If feminists continue to support Joe Biden then "Me too" is total bullshit

no, but the manner in which the left weaponizes the movement, is.

And when did they do that? Kavanaugh? The worst thing that could have happened with Kavanaugh is his nomination would have been withdrawn and they'd have replaced him with another knuckle dragger who thinks rights are just something for straight white males.
dude - they fucking lied their asses off in a horrible accusation for their POLITICAL GAIN and now you're trying to justify it by simply insulting the other side and calling it politics.

what an incredible assfuckeduptardobitch you are.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

Everyone is about to know something else

The giant gender voting gap and how the men are rising to stop this harmful


According to Cas Mudde, a specialist on the far right at the University of Georgia, polling in various countries shows that far-right movements attract around twice as many male supporters as female


That massive difference will have the males soon to stop the unwise from voting in of crooks by having a logic ability test for voters

The men will demand this test
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

Absolutely nobody believes you

I was wrong, a couple of nobodies believed you
Metoo was a total farce and bullshit from the beginning. After Kavanaugh and now Biden? Never mention it again
The Democrats never wanted Due Process for him. In fact, they were the ones who said he wasn't entitled to it because it was just a "job interview." It was about sabotaging the president appointing another conservative to the Supreme Court. As usual, you are a shameless liar.

Actually, if someone showed up to a job interview screaming like a maniac like he did probably wouldn't get the job.

dude - they fucking lied their asses off in a horrible accusation for their POLITICAL GAIN and now you're trying to justify it by simply insulting the other side and calling it politics.

Again, what political gain? This is what i just asked you. Withdrawing Kavanaugh's nomination would not have put a liberal on the court, so what was the gain again?
dude - they fucking lied their asses off in a horrible accusation for their POLITICAL GAIN and now you're trying to justify it by simply insulting the other side and calling it politics.

Again, what political gain? This is what i just asked you. Withdrawing Kavanaugh's nomination would not have put a liberal on the court, so what was the gain again?
fuck off. not going to play your stupid bend the river my way liberal bullshit games of one way justification. you're advocating destroying a mans live and if that works, great we still get a "knuckledragger" -

so fuck off with all your insults so you can feel better about your hate.
She is a bernie bro.
And it really doesn't expose the Ds as hypocrites. They have been openly hypocritical for some time now. No need to hide it. The partisans could care less.
Just like Republicans.
dude - they fucking lied their asses off in a horrible accusation for their POLITICAL GAIN and now you're trying to justify it by simply insulting the other side and calling it politics.

Again, what political gain? This is what i just asked you. Withdrawing Kavanaugh's nomination would not have put a liberal on the court, so what was the gain again?
Whatever Kavanaugh is politically the new candidate would have been to the left of him. Destruction of any Repub candidate for the Supreme Court is standard procedure for the Prog Socialist agendas.
Demonicrats play victim roles because they understand their base are emotional, irrational, and dependent people who embrace a victim role. So they exploit and create division for power.

They also recognize that as "victims" they can do whatever they like and won't be held responsible for it. Because after all, they're just victims.

Tell me I'm wrong PROGS.
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

Absolutely nobody believes you

I was wrong, a couple of nobodies believed you
People who follow actual news, not the propaganda machine for the chumps.... Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh etc. Tiny operation compared to all the journalists and law enforcement who think they are nuts....
Demonicrats play victim roles because they understand their base are emotional, irrational, and dependent people who embrace a victim role. So they exploit and create division for power.

They also recognize that as "victims" they can do whatever they like and won't be held responsible for it. Because after all, they're just victims.

Tell me I'm wrong PROGS.
The problem is this lady is some kind of fluke. He has never been accused of such a thing before in 50 years. No trend unlike your orange clown with his dozens of sexual assaults. I don't know what you're babbling about.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.
It was BS from the start. So long as one tows the left wing feminist line, you can do pretty much what you want.
Bologna. Kavanaugh got away with his too. Al franken got away with absolutely nothing, he did not do anyting. The only thing that's factual is the Trump is a self-proclaimed serial sexual assaulter...
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.
Only Ford was allowed to testify before Congress even though there were at least 2 other accusers.

Ford had more evidence than this woman had but the FBI wasn't allowed to interview any of her witnesses. And she had spoken about it many times, including with a psychiatrist. At least two other women came forward and confirmed Kavenaugh behaved inappropriately with them, in high school and college, and another who made allegations about an incident when he was working for Ken Starr.

Kavenaugh's witnesses said it never happened, but weren't interviewed by the FBI.

Ford had no evidence and nobody could corroborate her story. Kavenaugh had an impeccable record as a jurist and there was no reason whatsoever for him to be dragged through that gauntlet. There's more evidence against Joe Biden than there ever was against Kavenaugh, but people like you will still support him because you are dishonest and dishonorable.

Ford had lots of evidence and at least three other women with similar unpleasant stories, the nasty misogynistic remarks in the yearbook. There were even other witnesses who wanted to testify on her behalf, and Mitch McConnell refused to allow any of that. There was a very limited investigation. Witnesses said they hadn't seen anything, but talk to X, they reported a similar experience, and the FBI didn't talk to anyone but a carefully vetted list given to them by the White House.

Women from college reported bad behaviour from Kavenaugh as well, and the FBI didn't talk to them either.

You can't find anything if you carefully walk around it and look the other way while doing so.

Obama vetted Biden - thoroughly. And found nothing. To say Tara Reid popped up out of nowhere would be an understatement.
If feminists continue to support Joe Biden then "Me too" is total bullshit
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

It was always bullshit.

Keep in mind that long before Kavanaugh, they supported Bill Clinton, who was well-known to be a violent sexual abuser of women.

And not so long before Kavanaugh, they supported Hitlery Clinton, who was a knowing and willing accessory to her husband's sexual crimes against women.

Can anyone not remember how Hitlery was in charge of managing “Bimbo Eruptions” during her husband's candidacy and Presidency? She knew of his crimes, and played an active, willing role in helping to cover them up.
Who are they going to support? Donald Trump? If these are the choices, it's Biden all the way.

I think an important point for both sides to consider is that this really isn't a good glass house from which either of them should be throwing stones. It's equally apparent, on this matter, that neither Trump's hands nor Biden's are clean, and that the best use either side can possibly make of this is as a defensive tu quoque against accusations from the other side.

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