If Democrats want me to vote for them, they're going about it all wrong...

I'm pretty sure Jesus wasn't for killing unborn babies. I could be wrong, I mean I only used to lead a bible study group and all....
It must be in the fine print because I couldn't find any reference to abortion in there either.
It's the made up stuff....like abortion and baking cakes.....NOT the really in there stuff like divorce and bearing false witness and eating shellfish stuff.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.
Howard Schultz addressed all that adequately. If he runs, he will get my vote-Border security but no wall, status quo on abortion, small tax increase on wealthy and corporations, environmental programs-not carbon destruction, no racial or LBGTL proposals, no religious proposals. He would give DACA citizenship, but increase ICE forces. He has a lot of middle ground-with way things are headed, his ideas might work best to satisfy most. He would be more civil than Trump and sane compared to the Democrats.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

If you honestly believe the nonsense you posted, you don't possess critical thinking skills. Stick with your corporate masters and vote republican. You're a good lap dog.
Yeah, you saw the light....LOL.

You just became a miserable old bastard, probably because of your own actions, but it is easier to blame others.

Naw, I put the blame where it belongs... when you take away workers rights, it's easy to get abused at work.

The rich spend a lot of money distracting you.... which is why this describes you perfectly.

Social justice is just a weasel term to describe people who think they know better than me how to live my live, and use unearned status and unwarranted gravitas to get that.

Nobody is telling you how to live your life.

We just think gays, minorities and women should be able to live their lives on an equal footing.

Check your privilege, bitch!
Who cares?.... This is about winning an election dude.... You don't throw votes away on purpose if you're trying to win.

Again, how much time do you waste on stupid people? You can't fix stupid.

If you are really so stupid that you said, "Let's pass up all these qualified statesmen and states women to elect the Game Show Host" then there's not a lot I can do for you.
Howard Schultz addressed all that adequately. If he runs, he will get my vote-Border security but no wall, status quo on abortion, small tax increase on wealthy and corporations, environmental programs-not carbon destruction, no racial or LBGTL proposals, no religious proposals. He would give DACA citizenship, but increase ICE forces. He has a lot of middle ground-with way things are headed, his ideas might work best to satisfy most. He would be more civil than Trump and sane compared to the Democrats.

He's totally awesome for the "I hate minorities, but I don't want to come off like a dick" crowd.
Howard Schultz addressed all that adequately. If he runs, he will get my vote-Border security but no wall, status quo on abortion, small tax increase on wealthy and corporations, environmental programs-not carbon destruction, no racial or LBGTL proposals, no religious proposals. He would give DACA citizenship, but increase ICE forces. He has a lot of middle ground-with way things are headed, his ideas might work best to satisfy most. He would be more civil than Trump and sane compared to the Democrats.

He's totally awesome for the "I hate minorities, but I don't want to come off like a dick" crowd.
Who do you like?
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.
You’re the perfect Republican – that each item in your post is a lie is proof of that.

For example, the vast majority of Democrats are Christian.

They are a special branch. Christians against Christ. It must be like American Jews vs Israeli Jews. Americans love Obama who spit on Israel, yet they vote for Democrats. A Democrat Christian who thinks grade school Christmas Parties are a federal endorsement of Christianity. They rail against a theocracy, but nobody is forcing anyone to be Christian. The special thrill they feel when someone trashes Christians must be some sort of special faith.
Who do you like?

Right now, I'm supporting Biden. Don't agree with him on everything, but I have little doubt he could do the job, without the daily parade of crazy we have now of translating Shitter Tweets into Policy and then having to back off of it.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

"they want to raise taxes"

on the rich

"they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens"

trying to save the lives of people being persecuted and exterminated in their own countries because all life is precious

"they want as many babies to be aborted as possible"

lie. Merely providing women with the right to choose for themselves.

Think of it this way; your wife is pregnant and a new test determines that your child is going to be gay! Now you, too, can abort it!.....

"they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming""

Lie, nonsense.....They want to keep the economy AND prevent global warming disasters.

"they hate white people and I'm white"

Lie. I'm white. All the liberals I know in my area are white.

"they hate straight people and I'm straight"

ok....you are truly deranged

"they hate Christians and I'm Christian"

They may hate evangelical christians as any rational person should but they don't hate moderate or liberal christians.. It takes a truly deranged lunatic to actually believe that ALL christians are right wing. You are truly nutso.

"...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat."

Please do NOT vote for democrats. You are a deranged hate filled blood thirsty piece of shit and we do NOT want you on our team.
They don’t have to worry about getting me on their team, there isn’t ANYWAY in the world that’s going to happen!
Who do you like?

Right now, I'm supporting Biden. Don't agree with him on everything, but I have little doubt he could do the job, without the daily parade of crazy we have now of translating Shitter Tweets into Policy and then having to back off of it.
How does this sound when it is turned on you? He's totally awesome for the "I hate minorities, but I don't want to come off like a dick" crowd.
I'm pretty sure Jesus wasn't for killing unborn babies. I could be wrong, I mean I only used to lead a bible study group and all....
It must be in the fine print because I couldn't find any reference to abortion in there either.

Oh, it's in there. Here's the instructions for the priest to perform them.
Ordeal of the bitter water - Wikipedia

For the 10,000 time that's not an abortion. One bad translation mentions a womb; that's not what it is.

Bullshit, but just to be nice, I'll concede that, as long as you understand it's just for the purposes of this discussion. That puts us back at square one. Abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

Don't be "nice", that verse does not mention abortion. But why should the Bible have to mention "abortion". It doesn't mention "domestic violence" per se either, or "sexual assault", but it's implied through rape and etc.

I mean really

The Bible does mention abortion and it says if a man harms a pregnant woman causing her pregnancy to end, the man should pay a fine to her husband for his loss of property.

God gave us free will and choice. He gave women the option to choose to have a baby. YOU want to take what God gave to us away and force us to be slaves to biology. That's NOT what God intended.
Yeah, you saw the light....LOL.

You just became a miserable old bastard, probably because of your own actions, but it is easier to blame others.

Naw, I put the blame where it belongs... when you take away workers rights, it's easy to get abused at work.

The rich spend a lot of money distracting you.... which is why this describes you perfectly.

View attachment 265207

Ah the old mystification bullshit. Sorry, but you strike me as an aging old commie, not some former conservative who has "seen the light"

Your disdain for basic freedoms and love of government force gives you away.
Social justice is just a weasel term to describe people who think they know better than me how to live my live, and use unearned status and unwarranted gravitas to get that.

Nobody is telling you how to live your life.

We just think gays, minorities and women should be able to live their lives on an equal footing.

Check your privilege, bitch!

Wow, you tell me no one is telling me how to live my life, then tell me to check my privilege. A classic example of doublethink.

Of course a ducktalker like you would be good at that.

And you don't want equality, you want punishment for those you don't like.
How does this sound when it is turned on you? He's totally awesome for the "I hate minorities, but I don't want to come off like a dick" crowd.

Actually, it sounds retarded. Biden's record on civil rights has been pretty solid.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

Well, I am white, a Christian. Also a Democrat because I try to follow the words of Jesus!

Next question?
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.
You should move to Alabama pronto. You'll love it there.

Go be with your own straight white Christian people who are afraid of anyone who looks different and vote with them.

I'm not sure you'd fit in with Democrats at all.
And the idiots try to shame us in Congress , they can't figure out we don't want no part of their grown men in little girls bathrooms B.S.

I don't know about you but I personally would NEVER send my 'liittle girl' into a public bathroom by herself. That would be some special kind of insane.

If you can't figure out how to protect your child in a public bathroom, you have plenty to figure out.

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