If both Trump and Pence get impeached - will Nancy Pelosi become president?

Pence has some sort of involvement with Flynn and that whole mess...but whether there is something impeachable there I have no idea. You'd have to ask Mueller
Pence has some sort of involvement with Flynn and that whole mess...but whether there is something impeachable there I have no idea. You'd have to ask Mueller

Flynn was led to believe he was having a casual discussion and to throw around some BS. He was never told it was an official investigation, and furthermore it was advised by Comey he didn't need a lawyer present for that reason.

Now the judge in the case wants to see all records of this untold investigation and what was said.
Pence has some sort of involvement with Flynn and that whole mess...but whether there is something impeachable there I have no idea. You'd have to ask Mueller

Flynn was led to believe he was having a casual discussion and to throw around some BS. He was never told it was an official investigation, and furthermore it was advised by Comey he didn't need a lawyer present for that reason.

Now the judge in the case wants to see all records of this untold investigation and what was said.
Here's a clue...don't lie to the FBI.

But everyone in Trump's orbit DID.'

Odd huh?
Pence will be impeached for only having dinner with his wife.

Well, that works for me!
You're very stupid. Impeachment doesn't mean removal from office. The House impeaches, then there is a trial in the Senate and 66 votes are needed to remove from office. Moron.

I apologize for not completely spelling that out in the OP for the learning impaired. House impeaches, Senate convicts - or not.
A fleet of buses will be required to round up the Trump administration and GOP lawmaker miscreants and transport them to their prisons.
A fleet of buses will be required to round up the Trump administration and GOP lawmaker miscreants and transport them to their prisons.

I agree! I want them in ass-pounding prisons - not those Club Fed resorts like Cohen will probably go to.
OK, here is another dreamed up scenario, :D

let's say President Trump did win because of unadulterated cheating...

cheating and breaking the law

on campaign finance laws- hush money

urging the National enquirer corporation's help... catch and kills and negative ads on Hillary and Ted Cruise

using billionaire Mercer's Cambridge analytica's stolen information of people on facebook

NRA using Russian money to run ads helping candidate trump, hurting clinton

coordinating and conspiring with the Russian trolls and bots spreading their ads, on facebook

coordinating the release of the stolen emails with wikileaks of the dnc and podesta emails

quid pro quos with trump's inaugural fund

quid pro quo with the Russians

and a number of other things...

And Trump is impeached and convicted by the senate for basically, cheating in his election...

and Pence is too, because pence would not be there... if he were not on the cheater's ticket

normally the 2nd runner up takes the 1st place spot... like in a horse race if the winner was drugged, or a miss America winner who was later disqualified for breaking some rule...

BUT we have a specific succession writen in to law, when it comes to president,

so it would go to speaker of the house... Pelosi

if this scenario ever took place, I think it would be fair and just, if she picks clinton as vice president

Pence will be impeached for only having dinner with his wife.

Well, that works for me!
You're very stupid. Impeachment doesn't mean removal from office. The House impeaches, then there is a trial in the Senate and 66 votes are needed to remove from office. Moron.

I apologize for not completely spelling that out in the OP for the learning impaired. House impeaches, Senate convicts - or not.
The one impaired is you. Read the title of your thread. The Senate is not going to have 66 votes to remove Trump from office. Moron.
After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?

No. Impeachment alone, does not remove the president from office. After all, that criminal scum Clinton was impeached, and he was not removed.

Now if they are both impeached and found guilty, and then removed from office, then yes Pelosi would be president.

Good luck with that, given they haven't find a single criminal act by the president yet.

Not that is not fair since Clinton was investigated for sexual behavior in the White House. which was NOT an impeachable offense.
After all, the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency. What do you think?

No. Impeachment alone, does not remove the president from office. After all, that criminal scum Clinton was impeached, and he was not removed.

Now if they are both impeached and found guilty, and then removed from office, then yes Pelosi would be president.

Good luck with that, given they haven't find a single criminal act by the president yet.

Not that is not fair since Clinton was investigated for sexual behavior in the White House. which was NOT an impeachable offense.

Yep, just imagine how many men have lied about extramarital blowjobs.

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