn't do anything but send the case to the Senate for trial.....

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