If Dems Jump The Shark

Maybe getting to 51 means the GOP will "win big"?


Generic: GOP +2.2

"win big"


Gotta hand it to you, fake Rabbi, you are a great piss-pot-boy.

Carry on.
already making excuses.

Seems appropriate to me, since that's what this entire thread is.

Everyone knows that conservatism can never fail, but only be failed. Right?
The election is a referendum on OBAMA. Period.

He's a chump. A disgrace. A failure on the level of Carter.

If the GOP doesn't win the Senate , then they and the country are fucked......
I see you guys are pretty busy getting excuses lined up in case tomorrow doesn't work out the way you'd hoped.

A Rotten Acorn never falls too far from the tree..........just saying............

I'm predicting a gain of 5 seats Senate..........how about you.............Not worried about my state because the Dems didn't even run anyone for the Senate.

I haven't really paid much attention, actually. The Republican party will probably pick up 5 or 6 seats.

My state doesn't even have any Senate seats up - and they're both pretty damn safe seats anyway.

I suspect when all is said and done we have 53 Seats.

You think the Republican party will pick up 8 seats?

Which ones?
How many sharks does the magic neeeeeeeeeeeeegro have to jump before the Libtards admit it's over?

And thank you for that great GOP minority outreach of yours, the entire Democratic Party thanks you for your efforts.

Carry on.

Yes..I'm sure that cost thousands...no MILLIONS of black votes..look, michelle has wrangled the whole herd together and told them they need to disregard what anyone says or does and just vote straight party ticket to advance the black agenda...
so the republicans can write off 13% of the population that will never vote for them anyway.
Doesn't matter................Reid's graveyard will be replaced by a the Veto master anyway.

There is a political divide in this country and that will continue...........Either way............the people in this country have no faith in our Gov't anymore.

and one if not both NC and NH.

Just out of spite I'd like it to NH, I don't much like Shaheen.
The OP suggests that Dems are admitting something. That's stupid. Nobody expected that this would be a good cycle for Dems.

Then the OP went full retard and suggested that if the GOP doesn't win enough seats to take the senate.......a drastic response would be warranted.


and one if not both NC and NH.

Just out of spite I'd like it to NH, I don't much like Shaheen.
Well you can foget about NC. That's going Dem.

Mark my words.
The OP suggests that Dems are admitting something. That's stupid. Nobody expected that this would be a good cycle for Dems.

Then the OP went full retard and suggested that if the GOP doesn't win enough seats to take the senate.......a drastic response would be warranted.

Your reading skills are on a par with your thinking skills.
GOP response in the unlikely event you describe? - I'm hoping they all commit seppaku, but expecting a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What will the country do? Rejoice.

It's 'seppuku'. And merely suggesting that they kill themselves is proof of how far gone the Democrats have become. I despise both parties with a passion, but only Democrats seem to prove themselves as the most vile of the two.
You won't realize how bad it is until CNN starts reporting the Democrat victories in all 57 states.


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