If Democrats/Liberals Believe Michael Wolff's Thesis...

You are hilarious. All I want is you defending your original OP, before I'm willing to extent it to anything else. So when I ask you to do so, you revert to literally not just put words in my mouth , but too dismiss me on the bases on the words you imagine me saying? You can't invent this stuff.

You're free to deny those 'words in your mouth.'

I notice you haven't.
I notice you are unwilling to defend your original OP. What does it say about a persons honesty when they aren't willing to defend what they say even when politely asked to do so?

It says that I direct this conversation, not you.
It says you have not a grain of intellectual honesty.

No....it says I put you in your place.....and you're upset.

Get used to it.
Why would I be upset or feel put in my place when I've destroyed your argumentation to the point you no longer want to defend it?
Then I'll assume

a. you imagine that Trump conspired with the Kremlin to aid in his election


b. you do so based on an inordinate loyalty to the American Bolsheviks, as ironic as that is, and not a smidgen of evidence.

You're dismissed.
Still ignoring the president’s own staff called him 23 different words for stupid.
Ha ha
I ❤️ to watch this simple bitch make a fool of herself.

Says a proven liar.
Look in the mirror. I don’t need to ever lie because I have the facts on my side.
I know you’re butthurt for making you look like a total ass on a daily basis.
I understand.

Talk about irony. That post is a blatant lie. You have no facts of any kind.
Every time I prove you wrong you call me a liar.
Stop embarrassing yourself and grow a pair.

You never prove anyone wrong, nimrod.
Still ignoring the president’s own staff called him 23 different words for stupid.
Ha ha
I ❤️ to watch this simple bitch make a fool of herself.

Says a proven liar.
Look in the mirror. I don’t need to ever lie because I have the facts on my side.
I know you’re butthurt for making you look like a total ass on a daily basis.
I understand.

Talk about irony. That post is a blatant lie. You have no facts of any kind.
Every time I prove you wrong you call me a liar.
Stop embarrassing yourself and grow a pair.

You never prove anyone wrong, nimrod.
I just did with your Flynn nonpoint. Forget already?
Do you also have dementia like Trump?
...jeezzz.....they must be schizophrenic.

The only possible conclusion:

1. "Not only would Trump not be president," Wolff wrote, "almost everyone in the campaign agreed, he should probably not be. Conveniently, the former conviction meant nobody had to deal with the latter issue." He described Trump as "sanguine" at the end of the campaign, claiming his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win." Wolff further reported Trump, expecting to fall to Hillary Clinton, told Roger Ailes: "I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won."

2. Consider this selection from Wolff's book, in which Trump was reportedly "horrified" as the reality he won the election crystalized on election night:

Shortly after 8 p.m. on Election Night, when the unexpected trend — Trump might actually win — seemed confirmed, Don Jr. told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears — and not of joy.

There was, in the space of little more than an hour, in Steve Bannon’s not unamused observation, a befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump.

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."
Trump looked very scared after winning..... Lol

Off topic but it’s relevant to the idiots who don’t know Flynn copped a plea to give up what he knows about Trump’s crimes.

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. It’s the biggest development yet in the investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia — and the legal move that poses the most direct threat to the Trump presidency itself.

Flynn pleaded guilty to a single count of lying to the FBI on or around January 24 about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016, the Office of the Special Counsel announced Friday. It’s important to note that he did not admit to colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Ty Cobb, a White House lawyer, immediately tried to minimize the importance of Flynn’s plea deal. “Nothing about the guilty plea or the change implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn,” he said in a statement on Friday.

But the plea deal will strengthen Mueller’s sprawling probe into Trumpworld’s possible criminal acts and ties with Russia. In October, Mueller charged Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates with money laundering and failing to properly disclose their lobbying work on behalf of foreign clients. Mueller also unsealed a guilty plea in October from former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, who admitted to lying to federal investigators about meetings in which he discussed potentially colluding with Russian agents to acquire Hillary Clinton’s private emails.

The Flynn plea deal is the most significant moment in Mueller’s probe to date. Flynn is the first person who had actually served in the Trump White House to admit he broke the law. And he wasn’t just any old official: His role as national security adviser is one of the highest-level and most powerful posts in Washington, and the retired three-star general temporarily had enormous sway over Trump’s early policy and personnel choices.

Due to his unique ties to both the Trump campaign and the Trump White House, Flynn is particularly well-suited to answer the two central questions in the Mueller probe: Did the Trump campaign knowingly collude with Russia, and did Trump obstruct justice by trying to limit or derail the FBI’s investigation? A plea deal would get Mueller closer to answering those questions.

Michael Flynn has signed a plea deal with Robert Mueller. Trump should be very worried.
...jeezzz.....they must be schizophrenic.

The only possible conclusion:

1. "Not only would Trump not be president," Wolff wrote, "almost everyone in the campaign agreed, he should probably not be. Conveniently, the former conviction meant nobody had to deal with the latter issue." He described Trump as "sanguine" at the end of the campaign, claiming his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win." Wolff further reported Trump, expecting to fall to Hillary Clinton, told Roger Ailes: "I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won."

2. Consider this selection from Wolff's book, in which Trump was reportedly "horrified" as the reality he won the election crystalized on election night:

Shortly after 8 p.m. on Election Night, when the unexpected trend — Trump might actually win — seemed confirmed, Don Jr. told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears — and not of joy.

There was, in the space of little more than an hour, in Steve Bannon’s not unamused observation, a befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump.

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."
Trump looked very scared after winning..... Lol

He doesn’t look like that now with Mueller already in his inner circle and headed straight to the bullseye.
Wow. So many people are so thrilled, and so many more are so butt hurt, over Wolff's book he'll probably hit the best seller list in record time!
Is James Clapper part of Mueller's team and privy to what he has?
All that bullshit you just wrote I negated in one sentence.
Damn I’m good.

A couple of facts to share with slow witted right wingers......

First, Clapper left in early Nov. 2016

Second, the interview at Meet the Press is from March 5, 2017.

....so, please remind these nitwits that WHATEVER Clapper has stated is way outdated.
Sheeee-it. I just checked Amazon, and they want 15 bucks for the Kindle version.

15 bucks!

That's more than Trump's piece of fiction, The Art of the Deal, and he's the President!
... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Eternal moron..........It does NOT matter what Trump wanted....What DID matter is for Russia to help install a USEFUL IDIOT in the WH.....and they did that.

The logic clearly escapes you....

1.If he didn't wish to win, why would he contact the Kremlin for help?

And, you dunce...

2. If the Kremlin wanted him to win...and not the candidate they had bribed already....why would they have proffered the anti-Trump dossier?

Gads, you Liberals are morons.

You are on the Titanic admiring the new swimming pool...

This is desperation at this stage...

He is unfit to be president, it is plane to see...
Well then, let's get you on the record:

Did Trump make arrangements with the Kremlin to help him win?
Now....focus like a laser:
Do you concede that Trump not expecting to win in no way undermines the Russia narrative like you put it? You can't change an argument when your first argument gets undermined. You answer mine and then I'll go on the record.

Why are you running from this query?
Did Trump make arrangements with the Kremlin to help him win?
I'm not running from anything, perfectly wiling too answer, but not before you prove yourself capable of conceding, or defending your original argument. Otherwise the OP (your OP)devolves into you moving the goalposts every time you can't defend your argumentation.

Then I'll assume

a. you imagine that Trump conspired with the Kremlin to aid in his election


b. you do so based on an inordinate loyalty to the American Bolsheviks, as ironic as that is, and not a smidgen of evidence.

You're dismissed.
Still ignoring the president’s own staff called him 23 different words for stupid.
Ha ha
I ❤️ to watch this simple bitch make a fool of herself.

Well he told us he would hire the 'BEST People'
Most of know knew this crap about Trump before his book. Trump has always been a liar and charlatan, has always been a Shyster , a low moral con man.
Snowflakes are all liars and charlatans, so they think Trump is just like them. No politician is lower or more dishonest than Hillary Clinton, yet all the snowflakes voted for her. That's all that needs to be said.

Congrats on mentioning Hillary Clinton and for your next song will we get a bit of Obama....

They are getting real desperate...
The logic clearly escapes you....

1.If he didn't wish to win, why would he contact the Kremlin for help?

It does NOT matter if trump asked for help......HIS ENTOURAGE DID....

Besides, nitwit, the Kremlin wanted the useful idiot in the WH for their own gains; it does NOT matter what Trump wants.

No doubt you have evidence....and you'd best overnight same to Mueller....he hasn't been able to find any.


There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation. You don't know anything. Thus, your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap.
That you’re aware of? Sure, your ignorance is a given
Now that Wolff admits his book is a fabrication and he said whatever he could to sell the book, liberals will absolutely believe it to be true.

This will be the stuff of legends for years.
Do you concede that Trump not expecting to win in no way undermines the Russia narrative like you put it? You can't change an argument when your first argument gets undermined. You answer mine and then I'll go on the record.

Why are you running from this query?
Did Trump make arrangements with the Kremlin to help him win?
I'm not running from anything, perfectly wiling too answer, but not before you prove yourself capable of conceding, or defending your original argument. Otherwise the OP (your OP)devolves into you moving the goalposts every time you can't defend your argumentation.

Then I'll assume

a. you imagine that Trump conspired with the Kremlin to aid in his election


b. you do so based on an inordinate loyalty to the American Bolsheviks, as ironic as that is, and not a smidgen of evidence.

You're dismissed.
Still ignoring the president’s own staff called him 23 different words for stupid.
Ha ha
I ❤️ to watch this simple bitch make a fool of herself.

Well he told us he would hire the 'BEST People'
That doesn’t mean the best people are good at their new jobs. Not everyone gets the rationale of governing

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