If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and – just maybe – how civil war starts

doomsday cult ? coming from an insane baby killing cult where men run around in drag claiming they are women saying the world will end in 12 yrs because of the climate ...

You spend an awful lot of time worried about a few men in drag.

I'm sixty. I've known MAYBE two trans-people in my life.
Uh, what did they do to Baron Trump? And who is "They"?

Point was, you claimed that other Presidential Children weren't abused, and I gave you an example of someone high up in your movement who did EXACTLY that.

What do you have?

No one raided Hillarys home. No one made up fake dossiers against her or anyone else in your party. We didnt make up fake golden shower scandals, we didnt attack kids (like you guys did to Baron Trump), we never weaponized the DOJ at any point and the IRS didnt target dems either. There are lines that shouldnt be crossed that dems have been crossing with glee for years now.
Most of this is made up. ^^ Most of this is your fucked up worldview. Magaturds are prolific liars.
You spend an awful lot of time worried about a few men in drag.

I'm sixty. I've known MAYBE two trans-people in my life.
telling the truth about something doesnt mean someone is worried ... you say you know 2 trans people ? so that means you know of only one trans person outside of yourself .

If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and

just maybe

how civil war starts

9 Aug 2022 ~~ By Richard Littlejohn

This is how democracy ends. Or maybe, just maybe, how civil war starts.
After the surgically embalmed octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jetted into Taiwan to proclaim America's enduring commitment to freedom, back home FBI goons were staging a politically motivated, prime-time raid on the home of her sworn enemy Donald Trump.
As events unfolded on live television, it was like watching one of those old conspiracy-theory movies, starring Robert Redford or Gene Hackman.
The intention was to portray Trump as guilty of something, anything - and divert attention away from Creepy Uncle Joe and his dodgy business dealings with nefarious foreign actors, via his druggy, whoring son Hunter.
The Dems are desperate to stop Trump running again, after polls showed him trouncing not just Biden but any other opponent. They want to shoo-in California 'liberal' Gavin Newsom, a toothy, vacuous left-wing poster boy who has let crime and illegal immigration rip in the once 'Golden State'.
We can only hope that the bungled effort by the FBI to discredit Trump proves to be the high watermark of the Deep State/Blob conspiracy to undermine for ever democracy in the West.
For America, in particular, to heal, the future demands the retreat of the CCP-style Deep State and magnanimity on the behalf of Trump, who should accept that he has the Establishment rattled and then graciously withdraws from the fray in favour of someone like DeSantis. It's the greatest service he could do his country.
Sadly, I'm not convinced that's going to happen. But the alternative is civil war. And that's too horrible to contemplate.

Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.

1. FBI recovered classified documents after repeated requests to turn them over, and (I'm quite sure) *after* Trump signed a sworn statement that he turned over all classified documents in his possession.

2. The FBI can't just raid your home, look for whatever the hell they want and eat your pizza and drink your beer as they ransack your home; they go to a judge who signs a specific order authorizing what they can look for.

3. Oh by the way, the FBI Director is a Trump appointee.

4. Oh, oh by the way, so is the judge who signed the warrant.

5. (Horshack) Oh, oh, oh by the way, most people in law enforcement are not exactly what I'd call supporters of woke movements.

6. It's not clear that the DoJ even wants - or even *can* - charge Trump with crimes, considering that former presidents can change the classification of documents.

7. This particular raid, and this possible 'crime'...is the least of Trump's legal worries - the least.
Agreed. However, if there is a retaliation from the Left the gloves will fall off.
There will be an insurgency like never before in America. It won't be North against the South. It will be everywhere especially in Blue Plantation States.
The riots of BLM and Antifa will look like child's play.
it would be no surprise if the left foments nation wide violence and riots when they feel their vice grip on power is endangered ...again .
Well then your comment would be considered blind stupid, the latest lean is that Dems will pick up 2 Governors and 3 senators, and The house has the possibility to do the impossible in an off election When the Dems have power and that is keep the house also. And if women come out strong over abortion, it will be a complete sweep for the democrats. You simply have no clue what you are talking about, as usual.
so the lefts biggest hope is the issue of killing babies in the womb ....
Including but not the only. If you take the threats of violence seriously then we might have something to discuss.
a couple hours of violence from people on the right on jan 6th and months of sustained violence on the left during the summer of 2020 ..
Here is the rights proclaimed war
And a whole military and military leaders that will blow your ass away if you try. Ya, they aren't going to take orders, they are going to switch to the stupid ignorant brain-dead side and support you. I know who you are, You are the hero that says, the only way you can take the guns out of your hands is when you are dead.
You will be running across the field as fast as you can, considering you belong to the old dumb fat man party. With a tank chasing you with the American flag waiving and the blare of the music to the national anthem playing and the soldiers with big smiles on their face, and just before they catch up to you, you will shit your pants and throw away your gun right before they drive over your fat ass. To the beautiful sound of Crunch, The new favorite sound of the left.
the right will not be committing acts of mass violence ... but after the left loses another presidential election the violent shock troops of the dem party will be out looting killing and burning again .
Don't bother with your whining crap. Oh, Poor Poor Man!:eek: I am not one of the morons that have weeping and whaling, somebody would have the audacity to serve a search warrant to retrieve government documents, from this out of work privileged asshole. I am not the one characterizing this exercise of a simple search warrant a crucifixion, which is clearly a reference to how Christ was tortured on the cross. Assholes and asshole who hole a religiouslike reverence for such asshole bring it on themselves.

Everybody knows, Donny chose. Everybody knows he had at least 15 boxes of document, that he would admit to, having been purloined illegally from the White House, as even he, agreed to give back that many, months ago, while "negotiating" to keep the rest. I don't think he was bright enough to realize, somebody has a list of almost every document that comes before the President's desk, so he thought he could get away with it, but did not. I am hearing now, one or two of his post White House hand-picked aides, quietly tipped off the government on what he had still had, as well as the government having a list of what was missing. People in his inner circle always squeal on Donny when he commits crap, you and I would not ever think of trying to get away with. Some documents are like organization building keys, with sensitive ones and obviously highly classified ones, coming to recipients in numbered copies for tracking and recovery if necessary. It is not rocket science, unless too stupid or too self entitle to think you can just keep what you want, cause "You Da Man!"

So, I will undoubtedly continue to ridicule the privileged assholes and those of the "cult" that hold him in religionlike reverence, looking forward to a brighter day for America when you people wake up and put is worthless showboat, whining as behind you.
the problem people have is the blatant double standard .
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If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and

just maybe

how civil war starts

9 Aug 2022 ~~ By Richard Littlejohn

This is how democracy ends. Or maybe, just maybe, how civil war starts.
After the surgically embalmed octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jetted into Taiwan to proclaim America's enduring commitment to freedom, back home FBI goons were staging a politically motivated, prime-time raid on the home of her sworn enemy Donald Trump.
As events unfolded on live television, it was like watching one of those old conspiracy-theory movies, starring Robert Redford or Gene Hackman.
The intention was to portray Trump as guilty of something, anything - and divert attention away from Creepy Uncle Joe and his dodgy business dealings with nefarious foreign actors, via his druggy, whoring son Hunter.
The Dems are desperate to stop Trump running again, after polls showed him trouncing not just Biden but any other opponent. They want to shoo-in California 'liberal' Gavin Newsom, a toothy, vacuous left-wing poster boy who has let crime and illegal immigration rip in the once 'Golden State'.
We can only hope that the bungled effort by the FBI to discredit Trump proves to be the high watermark of the Deep State/Blob conspiracy to undermine for ever democracy in the West.
For America, in particular, to heal, the future demands the retreat of the CCP-style Deep State and magnanimity on the behalf of Trump, who should accept that he has the Establishment rattled and then graciously withdraws from the fray in favour of someone like DeSantis. It's the greatest service he could do his country.
Sadly, I'm not convinced that's going to happen. But the alternative is civil war. And that's too horrible to contemplate.

Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.
Nope we dens aren’t desperate in stopping him from running he’s doing a good job of stoping himself from another loss … all by his fat self…because we know he won’t run.. he’s running scared he knows now he’s facing a 10 year sentence .. and you whiners know it too … the funny part here is watching you guys go off the deep end
So useful idiots refer to him as orange jesus, then think you're being witty by taking a common phrase literally?
Circle jerk to your own straw men much? Lulz.
Being given mod status has turned him into an ass I have noticed. Apparently power corrupts. :)
telling the truth about something doesnt mean someone is worried ... you say you know 2 trans people ? so that means you know of only one trans person outside of yourself .

Not sure why you are making that assumption, other than your need to believe everyone else is as hateful as you are.
it would be no surprise if the left foments nation wide violence and riots when they feel their vice grip on power is endangered ...again .
What a clown. You didn't see the dems try to bring down our country and democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator.
You want to see nutso, look at the sources for this clown.
a couple hours of violence from people on the right on jan 6th and months of sustained violence on the left during the summer of 2020 ..
This from a nutso who is responding to a thread written by a fellow hate party member threatening a civil war, because a FBI criminal investigation got a subpoena to get information from a criminal suspects home. You can't make this type of comedy up.

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