If feminists continue to support Joe Biden then "Me too" is total bullshit

Trump has never been accused of raping a woman with his finger.....

You're bragging because Trump used his penis to rape women? Now I've seen it all.

and Biden was a senator.....how can you defend that?....

By pointing out that Reid is obviously lying, and so are you.

Think about how low you've sunk, and how low all the Trump cultists here have sunk. They're all faking rape accusations just because they're butthurt at the liberals who keep pointing out how stupid and immoral they are, and because they want to defend the raping ways of the rapist-in-chief.

There's a special hell waiting for the Trump cultists. As the punishment will fit the crime, most likely they'll be sodomized by demons for eternity. And while they might think they'll enjoy it, they won't.
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So you didnt join the chorus of Kavanaugh bashers.

I probably did... Of course, what disqualified Kavanaugh was his MANIACAL performance in front of the Senate.

No, that's just the excuse you liars drummed up after the sexual assault allegations floundered. It's amusing how you all recite the exact same narrative on key. When the allegations first came on the scene you all immediately condemned him without evidence. Then when people started bringing up the idea of Due Process your puppet masters in the media said it's just a job interview, so we don't need Due Process and you all came here and regurgitated that talking point like the programmed drones you are. Then when the assault allegations went down the drain you all came here parroting the same talking point that he doesn't have the temperament to be on the SCOTUS because he had the nerve to get angry that his name had been wrongfully dragged the mud in front of the entire world for weeks because who would possibly get upset over such a thing.

You people are like the Borg with your hive mind. None of you think , you just follow.
No, that's just the excuse you liars drummed up after the sexual assault allegations floundered. It's amusing how you all recite the exact same narrative on key. When the allegations first came on the scene you all immediately condemned him without evidence. Then when people started bringing up the idea of Due Process your puppet masters in the media said it's just a job interview, so we don't need Due Process and you all came here and regurgitated that talking point like the programmed drones you are. Then when the assault allegations went down the drain you all came here parroting the same talking point that he doesn't have the temperament to be on the SCOTUS because he had the nerve to get angry that his name had been wrongfully dragged the mud in front of the entire world for weeks because who would possibly get upset over such a thing.

I'm sure that's how you like to remember it..

Here's what actually happened.

She testified, and even Republicans believed she was telling the truth.
Then Kavanaugh came out and gave that MANIACAL performance where he was screaming like a madman about lifting weights with Biff.
Then Trump ordered an investigation that was a whitewash.
That was followed by McConnell ram-rodding through confirmation.

Point was, Clarance Thomas, for all of his other faults, didn't scream like a maniac when Anita Hill (who I actually didn't believe) accused him of being a bad boss. He calmly answered questions.
By pointing out that Reid is obviously lying
You make a fool of yourself like this. Ford had NONE of the evidence this woman had, but nothing matters. Why you're willing to take the arrows and lose any credibility you might have had for this perverted old geezer is beyond me though.

Do you really think he is worth sacrificing this innocent woman -- who is/was a DEMOCRAT?
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
There is seven women, including one that was 14 years old at the time. Anyway we have fifty years of photos of Biden grouping women.

The 14 year old's story has been debunked. Biden wasn't even in attendance at the event where she claimed this happened. None of the 7 women claim that Joe "groped" them, only that he invaded their personal space and made them feel uncomfortable.

Only Tara Reid has made claims of inappropriate touching, and she only made those claims recently since Bernie pulled out of the race, even though she originally claimed Biden sexual harassed her 6 months ago.

Reid also claimed she filed a harassment complaint with the Senate ethics office, but she doesn't have a copy. Then she said she may not have filed a formal complaint, she may have only had an intake interview. She says her mother called Larry King, but has offered no evidence that it's her.

She wants Joe to pull out of the race. Does she think that the nomination will go to Bernie if he does?

This healthy skepticism is an admission that Metoo was a witch hunt.

YOu do realize that?

And thus, my point about feminists all being crack whores, is proven.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.
the movement itself was fine. but as usual, the left uses anything they can to MAX VALUE when they're emotional strings attached. but also as usual, they want both sides of the coin to land their way.

believe women when they make accusations they want you to believe - kavanaugh, dr thomas, and so many others.
reject them when they hurt people they don't want to be impacted - biden, clinton, and so many others

but that is still no reason to support the latest on biden. while there may be some "hooks" in there with timing, this is still 20+ years old and i've not seen much other than she did say something at the time (were charges pressed then, if so what happened? if not, why?) and so forth.

we know the left does stupid childish emotional bullshit and then screams when used back at them. the point is, if we know it's wrong when they do it, well it's still wrong to do it back. illustrate the hypocrisy and move on. but to push the attack "because they did it" is simply validating it as a means of attack.
the movement itself was fine. but as usual, the left uses anything they can to MAX VALUE when they're emotional strings attached. but also as usual, they want both sides of the coin to land their way.

believe women when they make accusations they want you to believe - kavanaugh, dr thomas, and so many others.
reject them when they hurt people they don't want to be impacted - biden, clinton, and so many others

Uh, Thomas isn't a "Doctor". The guy is too much of a moron to get a doctorate. I mean, really fucking stupid, and that's why he should have been rejected from the court.

The thing is, Kavanaugh and Thomas got their day in court, they weren't terribly believable, but they still got the benefit of the doubt. So I'm not sure what you are bitching about here. For Clinton. KEN STARR SPENT 70 MILLION DOLLARS ON A PANTY SNIFFING RAID. And all he came up with after all that was that Bill really did have consensual sex with an intern.

but that is still no reason to support the latest on biden. while there may be some "hooks" in there with timing, this is still 20+ years old and i've not seen much other than she did say something at the time (were charges pressed then, if so what happened? if not, why?) and so forth.

Actually, it was more than that. I personally still question Anita Hill's claims because they don't make any sense.

If Clarance Thomas was such an awful boss, why did she follow him from one Agency to another. That's like the opposite of what you do when you have a boss you hate. What you do is do a happy dance the day he leaves. Instead she followed him and still maintained a professional relationship with him even after she went to Academia.

Now, on to Tara Reade.

She has told FOUR different versions of this story.
Her timing is suspect, as she could have told this story last year before the nomination was down to just Joe and Bernie.
There are years of Tweets by her PRAISING Biden.
There appears to be no paper trail of her complaint, nor does anyone in the office remember the behavior.
Then there's the fact that the incident she describes closely matches a passage from a fiction novel written by her father.

Yet she's getting more of a hearing than Ford got. More to the point, she's probably getting off easy because Democrats are loathe to question her directly, which they SHOULD be doing.
no, but the manner in which the left weaponizes the movement, is.

And when did they do that? Kavanaugh? The worst thing that could have happened with Kavanaugh is his nomination would have been withdrawn and they'd have replaced him with another knuckle dragger who thinks rights are just something for straight white males.
You make a fool of yourself like this. Ford had NONE of the evidence this woman had, but nothing matters.

Being that Tar Reade has _zero_ evidence, and all the actual evidence contradicts her, you appear to be either delusional or pathologically dishonest.

For example, she said there was a complaint. There was no complaint. How do you spin away that not-insignificant lie?

If you're not lying, tell us what evidence she has. Be specific.

Do you really think he is worth sacrificing this innocent woman -- who is/was a DEMOCRAT?

We know why you're faking rape charges against Biden.

You love Trump like a lover.

Thus, you feel compelled to defend Trump's rapey ways by faking stories of Democrats doing the same.

What, you thought your rape-enabling strategy wasn't obvious?

Yes, you can run now. Don't worry, you won't disappoint anyone, because everyone expects you to run. You're a Trump cultist, and Trump cultists always run when challenged.
Absolutely nobody believes you

Are you saying you speak for absolutely nobody?

So you didnt join the chorus of Kavanaugh bashers.

I probably did... Of course, what disqualified Kavanaugh was his MANIACAL performance in front of the Senate.

No, that's just the excuse you liars drummed up after the sexual assault allegations floundered. It's amusing how you all recite the exact same narrative on key. When the allegations first came on the scene you all immediately condemned him without evidence. Then when people started bringing up the idea of Due Process your puppet masters in the media said it's just a job interview, so we don't need Due Process and you all came here and regurgitated that talking point like the programmed drones you are. Then when the assault allegations went down the drain you all came here parroting the same talking point that he doesn't have the temperament to be on the SCOTUS because he had the nerve to get angry that his name had been wrongfully dragged the mud in front of the entire world for weeks because who would possibly get upset over such a thing.

You people are like the Borg with your hive mind. None of you think , you just follow.

Wrong again, a$$hat. We wanted due process for Kavenaugh, not the sham investigation which refused to follow any leads.

Kavenaugh was unsuitable on so many counts: far too partisan, ill tempered, disrespectful. I think it highly appropriate that the architect of pursuing Bill Clinton for his sexual morality should be hoist on his own petard. Of course it stands to reason that Kavenaugh would realize Clinton's vulnerability where women were concerned. The faults we find in others are usually the mirror of our own faults. Kavenaugh knew he couldn't withstand a similar questioning. His rage was that of the caught and cornered animal trying to bluster his way out of this and claim victimhood for himself, not righteous innocence.
Wrong again, a$$hat. We wanted due process for Kavenaugh, not the sham investigation which refused to follow any leads.

The Democrats never wanted Due Process for him. In fact, they were the ones who said he wasn't entitled to it because it was just a "job interview." It was about sabotaging the president appointing another conservative to the Supreme Court. As usual, you are a shameless liar.
no, but the manner in which the left weaponizes the movement, is.
And when did they do that? Kavanaugh? The worst thing that could have happened with Kavanaugh is his nomination would have been withdrawn and they'd have replaced him with another knuckle dragger who thinks rights are just something for straight white males.
Ah … the virtue-signaling race-card. Obviously you've lost another argument, Joe-B. Very sad. :cool:
By pointing out that Reid is obviously lying
You make a fool of yourself like this. Ford had NONE of the evidence this woman had, but nothing matters. Why you're willing to take the arrows and lose any credibility you might have had for this perverted old geezer is beyond me though.

Do you really think he is worth sacrificing this innocent woman -- who is/was a DEMOCRAT?

Only Ford was allowed to testify before Congress even though there were at least 2 other accusers.

Ford had more evidence than this woman had but the FBI wasn't allowed to interview any of her witnesses. And she had spoken about it many times, including with a psychiatrist. At least two other women came forward and confirmed Kavenaugh behaved inappropriately with them, in high school and college, and another who made allegations about an incident when he was working for Ken Starr.

Kavenaugh's witnesses said it never happened, but weren't interviewed by the FBI.
65 million liberals will vote for a senile rapist.

That tells you all need to need to know about those 65 million people.
Only Ford was allowed to testify before Congress even though there were at least 2 other accusers.

Ford had more evidence than this woman had but the FBI wasn't allowed to interview any of her witnesses. And she had spoken about it many times, including with a psychiatrist. At least two other women came forward and confirmed Kavenaugh behaved inappropriately with them, in high school and college, and another who made allegations about an incident when he was working for Ken Starr.

Kavenaugh's witnesses said it never happened, but weren't interviewed by the FBI.

Ford had no evidence and nobody could corroborate her story. Kavenaugh had an impeccable record as a jurist and there was no reason whatsoever for him to be dragged through that gauntlet. There's more evidence against Joe Biden than there ever was against Kavenaugh, but people like you will still support him because you are dishonest and dishonorable.

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