If Fords testimony is true...


Subject: Evidence that Kavanaugh attacked Ford when they were children.

Kavanaugh drank a lot in school: Not evidence.
Ford's claim she was afraid of flying when she was not: Not evidence.
Ford's claim the attack caused her to be claustrophobic: Not evidence.
Ford's claim she had an additional door installed his her home because of claustrophobia: Not evidence.
Ford's claim Kavanaugh's attack caused her claustrophobia: Not evidence.

FBI investigation: Investigate subject only.

If she is to be charged for lying they need to investigate Ray or you only believe in law and order when it suits your political agenda. Like you have stated up thread.

Maybe it does, I don't know. What I do know is that if she was lying, it had nothing to do with the Kavanaugh investigation. They were only sent out to investigate one thing which they did; they interviewed everybody that could have been involved.

And they talked to neither party involved in said incident. Is that how good police work goes?

They already had statements from them, sworn under oath. Do you think they would have said something different?

Yes, they often do with continuous questioning, or is how many cases get cracked.
I support Bill Mahr, or whatever his name is, really? As far as I remember he is some kind of half ass comedian, which makes him half of an ass then you!
Do you have any reading comprehension? Did you read what Bill Maher said?
He speaking about you Nutters

Nutters like you.

Here ya go.
pee wee herman i know you are but what am i - Bing video

Typical unthinker. Got one better" I am rubber and you are glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you."

Yup, why am I not surprised, I'm sure you know all of them and still use them.

Only on an unthinker like you, you can almost follow along.
Subject: Evidence that Kavanaugh attacked Ford when they were children.

Kavanaugh drank a lot in school: Not evidence.
Ford's claim she was afraid of flying when she was not: Not evidence.
Ford's claim the attack caused her to be claustrophobic: Not evidence.
Ford's claim she had an additional door installed his her home because of claustrophobia: Not evidence.
Ford's claim Kavanaugh's attack caused her claustrophobia: Not evidence.

FBI investigation: Investigate subject only.

If she is to be charged for lying they need to investigate Ray or you only believe in law and order when it suits your political agenda. Like you have stated up thread.

Maybe it does, I don't know. What I do know is that if she was lying, it had nothing to do with the Kavanaugh investigation. They were only sent out to investigate one thing which they did; they interviewed everybody that could have been involved.

And they talked to neither party involved in said incident. Is that how good police work goes?

They already had statements from them, sworn under oath. Do you think they would have said something different?

Yes, they often do with continuous questioning, or is how many cases get cracked.

So do you get the truth or just someone saying what they think you want them to say so you'll leave them alone?
Lol, you know this for a fact? Then you should share your facts with the FBI so they can prosecute her. Do you need the number to the local FBI office?

WTF!! Now you want evidence?

I have always wanted evidence dimwit. Law and order.
What was the evidence then?

Wtf you are dense, that is what the FBI is to find out?

WTF, the FBI should look for evidence based on an allegation? You truly are an idiot.

Get them talking and the truth always comes out. But they did none of that.
They are experts at interrogation, and they may be able expose lies and or new information. But no one will know now because they either did not do their jobs or were ordered not to. Law and order Ray, why are you against it.

How is Josh Mandel doing in his bid to unseat Brown. You told me he was a shoe in. Just wondering how that is going right now.

He withdrew because of family problems. If he stayed in, he would have been a shoe-in.

The FBI are experts which is why they didn't want to take the case in the first place. They knew there was nothing there for them to latch on to. They interviewed Judge and the several other witnesses Ford pointed out, and they all said the same thing: Ford is FOS.

Or do you think Kavanaugh would break down under FBI questioning (which he's been interviewed many times by the FBI) and say he did it? Or were you expecting Ford to do the same?

There are no questions you can ask either of these people that could be used as evidence.

Family issues, ROTFLMAO! Then why is he running for another political position? Let me tell you why, the TOP read the tea leaves and know he was going to get stomped, plus the Koch brothers told them no money for a sure fired loser like Joshey! So they served up Jimi, who might make it closer but is still a double digit loser.

I believe the liar could possibly crack and that is why both most be interrogated. But they did not want to go there, why. Remember Rump even said she gave credible testimony until it was show time then he fed his base!

If Josh stays in Ohio, he can better handle his family problems (whatever they may be) in the state rather than from Washington. Just because he's having some problems doesn't mean he can quit working.

I think the problem with this FBI thing is you watch too many movies. Investigators only investigate. They don't sit people under a lamp two feet from their face, yell at them, scream at them, threaten to waterboard them if they don't comply. They don't force them to sit there for 72 hours like a murder investigation refusing them water or food.

Neither are they soothsayers. There are only so many questions you can ask people about something from 35 years ago. The reason for statues of limitation is because memories fade, evidence disappears, witnesses die, structures are torn down or totally remodeled. The FBI has absolutely nothing to go on except he said/ she said.

Josh is a tool and the Kochs figured it out.

They don't have to simply speaking with them and asking pertinent questions they may talk themselves into a lie.

So is the point in this case to get the truth or to trick someone into a lie so they can be prosecuted?

The truth, that is what is important. No reason to lie if telling the truth.
He and his roommate probably either didn't get along, or had some bad blood between them when they parted. In any case, that's not what is called evidence. Furthermore there is no legal definition of what is too much to drink outside of operating a motor vehicle. Being drunk is subjective. I have neighbors that are drunks, but that's my opinion of them. Opinions are not evidence.

Like Ford may have had with an ex boyfriend. Once again since you have the facts on the ex roommate you should contact the FBI about it. He needs to be questioned and if he is found lying prosecute.
Go for it. You don’t have the fortitude to do it alone?

No puss-puss I do not have the authority.

He should have testified after her and before Judge Kavanuagh, and said just this. That would have been interesting. We can hope for some more monologues prior to November.

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To go back now is kinda useless, if Bart lied he is already a justice. If she did it will look kinda bad on the job they should have done before confirming.

This whole thing was botched.
Nope I keep saying the FBI needs to interview both people to help get to the truth. Please try and keep up Raymond.

The two people have already testified before the Senate. No need to interview them again. And why do I need to keep up with Raymond?

Because you can't.

You are behaving trollish.

You are a troll

I've been here long enough that people know I'm not a troll. Of course, the people who call me a troll are the ones who act trollish. Thanks for confirming my observation of you.

No you are a troll, wear it well.
If she is to be charged for lying they need to investigate Ray or you only believe in law and order when it suits your political agenda. Like you have stated up thread.

Maybe it does, I don't know. What I do know is that if she was lying, it had nothing to do with the Kavanaugh investigation. They were only sent out to investigate one thing which they did; they interviewed everybody that could have been involved.

And they talked to neither party involved in said incident. Is that how good police work goes?

They already had statements from them, sworn under oath. Do you think they would have said something different?

Yes, they often do with continuous questioning, or is how many cases get cracked.

So do you get the truth or just someone saying what they think you want them to say so you'll leave them alone?

You don't stray from the truth, it is the truth.
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Maybe it does, I don't know. What I do know is that if she was lying, it had nothing to do with the Kavanaugh investigation. They were only sent out to investigate one thing which they did; they interviewed everybody that could have been involved.

And they talked to neither party involved in said incident. Is that how good police work goes?

They already had statements from them, sworn under oath. Do you think they would have said something different?

Yes, they often do with continuous questioning, or is how many cases get cracked.

So do you get the truth or just someone saying what they think you want them to say so you'll leave them alone?

You don't stay from the truth, it is the truth.
We know! Believe me we know! My win is actually a loss! Wow!

No you and your life are a loser. It is what and who you are, wear it.

Law and order!

Glad to know you do not believe in democracy. You have the correct president then, because neither does he.
This country was never supposed to be a democracy, it’s supposed to be a republic. Only fools think there’s any good in a shit eating democracy....
He withdrew because of family problems. If he stayed in, he would have been a shoe-in.

The FBI are experts which is why they didn't want to take the case in the first place. They knew there was nothing there for them to latch on to. They interviewed Judge and the several other witnesses Ford pointed out, and they all said the same thing: Ford is FOS.

Or do you think Kavanaugh would break down under FBI questioning (which he's been interviewed many times by the FBI) and say he did it? Or were you expecting Ford to do the same?

There are no questions you can ask either of these people that could be used as evidence.

Family issues, ROTFLMAO! Then why is he running for another political position? Let me tell you why, the TOP read the tea leaves and know he was going to get stomped, plus the Koch brothers told them no money for a sure fired loser like Joshey! So they served up Jimi, who might make it closer but is still a double digit loser.

I believe the liar could possibly crack and that is why both most be interrogated. But they did not want to go there, why. Remember Rump even said she gave credible testimony until it was show time then he fed his base!

If Josh stays in Ohio, he can better handle his family problems (whatever they may be) in the state rather than from Washington. Just because he's having some problems doesn't mean he can quit working.

I think the problem with this FBI thing is you watch too many movies. Investigators only investigate. They don't sit people under a lamp two feet from their face, yell at them, scream at them, threaten to waterboard them if they don't comply. They don't force them to sit there for 72 hours like a murder investigation refusing them water or food.

Neither are they soothsayers. There are only so many questions you can ask people about something from 35 years ago. The reason for statues of limitation is because memories fade, evidence disappears, witnesses die, structures are torn down or totally remodeled. The FBI has absolutely nothing to go on except he said/ she said.

Josh is a tool and the Kochs figured it out.

They don't have to simply speaking with them and asking pertinent questions they may talk themselves into a lie.

He has done a lot of work here in Ohio and has been very productive. There is no reason for anybody to lie. He can stand on his record as well as point out Brown's record which is pretty embarrassing.

But I digress: I went to Barberton on Wednesday and seen the lines drawn on I-76. They usually don't do that until just before they open up the new road. Are those lanes opened up yet? We go there several times a week.

Don't know yet bro just hot back from vacation last night at 11 PM. Have not been out on highway yet where construction is at.

And if Brown's record is so bad how did he defeat the mighty mite DeWine in 2006, or Joshey in 2012. He had to pull plenty of Rethug votes in this red state to do it. And when he wins again this year by double digits it most mean he did even worse for the common man.

Nah, because our state and country is turning redder all the time. That was six years ago and this is today. I believe his time is up and we are ready for a new Senator.
No you and your life are a loser. It is what and who you are, wear it.

Law and order!

Glad to know you do not believe in democracy. You have the correct president then, because neither does he.
This country was never supposed to be a democracy, it’s supposed to be a republic. Only fools think there’s any good in a shit eating democracy....[/QUOT

It is a democratic republic. Sorry you hate democracy so does your president.
Family issues, ROTFLMAO! Then why is he running for another political position? Let me tell you why, the TOP read the tea leaves and know he was going to get stomped, plus the Koch brothers told them no money for a sure fired loser like Joshey! So they served up Jimi, who might make it closer but is still a double digit loser.

I believe the liar could possibly crack and that is why both most be interrogated. But they did not want to go there, why. Remember Rump even said she gave credible testimony until it was show time then he fed his base!

If Josh stays in Ohio, he can better handle his family problems (whatever they may be) in the state rather than from Washington. Just because he's having some problems doesn't mean he can quit working.

I think the problem with this FBI thing is you watch too many movies. Investigators only investigate. They don't sit people under a lamp two feet from their face, yell at them, scream at them, threaten to waterboard them if they don't comply. They don't force them to sit there for 72 hours like a murder investigation refusing them water or food.

Neither are they soothsayers. There are only so many questions you can ask people about something from 35 years ago. The reason for statues of limitation is because memories fade, evidence disappears, witnesses die, structures are torn down or totally remodeled. The FBI has absolutely nothing to go on except he said/ she said.

Josh is a tool and the Kochs figured it out.

They don't have to simply speaking with them and asking pertinent questions they may talk themselves into a lie.

He has done a lot of work here in Ohio and has been very productive. There is no reason for anybody to lie. He can stand on his record as well as point out Brown's record which is pretty embarrassing.

But I digress: I went to Barberton on Wednesday and seen the lines drawn on I-76. They usually don't do that until just before they open up the new road. Are those lanes opened up yet? We go there several times a week.

Don't know yet bro just hot back from vacation last night at 11 PM. Have not been out on highway yet where construction is at.

And if Brown's record is so bad how did he defeat the mighty mite DeWine in 2006, or Joshey in 2012. He had to pull plenty of Rethug votes in this red state to do it. And when he wins again this year by double digits it most mean he did even worse for the common man.

Nah, because our state and country is turning redder all the time. That was six years ago and this is today. I believe his time is up and we are ready for a new Senator.

Wanna bet, he is gonna crush Jimmy the tax cheating crook.
If Josh stays in Ohio, he can better handle his family problems (whatever they may be) in the state rather than from Washington. Just because he's having some problems doesn't mean he can quit working.

I think the problem with this FBI thing is you watch too many movies. Investigators only investigate. They don't sit people under a lamp two feet from their face, yell at them, scream at them, threaten to waterboard them if they don't comply. They don't force them to sit there for 72 hours like a murder investigation refusing them water or food.

Neither are they soothsayers. There are only so many questions you can ask people about something from 35 years ago. The reason for statues of limitation is because memories fade, evidence disappears, witnesses die, structures are torn down or totally remodeled. The FBI has absolutely nothing to go on except he said/ she said.

Josh is a tool and the Kochs figured it out.

They don't have to simply speaking with them and asking pertinent questions they may talk themselves into a lie.

He has done a lot of work here in Ohio and has been very productive. There is no reason for anybody to lie. He can stand on his record as well as point out Brown's record which is pretty embarrassing.

But I digress: I went to Barberton on Wednesday and seen the lines drawn on I-76. They usually don't do that until just before they open up the new road. Are those lanes opened up yet? We go there several times a week.

Don't know yet bro just hot back from vacation last night at 11 PM. Have not been out on highway yet where construction is at.

And if Brown's record is so bad how did he defeat the mighty mite DeWine in 2006, or Joshey in 2012. He had to pull plenty of Rethug votes in this red state to do it. And when he wins again this year by double digits it most mean he did even worse for the common man.

Nah, because our state and country is turning redder all the time. That was six years ago and this is today. I believe his time is up and we are ready for a new Senator.

Wanna bet, he is gonna crush Jimmy the tax cheating crook.

I guess that would depend on how many hypocrites are voting in your party in light of their outrage over Kavanaugh. You see, your Senator has been a baaaaaaaad boy.

The organization, known as #MeTooOhio, is spending less than $100,000 to show a 60-second digital commercial that resurrects allegations that Brown in the 1980s physically abused his then-wife, Larke. The group called for him resign immediately, comparing his case with those of everyone from Bill Cosby to former Ohio State assistant football coach Zach Smith.

Jim Renacci rips Sherrod Brown for domestic abuse; senator's ex-wife refutes claim
Josh is a tool and the Kochs figured it out.

They don't have to simply speaking with them and asking pertinent questions they may talk themselves into a lie.

He has done a lot of work here in Ohio and has been very productive. There is no reason for anybody to lie. He can stand on his record as well as point out Brown's record which is pretty embarrassing.

But I digress: I went to Barberton on Wednesday and seen the lines drawn on I-76. They usually don't do that until just before they open up the new road. Are those lanes opened up yet? We go there several times a week.

Don't know yet bro just hot back from vacation last night at 11 PM. Have not been out on highway yet where construction is at.

And if Brown's record is so bad how did he defeat the mighty mite DeWine in 2006, or Joshey in 2012. He had to pull plenty of Rethug votes in this red state to do it. And when he wins again this year by double digits it most mean he did even worse for the common man.

Nah, because our state and country is turning redder all the time. That was six years ago and this is today. I believe his time is up and we are ready for a new Senator.

Wanna bet, he is gonna crush Jimmy the tax cheating crook.

I guess that would depend on how many hypocrites are voting in your party in light of their outrage over Kavanaugh. You see, your Senator has been a baaaaaaaad boy.

The organization, known as #MeTooOhio, is spending less than $100,000 to show a 60-second digital commercial that resurrects allegations that Brown in the 1980s physically abused his then-wife, Larke. The group called for him resign immediately, comparing his case with those of everyone from Bill Cosby to former Ohio State assistant football coach Zach Smith.

Jim Renacci rips Sherrod Brown for domestic abuse; senator's ex-wife refutes claim

You wanted due process for Bart, does that not extend to Brown? Or are you a hypocrite? I mean Ford wasn't to be believed but the former Mrs. Brown is even after she refutes the claim. I noticed you don't care that Jimuh has heated this state and nation out of tax dollars, why am I not surprised. Is.he a bad boy too? Law and.order you know!
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
Regardless Miss Ford right or wrong, regardless Me too Movement right or wrong, In this debate people are forgetting one very important thing that how to protect women,children,old,poorer and weaker? Please can people debate about it and can tell us how?
Parents need to be parents.

Teach & reward Honesty, respect, integrity, honor...

Put God & the Pledge of allegiance back in schools and get liberal indoctrination out...

Restore JUSTICE, TOLERANCE, RESPECT, and CIVILITY back into politics. HOW?
- JAIL politicians, not protect them . Show no one is above the law, there is only 1 law, and politicians aren't above it.

- Vile rhetoric spewed by politicians - like Maxine Waters telling people to stalk / harass other politicians...the BS Feinstein pulled with Kavanaugh, sitting on an unsubstantiated RUMOR for 6 weeks, pulling it out, and trying to use her power to destroy a US citizen .... Such inappropriate conduct, beneath the dignity and standards of an elected official should be punished...

** This won't work as long as the politicians are left to 'police' themselves.

...just a few suggestions...
He has done a lot of work here in Ohio and has been very productive. There is no reason for anybody to lie. He can stand on his record as well as point out Brown's record which is pretty embarrassing.

But I digress: I went to Barberton on Wednesday and seen the lines drawn on I-76. They usually don't do that until just before they open up the new road. Are those lanes opened up yet? We go there several times a week.

Don't know yet bro just hot back from vacation last night at 11 PM. Have not been out on highway yet where construction is at.

And if Brown's record is so bad how did he defeat the mighty mite DeWine in 2006, or Joshey in 2012. He had to pull plenty of Rethug votes in this red state to do it. And when he wins again this year by double digits it most mean he did even worse for the common man.

Nah, because our state and country is turning redder all the time. That was six years ago and this is today. I believe his time is up and we are ready for a new Senator.

Wanna bet, he is gonna crush Jimmy the tax cheating crook.

I guess that would depend on how many hypocrites are voting in your party in light of their outrage over Kavanaugh. You see, your Senator has been a baaaaaaaad boy.

The organization, known as #MeTooOhio, is spending less than $100,000 to show a 60-second digital commercial that resurrects allegations that Brown in the 1980s physically abused his then-wife, Larke. The group called for him resign immediately, comparing his case with those of everyone from Bill Cosby to former Ohio State assistant football coach Zach Smith.

Jim Renacci rips Sherrod Brown for domestic abuse; senator's ex-wife refutes claim

You wanted due process for Bart, does that not extend to Brown? Or are you a hypocrite? I mean Ford wasn't to be believed but the former Mrs. Brown is even after she refutes the claim. I noticed you don't care that Jimuh has heated this state and nation out of tax dollars, why am I not surprised. Is.he a bad boy too? Law and.order you know!

I thought the new leftist mantra was an accusation is just as good as guilt. I guess that changes when it's a Democrat involved.

Besides that revelation, DumBama won Ohio in 2012. Trump won Ohio in 2016. There is much more momentum here than Brown has ever had in the past. That's why I don't see a similar outcome in 2018.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
Regardless Miss Ford right or wrong, regardless Me too Movement right or wrong, In this debate people are forgetting one very important thing that how to protect women,children,old,poorer and weaker? Please can people debate about it and can tell us how?
I mean the lesson should’ve been made clear shortly after the #metoo movement started. That lesson being, do not wait to come out when there is abuse. The more people to do that, the more the bad actors will fear getting caught, and more importantly, the more they WILL get caught and prosecuted. Without that, it makes it incredibly hard for due process to work properly. It’s also just as important that due process works properly. I think we’d all agree with the statement that we’d rather see 10 guilty people walk, vs 1 innocent person get the shaft and have their life destroyed. It sucks, but utopia doesn’t exist, and we need to be mature enough to recognize that.

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