If Ebola is so contagious why

With all love and admiration my friend, are you trying to say that mass hysteria is evidence?

Trying to say that people tend to run FROM a level IV Slate Cleaner. Moreover, Obama is either a total incompetent or a bioterrorist.

What would his response have been if a TeaParty guy had a vial of Ebola in Dallas? Hmm? Same? Hmmm?

People will also run from ghosts, the Loch Ness Monster, and Bug Foot.

None of the above has a 70% death rate

You are actually helping me make my point. The fact that people panic and are scared doesn't turn fact into fiction.

Given that countries in Africa which have successfully contained Ebola have closed their borders to Ebola countries, I'll believe their assessment of Ebola more than I will Dr. Transfat's.

You are off the rails my friend, we aren't talking about that. I agree that banning travel to the US by people from those countries is the right thing to do.
As another mentioned- last time an epidemic like this happened, Raygun was Prez & we all know how that turned out- the epidemic exploded.

And elections were conducted as normal.

How's your confidence level in that happening again?
PROOF that the eXtreme Rightards, HBH in this instance [surprised?], are only interested in :up: scoring cheap political points :clap2:

Go away idiot, you are fucking up a good thread with your drivel.
Part of this discussion concerns trust in the government and the CDC in general to deal with Ebola. The fact that the CDC is not insisting on banning travel from Ebola countries contributes to the growing mistrust in their effectiveness.

Instead of preparing for something like an Ebola outbreak, the CDC has wasted gads of time and money on "obesity" and "smoking". These are not infections diseases. They are, however, quite illustrative of the mission creep which infects all aspects of our government to the extent that the original core missions are neglected and very little is done effectively or efficiently.
^ says "Dr" boedicca :rolleyes-41:

CDC - Chronic Disease - Obesity - At A Glance
Health Consequences of Obesity
Obesity increases the risk of many health conditions, including the following:

Obesity Is Costly
In 2008, overall medical care costs related to obesity for U.S. adults were estimated to be as high as $147 billion. People who were obese had medical costs that were $1,429 higher than the cost for people of normal body weight. Obesity also has been linked with reduced worker productivity and chronic absence from work.

Part of this discussion concerns trust in the government and the CDC in general to deal with Ebola. The fact that the CDC is not insisting on banning travel from Ebola countries contributes to the growing mistrust in their effectiveness.

Instead of preparing for something like an Ebola outbreak, the CDC has wasted gads of time and money on "obesity" and "smoking". These are not infections diseases. They are, however, quite illustrative of the mission creep which infects all aspects of our government to the extent that the original core missions are neglected and very little is done effectively or efficiently.

Actually that discussion is a deflection used by several people here to evade the point if the OP, which I have repeatedly asked again and no one even addresses it.

The real discussion in this thread is what aren't there more patients in Dallas? If it's so contagious as the hysterical people here and in the media say, why are there only 3 people who have been infected?

What about the people in the plane with Duncan?

What about the people he lived with?

What about the people he sat with in the ER before he got sent back out on the street?

What about the EMTs who transported him after he threw up blood?

What about the 70+ other people who took care of Duncan up until de died?

What about the coroner who examined his body?

Why aren't there hundreds if Ebola patients in Dallas?

Why will none of you who think I'm full of shit answer those questions?
I already addressed the contagious aspect and treatment protocols earlier in the thread.
Would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?
No...just like I wouldn't ride in a bus with someone with the flu.

The stupid thing about his favorite question is, well there's more than one actually, that he actually thinks that someone's fear turns a fact into fiction. The other problem with it is that if I know the person has Ebola, then he's already symptomatic and thus contagious. None if that proves the point he's trying to make. I can't make him see that though I've tried.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
I volunteer you and anyone who agrees with you to be the next care team for the next ebola patient. It doesn't matter if you have nursing experience. You can empty bedpans and clean up the linens, scrub floors etc.

Put your money where your mouth is or shut up and get out of the way to let people experienced with 70% fatal highly infectious diseases that are zoonitic [carried by and transmitted to and from animals] run the show.

You hear the phrase "more people died from the flu than ebola". Well those people are the sick and the weak to begin with. When ebola carries a 70% kill rate for big strapping prime aged black guys from Africa [a continent whose brutal natural selection has favored some of the physically-strongest people on earth] and is highly infectious, it's not even in the same ballpark as the flu.

Not even close. This is a civilization-dooming prospect when it reaches a tipping point where the well and vulnerable can no longer care for the sick. You want to see shit get real? Wait till it reaches that point. It's almost there in Africa. At that point humanitarian aide is going to go out the window for road blocks and "shoot on sight" martial law as forced quarantines of entire regions go into effect.

jeeze you're an idiot.

brilliant rebuttal :blahblah:


it was the rebuttal he deserved. i know... truth hurts.

now go be bitter elsewhere.
Would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?
No...just like I wouldn't ride in a bus with someone with the flu.

The stupid thing about his favorite question is, well there's more than one actually, that he actually thinks that someone's fear turns a fact into fiction. The other problem with it is that if I know the person has Ebola, then he's already symptomatic and thus contagious. None if that proves the point he's trying to make. I can't make him see that though I've tried.

because it chooses not to. otherwise it can't rant and rave and make it political.

maybe if it hears it from shepard smith.

Shepard Smith Do Not Listen To The Hysterical Voices In The Media About Ebola
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
I volunteer you and anyone who agrees with you to be the next care team for the next ebola patient. It doesn't matter if you have nursing experience. You can empty bedpans and clean up the linens, scrub floors etc.

Put your money where your mouth is or shut up and get out of the way to let people experienced with 70% fatal highly infectious diseases that are zoonitic [carried by and transmitted to and from animals] run the show.

You hear the phrase "more people died from the flu than ebola". Well those people are the sick and the weak to begin with. When ebola carries a 70% kill rate for big strapping prime aged black guys from Africa [a continent whose brutal natural selection has favored some of the physically-strongest people on earth] and is highly infectious, it's not even in the same ballpark as the flu.

Not even close. This is a civilization-dooming prospect when it reaches a tipping point where the well and vulnerable can no longer care for the sick. You want to see shit get real? Wait till it reaches that point. It's almost there in Africa. At that point humanitarian aide is going to go out the window for road blocks and "shoot on sight" martial law as forced quarantines of entire regions go into effect.
You're an idiot. I am happy to let the experts do their jobs and not spread panic and mistrust like you and the rest of the nutters are doing.

we'll it's all the fault of the black guy in the white house, donchaknow
Trying to say that people tend to run FROM a level IV Slate Cleaner. Moreover, Obama is either a total incompetent or a bioterrorist.

What would his response have been if a TeaParty guy had a vial of Ebola in Dallas? Hmm? Same? Hmmm?

People will also run from ghosts, the Loch Ness Monster, and Bug Foot.

None of the above has a 70% death rate

You are actually helping me make my point. The fact that people panic and are scared doesn't turn fact into fiction.

Given that countries in Africa which have successfully contained Ebola have closed their borders to Ebola countries, I'll believe their assessment of Ebola more than I will Dr. Transfat's.

You are off the rails my friend, we aren't talking about that. I agree that banning travel to the US by people from those countries is the right thing to do.
You are fully aware what the CDC director has said in regards to the travel ban right? This is the heart of my confusion with your disposition about the CDC puppet.
People will also run from ghosts, the Loch Ness Monster, and Bug Foot.

None of the above has a 70% death rate

You are actually helping me make my point. The fact that people panic and are scared doesn't turn fact into fiction.

Given that countries in Africa which have successfully contained Ebola have closed their borders to Ebola countries, I'll believe their assessment of Ebola more than I will Dr. Transfat's.

You are off the rails my friend, we aren't talking about that. I agree that banning travel to the US by people from those countries is the right thing to do.
You are fully aware what the CDC director has said in regards to the travel ban right? This is the heart of my confusion with your disposition about the CDC puppet.

Yeah and I've told you about 64,577,545,746,864,102 times that I agree, a ban is an effective way to combat the disease.
TEN patients at Dallas Ebola apartment are classified as high risk Daily Mail Online

This makes sense. The family was whisked away. Obama keeping a lid on things until after the election

the family was taken away so the pitchfork society wouldn't be hysterical and standing in front of their door.

but yes, let's pretend it's all about the black guy in the white house, frank.

Do you understand anything at all about Ebola? People aren't flocking to their apartment

Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a Ghost Town - ABC News

fear isn't evidence, frankie.

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