If Fords testimony is true...

Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
Still waiting for the lie!

Bart lied continually about his drinking. Why lie.
When? Post the lie! Why can’t you?
So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
Still waiting for the lie!

Bart lied continually about his drinking. Why lie.

This is a losing argument for you. Almost literally for now....40 minutes and counting. :5_1_12024:
101 times as he already posted. He’s a loser 101 times
So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
Still waiting for the lie!

Bart lied continually about his drinking. Why lie.

How do you know the people making the claim about his drinking aren't lying?

After all, if you are in Yale and nothing but a drunk, you are not going to graduate at the top of your class. My niece and nephew went to college, and they both said there is very little party time like the movies depict. It's go to class all day and study most nights.
Either the times have changed in the past 6-8 years, or they’re flat out lying haha. I mean it’s not all the time, not too much or too hard on weekdays, but when the weekend hits, watch out.
She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She has no recollections, so there was nothing to investigate. The FBI has nothing to work with. But this never had anything to do with any of that. None of her alleged witnesses backed up her story. Even her former paramour said he never heard anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wanted her interviewed so she would lie to the FBI and then she could be prosecuted. This is now about the 101st time it has been stated in this thread.

For what reason, so the Democrats can call Republicans evil doers for having a victim prosecuted by the federal government? So they can report 24/7 how tormented this victim is, how broke she is, what's going to happen to her kids, appearing in court in her prison jump suit?

You have to realize Republicans are much smarter than that. Democrats? Could care less about this woman. Let her go to prison if they can make political hay out of this.

If she gave false testimony do you really think she should get away with it. Law and order you know.

Of course she did. She was very nervous and twitchy. She lied.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
The investigation is over and a procedural vote is scheduled for Saturday. All of this is over, I think.

It's not over. We will remember for a long time. Believe it.

Yes, we will all remember the despicable way the democrats treated Kavanaugh.
Ford is but a tiny footnote in history! Only the prolific losers still talking about Ford.:113::113:
I don’t think so. If the dems take the house, they could very well try to impeach Kav. It’s very likely they’ll try to impeach trump, that’s essientially what they’re running on now. Even if they don’t, whenever a decision comes down to him, they’ll always link him as a rapist. We won’t ever hear the end of it. They’ll probably make a movie about Ford too.
Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She has no recollections, so there was nothing to investigate. The FBI has nothing to work with. But this never had anything to do with any of that. None of her alleged witnesses backed up her story. Even her former paramour said he never heard anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wanted her interviewed so she would lie to the FBI and then she could be prosecuted. This is now about the 101st time it has been stated in this thread.
Nobody cares. Isn’t that obvious after 101 tries?

You know that's not true.

WOW. Great cumback. No evidence period.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Look through several of these threads for the last week. Many have wanted her locked up. Sound familiar dupe?
So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
Still waiting for the lie!

Bart lied continually about his drinking. Why lie.

How do you know the people making the claim about his drinking aren't lying?

After all, if you are in Yale and nothing but a drunk, you are not going to graduate at the top of your class. My niece and nephew went to college, and they both said there is very little party time like the movies depict. It's go to class all day and study most nights.

His roommate corroborated what others claimed as well.
She has no recollections, so there was nothing to investigate. The FBI has nothing to work with. But this never had anything to do with any of that. None of her alleged witnesses backed up her story. Even her former paramour said he never heard anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wanted her interviewed so she would lie to the FBI and then she could be prosecuted. This is now about the 101st time it has been stated in this thread.
Nobody cares. Isn’t that obvious after 101 tries?

You know that's not true.

WOW. Great cumback. No evidence period.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Look through several of these threads for the last week. Many have wanted her locked up. Sound familiar dupe?

Agreed that would never happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lol, none of us know the truth.

And yet you keep posting as if you know the truth. Makes you fairly dishonest.

Nope I keep saying the FBI needs to interview both people to help get to the truth. Please try and keep up Raymond.

The two people have already testified before the Senate. No need to interview them again. And why do I need to keep up with Raymond?

Because you can't.

You are behaving trollish.

You are a troll
Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She has no recollections, so there was nothing to investigate. The FBI has nothing to work with. But this never had anything to do with any of that. None of her alleged witnesses backed up her story. Even her former paramour said he never heard anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wanted her interviewed so she would lie to the FBI and then she could be prosecuted. This is now about the 101st time it has been stated in this thread.

For what reason, so the Democrats can call Republicans evil doers for having a victim prosecuted by the federal government? So they can report 24/7 how tormented this victim is, how broke she is, what's going to happen to her kids, appearing in court in her prison jump suit?

You have to realize Republicans are much smarter than that. Democrats? Could care less about this woman. Let her go to prison if they can make political hay out of this.

If she gave false testimony do you really think she should get away with it. Law and order you know.

It's more about politics than law and order. Republicans are not like Democrats where we seek revenge for those that cross us. Let a sleeping dog lie. She and the Democrats had their fun, but now it's time to pay the piper. This is something they may regret for the next decade or so.

So you do not believe in law and order. I knew you were nothing but a partisan stooge. Thank you for confirming.
So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
She did lie, and I’ve been asking what did Brett lie about? The only answers given have been from hearsay, from people who weren’t even around Brett during higschool. Which Kav had already admitted to drinking in excess. We have the hard proof in hand that Ford had already lied, where’s the hard proof that Brett lied?

More importantly I asked why you don’t want Ford to release the only pieces of evidence that haven’t been shot down, in their entirety? You dodged that question yet again. Just answer me that question, be capable of honest conversation. How can you be so comfortable with this much mental gymnastics? How does that not give you a sinking feeling in your stomach?

I’m trying to be honest here. And honestly there isn’t much of a way to prove lied about his drinking habits, especially if he had already admitted to them. Might he have mischaracterized or downplayed them, sure. First you’re going to have to define excess (which he admitted too). It’s a subjective term, so good luck. Then you’re going to have to get multiple accounts from HIGHSCHOOL classmates that can attest to Brett tying one on almost every night, or whatever, something that’s going to definitively exceed whatever constitutes “excess” that’s more than just sometimes (also a subjective term). Even then, that would be all hearsay from subjective observations, from 36 years ago. But if enough convincing accounts come out, I’m able to agree that he probably lied about his drinking habits. We don’t have anything pointing us in that direction, not even close. Let’s not forget, this has little to do with sexual assault allegations...which are vastly more important than underage drinking. Why is it the goal posts have moved from sexual assault, to underage drinking?

I’ll ask this one more time. Don’t bother responding until you answer this. Why isn’t it important to you (or Ford, or anyone who opposes Kav) that Ford releases that only evidence that hasn’t fallen flat on its face?

Clown boy I want everything put on the table, that is what I have been saying the whole time.
So why is she withholding information on the condition the FBI do something they don’t need to do?

That is what the FBI needed to find out.
So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
Still waiting for the lie!

Bart lied continually about his drinking. Why lie.
Where’s the lie? You have one out of context statement you cite of him. You ignore the statement where he admits to drinking in excess, as well as others like the one where he points to a calendar and says “I probably drank on this weekday, since it was on my calendar.” The only “evidence” you have to the contrary is from college classmates, not high school ones...where did he lie?

He said he was to busy with basketball ball, but his calendar he handed over suggests other wise. So does Bart's hand written letter.
So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
Still waiting for the lie!

Bart lied continually about his drinking. Why lie.
When? Post the lie! Why can’t you?

Did you see his testimony, it is in there. Bart said he was to busy with basketball but his calendar and hand written letter say different.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
Still waiting for the lie!

Bart lied continually about his drinking. Why lie.

This is a losing argument for you. Almost literally for now....40 minutes and counting. :5_1_12024:
101 times as he already posted. He’s a loser 101 times

So you are also a mouthpiece for law and order. Thank you for clarifying you are a partisan hack.
Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She has no recollections, so there was nothing to investigate. The FBI has nothing to work with. But this never had anything to do with any of that. None of her alleged witnesses backed up her story. Even her former paramour said he never heard anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wanted her interviewed so she would lie to the FBI and then she could be prosecuted. This is now about the 101st time it has been stated in this thread.

For what reason, so the Democrats can call Republicans evil doers for having a victim prosecuted by the federal government? So they can report 24/7 how tormented this victim is, how broke she is, what's going to happen to her kids, appearing in court in her prison jump suit?

You have to realize Republicans are much smarter than that. Democrats? Could care less about this woman. Let her go to prison if they can make political hay out of this.

If she gave false testimony do you really think she should get away with it. Law and order you know.

Of course she did. She was very nervous and twitchy. She lied.

So you didn't answer the question. Should she get away with it?
I wanted her interviewed so she would lie to the FBI and then she could be prosecuted. This is now about the 101st time it has been stated in this thread.
Nobody cares. Isn’t that obvious after 101 tries?

You know that's not true.

WOW. Great cumback. No evidence period.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Look through several of these threads for the last week. Many have wanted her locked up. Sound familiar dupe?

Agreed that would never happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So we are not a nation of laws. Aren't you all about law and order?
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

So you are saying she lied, but are happy with Bart's lies, duly noted.
Still waiting for the lie!

Bart lied continually about his drinking. Why lie.
When? Post the lie! Why can’t you?

Did you see his testimony, it is in there. Bart said he was to busy with basketball but his calendar and hand written letter say different.
Haha haha

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