If Fords testimony is true...

Don't know yet bro just hot back from vacation last night at 11 PM. Have not been out on highway yet where construction is at.

And if Brown's record is so bad how did he defeat the mighty mite DeWine in 2006, or Joshey in 2012. He had to pull plenty of Rethug votes in this red state to do it. And when he wins again this year by double digits it most mean he did even worse for the common man.

Nah, because our state and country is turning redder all the time. That was six years ago and this is today. I believe his time is up and we are ready for a new Senator.

Wanna bet, he is gonna crush Jimmy the tax cheating crook.

I guess that would depend on how many hypocrites are voting in your party in light of their outrage over Kavanaugh. You see, your Senator has been a baaaaaaaad boy.

The organization, known as #MeTooOhio, is spending less than $100,000 to show a 60-second digital commercial that resurrects allegations that Brown in the 1980s physically abused his then-wife, Larke. The group called for him resign immediately, comparing his case with those of everyone from Bill Cosby to former Ohio State assistant football coach Zach Smith.

Jim Renacci rips Sherrod Brown for domestic abuse; senator's ex-wife refutes claim

You wanted due process for Bart, does that not extend to Brown? Or are you a hypocrite? I mean Ford wasn't to be believed but the former Mrs. Brown is even after she refutes the claim. I noticed you don't care that Jimuh has heated this state and nation out of tax dollars, why am I not surprised. Is.he a bad boy too? Law and.order you know!

I thought the new leftist mantra was an accusation is just as good as guilt. I guess that changes when it's a Democrat involved.

Besides that revelation, DumBama won Ohio in 2012. Trump won Ohio in 2016. There is much more momentum here than Brown has ever had in the past. That's why I don't see a similar outcome in 2018.

Do you want to bet?
You do know your boy Jimuh was charged with tax evasion do you not. I also know that you do not care because you are a Rumper! Maybe Jimuh should take some lessons from Agent Orange and it will take them 30 years to catch on. Never mind you don't care, law and order. As long as it doesn't affect you or your crooks!
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
Regardless Miss Ford right or wrong, regardless Me too Movement right or wrong, In this debate people are forgetting one very important thing that how to protect women,children,old,poorer and weaker? Please can people debate about it and can tell us how?
I mean the lesson should’ve been made clear shortly after the #metoo movement started. That lesson being, do not wait to come out when there is abuse. The more people to do that, the more the bad actors will fear getting caught, and more importantly, the more they WILL get caught and prosecuted. Without that, it makes it incredibly hard for due process to work properly. It’s also just as important that due process works properly. I think we’d all agree with the statement that we’d rather see 10 guilty people walk, vs 1 innocent person get the shaft and have their life destroyed. It sucks, but utopia doesn’t exist, and we need to be mature enough to recognize that.
I will say law does not work without witness and witness can be speak lie/truth. Then how women, children, old and weaker's protection is possible?
Nah, because our state and country is turning redder all the time. That was six years ago and this is today. I believe his time is up and we are ready for a new Senator.

Wanna bet, he is gonna crush Jimmy the tax cheating crook.

I guess that would depend on how many hypocrites are voting in your party in light of their outrage over Kavanaugh. You see, your Senator has been a baaaaaaaad boy.

The organization, known as #MeTooOhio, is spending less than $100,000 to show a 60-second digital commercial that resurrects allegations that Brown in the 1980s physically abused his then-wife, Larke. The group called for him resign immediately, comparing his case with those of everyone from Bill Cosby to former Ohio State assistant football coach Zach Smith.

Jim Renacci rips Sherrod Brown for domestic abuse; senator's ex-wife refutes claim

You wanted due process for Bart, does that not extend to Brown? Or are you a hypocrite? I mean Ford wasn't to be believed but the former Mrs. Brown is even after she refutes the claim. I noticed you don't care that Jimuh has heated this state and nation out of tax dollars, why am I not surprised. Is.he a bad boy too? Law and.order you know!

I thought the new leftist mantra was an accusation is just as good as guilt. I guess that changes when it's a Democrat involved.

Besides that revelation, DumBama won Ohio in 2012. Trump won Ohio in 2016. There is much more momentum here than Brown has ever had in the past. That's why I don't see a similar outcome in 2018.

Do you want to bet?
You do know your boy Jimuh was charged with tax evasion do you not. I also know that you do not care because you are a Rumper! Maybe Jimuh should take some lessons from Agent Orange and it will take them 30 years to catch on. Never mind you don't care, law and order. As long as it doesn't affect you or your crooks!

So how much time did he spend in prison for tax evasion?
Wanna bet, he is gonna crush Jimmy the tax cheating crook.

I guess that would depend on how many hypocrites are voting in your party in light of their outrage over Kavanaugh. You see, your Senator has been a baaaaaaaad boy.

The organization, known as #MeTooOhio, is spending less than $100,000 to show a 60-second digital commercial that resurrects allegations that Brown in the 1980s physically abused his then-wife, Larke. The group called for him resign immediately, comparing his case with those of everyone from Bill Cosby to former Ohio State assistant football coach Zach Smith.

Jim Renacci rips Sherrod Brown for domestic abuse; senator's ex-wife refutes claim

You wanted due process for Bart, does that not extend to Brown? Or are you a hypocrite? I mean Ford wasn't to be believed but the former Mrs. Brown is even after she refutes the claim. I noticed you don't care that Jimuh has heated this state and nation out of tax dollars, why am I not surprised. Is.he a bad boy too? Law and.order you know!

I thought the new leftist mantra was an accusation is just as good as guilt. I guess that changes when it's a Democrat involved.

Besides that revelation, DumBama won Ohio in 2012. Trump won Ohio in 2016. There is much more momentum here than Brown has ever had in the past. That's why I don't see a similar outcome in 2018.

Do you want to bet?
You do know your boy Jimuh was charged with tax evasion do you not. I also know that you do not care because you are a Rumper! Maybe Jimuh should take some lessons from Agent Orange and it will take them 30 years to catch on. Never mind you don't care, law and order. As long as it doesn't affect you or your crooks!

So how much time did he spend in prison for tax evasion?

Paid a small fine for not paying taxes on several million. Neat huh.

How long did Brown spend in prison for accusations his ex even denies?
The two people have already testified before the Senate. No need to interview them again. And why do I need to keep up with Raymond?

Because you can't.

You are behaving trollish.

You are a troll

I've been here long enough that people know I'm not a troll. Of course, the people who call me a troll are the ones who act trollish. Thanks for confirming my observation of you.

No you are a troll, wear it well.

LOL! I accept your surrender.
Because you can't.

You are behaving trollish.

You are a troll

I've been here long enough that people know I'm not a troll. Of course, the people who call me a troll are the ones who act trollish. Thanks for confirming my observation of you.

No you are a troll, wear it well.

LOL! I accept your surrender.

You except you're a troll, well no shit.
You are behaving trollish.

You are a troll

I've been here long enough that people know I'm not a troll. Of course, the people who call me a troll are the ones who act trollish. Thanks for confirming my observation of you.

No you are a troll, wear it well.

LOL! I accept your surrender.

You except you're a troll, well no shit.

I ACCEPT that you are a troll. In fact, there's no way to deny it. So,

Troll, Troll, Troll your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily Merrily
Enjoy being ignored, you trolling old goat.
You are a troll

I've been here long enough that people know I'm not a troll. Of course, the people who call me a troll are the ones who act trollish. Thanks for confirming my observation of you.

No you are a troll, wear it well.

LOL! I accept your surrender.

You except you're a troll, well no shit.

I ACCEPT that you are a troll. In fact, there's no way to deny it. So,

Troll, Troll, Troll your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily Merrily
Enjoy being ignored, you trolling old goat.

Troll boi doing what he does, troll.
I guess that would depend on how many hypocrites are voting in your party in light of their outrage over Kavanaugh. You see, your Senator has been a baaaaaaaad boy.

The organization, known as #MeTooOhio, is spending less than $100,000 to show a 60-second digital commercial that resurrects allegations that Brown in the 1980s physically abused his then-wife, Larke. The group called for him resign immediately, comparing his case with those of everyone from Bill Cosby to former Ohio State assistant football coach Zach Smith.

Jim Renacci rips Sherrod Brown for domestic abuse; senator's ex-wife refutes claim

You wanted due process for Bart, does that not extend to Brown? Or are you a hypocrite? I mean Ford wasn't to be believed but the former Mrs. Brown is even after she refutes the claim. I noticed you don't care that Jimuh has heated this state and nation out of tax dollars, why am I not surprised. Is.he a bad boy too? Law and.order you know!

I thought the new leftist mantra was an accusation is just as good as guilt. I guess that changes when it's a Democrat involved.

Besides that revelation, DumBama won Ohio in 2012. Trump won Ohio in 2016. There is much more momentum here than Brown has ever had in the past. That's why I don't see a similar outcome in 2018.

Do you want to bet?
You do know your boy Jimuh was charged with tax evasion do you not. I also know that you do not care because you are a Rumper! Maybe Jimuh should take some lessons from Agent Orange and it will take them 30 years to catch on. Never mind you don't care, law and order. As long as it doesn't affect you or your crooks!

So how much time did he spend in prison for tax evasion?

Paid a small fine for not paying taxes on several million. Neat huh.

How long did Brown spend in prison for accusations his ex even denies?

Oh, you mean that fine that they had to pay him back by order of the Ohio Supreme court?
You wanted due process for Bart, does that not extend to Brown? Or are you a hypocrite? I mean Ford wasn't to be believed but the former Mrs. Brown is even after she refutes the claim. I noticed you don't care that Jimuh has heated this state and nation out of tax dollars, why am I not surprised. Is.he a bad boy too? Law and.order you know!

I thought the new leftist mantra was an accusation is just as good as guilt. I guess that changes when it's a Democrat involved.

Besides that revelation, DumBama won Ohio in 2012. Trump won Ohio in 2016. There is much more momentum here than Brown has ever had in the past. That's why I don't see a similar outcome in 2018.

Do you want to bet?
You do know your boy Jimuh was charged with tax evasion do you not. I also know that you do not care because you are a Rumper! Maybe Jimuh should take some lessons from Agent Orange and it will take them 30 years to catch on. Never mind you don't care, law and order. As long as it doesn't affect you or your crooks!

So how much time did he spend in prison for tax evasion?

Paid a small fine for not paying taxes on several million. Neat huh.

How long did Brown spend in prison for accusations his ex even denies?

Oh, you mean that fine that they had to pay him back by order of the Ohio Supreme court?

Or the fact that he ended up paying the taxes on the $14,000,000 he and his wife did end up paying. So I ask you Ray, if you has to pay taxes on about $14,000,000 that you tried to hide, do you think you would get out of the fine. Oh by the way at least they made them pay interest.
I thought the new leftist mantra was an accusation is just as good as guilt. I guess that changes when it's a Democrat involved.

Besides that revelation, DumBama won Ohio in 2012. Trump won Ohio in 2016. There is much more momentum here than Brown has ever had in the past. That's why I don't see a similar outcome in 2018.

Do you want to bet?
You do know your boy Jimuh was charged with tax evasion do you not. I also know that you do not care because you are a Rumper! Maybe Jimuh should take some lessons from Agent Orange and it will take them 30 years to catch on. Never mind you don't care, law and order. As long as it doesn't affect you or your crooks!

So how much time did he spend in prison for tax evasion?

Paid a small fine for not paying taxes on several million. Neat huh.

How long did Brown spend in prison for accusations his ex even denies?

Oh, you mean that fine that they had to pay him back by order of the Ohio Supreme court?

Or the fact that he ended up paying the taxes on the $14,000,000 he and his wife did end up paying. So I ask you Ray, if you has to pay taxes on about $14,000,000 that you tried to hide, do you think you would get out of the fine. Oh by the way at least they made them pay interest.

The court ruled it was understandable why he thought he didn't have to pay taxes on the money. It was a mistake and he did pay the taxes, however, the court also ruled that they were wrong in fining him so that's why he got the fine money back.
Do you want to bet?
You do know your boy Jimuh was charged with tax evasion do you not. I also know that you do not care because you are a Rumper! Maybe Jimuh should take some lessons from Agent Orange and it will take them 30 years to catch on. Never mind you don't care, law and order. As long as it doesn't affect you or your crooks!

So how much time did he spend in prison for tax evasion?

Paid a small fine for not paying taxes on several million. Neat huh.

How long did Brown spend in prison for accusations his ex even denies?

Oh, you mean that fine that they had to pay him back by order of the Ohio Supreme court?

Or the fact that he ended up paying the taxes on the $14,000,000 he and his wife did end up paying. So I ask you Ray, if you has to pay taxes on about $14,000,000 that you tried to hide, do you think you would get out of the fine. Oh by the way at least they made them pay interest.

The court ruled it was understandable why he thought he didn't have to pay taxes on the money. It was a mistake and he did pay the taxes, however, the court also ruled that they were wrong in fining him so that's why he got the fine money back.

You did not answer the question Ray, why not? Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law!
So how much time did he spend in prison for tax evasion?

Paid a small fine for not paying taxes on several million. Neat huh.

How long did Brown spend in prison for accusations his ex even denies?

Oh, you mean that fine that they had to pay him back by order of the Ohio Supreme court?

Or the fact that he ended up paying the taxes on the $14,000,000 he and his wife did end up paying. So I ask you Ray, if you has to pay taxes on about $14,000,000 that you tried to hide, do you think you would get out of the fine. Oh by the way at least they made them pay interest.

The court ruled it was understandable why he thought he didn't have to pay taxes on the money. It was a mistake and he did pay the taxes, however, the court also ruled that they were wrong in fining him so that's why he got the fine money back.

You did not answer the question Ray, why not? Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law!

The tax code is about the size of two Holy Bibles. Tax mistakes happen by the hundreds every day in this country. That's why there are tax lawyers, tax courts, the IRS and so on.

If Brown tries to attack Renacci on this, it's easily defendable by the court records.
Paid a small fine for not paying taxes on several million. Neat huh.

How long did Brown spend in prison for accusations his ex even denies?

Oh, you mean that fine that they had to pay him back by order of the Ohio Supreme court?

Or the fact that he ended up paying the taxes on the $14,000,000 he and his wife did end up paying. So I ask you Ray, if you has to pay taxes on about $14,000,000 that you tried to hide, do you think you would get out of the fine. Oh by the way at least they made them pay interest.

The court ruled it was understandable why he thought he didn't have to pay taxes on the money. It was a mistake and he did pay the taxes, however, the court also ruled that they were wrong in fining him so that's why he got the fine money back.

You did not answer the question Ray, why not? Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law!

The tax code is about the size of two Holy Bibles. Tax mistakes happen by the hundreds every day in this country. That's why there are tax lawyers, tax courts, the IRS and so on.

If Brown tries to attack Renacci on this, it's easily defendable by the court records.

Again you did not answer the original question, I will take that as a surrender!
Oh, you mean that fine that they had to pay him back by order of the Ohio Supreme court?

Or the fact that he ended up paying the taxes on the $14,000,000 he and his wife did end up paying. So I ask you Ray, if you has to pay taxes on about $14,000,000 that you tried to hide, do you think you would get out of the fine. Oh by the way at least they made them pay interest.

The court ruled it was understandable why he thought he didn't have to pay taxes on the money. It was a mistake and he did pay the taxes, however, the court also ruled that they were wrong in fining him so that's why he got the fine money back.

You did not answer the question Ray, why not? Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law!

The tax code is about the size of two Holy Bibles. Tax mistakes happen by the hundreds every day in this country. That's why there are tax lawyers, tax courts, the IRS and so on.

If Brown tries to attack Renacci on this, it's easily defendable by the court records.

Again you did not answer the original question, I will take that as a surrender!

"A man only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
Simon and Garfunkel--The Boxer.

I did answer it. Making a mistake on your taxes is not breaking the law.
Or the fact that he ended up paying the taxes on the $14,000,000 he and his wife did end up paying. So I ask you Ray, if you has to pay taxes on about $14,000,000 that you tried to hide, do you think you would get out of the fine. Oh by the way at least they made them pay interest.

The court ruled it was understandable why he thought he didn't have to pay taxes on the money. It was a mistake and he did pay the taxes, however, the court also ruled that they were wrong in fining him so that's why he got the fine money back.

You did not answer the question Ray, why not? Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law!

The tax code is about the size of two Holy Bibles. Tax mistakes happen by the hundreds every day in this country. That's why there are tax lawyers, tax courts, the IRS and so on.

If Brown tries to attack Renacci on this, it's easily defendable by the court records.

Again you did not answer the original question, I will take that as a surrender!

"A man only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
Simon and Garfunkel--The Boxer.

I did answer it. Making a mistake on your taxes is not breaking the law.

Sure is, it is breaking tax laws. Try making a $14,000,000 mistake on your taxes sometime and see how it plays out. And you cannot tell me he didn't knowingly break the law, you don't forget to claim that kind of money, you do it willingly. And how did his tax lawyers and accountants not catch this, him perhaps because he had it from them! After all he was a.used car salesman, and in fact still is, lol!
The court ruled it was understandable why he thought he didn't have to pay taxes on the money. It was a mistake and he did pay the taxes, however, the court also ruled that they were wrong in fining him so that's why he got the fine money back.

You did not answer the question Ray, why not? Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law!

The tax code is about the size of two Holy Bibles. Tax mistakes happen by the hundreds every day in this country. That's why there are tax lawyers, tax courts, the IRS and so on.

If Brown tries to attack Renacci on this, it's easily defendable by the court records.

Again you did not answer the original question, I will take that as a surrender!

"A man only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
Simon and Garfunkel--The Boxer.

I did answer it. Making a mistake on your taxes is not breaking the law.

Sure is, it is breaking tax laws. Try making a $14,000,000 mistake on your taxes sometime and see how it plays out. And you cannot tell me he didn't knowingly break the law, you don't forget to claim that kind of money, you do it willingly. And how did his tax lawyers and accountants not catch this, him perhaps because he had it from them! After all he was a.used car salesman, and in fact still is, lol!

Justice Paul Pfeifer wrote in his opinion that Renacci and his wife Tina had “reasonable cause” to believe they didn’t owe taxes on profits derived from an “S Corporation” trust that the state later determined was subject to taxation.

Consequently, Pfeiffer ruled tax commissioner Joseph Testa abused his discretion by imposing a penalty on Renacci, an accountant, for not paying taxes he did not realize were due.

Pfeifer’s ruling stated a switch in rules on S corporations didn’t make the Renaccis’ use of its earlier stance “unreasonable.”

Renacci wins tax case in Ohio Supreme Court

There. Now maybe you should discuss your point with the judge.
You did not answer the question Ray, why not? Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law!

The tax code is about the size of two Holy Bibles. Tax mistakes happen by the hundreds every day in this country. That's why there are tax lawyers, tax courts, the IRS and so on.

If Brown tries to attack Renacci on this, it's easily defendable by the court records.

Again you did not answer the original question, I will take that as a surrender!

"A man only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
Simon and Garfunkel--The Boxer.

I did answer it. Making a mistake on your taxes is not breaking the law.

Sure is, it is breaking tax laws. Try making a $14,000,000 mistake on your taxes sometime and see how it plays out. And you cannot tell me he didn't knowingly break the law, you don't forget to claim that kind of money, you do it willingly. And how did his tax lawyers and accountants not catch this, him perhaps because he had it from them! After all he was a.used car salesman, and in fact still is, lol!

Justice Paul Pfeifer wrote in his opinion that Renacci and his wife Tina had “reasonable cause” to believe they didn’t owe taxes on profits derived from an “S Corporation” trust that the state later determined was subject to taxation.

Consequently, Pfeiffer ruled tax commissioner Joseph Testa abused his discretion by imposing a penalty on Renacci, an accountant, for not paying taxes he did not realize were due.

Pfeifer’s ruling stated a switch in rules on S corporations didn’t make the Renaccis’ use of its earlier stance “unreasonable.”

Renacci wins tax case in Ohio Supreme Court

There. Now maybe you should discuss your point with the judge.

But Ray you still have not answered the original question!

Jimuh better hire better tax lawyers and accountants, or give them all the information!
The tax code is about the size of two Holy Bibles. Tax mistakes happen by the hundreds every day in this country. That's why there are tax lawyers, tax courts, the IRS and so on.

If Brown tries to attack Renacci on this, it's easily defendable by the court records.

Again you did not answer the original question, I will take that as a surrender!

"A man only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
Simon and Garfunkel--The Boxer.

I did answer it. Making a mistake on your taxes is not breaking the law.

Sure is, it is breaking tax laws. Try making a $14,000,000 mistake on your taxes sometime and see how it plays out. And you cannot tell me he didn't knowingly break the law, you don't forget to claim that kind of money, you do it willingly. And how did his tax lawyers and accountants not catch this, him perhaps because he had it from them! After all he was a.used car salesman, and in fact still is, lol!

Justice Paul Pfeifer wrote in his opinion that Renacci and his wife Tina had “reasonable cause” to believe they didn’t owe taxes on profits derived from an “S Corporation” trust that the state later determined was subject to taxation.

Consequently, Pfeiffer ruled tax commissioner Joseph Testa abused his discretion by imposing a penalty on Renacci, an accountant, for not paying taxes he did not realize were due.

Pfeifer’s ruling stated a switch in rules on S corporations didn’t make the Renaccis’ use of its earlier stance “unreasonable.”

Renacci wins tax case in Ohio Supreme Court

There. Now maybe you should discuss your point with the judge.

But Ray you still have not answered the original question!

Jimuh better hire better tax lawyers and accountants, or give them all the information!

There was no information to give. It seems according to the judge that the regulations regarding S-Corps changed and Renacci didn't know it. Furthermore he ruled that the tax commissioner was out of hand when he fined them. Again, it was a simple mistake and not a crime.
Again you did not answer the original question, I will take that as a surrender!

"A man only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
Simon and Garfunkel--The Boxer.

I did answer it. Making a mistake on your taxes is not breaking the law.

Sure is, it is breaking tax laws. Try making a $14,000,000 mistake on your taxes sometime and see how it plays out. And you cannot tell me he didn't knowingly break the law, you don't forget to claim that kind of money, you do it willingly. And how did his tax lawyers and accountants not catch this, him perhaps because he had it from them! After all he was a.used car salesman, and in fact still is, lol!

Justice Paul Pfeifer wrote in his opinion that Renacci and his wife Tina had “reasonable cause” to believe they didn’t owe taxes on profits derived from an “S Corporation” trust that the state later determined was subject to taxation.

Consequently, Pfeiffer ruled tax commissioner Joseph Testa abused his discretion by imposing a penalty on Renacci, an accountant, for not paying taxes he did not realize were due.

Pfeifer’s ruling stated a switch in rules on S corporations didn’t make the Renaccis’ use of its earlier stance “unreasonable.”

Renacci wins tax case in Ohio Supreme Court

There. Now maybe you should discuss your point with the judge.

But Ray you still have not answered the original question!

Jimuh better hire better tax lawyers and accountants, or give them all the information!

There was no information to give. It seems according to the judge that the regulations regarding S-Corps changed and Renacci didn't know it. Furthermore he ruled that the tax commissioner was out of hand when he fined them. Again, it was a simple mistake and not a crime.

Ignorance of the law does not mean you did not break the law!

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