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If Conservatives had accomplishments, they wouldn't be so jealous of Liberals

There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.

The very definition of "Conservative" is "fear of change". I have no doubt that without liberals, we would be theocratic English colonies with slaves.

And look at our history of Literature, Theater, Dance, Music and the other arts. The history of Art in America is almost the History of Gays. So much from such a small group of people. Look at how much America owes Alan Turing and he wasn't even American.

Our greatest institutions of higher learning, research and technology are mostly in Blue States for a reason.

Weekends, 40 hour work week, child labor laws, vacations, health care, equal pay for equal work, and all the other benefits workers get were never supported by conservatives. These have always been seen as "liberal".

And when you look at the enormous diversity within Liberals as a group, they will be a strong force far into the future. Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, gays, atheists, religious, rich, poor, scientists, teachers, straights and so on.

We really should have a "Liberal Appreciation Day". To thank Liberals for what they brought to this country in spite of so much opposition.

There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.
Hey dumbass, you forgot to mention that liberals like high taxes, big government, and hates the Constitution.

No, there really shouldn't be a "Liberal Appreciation Day". Ever.
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Day in the Life of a
Joe Six-Pack Republican

by John Gray

Day of a Republican

Joe gets up at 6:00 AM to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.

All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.

Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; His bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.

Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.

It's noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression.

Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan becausesome stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time.

Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dad's; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans. The house didn't have electric until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republicans would still be sitting in the dark.)
He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.

After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.

He turns on a radio talk show. The host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn't tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day)

Joe agrees. "We don't need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I'm a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have."

Source: Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican
The Lilly Bedwetter act did nothing for women, it used women as a tool to expand Federal power.

And I'm not a Republican shit for brains. Republicans are useless and they suck. I'm not interested in defending W.
yes you are.....you dont agree with dean....you must be a republican.....what else can you be?....

Fuck you and the fart that blew you in, moron. Sorry I can't think of you more than liberals. A very low hurdle. But you can't clear it. You have no imagination beyond the two parties who suck system that we have. I'm disappointed. Far more than a liberal could ever make me. But you earned it. Loser.

So, in the last election, did the people you voted for have an R or a D beside their names. If it was an R, that makes you a republican.
Many Republicans became so ashamed of their party, they bolted from it. Hysterically, while they're quick to point out they're not "Republican" because they're no longer "registered Republicans," they still vote almost entirely, if not entirely, Republican. Effectively, other than giving up their registration, there's no difference for many of them.

no, I think youre speaking of the democrats.. I mean progressives.
Not at all .... I'm speaking of the Republican party. Hell, there was even a study by a Conservative market research group on it, explaining various reasons why ...

SWITCHING BEHAVIOR: Modeling Disaffiliation by Republicans from the Label “Republican”
There are 245 posts and 25 pages to this thread. So far.

In all those posts not one conservative has listed even one thing that the conservatives have done for the benefit of all Americans.

There's pages of posts from conservatives calling liberals names, stupid cartoons, lies about liberals, trying to change the subject and a long list of posts that have nothing to do with the subject of this thread. Not one conservatives has given even one coherent and mature reply.

The reason for this is that they have no accomplishments that have benefitted all Americans.

You conservatives are extremely transparent and very immature.
We just established the republic ended slavery and passed civil rights. But yeah I'm sure you guys did something too. That's why out of all of you you elected the most inexperienced man to ever hold the office for two terms
There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.

The very definition of "Conservative" is "fear of change". I have no doubt that without liberals, we would be theocratic English colonies with slaves.

And look at our history of Literature, Theater, Dance, Music and the other arts. The history of Art in America is almost the History of Gays. So much from such a small group of people. Look at how much America owes Alan Turing and he wasn't even American.

Our greatest institutions of higher learning, research and technology are mostly in Blue States for a reason.

Weekends, 40 hour work week, child labor laws, vacations, health care, equal pay for equal work, and all the other benefits workers get were never supported by conservatives. These have always been seen as "liberal".

And when you look at the enormous diversity within Liberals as a group, they will be a strong force far into the future. Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, gays, atheists, religious, rich, poor, scientists, teachers, straights and so on.

We really should have a "Liberal Appreciation Day". To thank Liberals for what they brought to this country in spite of so much opposition.

There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.
Hey dumbass, you forgot to mention that liberals like high taxes, big government, and hates the Constitution.

No, there really shouldn't be a "Liberal Appreciation Day". Ever.
Republicans like big deficits, government in your bedroom and about the constitution:

republicans trying to change constitution - Google Search

We just established the republic ended slavery and passed civil rights. But yeah I'm sure you guys did something too. That's why out of all of you you elected the most inexperienced man to ever hold the office for two terms
By that measure, Republicans took us to war with Iraq in 2003.
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There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.

The very definition of "Conservative" is "fear of change". I have no doubt that without liberals, we would be theocratic English colonies with slaves.

And look at our history of Literature, Theater, Dance, Music and the other arts. The history of Art in America is almost the History of Gays. So much from such a small group of people. Look at how much America owes Alan Turing and he wasn't even American.

Our greatest institutions of higher learning, research and technology are mostly in Blue States for a reason.

Weekends, 40 hour work week, child labor laws, vacations, health care, equal pay for equal work, and all the other benefits workers get were never supported by conservatives. These have always been seen as "liberal".

And when you look at the enormous diversity within Liberals as a group, they will be a strong force far into the future. Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, gays, atheists, religious, rich, poor, scientists, teachers, straights and so on.

We really should have a "Liberal Appreciation Day". To thank Liberals for what they brought to this country in spite of so much opposition.

There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.
Hey dumbass, you forgot to mention that liberals like high taxes, big government, and hates the Constitution.

No, there really shouldn't be a "Liberal Appreciation Day". Ever.
Republicans like big deficits, government in your bedroom and about the constitution:

republicans trying to change constitution - Google Search

For all the GOP love for the constitution, why are they always trying to change it?
I came to see if Republicans could think of something. Can't say I'm disappointed. They always meet my low expectations.
There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.


Well, you progressive authoritarians have not allowed liberals to accomplish anything in over 100 years.

I never hear of any pride that stem from self accomplishments, everything the liberals push for usually is tied to some form of government dependency over individual achievement.
pride like hubris is overrated.
I have great respect for the memory of the republican party which no longer exists in an honorable form because it has been bastardized by the teaparty. Given that, there is no need to seek out what republicans stand for and advocate. Unlike fox drones who only accept information from one source, I listen to a variety of sources, and if the right has something they want heard, there is little doubt that it will be heard. Are you actually trying to claim the right has a great trove of reasonable, workable ideas, but they are somehow being sequestered from the public, and only after in depth searching will any of those great ideas be found? That's just stupid.
So anyone that doesn't agree with you is a fox drone but you are the open minded one? LOL.
So the TEA Party types have taken over the GOP? Or they are irrelevant? Which is it?

Well, actually that particular discussion you quoted was about whether the GOP even had another perspective, and Takeastepback had said they actually do, but somehow it was being hidden from public view. You know, some sort of top secret thing I guess. Perhaps you might help me out. Do you know any great plans the right might have other than just being obstructionist?

But now, on to your questions.
1. I am aware of many people who disagree with me, and many have valid reasons to disagree. I just think my reasons are stronger. No reason why reasonable people can't disagree.
2. Fox drones always disagree, but they are different because the only reason they disagree is to be disagreeable. Sure. they can spout the right wing talking points, but their final decision has more to do with what Hannity told them to think than with any facts.
3. Yes, the extreme right has taken over the GOP.
4. The right is only relevant in the sense that they can be counted on to be in opposition to everything.

I often wonder why in political ads, liberal democrats never seem to want to address the issues. Rather, they are found stereotyping their Republican opponent over engaging in an open discussion toward any real opposing solutions.

A typical example would be the Maryland governor race. Michael Hogan focused his attention on the need to bring in more jobs and the high cost of living through more and more higher taxes. Anthony Brown focused his issues on stereotypes, through ads depicting assault rifles becoming available in a shopping cart on aisle 5. Brown lost in a HUGE offset because he failed to defend his position, while a Republican, who has never carried such strong numbers among democrats in a blue liberal state, was able to connect with the concerns of everyday families.
wtf ! conservatives invented the attack ad ..

Where Crazy Conservative Memes Are Invented

Have you ever wondered where Republicans come up with their absurd ideas about what President Obama intends to do? According to Mitt Romney, Obama wants to take “In God We Trust” off money. In The Wall Street Journal today, Michael Mukasey, who is advising the Romney campaign although the Journal does not disclose that, claims Obama might release Omar Abdel Rahman, mastermind of the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. Mukasey readily admits to having no real evidence for such a preposterous scenario. So where do these lies get invented? Often they come from the conservative underground echo chamber.
Liberals talk a lot about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and other conservative media that are on the mainstream radar. But liberals and mainstream journalists tend to forget that there is a fever swamp of crazed conspiracy theories and shockingly offensive rhetoric that exists in obscure right-wing websites and viral e-mail chains. As David Frum recently noted on his Daily Beast blog, it is impossible to understand the dog whistles you hear on Fox News if you aren’t familiar with the viral e-mail smears their audience believes in. Specifically, Frum was referring to Fox host Greg Gutfield’s line that “Obama is now out of the closet.… he’s officially gay for class warfare.” That’s a reference to the conservative e-mail meme that Obama is gay. Frum writes:
Fox is only the most visible part of a vast alternative reality. Fox’s coverage of the news cannot be properly understood in isolation, but only in conjunction with the rest of that system—and especially the chain emails that do so much to shape the worldview of Fox viewers.

Where Crazy Conservative Memes Are Invented The Nation
There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.

The very definition of "Conservative" is "fear of change". I have no doubt that without liberals, we would be theocratic English colonies with slaves.

And look at our history of Literature, Theater, Dance, Music and the other arts. The history of Art in America is almost the History of Gays. So much from such a small group of people. Look at how much America owes Alan Turing and he wasn't even American.

Our greatest institutions of higher learning, research and technology are mostly in Blue States for a reason.

Weekends, 40 hour work week, child labor laws, vacations, health care, equal pay for equal work, and all the other benefits workers get were never supported by conservatives. These have always been seen as "liberal".

And when you look at the enormous diversity within Liberals as a group, they will be a strong force far into the future. Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, gays, atheists, religious, rich, poor, scientists, teachers, straights and so on.

We really should have a "Liberal Appreciation Day". To thank Liberals for what they brought to this country in spite of so much opposition.

There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.
Hey dumbass, you forgot to mention that liberals like high taxes, big government, and hates the Constitution.

No, there really shouldn't be a "Liberal Appreciation Day". Ever.
Republicans like big deficits, government in your bedroom and about the constitution:

republicans trying to change constitution - Google Search

For all the GOP love for the constitution, why are they always trying to change it?

Republicans like big deficits
After all, liberals ceaselessly took credit for the budget being balanced during the Clinton years and attack Bush for his profligate spending, right? Yet, despite the fact that Obama is running an unsustainable deficit so large that it threatens the future of the country, liberals are perfectly fine with it. :cuckoo:

government in your bedroom
And liberals want to tell people how to live their lives, because they believe they know what's best for everyone. :cuckoo:

For all the GOP love for the constitution, why are they always trying to change it?
Maybe because liberals are always trying to do something to attack a person's liberties.

If liberalism is so great, why is it an ideology that believes in control, not freedom?
I would not call having your head up your ass for six years an accomplishment...although Obabble appreciates it...I'm sure.
I have great respect for the memory of the republican party which no longer exists in an honorable form because it has been bastardized by the teaparty. Given that, there is no need to seek out what republicans stand for and advocate. Unlike fox drones who only accept information from one source, I listen to a variety of sources, and if the right has something they want heard, there is little doubt that it will be heard. Are you actually trying to claim the right has a great trove of reasonable, workable ideas, but they are somehow being sequestered from the public, and only after in depth searching will any of those great ideas be found? That's just stupid.
So anyone that doesn't agree with you is a fox drone but you are the open minded one? LOL.
So the TEA Party types have taken over the GOP? Or they are irrelevant? Which is it?

Well, actually that particular discussion you quoted was about whether the GOP even had another perspective, and Takeastepback had said they actually do, but somehow it was being hidden from public view. You know, some sort of top secret thing I guess. Perhaps you might help me out. Do you know any great plans the right might have other than just being obstructionist?

But now, on to your questions.
1. I am aware of many people who disagree with me, and many have valid reasons to disagree. I just think my reasons are stronger. No reason why reasonable people can't disagree.
2. Fox drones always disagree, but they are different because the only reason they disagree is to be disagreeable. Sure. they can spout the right wing talking points, but their final decision has more to do with what Hannity told them to think than with any facts.
3. Yes, the extreme right has taken over the GOP.
4. The right is only relevant in the sense that they can be counted on to be in opposition to everything.

I often wonder why in political ads, liberal democrats never seem to want to address the issues. Rather, they are found stereotyping their Republican opponent over engaging in an open discussion toward any real opposing solutions.

A typical example would be the Maryland governor race. Michael Hogan focused his attention on the need to bring in more jobs and the high cost of living through more and more higher taxes. Anthony Brown focused his issues on stereotypes, through ads depicting assault rifles becoming available in a shopping cart on aisle 5. Brown lost in a HUGE offset because he failed to defend his position, while a Republican, who has never carried such strong numbers among democrats in a blue liberal state, was able to connect with the concerns of everyday families.
wtf ! conservatives invented the attack ad ..

Where Crazy Conservative Memes Are Invented

Have you ever wondered where Republicans come up with their absurd ideas about what President Obama intends to do? According to Mitt Romney, Obama wants to take “In God We Trust” off money. In The Wall Street Journal today, Michael Mukasey, who is advising the Romney campaign although the Journal does not disclose that, claims Obama might release Omar Abdel Rahman, mastermind of the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. Mukasey readily admits to having no real evidence for such a preposterous scenario. So where do these lies get invented? Often they come from the conservative underground echo chamber.
Liberals talk a lot about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and other conservative media that are on the mainstream radar. But liberals and mainstream journalists tend to forget that there is a fever swamp of crazed conspiracy theories and shockingly offensive rhetoric that exists in obscure right-wing websites and viral e-mail chains. As David Frum recently noted on his Daily Beast blog, it is impossible to understand the dog whistles you hear on Fox News if you aren’t familiar with the viral e-mail smears their audience believes in. Specifically, Frum was referring to Fox host Greg Gutfield’s line that “Obama is now out of the closet.… he’s officially gay for class warfare.” That’s a reference to the conservative e-mail meme that Obama is gay. Frum writes:
Fox is only the most visible part of a vast alternative reality. Fox’s coverage of the news cannot be properly understood in isolation, but only in conjunction with the rest of that system—and especially the chain emails that do so much to shape the worldview of Fox viewers.

Where Crazy Conservative Memes Are Invented The Nation
One word; Gruber

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