If feminists continue to support Joe Biden then "Me too" is total bullshit

That some nut can come back 27 years later and say he was a creep to work for, and damn, I'd have a hard time telling you the names of people I worked with in 1993 and so would you.

In 1993, 27 years ago, I was working for a very small company in Santa Barbara, that was into underwater acoustics. My boss, the owner of the company, was one of the best men I ever knew, a great scientist, a great explorer, and adventurer, a great philanthropist. There's a geographical feature in Antarctica named after him. He's one of four primary authors of the definitive work on the subject of the effect of industrial noise on marine mammals. I get a terse mention on page xv in the Acknowledgements.

It was a small company, with irregular activity, so workers came and went. During the time I was with this company, we sometimes had as many as perhaps a dozen or so people working for us, and as few as one. My boss and I were the most constant. The time we were down to one, it was me, my boss having effectively laid himself off, and taken a job with another company, but there was some work to be done, which he had me doing, while he worked at that other job. I remember most of the other people who I worked with in that company. All very good people. It seems that my boss was an exceptionally good judge of character, and managed to associate only with people who were worthy of considerable respect.

I have no trouble at all remembering who I worked with in 1993.
For 50+ years there has never been a hint of impropriety from Biden.

He was vetted by the Obama campaign twice.

Vetted by 44 is like saying bozo the clown says he is AOK.

In 1984, Bozo the Clown was an actual candidate for President. I ran an election precinct that year, and among the material I had in connection with this was a list of qualified write-in candidates. Among them was a gentleman named Lawrence Weiss, AKA Larry Harmon, who was one of the actors who had played Bozo the Clown on TV. The list gave a number of forms of his names that one could write into the write-in space on the ballot, to cast a valid vote for him, including all likely variations of his real name (Lawrence Weiss), his stage name (Larry Harmon) and the character he was famous for playing (Bozo the Clown). If you had written, in the write-in space for President, in 1984 (at least in California), “Bozo the Clown”, or even just “Bozo”, you would have been casting a valid vote for him.
Uh, Thomas isn't a "Doctor". The guy is too much of a moron to get a doctorate. I mean, really fucking stupid, and that's why he should have been rejected from the court.

The degree that Thomas got when he graduated from Yale Law School—the degree that anyone needs in order to practice as a lawyer in this country, is called a Juris Doctor degree, and is considered to be a doctorate-level college degree. Though lawyers don't usually use the title, every one of them is, in fact, a “Doctor”, at least in the United States.

So, if you're so much smarter, and so much better educated than Thomas, what doctorate-level degree have you earned?
If feminists continue to support Joe Biden then "Me too" is total bullshit
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

It was always bullshit.

Keep in mind that long before Kavanaugh, they supported Bill Clinton, who was well-known to be a violent sexual abuser of women.

And not so long before Kavanaugh, they supported Hitlery Clinton, who was a knowing and willing accessory to her husband's sexual crimes against women.

Can anyone not remember how Hitlery was in charge of managing “Bimbo Eruptions” during her husband's candidacy and Presidency? She knew of his crimes, and played an active, willing role in helping to cover them up.
violent my ass. As always when dealing with GOP operatives, lots of questions. No indictments or anything like that of course.... And Monica seduced him and I was always told a gentleman should lie in that situation.
fuck off. not going to play your stupid bend the river my way liberal bullshit games of one way justification. you're advocating destroying a mans live and if that works, great we still get a "knuckledragger" -

so fuck off with all your insults so you can feel better about your hate.

You stated that it was for political gain. Clearly, there was no political gain here, just a legitimate concern that Kavanaugh's treatment of women and temper issues made him ill-fitted for the court...

And again, Kavanaugh was heavily involved in Ken Starr's 70 Million dollar panty raid designed to destroy Bill Clinton's life, so I can't get worked up about him getting the same treatment.
The degree that Thomas got when he graduated from Yale Law School—the degree that anyone needs in order to practice as a lawyer in this country, is called a Juris Doctor degree, and is considered to be a doctorate-level college degree. Though lawyers don't usually use the title, every one of them is, in fact, a “Doctor”, at least in the United States.

So, if you're so much smarter, and so much better educated than Thomas, what doctorate-level degree have you earned?

Clarance Thomas is a Moron. It just kind of shows that academia is kind of fucked up. Nope, I don't have a doctorate, but I've written enough resumes for MD's, JD's, D.Ed, Pharm.D's to realize most of them can't string together a pretty sentence. Just because they got a Doctorate from Talking Snake U on an affirmative action program doesn't impress me.

Most of Thomas' self loathing is he knows he's a fraud.

It was always bullshit.

Keep in mind that long before Kavanaugh, they supported Bill Clinton, who was well-known to be a violent sexual abuser of women.

And not so long before Kavanaugh, they supported Hitlery Clinton, who was a knowing and willing accessory to her husband's sexual crimes against women.

Can anyone not remember how Hitlery was in charge of managing “Bimbo Eruptions” during her husband's candidacy and Presidency? She knew of his crimes, and played an active, willing role in helping to cover them up.

As stated above, Ken Starr Spent 70 MILLION dollars investigating Bill Clinton's sex life, including throwing women in jail in order to intimidate them into testifying the way he wanted. And after all that BULLSHIT, the only thing he was able to prove is that he had consensual sex with one intern.

Do you think Trump would do as well with a liberal Ken Starr with the same powers?

I think an important point for both sides to consider is that this really isn't a good glass house from which either of them should be throwing stones. It's equally apparent, on this matter, that neither Trump's hands nor Biden's are clean, and that the best use either side can possibly make of this is as a defensive tu quoque against accusations from the other side.

Um. No. What you really need to do is compare records. Biden has a 40 year record of fighting for women's rights. (You know, women who don't want to be Mormon Stepford Wives fucking their man into the Celestial Heaven). Trump has a record of abusing women, cheating on all three of his wives, bragging about grabbing pussy, paying off porn stars. You know JUST LIKE JESUS WOULD. But you'll keep supporting Trump because he's RIGHT WITH JAY-A-ZUS.
In 1993, 27 years ago, I was working for a very small company in Santa Barbara, that was into underwater acoustics. My boss, the owner of the company, was one of the best men I ever knew, a great scientist, a great explorer, and adventurer, a great philanthropist. There's a geographical feature in Antarctica named after him. He's one of four primary authors of the definitive work on the subject of the effect of industrial noise on marine mammals. I get a terse mention on page xv in the Acknowledgements.

Can you name all your co-workers, Mormon Bob? Biden didn't work for a "small company", he worked for the US Congress that has thousands of Employees, with dozens in his office. Probably before last month, he couldn't have picked Tara Raede out of a lineup.

I can tell you the name of the weasel I worked for in 1993, too. It was telling, because these folks pretty much ran their company into the ground with one bad decision after another.

I also remember that he was accused of sexual harassment, and almost got fired. This girl was an alcoholic, a lesbian and suffered from anorexia, but they took her claims seriously. She had or attempted to have a drunken hookup with every male in the place trying to prove to herself she wasn't gay. (I suspected he did say something that was less than professional, and she completely overreacted. That's who they were.)

Now, all that said, it's simply impossible to believe Reade's claim that she didn't think that Biden's alleged conduct constituted sexual harassment.. This was less than two years after the Anita Hill Fiasco, and the story was on everyone
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.
There is more evidence than Fords accusations. That's why the me too movement is crap.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.
I'd have a hard time telling you the names of people I worked with in 1993 and so would you.
Can you name all your co-workers, Mormon Bob?
I can tell you the name of the weasel I worked for in 1993, too.

There were some who were with us only briefly, and quite a few who were regulars or semi-regulars. Some of the less regulars, I wouldn't be able to name, and wouldn't recognize them if I saw them again. Pretty much all the regulars and semi-regulars, I surely could.

Funny thing, as I was writing that last post, and speaking highly of my boss from 1993, (actually 1986 through some time in 2002, and a few occasional consulting gigs into 2003 and 2004), I was thinking that you'd probably think he was an asshole. You'd have a very difficult time finding anyone who ever actually knew him, who would agree with you on that point, but I have little doubt that that's what you would think of him.

I bet that if I worked for the “weasel” you worked for in 1993, I'd probably get along just fine with him.

It's not about any difference between my 1993 boss, and your 1993 boss. It's about the difference between me and you.
Now, all that said, it's simply impossible to believe Reade's claim that she didn't think that Biden's alleged conduct constituted sexual harassment.. This was less than two years after the Anita Hill Fiasco, and the story was on everyone

I think an important point, regardless of which side the target of such an accusation is on, is that the time to accuse someone of misconduct like this is not several decades later, when that person is up for some important and very public position.

We do have a principle of innocent until proven guilty, and this sort of misconduct can be very difficult to prove even in the most favorable circumstances. Timing like this really makes it look like the accusation is being made, not to seek some justice for a past wrong, but to sabotage the person being accused, for political reasons that have nothing to do with the alleged misconduct of which he is being accused. It certainly generates a considerable suspicion that the accusation may, in fact, be false, that the accuser is likely lying.

And a broader consequence of accusations like this, being made in these kind of circumstances, is to make it more difficult for genuine victims of genuine sexual abuse to be believed if they try to speak out about what has been done to them. Kind of a “Boy who cried ‘Wolf!’ by proxy effect.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.
That's what feminist called Clinton's victims.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.
This lady is a fluke
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.
When totally destroyed in your argument, always resort to ridiculous insults and stupid talking points..... You're a disgrace.

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