If Democrats/Liberals Believe Michael Wolff's Thesis...

Well then, let's get you on the record:

Did Trump make arrangements with the Kremlin to help him win?
Now....focus like a laser:
Do you concede that Trump not expecting to win in no way undermines the Russia narrative like you put it? You can't change an argument when your first argument gets undermined. You answer mine and then I'll go on the record.

Why are you running from this query?
Did Trump make arrangements with the Kremlin to help him win?
I'm not running from anything, perfectly wiling too answer, but not before you prove yourself capable of conceding, or defending your original argument. Otherwise the OP (your OP)devolves into you moving the goalposts every time you can't defend your argumentation.

Then I'll assume

a. you imagine that Trump conspired with the Kremlin to aid in his election


b. you do so based on an inordinate loyalty to the American Bolsheviks, as ironic as that is, and not a smidgen of evidence.

You're dismissed.
Still ignoring the president’s own staff called him 23 different words for stupid.
Ha ha
I ❤️ to watch this simple bitch make a fool of herself.

Clean up your language....you're revealing how injured you are by the OP.
...jeezzz.....they must be schizophrenic.

The only possible conclusion:

1. "Not only would Trump not be president," Wolff wrote, "almost everyone in the campaign agreed, he should probably not be. Conveniently, the former conviction meant nobody had to deal with the latter issue." He described Trump as "sanguine" at the end of the campaign, claiming his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win." Wolff further reported Trump, expecting to fall to Hillary Clinton, told Roger Ailes: "I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won."

2. Consider this selection from Wolff's book, in which Trump was reportedly "horrified" as the reality he won the election crystalized on election night:

Shortly after 8 p.m. on Election Night, when the unexpected trend — Trump might actually win — seemed confirmed, Don Jr. told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears — and not of joy.

There was, in the space of little more than an hour, in Steve Bannon’s not unamused observation, a befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump.

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."
Just as expected you run to try smear the man who had inside access to the WH , just like all the other RW smear merchants.

Wollff spoke to hundreds of people that work in the WH house and they ALL said “ Hes not fit to be president because he’s an imbecile , dumb as shit, incurious, doesn’t want to learn etc.
This is the opposition saying this... it’s Trump’s own staff.
The truth stings doesn’t it.
. Who was this staff - Obama left overs ?? The Deep State ?? Demon-crat operatives ??? The Swamp ??? We're they Infiltrators opposed to Trump who got in as conservative/republican impersonators ???? Was this Wolff a wolf in sheep's clothing, and were they (this staff) working with him to undermine this President from within ???? If this guy wasn't who he was thought to be, and was there to undermine this Whitehouse, then shouldn't he be arrested for being a mole who had breached a top security area in which he could have done a number of things to the President, the staff not involved or anyone else he chose to hurt be it with either poison, a bomb or any other method he might could have chose to use ? In this case the weapon of choice was the pen. Shouldn't Homeland security be interested in this situation ?
The logic clearly escapes you....

1.If he didn't wish to win, why would he contact the Kremlin for help?

It does NOT matter if trump asked for help......HIS ENTOURAGE DID....

Besides, nitwit, the Kremlin wanted the useful idiot in the WH for their own gains; it does NOT matter what Trump wants.

No doubt you have evidence....and you'd best overnight same to Mueller....he hasn't been able to find any.

How do you know Mueller has no evidence of Trump’s wrong doing? Have you spoken to him?
You’re just not used to how a professional like Bob Mueller acts because you’re too used to watching a total non professional as president.

FYI: In a federal investigation into a large cast of characters ( felons) you don’t reveal what you have on the top guy until the END of the investigation.

Once Trump is indicted I guarantee you’ll hop aboard the right wing smear machine and try to smear the FBI for doing their jobs.

"How do you know Mueller has no evidence ..."

1. "Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

2. "While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

3. Democrat Feinstein, too

4. Here is 'proud Hillary voter,' Alan Dershowitz, protesting that 'there is no crime.'

Dershowitz: 'There is no statute that has been violated....firing Comey is [Trump's] constitutional and statutory right...'

5. Democrat Joe Manchin: no evidence

6.Maxine Waters: no evidence

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

7. Comey Says He Was Never Pressured By Anyone To Stop Investigations

Comey Said He Had NOT Been Pressured To End Any Investigation, Debunks Leftist Media Narrative


8."Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence Of Collusion With Russia"
Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

....all indicate that poor eddie is being led around by a ring in is nose by the Left......

Yet....here you are squealing like a stuck pig: "Is toooooo, issssss toooooo!!!!"

So very, very sad.
Has there been any guilty plea or indictment vis-a-vis 'collusion'?

I'll answer for you. No.

"YOU'D be WRONG......as usual........

Flynn had to plead GUILTY before a judge making him a FELON....

His felony was lying to the FBI about WHY he met with the Russians and THAT reason was to tell them that sanctions against them would be lifted by a Trump administration.....The very fucking definition of COLLUSION.........LOL
Flynn is now singing like a bird in order to keep his son and himself out of jail and Trump knows this. He knows Flynn knows about his connections to Russia which is why he’s been acting more erratic than usual.
Trump admitted he’s guilty when he asked Sessions to PROTECT him from the Russian probe. Innocent people don’t need protection.
He already plead guilty, moron. What would he be singing about?
I already said it. To keep his son and himself out of jail. Flynn cut a deal to be charged with lesser crimes in order for his cooperation in giving up what he knows about Trump.
But as always I don’t expect you to know any of this from your past practice of not knowing anything.
He hasn't been charged with lessor crimes, moron. Mewler went for the max.
Why are you running from this query?
Did Trump make arrangements with the Kremlin to help him win?
I'm not running from anything, perfectly wiling too answer, but not before you prove yourself capable of conceding, or defending your original argument. Otherwise the OP (your OP)devolves into you moving the goalposts every time you can't defend your argumentation.

Then I'll assume

a. you imagine that Trump conspired with the Kremlin to aid in his election


b. you do so based on an inordinate loyalty to the American Bolsheviks, as ironic as that is, and not a smidgen of evidence.

You're dismissed.
Still ignoring the president’s own staff called him 23 different words for stupid.
Ha ha
I ❤️ to watch this simple bitch make a fool of herself.

Says a proven liar.
Look in the mirror. I don’t need to ever lie because I have the facts on my side.
I know you’re butthurt for making you look like a total ass on a daily basis.
I understand.

Talk about irony. That post is a blatant lie. You have no facts of any kind.
I thought it was strange when Trump announced he would run as a Republican. What made sense was he would run as a joke.
I thought it was strange when Trump announced he would run as a Republican. What made sense was he would run as a joke.

How about you act like a sentient individual....

You have a problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

How about this?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

These successes represent events that Hussein Obama never could accomplish for America.

What is wrong with you??????
No I remember T from the late 80's on. Trump has never been an American, he loved cheap labor and foreign workers and materials.

the last 10 years he was reduced to a reality Tv person. That is low.
He earned his ( less than) Billion dollar fortune by defrauding small businessmen and then outlasting them in court when they sued him to be paid for their services. I’m from NJ and I know a contractor who was screwed by trump in Atlantic City. He lost his shirt while Trump walked away with millions.
All this was readily known BEFORE the election but the idiots still voted for the fraud.
You call it screwing someone over, but is it that Trump was just a more wiser business man than others were, and now it's all just sour grapes maybe ?? Aren't people suppose to know their game when entering an arena ?? If can't compete in the singular, then people need to form groups in order to compete. They need lawyers who protect their interest. It's hard to believe that Trump was this super card playing business man that no one could compete with, do business with or beat, so he was branded a bad guy when they had to fold at the card table. Pathetic.
Do you concede that Trump not expecting to win in no way undermines the Russia narrative like you put it? You can't change an argument when your first argument gets undermined. You answer mine and then I'll go on the record.

Why are you running from this query?
Did Trump make arrangements with the Kremlin to help him win?
I'm not running from anything, perfectly wiling too answer, but not before you prove yourself capable of conceding, or defending your original argument. Otherwise the OP (your OP)devolves into you moving the goalposts every time you can't defend your argumentation.

Then I'll assume

a. you imagine that Trump conspired with the Kremlin to aid in his election


b. you do so based on an inordinate loyalty to the American Bolsheviks, as ironic as that is, and not a smidgen of evidence.

You're dismissed.
Still ignoring the president’s own staff called him 23 different words for stupid.
Ha ha
I ❤️ to watch this simple bitch make a fool of herself.

Clean up your language....you're revealing how injured you are by the OP.
I’ve kicked your ass from here to Timbuktu so you have to focus on LANGUAGE.
I curse less than your serial sex offender does BTW.

Just to rub it in a little more:

Michael Flynn has signed a plea deal with Robert Mueller. Trump should be very worried.
No I remember T from the late 80's on. Trump has never been an American, he loved cheap labor and foreign workers and materials.

the last 10 years he was reduced to a reality Tv person. That is low.
He earned his ( less than) Billion dollar fortune by defrauding small businessmen and then outlasting them in court when they sued him to be paid for their services. I’m from NJ and I know a contractor who was screwed by trump in Atlantic City. He lost his shirt while Trump walked away with millions.
All this was readily known BEFORE the election but the idiots still voted for the fraud.
You call it screwing someone over, but is it that Trump was just a more wiser business man than others were, and now it's all just sour grapes maybe ?? Aren't people suppose to know their game when entering an arena ?? If can't compete in the singular, then people need to form groups in order to compete. They need lawyers who protect their interest. It's hard to believe that Trump was this super card playing business man that no one could compete with, do business with or beat, so he was branded a bad guy when they had to fold at the card table. Pathetic.
The answer to your question is an emphatic NO.
so you think it’s ethical to not pay for services rendered? You think that’s a good business practice.
The excuses you make for your Fraud in Chief get more ridiculous by the day
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I'm not running from anything, perfectly wiling too answer, but not before you prove yourself capable of conceding, or defending your original argument. Otherwise the OP (your OP)devolves into you moving the goalposts every time you can't defend your argumentation.

Then I'll assume

a. you imagine that Trump conspired with the Kremlin to aid in his election


b. you do so based on an inordinate loyalty to the American Bolsheviks, as ironic as that is, and not a smidgen of evidence.

You're dismissed.
Still ignoring the president’s own staff called him 23 different words for stupid.
Ha ha
I ❤️ to watch this simple bitch make a fool of herself.

Says a proven liar.
Look in the mirror. I don’t need to ever lie because I have the facts on my side.
I know you’re butthurt for making you look like a total ass on a daily basis.
I understand.

Talk about irony. That post is a blatant lie. You have no facts of any kind.
Every time I prove you wrong you call me a liar.
Stop embarrassing yourself and grow a pair.
Has there been any guilty plea or indictment vis-a-vis 'collusion'?

I'll answer for you. No.

"YOU'D be WRONG......as usual........

Flynn had to plead GUILTY before a judge making him a FELON....

His felony was lying to the FBI about WHY he met with the Russians and THAT reason was to tell them that sanctions against them would be lifted by a Trump administration.....The very fucking definition of COLLUSION.........LOL
Flynn is now singing like a bird in order to keep his son and himself out of jail and Trump knows this. He knows Flynn knows about his connections to Russia which is why he’s been acting more erratic than usual.
Trump admitted he’s guilty when he asked Sessions to PROTECT him from the Russian probe. Innocent people don’t need protection.
He already plead guilty, moron. What would he be singing about?
I already said it. To keep his son and himself out of jail. Flynn cut a deal to be charged with lesser crimes in order for his cooperation in giving up what he knows about Trump.
But as always I don’t expect you to know any of this from your past practice of not knowing anything.
He hasn't been charged with lessor crimes, moron. Mewler went for the max.
You’re ALWAYS wrong and I so enjoy proving you wrong.
Michael Flynn has signed a plea deal with Robert Mueller. Trump should be very worried.
The logic clearly escapes you....

1.If he didn't wish to win, why would he contact the Kremlin for help?

It does NOT matter if trump asked for help......HIS ENTOURAGE DID....

Besides, nitwit, the Kremlin wanted the useful idiot in the WH for their own gains; it does NOT matter what Trump wants.

No doubt you have evidence....and you'd best overnight same to Mueller....he hasn't been able to find any.


There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation. You don't know anything. Thus, your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap.
The logic clearly escapes you....

1.If he didn't wish to win, why would he contact the Kremlin for help?

It does NOT matter if trump asked for help......HIS ENTOURAGE DID....

Besides, nitwit, the Kremlin wanted the useful idiot in the WH for their own gains; it does NOT matter what Trump wants.

No doubt you have evidence....and you'd best overnight same to Mueller....he hasn't been able to find any.

How do you know Mueller has no evidence of Trump’s wrong doing? Have you spoken to him?
You’re just not used to how a professional like Bob Mueller acts because you’re too used to watching a total non professional as president.

FYI: In a federal investigation into a large cast of characters ( felons) you don’t reveal what you have on the top guy until the END of the investigation.

Once Trump is indicted I guarantee you’ll hop aboard the right wing smear machine and try to smear the FBI for doing their jobs.

"How do you know Mueller has no evidence ..."

1. "Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

2. "While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

3. Democrat Feinstein, too

4. Here is 'proud Hillary voter,' Alan Dershowitz, protesting that 'there is no crime.'

Dershowitz: 'There is no statute that has been violated....firing Comey is [Trump's] constitutional and statutory right...'

5. Democrat Joe Manchin: no evidence

6.Maxine Waters: no evidence

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

7. Comey Says He Was Never Pressured By Anyone To Stop Investigations

Comey Said He Had NOT Been Pressured To End Any Investigation, Debunks Leftist Media Narrative


8."Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence Of Collusion With Russia"
Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

....all indicate that poor eddie is being led around by a ring in is nose by the Left......

Yet....here you are squealing like a stuck pig: "Is toooooo, issssss toooooo!!!!"

So very, very sad.

Is James Clapper part of Mueller's team and privy to what he has?
All that bullshit you just wrote I negated in one sentence.
Damn I’m good.
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Most of know knew this crap about Trump before his book. Trump has always been a liar and charlatan, has always been a Shyster , a low moral con man.
You’re a fking genius. What are the winning numbers to the next lottery?
Trump has always been a liar and charlatan, has always been a Shyster , a low moral con man.

The LEFT has hated Trump since this beautiful example of how Trump exposed NYC Democrat corruption and kleptocracy...

ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

"Donald J. Trump refurbished the Central Park -skating rink two and a half months ahead of his own speedy six-month schedule and $750,000 below his own projected $3 million budget, having taken over the project after the city spent six years and $12 million unsuccessfully trying to get the job done."

This explains much. The LEFT has four core "values."


Here we find the LEFT STEALING "infrastructure spending," LYING about STEALING, HATING those telling the truth about the Stealing = in this case TRUMP.....

My hatred of Trump peaked when I learned about Trump University. Con artists of that sort I find particularly reprehensible.
Mine for Hitlery was everything she did illegally
I thought it was strange when Trump announced he would run as a Republican. What made sense was he would run as a joke.

How about you act like a sentient individual....

You have a problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

How about this?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

These successes represent events that Hussein Obama never could accomplish for America.

What is wrong with you??????
Lacking a budget and without a tax plan until the Advent season, how could Trump and his minions possibly take credit for a robust economy? The American economy is less like a jet ski and more like an ocean liner. It does not turn on a dime. Thank Obama progress for the economy.

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