If Dems Jump The Shark

You said

"Everyone knows that conservatism can never fail, but only be failed. Right?"

Are you convinced liberalism can never fail? Or are you speaking to the fact that it has?

That is your clarification, sir.

All ideologies can fail.

Yes, yes, they can, but your assertion seems to target only one.

This thread isn't about "liberalism", it's about pre-emptive excuses should the Republicans not do as well as expected.

That's not quite right. The thread is about what people will do if the Democrats massively steal the numerous elections. At what point do people no longer buy the excuse that lost ballots have been found and begin to call a coup a coup?

When has that "excuse" ever been used?
Senator Al Franken is still in office, so these crimes are excused.
All ideologies can fail.

Yes, yes, they can, but your assertion seems to target only one.

This thread isn't about "liberalism", it's about pre-emptive excuses should the Republicans not do as well as expected.

No it's not. But can I not address liberalism? Am I not allowed to?

Of course you can, but it's silly to expect that I would have, in the context of this thread.

You can't solely target the flaws of one ideology without acknowledging the flaws of the one you support.

Of course I can. I'm not under any obligation to be "fair".

Do you devote equal amounts of time to attacking the right as you do the left? Of course not.
All ideologies can fail.

Yes, yes, they can, but your assertion seems to target only one.

This thread isn't about "liberalism", it's about pre-emptive excuses should the Republicans not do as well as expected.

That's not quite right. The thread is about what people will do if the Democrats massively steal the numerous elections. At what point do people no longer buy the excuse that lost ballots have been found and begin to call a coup a coup?

When has that "excuse" ever been used?
Senator Al Franken is still in office, so these crimes are excused.

No "lost ballots" were later "found" in that race.

Ballots were lost in one precinct, so the election day counts for that precinct were used, rather than a hand recount.
Election fraud has been going on for quite some time..............and in every election it's all over the news just before the vote including tonight on U.S. Messageboards...............

This is a what if OP................and the suspicion that their will be voter fraud again................Which is why I mentioned Rotten Acorn already.

I believe in one person and one vote.............Which is why I believe in voter I.D., and all voter registers to be verifiable to the best extent possible to ensure dead people aren't voting again.............or illegals................

Every vote.............we have this.............more people voting in a district than censuses say are even there........dead people voting.............lost votes..............and all the usual BS that goes with the elections...............

In our state you have to show a voter I.D. to vote and your name is checked off after registering.............which should be the norm for the nation.................As well as verifiable calibration of voting machines to ensure whatever is cast is what you actually voted for........................

In Alabama it's a paper ballet, which is then scanned into a reader and you are on your way.............Which gives a paper verification if needed.
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GOP response in the unlikely event you describe? - I'm hoping they all commit seppaku, but expecting a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What will the country do? Rejoice.

So you advocate election fraud to get your way?
Don't know where you got that idea from. No, I don't advocate election fraud or any other kind of fraud. That would put me at the same level as Republicans who stole the vote in 2004 with their Diebold voting machines with no paper trail.
So even the hardest core brain dead libs are admitting the GOP will win big tomorrow. Certainly take the Senate. Probably win many other races as well.
But what if we're wrong? What if the Dems roll out the most outrageous vote fraud scheme the country has seen in the industrial era? What if the numbers come in and races that were totally called for the GOP end up going to the Dems instead.
What will the GOP response be?
What will the country do?
What shoudl they do?

Yes, Dems are going to rig the elections when Republicans control most state legislatures and state offices.
So even the hardest core brain dead libs are admitting the GOP will win big tomorrow. Certainly take the Senate. Probably win many other races as well.
But what if we're wrong? What if the Dems roll out the most outrageous vote fraud scheme the country has seen in the industrial era? What if the numbers come in and races that were totally called for the GOP end up going to the Dems instead.
What will the GOP response be?
What will the country do?
What shoudl they do?

Yes, Dems are going to rig the elections when Republicans control most state legislatures and state offices.
Sounds like the right is making contingency excuses.
GOP response in the unlikely event you describe? - I'm hoping they all commit seppaku, but expecting a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What will the country do? Rejoice.

It's 'seppuku'. And merely suggesting that they kill themselves is proof of how far gone the Democrats have become. I despise both parties with a passion, but only Democrats seem to prove themselves as the most vile of the two.

Only in your strange RW wet-dreams. Or did you write these same things to Zander when he proposed that Liberals be assassinated? But of course you didn't! He's a Rightie!!!

Carry on, and don't forget, off is the direction in which you can and should fuck.
Maybe getting to 51 means the GOP will "win big"?


Generic: GOP +2.2

"win big"


Gotta hand it to you, fake Rabbi, you are a great piss-pot-boy.

Carry on.
already making excuses.

Seems appropriate to me, since that's what this entire thread is.

Everyone knows that conservatism can never fail, but only be failed. Right?

Would you be speaking from experience?

I doubt it. He seems a little too delicate to have much real world experience.
He's an expert theoretician, though. You know... like a teenager who thinks they know everything.

...says the poster who completely melted down when I hurt his poor little feelings by calling him a racist asshole.


What "real world" experience are you talking about, anyway? Neither your post nor TK's make any sense.

Do they ever? :lol:
...says the poster who completely melted down when I hurt his poor little feelings by calling him a racist asshole.


What "real world" experience are you talking about, anyway? Neither your post nor TK's make any sense.

Well, that's on par for you, Doc. Dismiss any post you can't counter with "you don't make sense!"

I'm asking for clarification. If you can't provide that, I'll assume that you didn't actually have a point.

What are you asking about my experience with?

You said

"Everyone knows that conservatism can never fail, but only be failed. Right?"

Are you convinced liberalism can never fail? Or are you speaking to the fact that it has?

That is your clarification, sir.

All ideologies can fail.

Yes, yes, they can, but your assertion seems to target only one.

Oh, Gawd, what a fucking crybaby. Get the pacy out of your mouth, burn your linus blanket an actually write like a man for once.


"Mommy, mommy, the mean mod man didn't hate on Liberals enough, he didn't hate on Liberals enough! I'm gonna whirl my peas at him!!"

Meanwhile, back to the stupid-assed OP, written by a moron with an IQ of about -30:

If Dems Jump The Shark

So, fake Rabbi, fuckface, it works like this.

Candidates win primaries, the become nominees.
US-Citizens register to vote, go to the polls or send in absentee ballots - and make their choice.
The votes are counted and victors declared.
And the nation goes onward.

Thanks for playing.
Election fraud has been going on for quite some time..............and in every election it's all over the news just before the vote including tonight on U.S. Messageboards...............

This is a what if OP................and the suspicion that their will be voter fraud again................Which is why I mentioned Rotten Acorn already.

I believe in one person and one vote.............Which is why I believe in voter I.D., and all voter registers to be verifiable to the best extent possible to ensure dead people aren't voting again.............or illegals................

Every vote.............we have this.............more people voting in a district than censuses say are even there........dead people voting.............lost votes..............and all the usual BS that goes with the elections...............

In our state you have to show a voter I.D. to vote and your name is checked off after registering.............which should be the norm for the nation.................As well as verifiable calibration of voting machines to ensure whatever is cast is what you actually voted for........................

In Alabama it's a paper ballet, which is then scanned into a reader and you are on your way.............Which gives a paper verification if needed.

And yet, in North Dakota, a bastion of Conservative strenght, a ruby RED state, there is no voter registration at all and no ID is required at the polls. I may go around accusing ND of massive voter fraud for every election in it's history. Hey, the fuckers don't even have voter rolls. Every Tom, Dick and Elephant could drive over the border, roll into a polling station and cast a vote in ND. Yeehaw!!!!
Election fraud has been going on for quite some time..............and in every election it's all over the news just before the vote including tonight on U.S. Messageboards...............

This is a what if OP................and the suspicion that their will be voter fraud again................Which is why I mentioned Rotten Acorn already.

I believe in one person and one vote.............Which is why I believe in voter I.D., and all voter registers to be verifiable to the best extent possible to ensure dead people aren't voting again.............or illegals................

Every vote.............we have this.............more people voting in a district than censuses say are even there........dead people voting.............lost votes..............and all the usual BS that goes with the elections...............

In our state you have to show a voter I.D. to vote and your name is checked off after registering.............which should be the norm for the nation.................As well as verifiable calibration of voting machines to ensure whatever is cast is what you actually voted for........................

In Alabama it's a paper ballet, which is then scanned into a reader and you are on your way.............Which gives a paper verification if needed.

And yet, in North Dakota, a bastion of Conservative strenght, a ruby RED state, there is no voter registration at all and no ID is required at the polls. I may go around accusing ND of massive voter fraud for every election in it's history. Hey, the fuckers don't even have voter rolls. Every Tom, Dick and Elephant could drive over the border, roll into a polling station and cast a vote in ND. Yeehaw!!!!
I don't live in ND, and it sounds like it needs to be fixed...................Alabama requires the I.D.............and I believe it should be nationwide..............

So........you are for voter I.D. now or are you just browsing for anything against the GOP.........If they don't have the voter roles then that should be changed whether the color is red or blue..................

Your side always pushes the race baiting game, and etc.........and for ways to ensure the illegals get a vote............Hell the only reason your side is about the immigration at all is for the votes.
Election fraud has been going on for quite some time..............and in every election it's all over the news just before the vote including tonight on U.S. Messageboards...............

This is a what if OP................and the suspicion that their will be voter fraud again................Which is why I mentioned Rotten Acorn already.

I believe in one person and one vote.............Which is why I believe in voter I.D., and all voter registers to be verifiable to the best extent possible to ensure dead people aren't voting again.............or illegals................

Every vote.............we have this.............more people voting in a district than censuses say are even there........dead people voting.............lost votes..............and all the usual BS that goes with the elections...............

In our state you have to show a voter I.D. to vote and your name is checked off after registering.............which should be the norm for the nation.................As well as verifiable calibration of voting machines to ensure whatever is cast is what you actually voted for........................

In Alabama it's a paper ballet, which is then scanned into a reader and you are on your way.............Which gives a paper verification if needed.

And yet, in North Dakota, a bastion of Conservative strenght, a ruby RED state, there is no voter registration at all and no ID is required at the polls. I may go around accusing ND of massive voter fraud for every election in it's history. Hey, the fuckers don't even have voter rolls. Every Tom, Dick and Elephant could drive over the border, roll into a polling station and cast a vote in ND. Yeehaw!!!!
I don't live in ND, and it sounds like it needs to be fixed...................Alabama requires the I.D.............and I believe it should be nationwide..............

So........you are for voter I.D. now or are you just browsing for anything against the GOP.........If they don't have the voter roles then that should be changed whether the color is red or blue..................

Your side always pushes the race baiting game, and etc.........and for ways to ensure the illegals get a vote............Hell the only reason your side is about the immigration at all is for the votes.

I am absolutely FOR voter ID, have always been so. I am for a national ID card and a national database. I am also for automatic voter registration at the age of 18 in every state of the Union. Everyone has a national ID card, everyone 18 and older is automatically registered to vote and bingo, it's that simple. No more of this hodgepodge crap.

The only reason it is NOT this way is because that actual nuts and bolts of electioneering are not enumerated in the US Constitution, and therefore the actual carrying out of elections is left up to each individual state.
Election fraud has been going on for quite some time..............and in every election it's all over the news just before the vote including tonight on U.S. Messageboards...............

This is a what if OP................and the suspicion that their will be voter fraud again................Which is why I mentioned Rotten Acorn already.

I believe in one person and one vote.............Which is why I believe in voter I.D., and all voter registers to be verifiable to the best extent possible to ensure dead people aren't voting again.............or illegals................

Every vote.............we have this.............more people voting in a district than censuses say are even there........dead people voting.............lost votes..............and all the usual BS that goes with the elections...............

In our state you have to show a voter I.D. to vote and your name is checked off after registering.............which should be the norm for the nation.................As well as verifiable calibration of voting machines to ensure whatever is cast is what you actually voted for........................

In Alabama it's a paper ballet, which is then scanned into a reader and you are on your way.............Which gives a paper verification if needed.

And yet, in North Dakota, a bastion of Conservative strenght, a ruby RED state, there is no voter registration at all and no ID is required at the polls. I may go around accusing ND of massive voter fraud for every election in it's history. Hey, the fuckers don't even have voter rolls. Every Tom, Dick and Elephant could drive over the border, roll into a polling station and cast a vote in ND. Yeehaw!!!!
I don't live in ND, and it sounds like it needs to be fixed...................Alabama requires the I.D.............and I believe it should be nationwide..............

So........you are for voter I.D. now or are you just browsing for anything against the GOP.........If they don't have the voter roles then that should be changed whether the color is red or blue..................

Your side always pushes the race baiting game, and etc.........and for ways to ensure the illegals get a vote............Hell the only reason your side is about the immigration at all is for the votes.

I am absolutely FOR voter ID, have always been so. I am for a national ID card and a national database. I am also for automatic voter registration at the age of 18 in every state of the Union. Everyone has a national ID card, everyone 18 and older is automatically registered to vote and bingo, it's that simple. No more of this hodgepodge crap.

The only reason it is NOT this way is because that actual nuts and bolts of electioneering are not enumerated in the US Constitution, and therefore the actual carrying out of elections is left up to each individual state.
We agree and disagree..........I'm not for the national I.D..............I'm for passing a SIMPLE VOTER I.D. LAW..............and allow the states to implement it. I don't agree with giving the Feds any more power than they already have....................Our state has implemented it, as has other states and so can the others..............as each state would have to change their laws to adapt to the Federal Law anyway...............and since it would be implemented by the DMV's anyway the states should handle it.
Well, that's on par for you, Doc. Dismiss any post you can't counter with "you don't make sense!"

I'm asking for clarification. If you can't provide that, I'll assume that you didn't actually have a point.

What are you asking about my experience with?

You said

"Everyone knows that conservatism can never fail, but only be failed. Right?"

Are you convinced liberalism can never fail? Or are you speaking to the fact that it has?

That is your clarification, sir.

All ideologies can fail.

Yes, yes, they can, but your assertion seems to target only one.

This thread isn't about "liberalism", it's about pre-emptive excuses should the Republicans not do as well as expected.
No. As usual your vast powers of reading and interpretation fail you. I direct you to the word "if" in the OP.
Election fraud has been going on for quite some time..............and in every election it's all over the news just before the vote including tonight on U.S. Messageboards...............

This is a what if OP................and the suspicion that their will be voter fraud again................Which is why I mentioned Rotten Acorn already.

I believe in one person and one vote.............Which is why I believe in voter I.D., and all voter registers to be verifiable to the best extent possible to ensure dead people aren't voting again.............or illegals................

Every vote.............we have this.............more people voting in a district than censuses say are even there........dead people voting.............lost votes..............and all the usual BS that goes with the elections...............

In our state you have to show a voter I.D. to vote and your name is checked off after registering.............which should be the norm for the nation.................As well as verifiable calibration of voting machines to ensure whatever is cast is what you actually voted for........................

In Alabama it's a paper ballet, which is then scanned into a reader and you are on your way.............Which gives a paper verification if needed.

And yet, in North Dakota, a bastion of Conservative strenght, a ruby RED state, there is no voter registration at all and no ID is required at the polls. I may go around accusing ND of massive voter fraud for every election in it's history. Hey, the fuckers don't even have voter rolls. Every Tom, Dick and Elephant could drive over the border, roll into a polling station and cast a vote in ND. Yeehaw!!!!
I don't live in ND, and it sounds like it needs to be fixed...................Alabama requires the I.D.............and I believe it should be nationwide..............

So........you are for voter I.D. now or are you just browsing for anything against the GOP.........If they don't have the voter roles then that should be changed whether the color is red or blue..................

Your side always pushes the race baiting game, and etc.........and for ways to ensure the illegals get a vote............Hell the only reason your side is about the immigration at all is for the votes.

I am absolutely FOR voter ID, have always been so. I am for a national ID card and a national database. I am also for automatic voter registration at the age of 18 in every state of the Union. Everyone has a national ID card, everyone 18 and older is automatically registered to vote and bingo, it's that simple. No more of this hodgepodge crap.

The only reason it is NOT this way is because that actual nuts and bolts of electioneering are not enumerated in the US Constitution, and therefore the actual carrying out of elections is left up to each individual state.
Ja! Papieren, bitte!
Uncle Adolph would be proud!
Election fraud has been going on for quite some time..............and in every election it's all over the news just before the vote including tonight on U.S. Messageboards...............

This is a what if OP................and the suspicion that their will be voter fraud again................Which is why I mentioned Rotten Acorn already.

I believe in one person and one vote.............Which is why I believe in voter I.D., and all voter registers to be verifiable to the best extent possible to ensure dead people aren't voting again.............or illegals................

Every vote.............we have this.............more people voting in a district than censuses say are even there........dead people voting.............lost votes..............and all the usual BS that goes with the elections...............

In our state you have to show a voter I.D. to vote and your name is checked off after registering.............which should be the norm for the nation.................As well as verifiable calibration of voting machines to ensure whatever is cast is what you actually voted for........................

In Alabama it's a paper ballet, which is then scanned into a reader and you are on your way.............Which gives a paper verification if needed.

And yet, in North Dakota, a bastion of Conservative strenght, a ruby RED state, there is no voter registration at all and no ID is required at the polls. I may go around accusing ND of massive voter fraud for every election in it's history. Hey, the fuckers don't even have voter rolls. Every Tom, Dick and Elephant could drive over the border, roll into a polling station and cast a vote in ND. Yeehaw!!!!
I don't live in ND, and it sounds like it needs to be fixed...................Alabama requires the I.D.............and I believe it should be nationwide..............

So........you are for voter I.D. now or are you just browsing for anything against the GOP.........If they don't have the voter roles then that should be changed whether the color is red or blue..................

Your side always pushes the race baiting game, and etc.........and for ways to ensure the illegals get a vote............Hell the only reason your side is about the immigration at all is for the votes.

I am absolutely FOR voter ID, have always been so. I am for a national ID card and a national database. I am also for automatic voter registration at the age of 18 in every state of the Union. Everyone has a national ID card, everyone 18 and older is automatically registered to vote and bingo, it's that simple. No more of this hodgepodge crap.

The only reason it is NOT this way is because that actual nuts and bolts of electioneering are not enumerated in the US Constitution, and therefore the actual carrying out of elections is left up to each individual state.
Ja! Papieren, bitte!
Uncle Adolph would be proud!
Conservatives aren't really interested in voter fraud prevention unless it happens to suppress opposition turn out. I am certain Democrats would go along with some of these fraud prevention schemes if they just coupled them with measures that would increase turn out.

Thomas Jefferson said it best, "Vote early and vote often but don't forget your picture ID."
GOP response in the unlikely event you describe? - I'm hoping they all commit seppaku, but expecting a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What will the country do? Rejoice.

It's 'seppuku'. And merely suggesting that they kill themselves is proof of how far gone the Democrats have become. I despise both parties with a passion, but only Democrats seem to prove themselves as the most vile of the two.

Lighten up, Francis. It was just a bad joke. Yeah, you despise both parties with a passion, but only criticize one of them.

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