If Democrats want me to vote for them, they're going about it all wrong...

Trust me, the Dems aren't seeking your vote.

That is exactly correct..left-wing dogma is a condescending an arrogant position I'm really and truly believe that does not need the vote of the average White American to win and stupidly come right out and say that very thing. If you're running for office you are wise to reach out for as many votes as you can possibly capture.... Designating an entire segment of the population as unwanted is just plain stupid.

they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

I think you are misunderstanding their platform.

They don't want your vote, they want your stuff.
The Dems don't want the real American vote, they know that is hopeless. The best they can hope for is ultra-low IQ citizens and illegal aliens. Without massive voter fraud, they stand to lose everything.
I'm pretty sure Jesus wasn't for killing unborn babies. I could be wrong, I mean I only used to lead a bible study group and all....
It must be in the fine print because I couldn't find any reference to abortion in there either.

Oh, it's in there. Here's the instructions for the priest to perform them.
Ordeal of the bitter water - Wikipedia

Please don't pretend you have a clue what the bible says. It's an inaccurate translation.

Bitter Water that Causes a Curse: Does Numbers 5:11-22 Condone Abortion?

Skeptics claim that these verses prove that the God of the Old Testament condones abortion. As Atheist John Hamill wrote: “The verses appear to describe explicit divine support for abortion. In fact, the context in which it seems that Yahweh approves of abortion, is when a husband wishes to force his wife to terminate a pregnancy (even against her will) if he suspects he may not be the biological father.”1 Do these verses condone abortion?2

First, it is important to ask why the skeptic believes this passage discusses abortion. The bulk of the passage has to do with adultery and nowhere even mentions pregnancy. The accusation of condoning abortion is based primarily, if not entirely, on the final verses that say of the woman “your womb miscarry” and “may this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells and your womb miscarries.” In truth, the NIV in this case provides an unfortunate and inaccurate translation of the terms in the passage. Compare how these terms from verses 21 and 22 are translated in other versions.

NKJV: “when the Lord makes your thigh rot and your belly swell…and make your belly swell and your thigh rot.”

KJV: “when the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell…to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot.”

ESV: “when the Lord makes your thigh fall away and your body swell…and make your womb swell and your thigh fall away.”

ASV: “doth make thy thigh fall away, and thy body to swell…and make thy body to swell, and thy thigh fall away.”

Notice that other translations say nothing about a miscarriage or miscarrying. The term that the NIV translates “womb” is yarek. This word actually means “thigh, loin, side, or base.”3 It can be used to describe both males and females. It is used in Genesis 32:25 to describe the area that God wounded on Jacob when they wrestled, described as “the socket of his hip” (NKJV). It obviously could not have been Jacob’s “womb.” Judges 3:16 contains the word, describing Ehud’s dagger that he fastened “on his right thigh.” Furthermore, the term translated “miscarry” is the Hebrew word naphal, which means, “to fall, waste away, rot.”4 It can be used as broadly as an animal falling into a pit (as in Exodus 21:33), a sword falling from one’s hand (Ezekiel 30:22), or a violent or untimely death (Judges 5:27).

So it comes down to which translation you want to choose. Admittedly, I'm not an expert on biblical languages, and I suspect you aren't either. As such, our only option is to rely on the credibility of experts who do know the languages, and are able to understand them in the context of biblical times. All the translations you mention have been shown to have mistranslated or incomplete text and are not unimpeachable. If your source is right, then we are back to the bible saying nothing about abortion. I would disagree with that, as you can see, but I don't have a problem with it either.
That's right, they're not. They've written off my vote, and the vote of almost everyone else who is white and middle-class. That's pretty stupid, don't you think?

You aren't everyone who is white and middle class.

Look, the dumb inbred racist white guy who votes against his own economic interest because Trump is right with Jesus when he isn't fucking porn stars... there's simply reasoning with that guy.

The middle class white person who hasn't drunk the koolaid, knows Trump is a buffoon... yeah, he can probably be reasoned with.... especially when the recession hits next year.

Joe votes for whoever hates religious people the most, because he is a dried up tired old fart, who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.

Oh, Marty, Check your privilege...

Yes, I'm really tired of religious dummies fucking it up for the rest of us. Time to keep them in their churches and let the grownups solve the problems.
That is exactly correct..left-wing dogma is a condescending an arrogant position I'm really and truly believe that does not need the vote of the average White American to win and stupidly come right out and say that very thing. If you're running for office you are wise to reach out for as many votes as you can possibly capture.... Designating an entire segment of the population as unwanted is just plain stupid.

I don't think it's a matter of declaring them "unwanted" as it is facing the cold reality that these people can't be reasoned with.

You see, funny thing happened in 2008. George W. Stupid Crashed the economy, got us into two unncessary wars and wiped out the life savings of millions...

And yet 55% of white people still voted for John McCain. And it wasn't because John McCain was a man of honor or integrity, because those same 55% voted for Trump and now hate McCain.

They let their religious, racial and sexual insecurities override their economic interests... And I really don't think anything the Democrats are going to say is going to change that.

The Democrats are better off trying to get those who voted third party, or stayed home in 2016.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.
I'm not thinking your vote is wanted by Democrats.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

We don't want you in the Democratic Party.

You can stay in the lower educated republic party where among equals.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

They want to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and corporations so that everyone is paying their fair share of taxes.

Illegal border crossings were at their lowest levels in 50 years when Trump took office. DHS had 10,000 people in custody when Trump took office. Two years later, border crossings are at a 15 year high, DHS has over 40,000 people in custody being feed and housed at the taxpayers expense, and 6 children have died in custody. What Trump is doing IS NOT WORKING. IT'S MADE THINGS MUCH, MUCH WORSE.

Democrats want abortions to be safe, legal and rare. This is a family matter, a personal matter, and none of the state's business. This is a woman's decision and the government has no business in the family and medical decisions that individuals make.

They don't hate white people, but they don't deny white privilege. Ditto gays and Christians. I am a straight white Christian and I would be uncomfortable in the Republican Party specifically because of their efforts to maintain their privilege.

But of all of the "privilege" groups, none is more odious for what passes as the "Christian right" - trying to pass off bigotry and discrimination against gays as "religious freedom", and then claiming they're the victims of the "gay agenda". Disgusting, unChristian and shameful.

They claim they couldn't support a Democrat because of abortion, and yet they give unfailing support to a man who has cut poor children off their health care insurance, who publically and openly cheated on all three of his wives, and who publically and proveably lies, steals, and blashphemes. Those last four are included in the 10 Commandments, but they couldn't vote for Hillary because she supports abortion, which isn't even mentioned in the 10 Commandments.

Right wing Christians should be opposing Trump's border policies, especially separation of families, his failure to protect women's health care, and promoting quality public school education for their children. Instead, they are using Christian Schools to discriminate against non-white, gays, and to ensure that their children aren't being taught science or evolution., or that the Earth is millions of years old.
That is exactly correct..left-wing dogma is a condescending an arrogant position I'm really and truly believe that does not need the vote of the average White American to win and stupidly come right out and say that very thing. If you're running for office you are wise to reach out for as many votes as you can possibly capture.... Designating an entire segment of the population as unwanted is just plain stupid.

I don't think it's a matter of declaring them "unwanted" as it is facing the cold reality that these people can't be reasoned with.

You see, funny thing happened in 2008. George W. Stupid Crashed the economy, got us into two unncessary wars and wiped out the life savings of millions...

And yet 55% of white people still voted for John McCain. And it wasn't because John McCain was a man of honor or integrity, because those same 55% voted for Trump and now hate McCain.

They let their religious, racial and sexual insecurities override their economic interests... And I really don't think anything the Democrats are going to say is going to change that.

The Democrats are better off trying to get those who voted third party, or stayed home in 2016.

The word is Arrogant.

But for the condescending self righteous
Facade they refuse to drop they could make great inroads.
The word is Arrogant.

But for the condescending self righteous
Facade they refuse to drop they could make great inroads.
Again, how is pandering to the stupid going to make you less stupid?

Jesus Christ, the GOP has been fucking the white working class since Tricky Dick, and they keep bending over and taking it again and again.
The DNC understands that there dumb right wingers who will never vote for them. I'm pretty sure they aren't losing any sleep over your vote.

And they know they already got yours for at least 150 years, and your family of midgets living in your basement. Keep talking dumb.
That's right, they're not. They've written off my vote, and the vote of almost everyone else who is white and middle-class. That's pretty stupid, don't you think?

You aren't everyone who is white and middle class.

Look, the dumb inbred racist white guy who votes against his own economic interest because Trump is right with Jesus when he isn't fucking porn stars... there's simply reasoning with that guy.

The middle class white person who hasn't drunk the koolaid, knows Trump is a buffoon... yeah, he can probably be reasoned with.... especially when the recession hits next year.

Joe votes for whoever hates religious people the most, because he is a dried up tired old fart, who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.

Oh, Marty, Check your privilege...

Yes, I'm really tired of religious dummies fucking it up for the rest of us. Time to keep them in their churches and let the grownups solve the problems.

And stop trying to suck up to the SJW nitwits you wish you were 50 years younger to hang out with.
And stop trying to suck up to the SJW nitwits you wish you were 50 years younger to hang out with.

Well, I don't think I would want to hang out with a bunch of hippies when I was seven.

True story... I used to be more right wing than you are. Then I realized all this Social Conservatism stuff is how the rich get working class whites to vote against their own economic interests.

You ladies can have all the abortions you want as long as I get to have the kinds of middle class protections my dad enjoyed.
That's right, they're not. They've written off my vote, and the vote of almost everyone else who is white and middle-class. That's pretty stupid, don't you think?

You aren't everyone who is white and middle class.

Look, the dumb inbred racist white guy who votes against his own economic interest because Trump is right with Jesus when he isn't fucking porn stars... there's simply reasoning with that guy.

The middle class white person who hasn't drunk the koolaid, knows Trump is a buffoon... yeah, he can probably be reasoned with.... especially when the recession hits next year.

Joe votes for whoever hates religious people the most, because he is a dried up tired old fart, who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.

Oh, Marty, Check your privilege...

Yes, I'm really tired of religious dummies fucking it up for the rest of us. Time to keep them in their churches and let the grownups solve the problems.

And stop trying to suck up to the SJW nitwits you wish you were 50 years younger to hang out with.

You oppose social justice?

Do you always respond to a well thought out opinion with nonrelevant personal attacks?
The word is Arrogant.

But for the condescending self righteous
Facade they refuse to drop they could make great inroads.
Again, how is pandering to the stupid going to make you less stupid?

Jesus Christ, the GOP has been fucking the white working class since Tricky Dick, and they keep bending over and taking it again and again.

Who cares?.... This is about winning an election dude.... You don't throw votes away on purpose if you're trying to win.

And stop trying to suck up to the SJW nitwits you wish you were 50 years younger to hang out with.

Well, I don't think I would want to hang out with a bunch of hippies when I was seven.

True story... I used to be more right wing than you are. Then I realized all this Social Conservatism stuff is how the rich get working class whites to vote against their own economic interests.

You ladies can have all the abortions you want as long as I get to have the kinds of middle class protections my dad enjoyed.

Yeah, you saw the light....LOL.

You just became a miserable old bastard, probably because of your own actions, but it is easier to blame others.
That's right, they're not. They've written off my vote, and the vote of almost everyone else who is white and middle-class. That's pretty stupid, don't you think?

You aren't everyone who is white and middle class.

Look, the dumb inbred racist white guy who votes against his own economic interest because Trump is right with Jesus when he isn't fucking porn stars... there's simply reasoning with that guy.

The middle class white person who hasn't drunk the koolaid, knows Trump is a buffoon... yeah, he can probably be reasoned with.... especially when the recession hits next year.

Joe votes for whoever hates religious people the most, because he is a dried up tired old fart, who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.

Oh, Marty, Check your privilege...

Yes, I'm really tired of religious dummies fucking it up for the rest of us. Time to keep them in their churches and let the grownups solve the problems.

And stop trying to suck up to the SJW nitwits you wish you were 50 years younger to hang out with.

You oppose social justice?

Do you always respond to a well thought out opinion with nonrelevant personal attacks?

Social justice is just a weasel term to describe people who think they know better than me how to live my live, and use unearned status and unwarranted gravitas to get that.

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