If Ebola is so contagious why

Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
I volunteer you and anyone who agrees with you to be the next care team for the next ebola patient. It doesn't matter if you have nursing experience. You can empty bedpans and clean up the linens, scrub floors etc.

Put your money where your mouth is or shut up and get out of the way to let people experienced with 70% fatal highly infectious diseases that are zoonitic [carried by and transmitted to and from animals] run the show.

You hear the phrase "more people died from the flu than ebola". Well those people are the sick and the weak to begin with. When ebola carries a 70% kill rate for big strapping prime aged black guys from Africa [a continent whose brutal natural selection has favored some of the physically-strongest people on earth] and is highly infectious, it's not even in the same ballpark as the flu.

Not even close. This is a civilization-dooming prospect when it reaches a tipping point where the well and vulnerable can no longer care for the sick. You want to see shit get real? Wait till it reaches that point. It's almost there in Africa. At that point humanitarian aide is going to go out the window for road blocks and "shoot on sight" martial law as forced quarantines of entire regions go into effect.
Liberals are on here saying Ebola is no more dangerous than the common flu and you can have sex with an infected patient.

All while they laugh at us, who know there is an actual reason why 37 countries have travel bans from those regions.

That is because Ebola is no more dangerous than the common flu, which can be treated with mass doses of vitamin C and chicken soup.

The pathetic thing is how these liberals in their fucking arrogant know it all heads, believe they are the smart ones.

Pred, they are still agreeing and thanking you. The same group pred, that thinks it is perfectly ok to have sex with an infected patient and that Ebola is less serious than the common flu.

I don't really give a rats ass what liberals think. Medicine is my life's work, my career. Microbiology and infectious diseases are a fascinating part of my job, though not the only fascinating part.

I know enough to know what's bull shit and what isn't.

I must have missed it, where did anyone say it was ok to have sex with an infected patient?

Read the posts from the faun idiot.

Also, please stop giving me your resume. There are health ministers from France and England and the rest of the countries that have banned travel for a reason.

I showed you where doctors have not thrown out the notion that it could be air borne. Far from throwing out actually.

I have showed you how the head of the World Health Organization has also stated that. There are plenty of doctors that have your credentials or better credentials that are giving different testimony. Erring on the side of caution is not hysteria, and that is what you are saying.

Anyone that is erring on the side of caution is not necessarily hysterical. However, when we see our CDC be wrong on a consistent basis, and this fucking American hating socialist asshole in chief does not lift a fucking finger to ban travel (all for political expediency) then it will cause greater concern.

Hysteria has not happened. Perhaps you really do not what hysteria is.

What I do know is pandemics happen, and for a bunch of educated academics like the left always brag about, they sure as shit do not know history.

I know, to them there is always some new technological advance that we have now, that they did not have during the Spanish Flu. Of course, let us be careless with our approach.

Also, your comment about MOST CASES do not stay dormant for 21 days is also absurd. You know how this works, I think. If 1000 patients come in here and 20 people get past the iron wall of thermometers, that means 20 for every 1000 people coming from those countries are getting by and carrying it into the US public.

If there are 1000 people coming here a week (and that is what is coming in here) then how many infected are coming into the public over 6 months? You need a calculator?

All I do know is with all of your credentials that you are obviously very proud of and constantly shoving in our faces, you do not know all of the dangers of this disease. The most renown doctors and Ebola experts that have been studying this since the 70s do not know everything about it. Especially, how it is transmitted. They have a pretty good idea, but nothing it set in stone. Most of it is theoretical as far as them knowing ALL of the ways it is transmitted.

I am still trying to get past the fact that you claim FEMA will then get involved if and when there is an outbreak. FEMA!?!?!?!

Do you listen to yourself. By the way, there is not a "possibility" there will be an outbreak. There is a probability.

Again I am not your enemy, yet you can't help but throw insults.

Let me try once more to clear things up:
1. I'm FOR banning travel yet you keep claiming that I'm not.
2. The CDC has not been consistently wrong, though you keep saying they are despite the fact that I have shown you differently.
3. Erring on the side of caution is not what you are doing. You are spreading erroneous sound bites and rumors.
4. There are not 1000 people coming here a week from the infected countries. That right there, is called hysteria.
5. You again are wrong, almost every single doctor and virologist knows how it's transmitted. It's just that every time they tell you, you call them liars.
6. Yes FEMA, why not FEMA? You think that the government will miss a chance to use an outbreak to control people's lives?

Out of respect of a fellow conservative I will not return your insult. I will ask you if you can answer this one question. If I'm lying, and the CDC is lying, and the experts are lying, why hasn't there been more than 3 people in Dallas infected with Ebola?

Me asking you to not give your credentials constantly is not insulting. That is me telling you that there are many MDs that have as good as credentials as you that have stated that it is not 100% that it is not transmitted through the air.

Me or any of us showing great concern is NOT HYSTERIA. You saying that is hysteria, is hysteria in itself. However, we are trying to prevent hysteria.

There is a long list of things the CDC has been either wrong about or they have not been upfront or deliberately omitted poignant facts. You keep on claiming every hospital is equipped when it is clear they are not equipped for an outbreak of this type.

The Dallas hospital could not handle ONE person. Most staff are not even aware of how to dispose of the waste and they certainly do not all have the proper protocols in place.

FEMA is government run and in case you have not noticed the government shows itself to be woefully inept. You think FEMA will be adequate?

Trust this. I am not being insulting. However, it should give you pause when you get morons who continuously say the common flu is a bigger concern than Ebola. They, are giving you agreements.
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And, given the geometric progression by which such a virus can spread, even through a lower-order physical-contact transmission vector...

How many of us can say with certainty that we have not already done so?

Just ask that school district in Ohio...

Or those thousands of passengers on that Carnival cruise liner...

If each potential carrier comes into contact with even as few as two (2) others per day...

Many of you already know how quickly simple binary math (counting) gets out of hand in such calculations....

1 x 2 = 2 | x 2 = 4 | x 2 = 8 | x 2 = 16 | x 2 = 32 | x 2 = 64 | x 2 = 128 | x 2 = 256 | x 2 = 512 | x 2 = 1024 | x 2 = 2048 | x 2 = 4096 | x 2 = 8192 | x 2 = 16348 | x 2 = 32768 | x 2 = 65536 | x 2 = 131072 | etc... etc... etc... and that's only two additional contacts per potential carrier... and only for a single day.

The risk-factor computations get out of hand pretty damned fast, even in that sort of limited (2 people, 1 day) scenario, but, starting adding more contacts and multiple days to the computations, and the risk numbers start approaching the stratosphere.

That doesn't mean that we have to freak out and do the sky-is-falling thing.

But it does mean that we need to start using our common sense with respect to minimizing the number of incoming potential carriers, and acting on such common-sense concerns.

Common sense yes, hysteria, no.

I see..When YOU want to avoid it, it's "common sense"..if someone else wants to avoid it, it's "hysteria".

LMAO...right...agenda revealed.

Painted into a corner by your own words.... Thanks for supporting my premise.


Is that how you interpret that moron? Funny.

it would be funny if she weren't so pathetically sad and ignorant.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
I volunteer you and anyone who agrees with you to be the next care team for the next ebola patient. It doesn't matter if you have nursing experience. You can empty bedpans and clean up the linens, scrub floors etc.

Put your money where your mouth is or shut up and get out of the way to let people experienced with 70% fatal highly infectious diseases that are zoonitic [carried by and transmitted to and from animals] run the show.

You hear the phrase "more people died from the flu than ebola". Well those people are the sick and the weak to begin with. When ebola carries a 70% kill rate for big strapping prime aged black guys from Africa [a continent whose brutal natural selection has favored some of the physically-strongest people on earth] and is highly infectious, it's not even in the same ballpark as the flu.

Not even close. This is a civilization-dooming prospect when it reaches a tipping point where the well and vulnerable can no longer care for the sick. You want to see shit get real? Wait till it reaches that point. It's almost there in Africa. At that point humanitarian aide is going to go out the window for road blocks and "shoot on sight" martial law as forced quarantines of entire regions go into effect.

jeeze you're an idiot.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
I volunteer you and anyone who agrees with you to be the next care team for the next ebola patient. It doesn't matter if you have nursing experience. You can empty bedpans and clean up the linens, scrub floors etc.

Put your money where your mouth is or shut up and get out of the way to let people experienced with 70% fatal highly infectious diseases that are zoonitic [carried by and transmitted to and from animals] run the show.

You hear the phrase "more people died from the flu than ebola". Well those people are the sick and the weak to begin with. When ebola carries a 70% kill rate for big strapping prime aged black guys from Africa [a continent whose brutal natural selection has favored some of the physically-strongest people on earth] and is highly infectious, it's not even in the same ballpark as the flu.

Not even close. This is a civilization-dooming prospect when it reaches a tipping point where the well and vulnerable can no longer care for the sick. You want to see shit get real? Wait till it reaches that point. It's almost there in Africa. At that point humanitarian aide is going to go out the window for road blocks and "shoot on sight" martial law as forced quarantines of entire regions go into effect.
You're an idiot. I am happy to let the experts do their jobs and not spread panic and mistrust like you and the rest of the nutters are doing.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
I volunteer you and anyone who agrees with you to be the next care team for the next ebola patient. It doesn't matter if you have nursing experience. You can empty bedpans and clean up the linens, scrub floors etc.

Put your money where your mouth is or shut up and get out of the way to let people experienced with 70% fatal highly infectious diseases that are zoonitic [carried by and transmitted to and from animals] run the show.

You hear the phrase "more people died from the flu than ebola". Well those people are the sick and the weak to begin with. When ebola carries a 70% kill rate for big strapping prime aged black guys from Africa [a continent whose brutal natural selection has favored some of the physically-strongest people on earth] and is highly infectious, it's not even in the same ballpark as the flu.

Not even close. This is a civilization-dooming prospect when it reaches a tipping point where the well and vulnerable can no longer care for the sick. You want to see shit get real? Wait till it reaches that point. It's almost there in Africa. At that point humanitarian aide is going to go out the window for road blocks and "shoot on sight" martial law as forced quarantines of entire regions go into effect.
You're an idiot. I am happy to let the experts do their jobs and not spread panic and mistrust like you and the rest of the nutters are doing.

Yeah, keep on thinking all of the experts are in agreement with the way this administration is handling things.

Stupid ass.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
I volunteer you and anyone who agrees with you to be the next care team for the next ebola patient. It doesn't matter if you have nursing experience. You can empty bedpans and clean up the linens, scrub floors etc.

Put your money where your mouth is or shut up and get out of the way to let people experienced with 70% fatal highly infectious diseases that are zoonitic [carried by and transmitted to and from animals] run the show.

You hear the phrase "more people died from the flu than ebola". Well those people are the sick and the weak to begin with. When ebola carries a 70% kill rate for big strapping prime aged black guys from Africa [a continent whose brutal natural selection has favored some of the physically-strongest people on earth] and is highly infectious, it's not even in the same ballpark as the flu.

Not even close. This is a civilization-dooming prospect when it reaches a tipping point where the well and vulnerable can no longer care for the sick. You want to see shit get real? Wait till it reaches that point. It's almost there in Africa. At that point humanitarian aide is going to go out the window for road blocks and "shoot on sight" martial law as forced quarantines of entire regions go into effect.
You're an idiot. I am happy to let the experts do their jobs and not spread panic and mistrust like you and the rest of the nutters are doing.

Yeah, keep on thinking all of the experts are in agreement with the way this administration is handling things.

Stupid ass.
They are except FOX's attention whore "doctor"
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
I volunteer you and anyone who agrees with you to be the next care team for the next ebola patient. It doesn't matter if you have nursing experience. You can empty bedpans and clean up the linens, scrub floors etc.

Put your money where your mouth is or shut up and get out of the way to let people experienced with 70% fatal highly infectious diseases that are zoonitic [carried by and transmitted to and from animals] run the show.

You hear the phrase "more people died from the flu than ebola". Well those people are the sick and the weak to begin with. When ebola carries a 70% kill rate for big strapping prime aged black guys from Africa [a continent whose brutal natural selection has favored some of the physically-strongest people on earth] and is highly infectious, it's not even in the same ballpark as the flu.

Not even close. This is a civilization-dooming prospect when it reaches a tipping point where the well and vulnerable can no longer care for the sick. You want to see shit get real? Wait till it reaches that point. It's almost there in Africa. At that point humanitarian aide is going to go out the window for road blocks and "shoot on sight" martial law as forced quarantines of entire regions go into effect.

jeeze you're an idiot.

brilliant rebuttal :blahblah:

Doctors with experience dealing with Ebola are not impressed with the CDC:

U.S. standards for protecting healthcare workers from Ebola are weaker than those widely used in West Africa, according to the leader of a group treating victims of the virus in Liberia.

“We’re not comfortable with [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)] procedures,” Ken Isaacs, the vice president of Samaritan's Purse, told The Hill.

When Samaritan's Purse health workers treat patients in Liberia, they wear two pairs of gloves and spray themselves with disinfectant twice before leaving the isolation ward. They have a three-foot “no touch” policy and hold safety meetings every day.

In U.S. hospitals — such as Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, which has had three cases of Ebola — workers don't have to hose down their gear and are told it’s OK for gloves to expose their wrists.

“If you slip, and you touch your skin on the wrist, you’re going to get Ebola,” said Isaacs, who has worked on-the-ground disaster relief in countries like Haiti, the Philippines and Bosnia.

“Can we trust CDC? They said they were going to stop it in its tracks, but I don’t know."...


Isaacs said he was alarmed by CDC’s response.

“To this day, in Liberia, if someone has a temperature of 99.5, they are not getting on the airplane,” Issacs said.

Aid group leader Africa s Ebola standards higher than CDC s TheHill
Liberals are on here saying Ebola is no more dangerous than the common flu and you can have sex with an infected patient.

All while they laugh at us, who know there is an actual reason why 37 countries have travel bans from those regions.

That is because Ebola is no more dangerous than the common flu, which can be treated with mass doses of vitamin C and chicken soup.

The pathetic thing is how these liberals in their fucking arrogant know it all heads, believe they are the smart ones.

Pred, they are still agreeing and thanking you. The same group pred, that thinks it is perfectly ok to have sex with an infected patient and that Ebola is less serious than the common flu.

I don't really give a rats ass what liberals think. Medicine is my life's work, my career. Microbiology and infectious diseases are a fascinating part of my job, though not the only fascinating part.

I know enough to know what's bull shit and what isn't.

I must have missed it, where did anyone say it was ok to have sex with an infected patient?

Read the posts from the faun idiot.

Also, please stop giving me your resume. There are health ministers from France and England and the rest of the countries that have banned travel for a reason.

I showed you where doctors have not thrown out the notion that it could be air borne. Far from throwing out actually.

I have showed you how the head of the World Health Organization has also stated that. There are plenty of doctors that have your credentials or better credentials that are giving different testimony. Erring on the side of caution is not hysteria, and that is what you are saying.

Anyone that is erring on the side of caution is not necessarily hysterical. However, when we see our CDC be wrong on a consistent basis, and this fucking American hating socialist asshole in chief does not lift a fucking finger to ban travel (all for political expediency) then it will cause greater concern.

Hysteria has not happened. Perhaps you really do not what hysteria is.

What I do know is pandemics happen, and for a bunch of educated academics like the left always brag about, they sure as shit do not know history.

I know, to them there is always some new technological advance that we have now, that they did not have during the Spanish Flu. Of course, let us be careless with our approach.

Also, your comment about MOST CASES do not stay dormant for 21 days is also absurd. You know how this works, I think. If 1000 patients come in here and 20 people get past the iron wall of thermometers, that means 20 for every 1000 people coming from those countries are getting by and carrying it into the US public.

If there are 1000 people coming here a week (and that is what is coming in here) then how many infected are coming into the public over 6 months? You need a calculator?

All I do know is with all of your credentials that you are obviously very proud of and constantly shoving in our faces, you do not know all of the dangers of this disease. The most renown doctors and Ebola experts that have been studying this since the 70s do not know everything about it. Especially, how it is transmitted. They have a pretty good idea, but nothing it set in stone. Most of it is theoretical as far as them knowing ALL of the ways it is transmitted.

I am still trying to get past the fact that you claim FEMA will then get involved if and when there is an outbreak. FEMA!?!?!?!

Do you listen to yourself. By the way, there is not a "possibility" there will be an outbreak. There is a probability.

Again I am not your enemy, yet you can't help but throw insults.

Let me try once more to clear things up:
1. I'm FOR banning travel yet you keep claiming that I'm not.
2. The CDC has not been consistently wrong, though you keep saying they are despite the fact that I have shown you differently.
3. Erring on the side of caution is not what you are doing. You are spreading erroneous sound bites and rumors.
4. There are not 1000 people coming here a week from the infected countries. That right there, is called hysteria.
5. You again are wrong, almost every single doctor and virologist knows how it's transmitted. It's just that every time they tell you, you call them liars.
6. Yes FEMA, why not FEMA? You think that the government will miss a chance to use an outbreak to control people's lives?

Out of respect of a fellow conservative I will not return your insult. I will ask you if you can answer this one question. If I'm lying, and the CDC is lying, and the experts are lying, why hasn't there been more than 3 people in Dallas infected with Ebola?

Me asking you to not give your credentials constantly is not insulting. That is me telling you that there are many MDs that have as good as credentials as you that have stated that it is not 100% that it is not transmitted through the air.

Me or any of us showing great concern is NOT HYSTERIA. You saying that is hysteria, is hysteria in itself. However, we are trying to prevent hysteria.

There is a long list of things the CDC has been either wrong about or they have not been upfront or deliberately omitted poignant facts. You keep on claiming every hospital is equipped when it is clear they are not equipped for an outbreak of this type.

The Dallas hospital could not handle ONE person. Most staff are not even aware of how to dispose of the waste and they certainly do not all have the proper protocols in place.

FEMA is government run and in case you have not noticed the government shows itself to be woefully inept. You think FEMA will be adequate?

Trust this. I am not being insulting. However, it should give you pause when you get morons who continuously say the common flu is a bigger concern than Ebola. They, are giving you agreements.

Read your post again, you called me an idiot. I chose not to return the insult.

It is clear to me that you are not paying any attention to anything I've said. You keep making claims about me that aren't true, you keep saying I haven't addressed things that I clearly have, and you continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over. There is nothing more I can say to you.

Why don't you try answering the question I asked?
TEN patients at Dallas Ebola apartment are classified as high risk Daily Mail Online

This makes sense. The family was whisked away. Obama keeping a lid on things until after the election

the family was taken away so the pitchfork society wouldn't be hysterical and standing in front of their door.

but yes, let's pretend it's all about the black guy in the white house, frank.

Do you understand anything at all about Ebola? People aren't flocking to their apartment

Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a Ghost Town - ABC News
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TEN patients at Dallas Ebola apartment are classified as high risk Daily Mail Online

This makes sense. The family was whisked away. Obama keeping a lid on things until after the election

the family was taken away so the pitchfork society wouldn't be hysterical and standing in front of their door.

but yes, let's pretend it's all about the black guy in the white house, frank.

Do you understand anything at all about Ebola? People aren't flocking to their apartment

Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a Ghost Town - ABC News

With all love and admiration my friend, are you trying to say that mass hysteria is evidence?
TEN patients at Dallas Ebola apartment are classified as high risk Daily Mail Online

This makes sense. The family was whisked away. Obama keeping a lid on things until after the election

the family was taken away so the pitchfork society wouldn't be hysterical and standing in front of their door.

but yes, let's pretend it's all about the black guy in the white house, frank.

Do you understand anything at all about Ebola? People aren't flocking to their apartment

Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a Ghost Town - ABC News

Those leftists HAVE to try to make EVERYTHING about race...It's one of their favorite dodges. :rolleyes:
Liberals are on here saying Ebola is no more dangerous than the common flu and you can have sex with an infected patient.

All while they laugh at us, who know there is an actual reason why 37 countries have travel bans from those regions.

That is because Ebola is no more dangerous than the common flu, which can be treated with mass doses of vitamin C and chicken soup.

The pathetic thing is how these liberals in their fucking arrogant know it all heads, believe they are the smart ones.

Pred, they are still agreeing and thanking you. The same group pred, that thinks it is perfectly ok to have sex with an infected patient and that Ebola is less serious than the common flu.

I don't really give a rats ass what liberals think. Medicine is my life's work, my career. Microbiology and infectious diseases are a fascinating part of my job, though not the only fascinating part.

I know enough to know what's bull shit and what isn't.

I must have missed it, where did anyone say it was ok to have sex with an infected patient?

Read the posts from the faun idiot.

Also, please stop giving me your resume. There are health ministers from France and England and the rest of the countries that have banned travel for a reason.

I showed you where doctors have not thrown out the notion that it could be air borne. Far from throwing out actually.

I have showed you how the head of the World Health Organization has also stated that. There are plenty of doctors that have your credentials or better credentials that are giving different testimony. Erring on the side of caution is not hysteria, and that is what you are saying.

Anyone that is erring on the side of caution is not necessarily hysterical. However, when we see our CDC be wrong on a consistent basis, and this fucking American hating socialist asshole in chief does not lift a fucking finger to ban travel (all for political expediency) then it will cause greater concern.

Hysteria has not happened. Perhaps you really do not what hysteria is.

What I do know is pandemics happen, and for a bunch of educated academics like the left always brag about, they sure as shit do not know history.

I know, to them there is always some new technological advance that we have now, that they did not have during the Spanish Flu. Of course, let us be careless with our approach.

Also, your comment about MOST CASES do not stay dormant for 21 days is also absurd. You know how this works, I think. If 1000 patients come in here and 20 people get past the iron wall of thermometers, that means 20 for every 1000 people coming from those countries are getting by and carrying it into the US public.

If there are 1000 people coming here a week (and that is what is coming in here) then how many infected are coming into the public over 6 months? You need a calculator?

All I do know is with all of your credentials that you are obviously very proud of and constantly shoving in our faces, you do not know all of the dangers of this disease. The most renown doctors and Ebola experts that have been studying this since the 70s do not know everything about it. Especially, how it is transmitted. They have a pretty good idea, but nothing it set in stone. Most of it is theoretical as far as them knowing ALL of the ways it is transmitted.

I am still trying to get past the fact that you claim FEMA will then get involved if and when there is an outbreak. FEMA!?!?!?!

Do you listen to yourself. By the way, there is not a "possibility" there will be an outbreak. There is a probability.

Again I am not your enemy, yet you can't help but throw insults.

Let me try once more to clear things up:
1. I'm FOR banning travel yet you keep claiming that I'm not.
2. The CDC has not been consistently wrong, though you keep saying they are despite the fact that I have shown you differently.
3. Erring on the side of caution is not what you are doing. You are spreading erroneous sound bites and rumors.
4. There are not 1000 people coming here a week from the infected countries. That right there, is called hysteria.
5. You again are wrong, almost every single doctor and virologist knows how it's transmitted. It's just that every time they tell you, you call them liars.
6. Yes FEMA, why not FEMA? You think that the government will miss a chance to use an outbreak to control people's lives?

Out of respect of a fellow conservative I will not return your insult. I will ask you if you can answer this one question. If I'm lying, and the CDC is lying, and the experts are lying, why hasn't there been more than 3 people in Dallas infected with Ebola?

Me asking you to not give your credentials constantly is not insulting. That is me telling you that there are many MDs that have as good as credentials as you that have stated that it is not 100% that it is not transmitted through the air.

Me or any of us showing great concern is NOT HYSTERIA. You saying that is hysteria, is hysteria in itself. However, we are trying to prevent hysteria.

There is a long list of things the CDC has been either wrong about or they have not been upfront or deliberately omitted poignant facts. You keep on claiming every hospital is equipped when it is clear they are not equipped for an outbreak of this type.

The Dallas hospital could not handle ONE person. Most staff are not even aware of how to dispose of the waste and they certainly do not all have the proper protocols in place.

FEMA is government run and in case you have not noticed the government shows itself to be woefully inept. You think FEMA will be adequate?

Trust this. I am not being insulting. However, it should give you pause when you get morons who continuously say the common flu is a bigger concern than Ebola. They, are giving you agreements.

Read your post again, you called me an idiot. I chose not to return the insult.

It is clear to me that you are not paying any attention to anything I've said. You keep making claims about me that aren't true, you keep saying I haven't addressed things that I clearly have, and you continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over. There is nothing more I can say to you.

Why don't you try answering the question I asked?

You called Rotigilla a moron. Is that an insult that you are not engaged in? Watch out, you keep getting liberals on your side, then hypocrisy shall become you.

The question you asked me, was answered I told you to read what the IDIOT FAUN wrote. That is who I was calling IDIOT.

You keep on saying an outbreak of Ebola will not happen through air transmission. That is not agreed upon by the experts.

I also said just because you have certain credentials or extensive experience, does not make you en Ebola expert. I am not claiming I am. What I am doing is citing the experts that have worked with and against this disease for OVER 40 years.

There is nothing concrete and 100% as far as how it is transmitted. I am not even sure what we are really debating. You want to ban flights, fine.

What exactly is the disagreement? is it that you trust everything the CDC is saying? I do not trust everything, especially when it is that obvious the director is puppet of Obama.
I don't really give a rats ass what liberals think. Medicine is my life's work, my career. Microbiology and infectious diseases are a fascinating part of my job, though not the only fascinating part.

I know enough to know what's bull shit and what isn't.

I must have missed it, where did anyone say it was ok to have sex with an infected patient?

Read the posts from the faun idiot.

Also, please stop giving me your resume. There are health ministers from France and England and the rest of the countries that have banned travel for a reason.

I showed you where doctors have not thrown out the notion that it could be air borne. Far from throwing out actually.

I have showed you how the head of the World Health Organization has also stated that. There are plenty of doctors that have your credentials or better credentials that are giving different testimony. Erring on the side of caution is not hysteria, and that is what you are saying.

Anyone that is erring on the side of caution is not necessarily hysterical. However, when we see our CDC be wrong on a consistent basis, and this fucking American hating socialist asshole in chief does not lift a fucking finger to ban travel (all for political expediency) then it will cause greater concern.

Hysteria has not happened. Perhaps you really do not what hysteria is.

What I do know is pandemics happen, and for a bunch of educated academics like the left always brag about, they sure as shit do not know history.

I know, to them there is always some new technological advance that we have now, that they did not have during the Spanish Flu. Of course, let us be careless with our approach.

Also, your comment about MOST CASES do not stay dormant for 21 days is also absurd. You know how this works, I think. If 1000 patients come in here and 20 people get past the iron wall of thermometers, that means 20 for every 1000 people coming from those countries are getting by and carrying it into the US public.

If there are 1000 people coming here a week (and that is what is coming in here) then how many infected are coming into the public over 6 months? You need a calculator?

All I do know is with all of your credentials that you are obviously very proud of and constantly shoving in our faces, you do not know all of the dangers of this disease. The most renown doctors and Ebola experts that have been studying this since the 70s do not know everything about it. Especially, how it is transmitted. They have a pretty good idea, but nothing it set in stone. Most of it is theoretical as far as them knowing ALL of the ways it is transmitted.

I am still trying to get past the fact that you claim FEMA will then get involved if and when there is an outbreak. FEMA!?!?!?!

Do you listen to yourself. By the way, there is not a "possibility" there will be an outbreak. There is a probability.

Again I am not your enemy, yet you can't help but throw insults.

Let me try once more to clear things up:
1. I'm FOR banning travel yet you keep claiming that I'm not.
2. The CDC has not been consistently wrong, though you keep saying they are despite the fact that I have shown you differently.
3. Erring on the side of caution is not what you are doing. You are spreading erroneous sound bites and rumors.
4. There are not 1000 people coming here a week from the infected countries. That right there, is called hysteria.
5. You again are wrong, almost every single doctor and virologist knows how it's transmitted. It's just that every time they tell you, you call them liars.
6. Yes FEMA, why not FEMA? You think that the government will miss a chance to use an outbreak to control people's lives?

Out of respect of a fellow conservative I will not return your insult. I will ask you if you can answer this one question. If I'm lying, and the CDC is lying, and the experts are lying, why hasn't there been more than 3 people in Dallas infected with Ebola?

Me asking you to not give your credentials constantly is not insulting. That is me telling you that there are many MDs that have as good as credentials as you that have stated that it is not 100% that it is not transmitted through the air.

Me or any of us showing great concern is NOT HYSTERIA. You saying that is hysteria, is hysteria in itself. However, we are trying to prevent hysteria.

There is a long list of things the CDC has been either wrong about or they have not been upfront or deliberately omitted poignant facts. You keep on claiming every hospital is equipped when it is clear they are not equipped for an outbreak of this type.

The Dallas hospital could not handle ONE person. Most staff are not even aware of how to dispose of the waste and they certainly do not all have the proper protocols in place.

FEMA is government run and in case you have not noticed the government shows itself to be woefully inept. You think FEMA will be adequate?

Trust this. I am not being insulting. However, it should give you pause when you get morons who continuously say the common flu is a bigger concern than Ebola. They, are giving you agreements.

Read your post again, you called me an idiot. I chose not to return the insult.

It is clear to me that you are not paying any attention to anything I've said. You keep making claims about me that aren't true, you keep saying I haven't addressed things that I clearly have, and you continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over. There is nothing more I can say to you.

Why don't you try answering the question I asked?

You called Rotigilla a moron. Is that an insult that you are not engaged in? Watch out, you keep getting liberals on your side, then hypocrisy shall become you.

The question you asked me, was answered I told you to read what the IDIOT FAUN wrote. That is who I was calling IDIOT.

You keep on saying an outbreak of Ebola will not happen through air transmission. That is not agreed upon by the experts.

I also said just because you have certain credentials or extensive experience, does not make you en Ebola expert. I am not claiming I am. What I am doing is citing the experts that have worked with and against this disease for OVER 40 years.

There is nothing concrete and 100% as far as how it is transmitted. I am not even sure what we are really debating. You want to ban flights, fine.

What exactly is the disagreement? is it that you trust everything the CDC is saying? I do not trust everything, especially when it is that obvious the director is puppet of Obama.

I called him a moron AND a liar, because he is, and he began the insults. I don't claim not to have called the moron a moron. I did not call you one.

You still do not actually read the posts you are responding to do you? Are you even reading this now I wonder? Let me repeat the question I asked you, since you did not answer it and didn't even read it:

If I'm a full if shit idiot, and the CDC is lying, and the experts are lying, then why aren't there more than three people in Dallas that are infected? Why aren't there dozens? Hundreds? Thousands?
TEN patients at Dallas Ebola apartment are classified as high risk Daily Mail Online

This makes sense. The family was whisked away. Obama keeping a lid on things until after the election

the family was taken away so the pitchfork society wouldn't be hysterical and standing in front of their door.

but yes, let's pretend it's all about the black guy in the white house, frank.

Do you understand anything at all about Ebola? People aren't flocking to their apartment

Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a Ghost Town - ABC News

With all love and admiration my friend, are you trying to say that mass hysteria is evidence?

Trying to say that people tend to run FROM a level IV Slate Cleaner. Moreover, Obama is either a total incompetent or a bioterrorist.

What would his response have been if a TeaParty guy had a vial of Ebola in Dallas? Hmm? Same? Hmmm?

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