If Ebola is so contagious why

TEN patients at Dallas Ebola apartment are classified as high risk Daily Mail Online

This makes sense. The family was whisked away. Obama keeping a lid on things until after the election

the family was taken away so the pitchfork society wouldn't be hysterical and standing in front of their door.

but yes, let's pretend it's all about the black guy in the white house, frank.

Do you understand anything at all about Ebola? People aren't flocking to their apartment

Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a Ghost Town - ABC News

With all love and admiration my friend, are you trying to say that mass hysteria is evidence?

Trying to say that people tend to run FROM a level IV Slate Cleaner. Moreover, Obama is either a total incompetent or a bioterrorist.

What would his response have been if a TeaParty guy had a vial of Ebola in Dallas? Hmm? Same? Hmmm?

stop misrepresenting what people are saying. then think. what is the death toll from the flu every year? do we shut down airlines because of the flu? you hear the word ebola and it's scary. and you are allowing hysteria on the part of those least knowledgeable, to create mass hysteria.

it's absurd.
None of the above has a 70% death rate

You are actually helping me make my point. The fact that people panic and are scared doesn't turn fact into fiction.

Given that countries in Africa which have successfully contained Ebola have closed their borders to Ebola countries, I'll believe their assessment of Ebola more than I will Dr. Transfat's.

You are off the rails my friend, we aren't talking about that. I agree that banning travel to the US by people from those countries is the right thing to do.
You are fully aware what the CDC director has said in regards to the travel ban right? This is the heart of my confusion with your disposition about the CDC puppet.

Yeah and I've told you about 64,577,545,746,864,102 times that I agree, a ban is an effective way to combat the disease.
Ok. The point is pred is the CDC has been wrong. You keep asking why there are only3 people infected. I mean wow.

Well I hope to God you are right. If that number grows and spiders out then.....

I am that nervous, every time I turn on the news I fear that new cases start popping up.

Let us just hope that is not the case, but just because it has not happened yet, do not think it won't. Let us hope it won't.

If new cases do start popping up....

If people start dying, just like health ministers in other countries that have been charged for contaminated blood etc, I think a case can be made against Frieden.

If cases start popping up and spidering out. You seem to think that is possible and I think it is likely.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
Because it's not very contagious. The virus is only transmitted through body fluids. When those fluids dry, the virus dies.

Coughing and sneezing doesn't transmit much body fluids and not all the body fluid droplets carry the virus. So unless you inhale or ingest a lot of the fluids, you are very unlikely to develop Ebola.

According to the CDC, the most common methods of transfer of the virus are via blood,vomiting and diarrhea which puts healthcare workers at the greatest risk.
You are actually helping me make my point. The fact that people panic and are scared doesn't turn fact into fiction.

Given that countries in Africa which have successfully contained Ebola have closed their borders to Ebola countries, I'll believe their assessment of Ebola more than I will Dr. Transfat's.

You are off the rails my friend, we aren't talking about that. I agree that banning travel to the US by people from those countries is the right thing to do.
You are fully aware what the CDC director has said in regards to the travel ban right? This is the heart of my confusion with your disposition about the CDC puppet.

Yeah and I've told you about 64,577,545,746,864,102 times that I agree, a ban is an effective way to combat the disease.
Ok. The point is pred is the CDC has been wrong. You keep asking why there are only3 people infected. I mean wow.

Well I hope to God you are right. If that number grows and spiders out then.....

I am that nervous, every time I turn on the news I fear that new cases start popping up.

Let us just hope that is not the case, but just because it has not happened yet, do not think it won't. Let us hope it won't.

If new cases do start popping up....

If people start dying, just like health ministers in other countries that have been charged for contaminated blood etc, I think a case can be made against Frieden.

If cases start popping up and spidering out. You seem to think that is possible and I think it is likely.

Again, I stated that the CDC has been wrong.

Yeah I keep asking why only three people have been infected, and no one answers. If Ebola is airborne, and contagious even without symptoms and in other words the CDC and I are lying then why aren't there more? No one seems to want to answer that.

Sure, I'm pretty sure I'm right, I've been right so far, and I hope it doesn't "spider out". That would be bad.

If if if.......

I'm not trying to make any predictions, I'm just trying to fight the hysteria with facts. I know the CDC is often full of shit. I know that the head of the CDC is obama's puppet, but you can truste to filter out the bull shit from the truth.

Every time you hear someone say that banning travel will make it worse, you are hearing an idiot speak.

What they said about its transmission however, is right on the money, and the facts prove it, so far.
TEN patients at Dallas Ebola apartment are classified as high risk Daily Mail Online

This makes sense. The family was whisked away. Obama keeping a lid on things until after the election

the family was taken away so the pitchfork society wouldn't be hysterical and standing in front of their door.

but yes, let's pretend it's all about the black guy in the white house, frank.

Do you understand anything at all about Ebola? People aren't flocking to their apartment

Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a Ghost Town - ABC News

With all love and admiration my friend, are you trying to say that mass hysteria is evidence?

Trying to say that people tend to run FROM a level IV Slate Cleaner. Moreover, Obama is either a total incompetent or a bioterrorist.

What would his response have been if a TeaParty guy had a vial of Ebola in Dallas? Hmm? Same? Hmmm?

stop misrepresenting what people are saying. then think. what is the death toll from the flu every year? do we shut down airlines because of the flu? you hear the word ebola and it's scary. and you are allowing hysteria on the part of those least knowledgeable, to create mass hysteria.

it's absurd.
200,000 people a year are hospitalized with influenza and 36,000 will die.
the family was taken away so the pitchfork society wouldn't be hysterical and standing in front of their door.

but yes, let's pretend it's all about the black guy in the white house, frank.

Do you understand anything at all about Ebola? People aren't flocking to their apartment

Ebola Scare Turns Dallas Hospital Into a Ghost Town - ABC News

With all love and admiration my friend, are you trying to say that mass hysteria is evidence?

Trying to say that people tend to run FROM a level IV Slate Cleaner. Moreover, Obama is either a total incompetent or a bioterrorist.

What would his response have been if a TeaParty guy had a vial of Ebola in Dallas? Hmm? Same? Hmmm?

stop misrepresenting what people are saying. then think. what is the death toll from the flu every year? do we shut down airlines because of the flu? you hear the word ebola and it's scary. and you are allowing hysteria on the part of those least knowledgeable, to create mass hysteria.

it's absurd.
200,000 people a year are hospitalized with influenza and 36,000 will die.

Irrelevant to Ebola and this thread. Two years ago in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Ghana, you were more likely to die if malaria than Ebola. Those are worthless statistics.
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Given that countries in Africa which have successfully contained Ebola have closed their borders to Ebola countries, I'll believe their assessment of Ebola more than I will Dr. Transfat's.

You are off the rails my friend, we aren't talking about that. I agree that banning travel to the US by people from those countries is the right thing to do.
You are fully aware what the CDC director has said in regards to the travel ban right? This is the heart of my confusion with your disposition about the CDC puppet.

Yeah and I've told you about 64,577,545,746,864,102 times that I agree, a ban is an effective way to combat the disease.
Ok. The point is pred is the CDC has been wrong. You keep asking why there are only3 people infected. I mean wow.

Well I hope to God you are right. If that number grows and spiders out then.....

I am that nervous, every time I turn on the news I fear that new cases start popping up.

Let us just hope that is not the case, but just because it has not happened yet, do not think it won't. Let us hope it won't.

If new cases do start popping up....

If people start dying, just like health ministers in other countries that have been charged for contaminated blood etc, I think a case can be made against Frieden.

If cases start popping up and spidering out. You seem to think that is possible and I think it is likely.

Again, I stated that the CDC has been wrong.

Yeah I keep asking why only three people have been infected, and no one answers. If Ebola is airborne, and contagious even without symptoms and in other words the CDC and I are lying then why aren't there more? No one seems to want to answer that.

Sure, I'm pretty sure I'm right, I've been right so far, and I hope it doesn't "spider out". That would be bad.

If if if.......

I'm not trying to make any predictions, I'm just trying to fight the hysteria with facts. I know the CDC is often full of shit. I know that the head of the CDC is obama's puppet, but you can truste to filter out the bull shit from the truth.

Every time you hear someone say that banning travel will make it worse, you are hearing an idiot speak.

What they said about its transmission however, is right on the money, and the facts prove it, so far.
To begin with, Ebola is not classified as an airborne virus. It can only be transferred via body fluids. It is possible that you could catch it via a sneeze or cough but the likelihood is so remote that healthcare organizations such as the CDC and WHO don't classify it as airborne. To stand any real chance of catching it via a cough or sneeze, you would have to be very close to the person and breath the expelled body fluids for an extended period of time.

Healthcare workers are the only ones who have caught it in the US because, they are the only ones at higher risk. The most common methods of transfer are via blood, diarrhea, and vomit; something healthcare workers treating Ebola patients are constantly exposed. In spite of all the procedures and protections, they are still at a higher risk than the public.

I think what people should really be concerned about is our troops and healthcare workers in west Africa. They are exposed to people with Ebola daily. The poor sanitation and the customs of the people guarantee the spread of the disease. I suspect we are going to see a number of our people being shipped back to the US with Ebola.
Don't Panic! Obama's on the case!

We're still not sure what the animal carrier is in Africa, maybe bats. What would happen if rats carried it in the USA?
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?
Because it's not very contagious. The virus is only transmitted through body fluids. When those fluids dry, the virus dies.
Not true. Read more. type less.

Coughing and sneezing doesn't transmit much body fluids and not all the body fluid droplets carry the virus. So unless you inhale or ingest a lot of the fluids, you are very unlikely to develop Ebola.

Not true. every drop carries virus. Read more. Type less.

According to the CDC, the most common methods of transfer of the virus are via blood,vomiting and diarrhea which puts healthcare workers at the greatest risk.

"According to the CDC...."..yeah..they're on top of this despite contradictory statements/announcements/proclamations..

" most common methods of transmission"....but obviously there are others or they wouldn't have specified "most common"..in other words they aren't really sure.

Would you ride in a car/plane with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house to meet the family?
We're still not sure what the animal carrier is in Africa, maybe bats. What would happen if rats carried it in the USA?

You could do a lot of "what ifs". But let me propose this to you. Ebola didn't just show up in the last year or two, it's been around for decades. If that was going to happen, it likely would have already.
The Country's in the Very Best of Hands:

President Barack Obama’s new Ebola "czar" Ron Klain has skipped another White House meeting on the Ebola crisis, a readout of who attended a Saturday meeting with Obama shows.

Obama held the Ebola meeting after spending four hours and 40 minutes on the golf course at Fort Belvoir, according to the White House press pool report from the New York Daily News' Dan Friedman.

“The President on Saturday evening convened members of his national security and public health teams to update him on the response to the domestic Ebola cases,” the White House said in an email blast Saturday evening. “The President’s advisors detailed the status of the contact tracing process to identify and, as necessary, monitor all individuals who may have come into contact with Ebola patients in Dallas following their exposure. The President’s team also reviewed for him the comprehensive measures the Administration—acting together with state and local partners—is taking to ensure that Dallas has all of the appropriate and necessary resources to diagnose any additional cases safely and effectively. The meeting concluded with a discussion of broader steps to increase the preparedness of our health sector nationwide.”
The full list of everyone who attended, according to the White House, is:

    • The Vice President
    • Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense
    • Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services
    • Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security
    • Denis McDonough, Chief of Staff
    • Shaun Donovan, Director of the Office of Management and Budget
    • Susan Rice, National Security Advisor
    • Neil Eggleston, Counselor to the President
    • Antony Blinken, Deputy National Security Advisor
    • Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
    • Thomas Frieden, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    • Katie Beirne Fallon, Director of the Office of Legislative Affairs
    • Benjamin Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting
    • Jennifer Palmieri, Director of Communications
    • Anita Decker Breckenridge, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
    • Suzanne George, Executive Secretary and Chief of Staff of the National Security Council
    • Rand Beers, Deputy Assistant to the President for Homeland Security
    • Brian Egan, Deputy Counsel to the President
    • Colin Kahl, National Security Advisor to the Vice President
Obama Golfs For 4 Hours 40 Minutes On Saturday Then Holds Nighttime Ebola Meeting--Which New Ebola Czar Skips
Imports of lead toys from China get banned, people with Ebola...not so much

is that what you take from all of this?


If there was plutonium or a suitcase nuke in Dallas, would the Administration response have been "Oh, let the Dallas Marshall take care of it -- no biggie"?

Why do we have this enormous Federal anti terror infrastructure if not to immediately jump on something like this?

I don't fault the nurses for getting infected, God Bless them. I fault a Federal Government that didn't IMMEDIATELY spring into action and send in Hazmat team to take away Duncan and his entire family and put them in a Level IV facility. IMMEDIATELY!
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The Country's in the Very Best of Hands:

President Barack Obama’s new Ebola "czar" Ron Klain has skipped another White House meeting on the Ebola crisis, a readout of who attended a Saturday meeting with Obama shows.

Obama held the Ebola meeting after spending four hours and 40 minutes on the golf course at Fort Belvoir, according to the White House press pool report from the New York Daily News' Dan Friedman.

“The President on Saturday evening convened members of his national security and public health teams to update him on the response to the domestic Ebola cases,” the White House said in an email blast Saturday evening. “The President’s advisors detailed the status of the contact tracing process to identify and, as necessary, monitor all individuals who may have come into contact with Ebola patients in Dallas following their exposure. The President’s team also reviewed for him the comprehensive measures the Administration—acting together with state and local partners—is taking to ensure that Dallas has all of the appropriate and necessary resources to diagnose any additional cases safely and effectively. The meeting concluded with a discussion of broader steps to increase the preparedness of our health sector nationwide.”
The full list of everyone who attended, according to the White House, is:

    • The Vice President
    • Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense
    • Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services
    • Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security
    • Denis McDonough, Chief of Staff
    • Shaun Donovan, Director of the Office of Management and Budget
    • Susan Rice, National Security Advisor
    • Neil Eggleston, Counselor to the President
    • Antony Blinken, Deputy National Security Advisor
    • Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
    • Thomas Frieden, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    • Katie Beirne Fallon, Director of the Office of Legislative Affairs
    • Benjamin Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting
    • Jennifer Palmieri, Director of Communications
    • Anita Decker Breckenridge, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
    • Suzanne George, Executive Secretary and Chief of Staff of the National Security Council
    • Rand Beers, Deputy Assistant to the President for Homeland Security
    • Brian Egan, Deputy Counsel to the President
    • Colin Kahl, National Security Advisor to the Vice President
Obama Golfs For 4 Hours 40 Minutes On Saturday Then Holds Nighttime Ebola Meeting--Which New Ebola Czar Skips

The only thing more pathetic than Obama are the people who voted for him and defend him still.
Well, there are very contradictory statements that are put out by Ebola EXPERTS. Why are we ignoring those people that have been working with and against Ebola for over 40 years.

Some Ebola experts worry virus may spread more easily than assumed - LA Times

Some Ebola experts worry virus may spread more easily than assumed

U.S. officials leading the fight against history's worst outbreak of Ebola have said they know the ways the virus is spread and how to stop it. They say that unless an air traveler from disease-ravaged West Africa has a fever of at least 101.5 degrees or other symptoms, co-passengers are not at risk.

"At this point there is zero risk of transmission on the flight," Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said after a Liberian man who flew through airports in Brussels and Washington was diagnosed with the disease last week in Dallas.

Other public health officials have voiced similar assurances, saying Ebola is spread only through physical contact with a symptomatic individual or their bodily fluids. "Ebola is not transmitted by the air. It is not an airborne infection," said Dr. Edward Goodman of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where the Liberian patient remains in critical condition.

Yet some scientists who have long studied Ebola say such assurances are premature — and they are concerned about what is not known about the strain now on the loose. It is an Ebola outbreak like none seen before, jumping from the bush to urban areas, giving the virus more opportunities to evolve as it passes through multiple human hosts.

Dr. C.J. Peters, who battled a 1989 outbreak of the virus among research monkeyshoused in Virginia and who later led the CDC's most far-reaching study of Ebola's transmissibility in humans, said he would not rule out the possibility that it spreads through the air in tight quarters.

"We just don't have the data to exclude it," said Peters, who continues to research viral diseases at the University of Texas in Galveston.

Dr. Philip K. Russell, a virologist who oversaw Ebola research while heading the U.S. Army's Medical Research and Development Command, and who later led the government's massive stockpiling of smallpox vaccine after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, also said much was still to be learned. "Being dogmatic is, I think, ill-advised, because there are too many unknowns here."

If Ebola were to mutate on its path from human to human, said Russell and other scientists, its virulence might wane — or it might spread in ways not observed during past outbreaks, which were stopped after transmission among just two to three people, before the virus had a greater chance to evolve. The present outbreak in West Africa has killed approximately 3,400 people, and there is no medical cure for Ebola.

"I see the reasons to dampen down public fears," Russell said. "But scientifically, we're in the middle of the first experiment of multiple, serial passages of Ebola virus in man.... God knows what this virus is going to look like. I don't."


There is nothing concrete about how this is transmitted, how fast it is mutating, and how long it can stay dormant. There are other studies that show that in 5% of the cases it has stayed dormant for up to 45 days.

5% may seem like a small number, but it really is not a small number when we are talking in the aggregate.

All I know is there is a lot we do not know and the mutation of this disease is the disconcerting part.

Why are there only 3 people infected? Let us hope to God that it remains "only three." It has been about 2 weeks, since people have been exposed. Barely 10 days or so since that woman with Ebola went on a plane with the virus.

It stays dormant UP TO 21 days according to the experts. Let us see and hope. When I say hope......I mean really really hope.

Let us just consider the hazmat suits that are worn by the experts in the field. They wear those things for a particular reason, and there are also reasons why strict protocol is followed when they disrobe from them. Along with getting rid of the waste.

Strict protocols.

Nothing is concrete, in the meantime let us.....

HOPE more cases do not pop up.
Why I'm not worried in the short term, but am worried about the medium to long term.

- It appears to me that Ebola is deadly mostly to people who already have compromised immune systems (poor people with inadequate hygiene). (Side note: HIV/Aids is similar in that those most at risk already have damaged immune systems.) The survivors in the U.S. have had plenty of clean hydration and were relatively healthy to begin with. As long as Ebola doesn't mutate into a true airborne virus, the risk to most people will remain very small.

- Despite the above, I'm very worried that our Incompetent and Arrogant Government will make things far, far worse than they would have been if we'd banned flights from the Ebola areas, if the CDC has stayed true to its actual mission, if the FDA weren't functioning as an innovation prevention center, and if we had invested in the regional centers to fight Ebola in the areas of origin.

- Viruses do mutate, and the less we contain Ebola now, the more opportunities it will have to mutate. A Pandemic is not out of the realm of possibilities.
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We're still not sure what the animal carrier is in Africa, maybe bats. What would happen if rats carried it in the USA?

Ebola is carried by fruit bats. It hasn't spread here because we use quarantine and don't let it spread. If Ebola ever got into rats in America, NYC would be the city of the dead.

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