If feminists continue to support Joe Biden then "Me too" is total bullshit

And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.
This lady is a fluke

Irrelevant to my post or my point. As you well know, since your intent was to distract from it.

It stands. YOU lefties are nothing but crack whores.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.
Me Too was always bullshit. It was hatched during the Kavanaugh fiasco because the Dimwingers had ZERO evidence, so obviously EVERY WOMAN MUST BE BELIEVED.

The Simpletons didn't see how that would come back to bite them in their hairy asses.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.
When totally destroyed in your argument, always resort to ridiculous insults and stupid talking points..... You're a disgrace.

There is no "argument" here.

You lefties have just spent the last two years having a witch hunt called Metoo, that you unleashed on men, based on the idea of believing women without skepticism or due process,

and now you are trying to changed the established rules of conduct on dealing with these types of accusations, on a dime, so that you can give your would be Leader a pass, instead of possibly losing another election.

Your hypocrisy is clear and I am calling you on it.

That is not a matter of debate. This is a just a matter of a calling a crack whore, a crack whore.

And reminding everyone, that from one on, the next time and every time after that, that some feminist talks shit about sexism or sexual harassment or anything,

we need to remember that they are just lying whores, every single one and dismiss them.

Or you, as the case may be.
The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Except Kavanaugh got due process. He got a hearing. He ranted like a crazy person and the GOP put him on the court anyway, even though a lot of Republicans said (at least initially) they believed Ford.
I think an important point, regardless of which side the target of such an accusation is on, is that the time to accuse someone of misconduct like this is not several decades later, when that person is up for some important and very public position.

Actually, would it really have been easier to prove something in 1993 as it was now? The only evidence you have is her word. Period.

The difference here is that unlike Kavanaugh or Thomas or Bill Clinton or Bob Packwood is that we aren't seeing a pattern with Biden. You should have a lot of women coming forward, not just this one. (And, no, I don't consider the shoulder rubbing to be in the same category.)

The real problem is the Democrats are willing to hold their own to a standard and Republicans aren't. They are putting Biden through the wringer over ONE questionable account, they dumped on Al Franken on the word of a STRIPPER, but Republicans are "So he paid off porn stars, Just like Jesus did."

We do have a principle of innocent until proven guilty, and this sort of misconduct can be very difficult to prove even in the most favorable circumstances. Timing like this really makes it look like the accusation is being made, not to seek some justice for a past wrong, but to sabotage the person being accused, for political reasons that have nothing to do with the alleged misconduct of which he is being accused. It certainly generates a considerable suspicion that the accusation may, in fact, be false, that the accuser is likely lying.

Wait, wait, aren't you the guy who wants to crucify poor people on questionable evidence? Aren't you the one who wants to still go after poor Roman Polanski for some bullshit that happened 40 years ago? (Even though he plead guilty and served jail time for it.)

And a broader consequence of accusations like this, being made in these kind of circumstances, is to make it more difficult for genuine victims of genuine sexual abuse to be believed if they try to speak out about what has been done to them. Kind of a “Boy who cried ‘Wolf!’ by proxy effect.

Again, let's get real here. Only 3% of men who rape ever see the inside of a jail cell. Half of sexual assaults are never reported at all.

If you could prove that Biden really did what Raede said he did, I'd be the first one calling for him to step aside, even knowing that it would give us four more years of Trump. (Or maybe not. Even if Commie Bernie is the nominee, he could probably beat Trump at this point.)

The problem I have with Raede's story is that she's changed it several times, and there's a lot of other behavior on her part that makes her mental stability questionable.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.
When totally destroyed in your argument, always resort to ridiculous insults and stupid talking points..... You're a disgrace.

There is no "argument" here.

You lefties have just spent the last two years having a witch hunt called Metoo, that you unleashed on men, based on the idea of believing women without skepticism or due process,

and now you are trying to changed the established rules of conduct on dealing with these types of accusations, on a dime, so that you can give your would be Leader a pass, instead of possibly losing another election.

Your hypocrisy is clear and I am calling you on it.

That is not a matter of debate. This is a just a matter of a calling a crack whore, a crack whore.

And reminding everyone, that from one on, the next time and every time after that, that some feminist talks shit about sexism or sexual harassment or anything,

we need to remember that they are just lying whores, every single one and dismiss them.

Or you, as the case may be.
Yeah. Me Too was a Democrat establishment organization masked as a women's movement, and what's left of it still is. That's why they let Joe slide.
Funny thing, as I was writing that last post, and speaking highly of my boss from 1993, (actually 1986 through some time in 2002, and a few occasional consulting gigs into 2003 and 2004), I was thinking that you'd probably think he was an asshole. You'd have a very difficult time finding anyone who ever actually knew him, who would agree with you on that point, but I have little doubt that that's what you would think of him.

I bet that if I worked for the “weasel” you worked for in 1993, I'd probably get along just fine with him.

Well, if you did, you'd be a bit of a weasel yourself.

Besides the sexual harassment he almost got fired for, he was eventually walked out of the building by Corporate security a month before they closed our branch down. There were a bunch of times he had the office girls reduced to tears. During the time he was in charge (about four years), we had 96 employees either quit or get fired, at a branch that only employed 25 people on a good day.

One example... The father of a Truck driver's girlfriend passed away, and he wanted a day off to be with the family. His position- since he wasn't married to her, (they had only lived together for years), it wasn't a family thing and he didn't qualify for bereavement time. The Truck driver pretty much quit on the spot after being there for I think it was six years. So instead of one day of not being able to make deliveries, it took weeks to find a replacement truck driver.

The ironic thing was I was a supervisor, which meant that I was often the guy who had to implement whatever stupid thing this guy wanted to do today and get the crew to go along with it. Not always easy when he might change his mind in a week, which he often did. The people above him were making decisions that were just as dumb.

Still, I did better than most supervisors in that I lasted... as opposed to the previous year when they went through six supervisors in a 14 month period.

Funny thing was, he wasn't even the worst person I ever worked for. Worst manager, yes. but not the worst person.

(Now, I want to caveat that by saying that this company probably would have went under even with GOOD management. It was catering to a market that was destroyed in the 1990's. But our rotten management certainly didn't help.)

There were some who were with us only briefly, and quite a few who were regulars or semi-regulars. Some of the less regulars, I wouldn't be able to name, and wouldn't recognize them if I saw them again. Pretty much all the regulars and semi-regulars, I surely could.

Exactly my point, Mormon Bob. I doubt that Biden would have even remembered who Tara Raede was.
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And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.
When totally destroyed in your argument, always resort to ridiculous insults and stupid talking points..... You're a disgrace.

There is no "argument" here.

You lefties have just spent the last two years having a witch hunt called Metoo, that you unleashed on men, based on the idea of believing women without skepticism or due process,

and now you are trying to changed the established rules of conduct on dealing with these types of accusations, on a dime, so that you can give your would be Leader a pass, instead of possibly losing another election.

Your hypocrisy is clear and I am calling you on it.

That is not a matter of debate. This is a just a matter of a calling a crack whore, a crack whore.

And reminding everyone, that from one on, the next time and every time after that, that some feminist talks shit about sexism or sexual harassment or anything,

we need to remember that they are just lying whores, every single one and dismiss them.

Or you, as the case may be.
Yeah. Me Too was a Democrat establishment organization masked as a women's movement, and what's left of it still is. That's why they let Joe slide.

THis is the same shit that went down with Bill Clinton. The point is that we need to never let them go back to pretending to give a fuck about women.

EVERY TIME, they open their face anuses, we need to just shout HARVEY WINESTEIN, and JOE BIDEN memes until they are laughed off the stage.

The Feminist movement is nothing but crack whores. From now on.
Me Too was always bullshit. It was hatched during the Kavanaugh fiasco because the Dimwingers had ZERO evidence, so obviously EVERY WOMAN MUST BE BELIEVED.

The Simpletons didn't see how that would come back to bite them in their hairy asses.

I think you are a little confused. The launch of "MeToo" was Harvey Weinstein, who really was guilty of the things he was accused of.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.
When totally destroyed in your argument, always resort to ridiculous insults and stupid talking points..... You're a disgrace.

There is no "argument" here.

You lefties have just spent the last two years having a witch hunt called Metoo, that you unleashed on men, based on the idea of believing women without skepticism or due process,

and now you are trying to changed the established rules of conduct on dealing with these types of accusations, on a dime, so that you can give your would be Leader a pass, instead of possibly losing another election.

Your hypocrisy is clear and I am calling you on it.

That is not a matter of debate. This is a just a matter of a calling a crack whore, a crack whore.

And reminding everyone, that from one on, the next time and every time after that, that some feminist talks shit about sexism or sexual harassment or anything,

we need to remember that they are just lying whores, every single one and dismiss them.

Or you, as the case may be.
Yeah. Me Too was a Democrat establishment organization masked as a women's movement, and what's left of it still is. That's why they let Joe slide.

THis is the same shit that went down with Bill Clinton. The point is that we need to never let them go back to pretending to give a fuck about women.

EVERY TIME, they open their face anuses, we need to just shout HARVEY WINESTEIN, and JOE BIDEN memes until they are laughed off the stage.

The Feminist movement is nothing but crack whores. From now on.
Every case has to be considered on its merits. Weinstein is a proven screw up. Biden it is 1 charge in 50 years with no evidence.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.
When totally destroyed in your argument, always resort to ridiculous insults and stupid talking points..... You're a disgrace.

There is no "argument" here.

You lefties have just spent the last two years having a witch hunt called Metoo, that you unleashed on men, based on the idea of believing women without skepticism or due process,

and now you are trying to changed the established rules of conduct on dealing with these types of accusations, on a dime, so that you can give your would be Leader a pass, instead of possibly losing another election.

Your hypocrisy is clear and I am calling you on it.

That is not a matter of debate. This is a just a matter of a calling a crack whore, a crack whore.

And reminding everyone, that from one on, the next time and every time after that, that some feminist talks shit about sexism or sexual harassment or anything,

we need to remember that they are just lying whores, every single one and dismiss them.

Or you, as the case may be.
Yeah. Me Too was a Democrat establishment organization masked as a women's movement, and what's left of it still is. That's why they let Joe slide.

THis is the same shit that went down with Bill Clinton. The point is that we need to never let them go back to pretending to give a fuck about women.

EVERY TIME, they open their face anuses, we need to just shout HARVEY WINESTEIN, and JOE BIDEN memes until they are laughed off the stage.

The Feminist movement is nothing but crack whores. From now on.
Every case has to be considered on its merits. Weinstein is a proven screw up. Biden it is 1 charge in 50 years with no evidence.
But we believe women ... or used to.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.
This lady is a fluke

Irrelevant to my post or my point. As you well know, since your intent was to distract from it.

It stands. YOU lefties are nothing but crack whores.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.
Everyone knew kavanaugh would be approved. You are totally misinformed and just full of misinformed hates aren't you?
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.
This lady is a fluke

Irrelevant to my post or my point. As you well know, since your intent was to distract from it.

It stands. YOU lefties are nothing but crack whores.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I c
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.
When totally destroyed in your argument, always resort to ridiculous insults and stupid talking points..... You're a disgrace.

There is no "argument" here.

You lefties have just spent the last two years having a witch hunt called Metoo, that you unleashed on men, based on the idea of believing women without skepticism or due process,

and now you are trying to changed the established rules of conduct on dealing with these types of accusations, on a dime, so that you can give your would be Leader a pass, instead of possibly losing another election.

Your hypocrisy is clear and I am calling you on it.

That is not a matter of debate. This is a just a matter of a calling a crack whore, a crack whore.

And reminding everyone, that from one on, the next time and every time after that, that some feminist talks shit about sexism or sexual harassment or anything,

we need to remember that they are just lying whores, every single one and dismiss them.

Or you, as the case may be.
Yeah. Me Too was a Democrat establishment organization masked as a women's movement, and what's left of it still is. That's why they let Joe slide.

THis is the same shit that went down with Bill Clinton. The point is that we need to never let them go back to pretending to give a fuck about women.

EVERY TIME, they open their face anuses, we need to just shout HARVEY WINESTEIN, and JOE BIDEN memes until they are laughed off the stage.

The Feminist movement is nothing but crack whores. From now on.
Every case has to be considered on its merits. Weinstein is a proven screw up. Biden it is 1 charge in 50 years with no evidence.
But we believe women ... or used to.
are about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.
Everyone knew kavanaugh would be approved. You are totally misinformed and just full of misinformed hates aren't you?
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You are total bullshit. Trump has had over several dozen claim he assaulted them. There is 1 questionable claim against Biden.

It was your side that took the lead and ownership of “Me Too” “Believe All Women” and created a shit storm over an even more questionable claim against Bret Kavanaugh. So, by dismissing a claim against Biden without the rigorous standards and process you screamed for during Kavanaugh confirmation, any stance taken by your side moving forward or retrospectively on supporting a woman making a sexual harassment or assault claim against someone you don’t like politically is going to be justifiably mocked. Any moral ground your side thought it had on this issue has gone out the door. We saw it with Bill Clinton multiple times and now we see it again with Joe Biden.

It’s Bullshit.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

You never trusted feminists before so how is this any different|?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.

You've proven NOTHING except that you're a master of pretzel logic. Republicans are trying to use the #metoo movement as a weapon, similar to their attacks on Bill Clinton.

Republicans have been falsely smearing their opponents since Bill Clinton was elected. They're just trying to turn a left wing cause celebre to their own advantage. They could have hired an actual rape victim who could tell a convincing story, but instead they got Tara Reid, whose story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, and then they slyly say "You HAVE to believe her". No, we have to respect her, and to listen to her story, but we don't have to believe her.

The left's rejection of Tara Reid's story is because it hits every false note there is. No evidence, no on backing up her story, no physical evidence. She seems to have shopped this story around for a while with no takers in the legitimate press and had to go with FaceBook. And she's changed her story several times just since the FaceBook post.

Tara Reid didn't come forward the other times Joe Biden ran for President. She didn't come forward six months ago when everyone was talking about Joe' invasion of private space. She only came forward after Joe knocked her favourite, Bernie Sanders, out of the race.

She said she didn't come forward "out of respect" for Biden. Who has respect for someone who sexually assaults them? That's the moment when you LOSE all respect them.

The MeToo movement was about believing women. That is what you did in the Kavanaugh hearing.

You believed women without question and without due process.

Now that it is one of your own, suddenly the rules change.

I do not care about this accusation, as an accusation of wrong doing. I care about your reaction to it, and how it reveals that the whole me too movement, indeed, the whole feminism movement is a bunch of whores.

Bullshit. It was not about believing everyone without question or investigation. It is about taking women’s allegation seriously and not dismissing them as lies without investigation.

Of course you want to claim that “all women lie” or exaggerate or can’t take a joke. So you send out someone who is clearly lying and then say that MUST believe her with no evidence.

Let’s turn this around: If YOU believe that Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run for President because of Tara Reid’s accusations, then you also believe Brett Kavenaugh must resign from the SC and Trump must resign as President.

If Biden is disqualified from running Kavenaugh and Trump must also resign. Otherwise you fools are just screwing with us.

I believed that unsupported allegations are not a reason to not allow a man to run for major office.

I believed it during the Kavanaugh hearings and I believe it now.

My point, is the blatant hypocrisy of all the whores, or as you think of them, "feminists".

Which includes Biden, btw, he believes women. When it serves his partisan agenda to do so.

And that is all it ever was.

This point has been explained multiple times. Soon, I will start dismissing such confusing as a dishonest strawman.

Feminist “whores” don’t give a rat’s ass what a useless prick like you thinks. The fact that you refer to women as “whores” shows what a tool you are.

No wonder you support a loser like Trump. Birds of a feather.

I am not referring to "women" as whores.

I am referring to "feminists" who talk shit about men when it serves their liberal agenda, and then celebrate other men who are as bad or far worse, when it serve their liberal agenda,

those "feminists", female or other, are whores, rather low class ones, and should be given all the respect they thus deserve.

AND, I might add, that the point is not my personal opinion, but the logic of the feminists being whores. Your dismissal of me, or the weight of my opinion is irrelevant, because my point about their crack whoreness of their behavior,

is true and you know it.

Or should I say, YOUR behavior.

Notice how quickly you called me a "whore". Because I refused to play reindeer games with you. Any woman who cannot be controlled by men, is to be demonized.

I asked you a question which you haven't yet answered: If the choice is Biden or Trump, just on the basis of sexual assault, who do you think women should support: Joe Biden - who wrote the Violence Against Women Act, who was part of the administration which passed, as their first piece of legislation the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and who passed the Affordable Care Act, or the guy who let the Violence Against Women Act expire, who has told employers they don't have to pay for birth control in women's health care if they don't want to, and who tried to include "rape", "incest" and "pregnancy" as "pre-existing conditions" in women's health care, and is trying to have the Affordable Care Act declared as "unconstitutional".

No woman in her right mind would vote for Donald Trump just on the basis of him bragging about sexually assaulting women, but when you look at all of the economic harm Trump has done to women, not to mention his attacks on female reporters, his attacks on Planned Parenthood. Trump has done NOTHING for women voters at all, and much to drive them away.

Women's issues are basic family economics issues. Trump ignores and offends women voters at his own peril. What happened in 2018 was no accident. It was women voters doing what they didn't do in 2016 - vote against Donald Trump.

Trump has done nothing to earn women's votes. Absolutely nothing.
Old Lady, if you support Biden after all he's done you're a sell out. It doesn't matter what you think Trump has done.
It was your side that took the lead and ownership of “Me Too” “Believe All Women” and created a shit storm over an even more questionable claim against Bret Kavanaugh.

Except that it wasn't questionable, and it wasn't seriously investigated. Meanwhile, Raede's story is already falling apart. We just found out- from a right wing source, no less - that she was convicted of a check kiting charge right before she got fired.

Old Lady, if you support Biden after all he's done you're a sell out. It doesn't matter what you think Trump has done.

I'm sorry, what all has he done. He fired a woman from his office after she was caught check kiting...
It was your side that took the lead and ownership of “Me Too” “Believe All Women” and created a shit storm over an even more questionable claim against Bret Kavanaugh.

Except that it wasn't questionable, and it wasn't seriously investigated. Meanwhile, Raede's story is already falling apart. We just found out- from a right wing source, no less - that she was convicted of a check kiting charge right before she got fired.

Reade has the where, when, and corroborators. Basel-Ford had none of that. The Check fraud does question Reade’s credibility but the ultimate issue is that Democrats and Liberals own the “Me too” “All Women should be believed” and now they are backtracking. From that standpoint, it doesn’t matter what Reade did that would question her credibility.
Aren't you the one who wants to still go after poor Roman Polanski for some bullshit that happened 40 years ago? (Even though he plead guilty and served jail time for it.)

I probably don't need to comment here, just put this up and let the fact that you stand with Roman Polanski speak for itself. Here is a man who had his due process of law, the result of which was to establish, as fact, that he lured a 13-year-old girl to his home under false pretenses, drugged her, and anally-raped her. He even admitted it.

Then, after being duly convicted, he fled the country to avoid serving his sentence.

You're very fond of throwing around false accusations of such misconduct, but here's a man who is known, proven, to have engaged in exactly that conduct, and you take his side. This tells us everything that we need to know about your character, not that any of it hasn't always been obvious.

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