If Democrats nominate a full-on Communist in 2020, we may see a full-on shift of power to Republican

None of those people are communists, and more importantly, they will never be perceived as communists by most of the electorate (outside of a certain group).

The GOP will have to do better than just scream COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST and MARXIST. They'll have to intelligently provide the electorate with a better approach, and be able to explain it fully and thoughtfully.

They are big government statists, and globalists. They are Totalitarian Socialists that would certainly embrace communism to further consolidate their power, and create more dependency on government. Wake up, and smell the oppression!
Do you really think that's an argument that's going to work?

Only with Rush Limbaugh listeners. Notice how it just isn’t resonating anymore?
Sure, the words mean nothing at this point. Or anything. They've become diluted and worthless.

Just as the Left has done with "racism".

This country really needs its wingers to find another hobby.
The American people, if they realize what's going on, may grow alarmed and vote Democrats out of power at all levels of government. It would be like what happened in the Obama years, when over 1000 Democratic politicians were voted out of office.

What do you think?

I think you could possibly be retarded. Where you dropped on your head as a child.

Here's the reality. Most Americans don't care if the Billionaires finally pay their fair share. they really don't. If you make 2020 a choice between Dressage Horses for the Rich and Granny not getting her social security check, so she has to move in with you, you'll lose every time.
None of those people are communists, and more importantly, they will never be perceived as communists by most of the electorate (outside of a certain group).

The GOP will have to do better than just scream COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST and MARXIST. They'll have to intelligently provide the electorate with a better approach, and be able to explain it fully and thoughtfully.

They are big government statists, and globalists. They are Totalitarian Socialists that would certainly embrace communism to further consolidate their power, and create more dependency on government. Wake up, and smell the oppression!
Do you really think that's an argument that's going to work?

Only with Rush Limbaugh listeners. Notice how it just isn’t resonating anymore?
Sure, the words mean nothing at this point. Or anything. They've become diluted and worthless.

Just as the Left has done with "racism".

This country really needs its wingers to find another hobby.
They should be working to save capitalism from it's mounting failures and monopolistic aristocrats.
The Democrats have recently shifted even further to the left so they are now advocating confiscation of wealth from billionaires.

What that means is the transformation of the Democratic Party is complete. They are now Communists in all but name.

The American people, if they realize what's going on, may grow alarmed and vote Democrats out of power at all levels of government. It would be like what happened in the Obama years, when over 1000 Democratic politicians were voted out of office.

What do you think?
Taxation is not communism it is taxation.
Look at who the media fawns over. Bernie, Warren, Cortez, Gillbrand. Promising free stuff for everyone in return for eventual TOTAL CONTROL over your life.
None of those people are communists, and more importantly, they will never be perceived as communists by most of the electorate (outside of a certain group).

The GOP will have to do better than just scream COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST and MARXIST. They'll have to intelligently provide the electorate with a better approach, and be able to explain it fully and thoughtfully.
Might as well believe Godzilla is real.
Here's the reality of 2020.

Whether or not Trump get re-elected will depend on two factors.

1) How Damning is the Mueller Report when it comes out.
2) What the state of the economy is.

If the MR clears him of wrongdoing, and the economy is still going strong, he stands a fair chance of getting re-elected. (Not that he was actually elected to start with, but never mind.)

On the other hand, if he's implicated in wrongdoing and the economy tanks, he'll probably go down, and take the GOP senate with him.

The good news is that if he does, after the 2020 Census, we can redraw all the districts to stop the gerrymandering that goes on, and repeal all the GOP voter suppression laws.

Then the GOP will have a choice. Continue to be the party of angry old white guys, or try to be a modern party that looks out for all the people.
The Democrats have recently shifted even further to the left so they are now advocating confiscation of wealth from billionaires.

What that means is the transformation of the Democratic Party is complete. They are now Communists in all but name.

The American people, if they realize what's going on, may grow alarmed and vote Democrats out of power at all levels of government. It would be like what happened in the Obama years, when over 1000 Democratic politicians were voted out of office.

What do you think?
Taxation is not communism it is taxation.
Do people in a communist country even get taxed?
The Democrats have recently shifted even further to the left so they are now advocating confiscation of wealth from billionaires.

What that means is the transformation of the Democratic Party is complete. They are now Communists in all but name.

The American people, if they realize what's going on, may grow alarmed and vote Democrats out of power at all levels of government. It would be like what happened in the Obama years, when over 1000 Democratic politicians were voted out of office.

What do you think?
Taxation is not communism it is taxation.

Yep, and the Constitution charged Congress to lay and collect them for general welfare and common defense. Which makes Senate Republicans in violation of their oath of office
None of those people are communists, and more importantly, they will never be perceived as communists by most of the electorate (outside of a certain group).

The GOP will have to do better than just scream COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST and MARXIST. They'll have to intelligently provide the electorate with a better approach, and be able to explain it fully and thoughtfully.

They are big government statists, and globalists. They are Totalitarian Socialists that would certainly embrace communism to further consolidate their power, and create more dependency on government. Wake up, and smell the oppression!
Do you really think that's an argument that's going to work?

Only with Rush Limbaugh listeners. Notice how it just isn’t resonating anymore?
Sure, the words mean nothing at this point. Or anything. They've become diluted and worthless.

Just as the Left has done with "racism".

This country really needs its wingers to find another hobby.

Here is the problem I have with your response. The USA really does have a HUGE problem with racism and racial injustice, and has been growing since Obama was elected, not because of his policies or anything he did, but because there is a very large portion of the country who could not accept a black man living in the White House.

To compare racism to communism as an "overused concept", is to deny that racists have been empowered by this President. America has to decide whether you're going forward into an inclusive future where everyone has truly equal opportunity, or regress to segregation and keeping people of colour "in their place". Hate crimes are rising, and are deeply concerning to the future of your country.

"Communism" is a failed ideaology that really doesn't exist in the world today. Cuba is the only communist country left, and it's pretty isolated.
None of those people are communists, and more importantly, they will never be perceived as communists by most of the electorate (outside of a certain group).

The GOP will have to do better than just scream COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST and MARXIST. They'll have to intelligently provide the electorate with a better approach, and be able to explain it fully and thoughtfully.

They are big government statists, and globalists. They are Totalitarian Socialists that would certainly embrace communism to further consolidate their power, and create more dependency on government. Wake up, and smell the oppression!
Do you really think that's an argument that's going to work?

Only with Rush Limbaugh listeners. Notice how it just isn’t resonating anymore?
Sure, the words mean nothing at this point. Or anything. They've become diluted and worthless.

Just as the Left has done with "racism".

This country really needs its wingers to find another hobby.

Here is the problem I have with your response. The USA really does have a HUGE problem with racism and racial injustice, and has been growing since Obama was elected, not because of his policies or anything he did, but because there is a very large portion of the country who could not accept a black man living in the White House.

To compare racism to communism as an "overused concept", is to deny that racists have been empowered by this President. America has to decide whether you're going forward into an inclusive future where everyone has truly equal opportunity, or regress to segregation and keeping people of colour "in their place". Hate crimes are rising, and are deeply concerning to the future of your country.

"Communism" is a failed ideaology that really doesn't exist in the world today. Cuba is the only communist country left, and it's pretty isolated.
But communism sounds so scary..Scarier than a liberal or a leftist pejorative.....
The clams of racism are way overblown and fueled by a very left biased media that wants to create controversy, viewership, and advance the false Democrat message. Yes their is racism. Humans always see the minor differences in people. Some act on it improperly, but it is in no way a huge problem.

Those that believe racism is such a big problem have been brainwashed by the media. They are being USED. The problem with Obama wasn't his skin color. It was his political policies, and divisive rhetoric. His smarmy personality and you didn't build that statements didn't help. If he didn't hate America then why would he want to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT. He, and Michelle are America haters.
None of those people are communists, and more importantly, they will never be perceived as communists by most of the electorate (outside of a certain group).

The GOP will have to do better than just scream COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST and MARXIST. They'll have to intelligently provide the electorate with a better approach, and be able to explain it fully and thoughtfully.

They are big government statists, and globalists. They are Totalitarian Socialists that would certainly embrace communism to further consolidate their power, and create more dependency on government. Wake up, and smell the oppression!
Do you really think that's an argument that's going to work?

Only with Rush Limbaugh listeners. Notice how it just isn’t resonating anymore?
Sure, the words mean nothing at this point. Or anything. They've become diluted and worthless.

Just as the Left has done with "racism".

This country really needs its wingers to find another hobby.

Here is the problem I have with your response. The USA really does have a HUGE problem with racism and racial injustice, and has been growing since Obama was elected, not because of his policies or anything he did, but because there is a very large portion of the country who could not accept a black man living in the White House.

To compare racism to communism as an "overused concept", is to deny that racists have been empowered by this President. America has to decide whether you're going forward into an inclusive future where everyone has truly equal opportunity, or regress to segregation and keeping people of colour "in their place". Hate crimes are rising, and are deeply concerning to the future of your country.

"Communism" is a failed ideaology that really doesn't exist in the world today. Cuba is the only communist country left, and it's pretty isolated.
I'm talking about behaviors.

The Left has badly over-used the term, diluting it to the point at which it's little more than a punchline. It has lost its power. And ironically, it's that very over-use that largely created the pushback that put Trump in office. Enough people were sick of being told that, if they disagree with anything Obama said or did, it was because they "could not accept a black man living in the White House". So they pushed back, and here we are.

Being of mixed race, and married into a mixed race family, I hate seeing what has been done to such an important word. I resent its over-use and I'm insulted by it. Of course REAL racists have been empowered by this President, but I don't think he would be in office in the FIRST place if they were not so animated.

And, just like that term, the terms "socialism" and "communism" no longer scare people. As I say all the time, the two ends of the spectrum can be amazingly similar in their behaviors.
I'm talking about behaviors.

The Left has badly over-used the term, diluting it to the point at which it's little more than a punchline. It has lost its power. And ironically, it's that very over-use that largely created the pushback that put Trump in office. Enough people were sick of being told that, if they disagree with anything Obama said or did, it was because they "could not accept a black man living in the White House". So they pushed back, and here we are.

Still peddling this lie, Vichy Mac?

Trump got less of the White Vote than Romney did. He got less of the overall vote than Romney did. Republicans have won 55-60% of the white vote pretty consistently since 1976. There was no "White Backlash".

What there was were a lot of people who pissed away their votes on third parties because Hillary, who you claim you voted for, was such a completely unpleasant creature whose behaviors (along with those of her husband) nullified most of the arguments against Trump. Trump got caught bragging about grabbing pussy? Let's drag out Juanita Brodderick who claims Bill raped her.

Being of mixed race, and married into a mixed race family, I hate seeing what has been done to such an important word. Of course REAL racists have been empowered by this President, but I don't think he would be in office in the FIRST place if they were not so animated.

I'd be more impressed if you challenged the racists on this board the way you are constantly screaming at "regressives" who don't want to give in to the Nazis as easily as you do.

And, just like that term, the terms "socialism" and "communism" no longer scare people. As I say all the time, the two ends of the spectrum can be amazingly similar in their behaviors.

Socialism no longer scares people because for 80% of us, Capitalism is a big old shit sandwich where most of us are one serious illness away from bankruptcy.

That means a lot more to people than some shit that happened in Russia 100 years ago.

Vichy Mac, wrong so often, never gets why.

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