If God did not exist

Not true. I don't give a darn and god still showed up last night during dinner. He had two servings of meat loaf.

Hehehehe. Good one. :eek: :eusa_angel:

Nipper is right on the money. One of Christ's fortes was healing physical infirmities. Christ went to dinner at a home of one of the Pharisees. The house was packed. His gift of healing was available to everyone in that room. A cripple was lowered down into the room from the roof. He walked out of the house, the only one to benefit. The others got exactly what the sought, nothing.

So God needs to show up for your edification? Because you require evidence? He needs your seal of approval? He needs to prove something to you in order to be a efficient God?
In that case, where were you while He was creating the universe?

He doesn't need you. You need Him. His availability is constant. Since you don't know Him, you wouldn't recognize Him if He sat down in front of you and ate Hollie's meatloaf. That will end up as your problem, not His. His future is secure with or with out you. You aren't as well off.
He's done enough for you. What have you done for Him lately?

I don't know that your God has done -anything- for me. I don't even know that he exists.

I did attempt honestly to find faith in Christ for many years. If Nipper is correct, and I did care, and I made an honest effort to find that faith by following the tenets of the bible and praying regularly, then why didn't the lord make himself known? Sorry, but my experience shows me that Nipper's wrong.

I'm definitely not demanding that the creator of the universe, if there is one, make himself known to me. I don't think anybody here is, but I won't go so far as to assume I speak for the other nonbelievers. I will, however, demand that if some god wants to be acknowledged and worshipped, I'm gonna have to see that said god exists before I go dedicating my life to him. That's just how I roll. Since I can't be certain of any afterlife, all that I -know- I have is this time, right now, and I'm not gonna waste it on, "Maybe -this- set of beliefs should rule my existence".
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Hehehehe. Good one. :eek: :eusa_angel:

Nipper is right on the money. One of Christ's fortes was healing physical infirmities. Christ went to dinner at a home of one of the Pharisees. The house was packed. His gift of healing was available to everyone in that room. A cripple was lowered down into the room from the roof. He walked out of the house, the only one to benefit. The others got exactly what the sought, nothing.

So God needs to show up for your edification? Because you require evidence? He needs your seal of approval? He needs to prove something to you in order to be a efficient God?
In that case, where were you while He was creating the universe?

He doesn't need you. You need Him. His availability is constant. Since you don't know Him, you wouldn't recognize Him if He sat down in front of you and ate Hollie's meatloaf. That will end up as your problem, not His. His future is secure with or with out you. You aren't as well off.
He's done enough for you. What have you done for Him lately?

I don't know that your God has done -anything- for me. I don't even know that he exists.

I did attempt honestly to find faith in Christ for many years. If Nipper is correct, and I did care, and I made an honest effort to find that faith by following the tenets of the bible and praying regularly, then why didn't the lord make himself known? Sorry, but my experience shows me that Nipper's wrong.

I'm definitely not demanding that the creator of the universe, if there is one, make himself known to me. I don't think anybody here is, but I won't go so far as to assume I speak for the other nonbelievers. I will, however, demand that if some god wants to be acknowledged and worshipped, I'm gonna have to see that said god exists before I go dedicating my life to him. That's just how I roll. Since I can't be certain of any afterlife, all that I -know- I have is this time, right now, and I'm not gonna waste it on, "Maybe -this- set of beliefs should rule my existence".

And that's your perogative, you can rely on your own experiences and make your own decisions. In then end, it will be between you and God, no one else will be involved. I just don't see why there's a need to then turn around and try to go out of your way to bash and belittle others that feel or believe differently than you do. I don't know your specific history, but that fits the description of a lot of people around here unfortunately.
Nipper is right on the money. One of Christ's fortes was healing physical infirmities. Christ went to dinner at a home of one of the Pharisees. The house was packed. His gift of healing was available to everyone in that room. A cripple was lowered down into the room from the roof. He walked out of the house, the only one to benefit. The others got exactly what the sought, nothing.

So God needs to show up for your edification? Because you require evidence? He needs your seal of approval? He needs to prove something to you in order to be a efficient God?
In that case, where were you while He was creating the universe?

He doesn't need you. You need Him. His availability is constant. Since you don't know Him, you wouldn't recognize Him if He sat down in front of you and ate Hollie's meatloaf. That will end up as your problem, not His. His future is secure with or with out you. You aren't as well off.
He's done enough for you. What have you done for Him lately?

I don't know that your God has done -anything- for me. I don't even know that he exists.

I did attempt honestly to find faith in Christ for many years. If Nipper is correct, and I did care, and I made an honest effort to find that faith by following the tenets of the bible and praying regularly, then why didn't the lord make himself known? Sorry, but my experience shows me that Nipper's wrong.

I'm definitely not demanding that the creator of the universe, if there is one, make himself known to me. I don't think anybody here is, but I won't go so far as to assume I speak for the other nonbelievers. I will, however, demand that if some god wants to be acknowledged and worshipped, I'm gonna have to see that said god exists before I go dedicating my life to him. That's just how I roll. Since I can't be certain of any afterlife, all that I -know- I have is this time, right now, and I'm not gonna waste it on, "Maybe -this- set of beliefs should rule my existence".

And that's your perogative, you can rely on your own experiences and make your own decisions. In then end, it will be between you and God, no one else will be involved. I just don't see why there's a need to then turn around and try to go out of your way to bash and belittle others that feel or believe differently than you do. I don't know your specific history, but that fits the description of a lot of people around here unfortunately.

Spare us the "Christians are persecuted" mantra. Nobody is buying it.
I don't know that your God has done -anything- for me. I don't even know that he exists.

I did attempt honestly to find faith in Christ for many years. If Nipper is correct, and I did care, and I made an honest effort to find that faith by following the tenets of the bible and praying regularly, then why didn't the lord make himself known? Sorry, but my experience shows me that Nipper's wrong.

I'm definitely not demanding that the creator of the universe, if there is one, make himself known to me. I don't think anybody here is, but I won't go so far as to assume I speak for the other nonbelievers. I will, however, demand that if some god wants to be acknowledged and worshipped, I'm gonna have to see that said god exists before I go dedicating my life to him. That's just how I roll. Since I can't be certain of any afterlife, all that I -know- I have is this time, right now, and I'm not gonna waste it on, "Maybe -this- set of beliefs should rule my existence".

And that's your perogative, you can rely on your own experiences and make your own decisions. In then end, it will be between you and God, no one else will be involved. I just don't see why there's a need to then turn around and try to go out of your way to bash and belittle others that feel or believe differently than you do. I don't know your specific history, but that fits the description of a lot of people around here unfortunately.

Spare us the "Christians are persecuted" mantra. Nobody is buying it.

You have my sympathies, no one should go thru life filled with such hate.. seek help
I don't know that your God has done -anything- for me. I don't even know that he exists.

I did attempt honestly to find faith in Christ for many years. If Nipper is correct, and I did care, and I made an honest effort to find that faith by following the tenets of the bible and praying regularly, then why didn't the lord make himself known? Sorry, but my experience shows me that Nipper's wrong.

I'm definitely not demanding that the creator of the universe, if there is one, make himself known to me. I don't think anybody here is, but I won't go so far as to assume I speak for the other nonbelievers. I will, however, demand that if some god wants to be acknowledged and worshipped, I'm gonna have to see that said god exists before I go dedicating my life to him. That's just how I roll. Since I can't be certain of any afterlife, all that I -know- I have is this time, right now, and I'm not gonna waste it on, "Maybe -this- set of beliefs should rule my existence".

And that's your perogative, you can rely on your own experiences and make your own decisions. In then end, it will be between you and God, no one else will be involved. I just don't see why there's a need to then turn around and try to go out of your way to bash and belittle others that feel or believe differently than you do. I don't know your specific history, but that fits the description of a lot of people around here unfortunately.

Spare us the "Christians are persecuted" mantra. Nobody is buying it.
could not have said it better!
And that's your perogative, you can rely on your own experiences and make your own decisions. In then end, it will be between you and God, no one else will be involved. I just don't see why there's a need to then turn around and try to go out of your way to bash and belittle others that feel or believe differently than you do. I don't know your specific history, but that fits the description of a lot of people around here unfortunately.

Spare us the "Christians are persecuted" mantra. Nobody is buying it.

You have my sympathies, no one should go thru life filled with such hate.. seek help
aren't you the one who just said "they are ignorant assholes"?
And that's your perogative, you can rely on your own experiences and make your own decisions. In then end, it will be between you and God, no one else will be involved. I just don't see why there's a need to then turn around and try to go out of your way to bash and belittle others that feel or believe differently than you do. I don't know your specific history, but that fits the description of a lot of people around here unfortunately.

Spare us the "Christians are persecuted" mantra. Nobody is buying it.

You have my sympathies, no one should go thru life filled with such hate.. seek help

Gee, another persecution delusion. Get over yourself.
You have my sympathies, no one should go thru life filled with such hate.. seek help
aren't you the one who just said "they are ignorant assholes"?

Why yes I did... because you are... but that doesn't mean I hate you... I just feel pity for you.. :cool:
why do I know you're talking shit?
I know the bible ,the BOM and what christianity requires..
how does that make me ignorant?
answer: IT DOESN'T
simply put: I was not taken in by the fairy tale..
aren't you the one who just said "they are ignorant assholes"?

Why yes I did... because you are... but that doesn't mean I hate you... I just feel pity for you.. :cool:
why do I know you're talking shit?
I know the bible ,the BOM and what christianity requires..
how does that make me ignorant?
answer: IT DOESN'T
simply put: I was not taken in by the fairy tale..

I don't give a damn about what you believe or don't believe, but you apparently care very much about what everyone else believes because you can't seem to shut your big mouth about it. So who has the problem here? Who keeps starting or participating in threads going on about what they don't believe like anyone gives a shit? And the day either you or your little friend even come close to 'persecuting' me will be a cold day in hell. Have a nice one!! :cool:
Why yes I did... because you are... but that doesn't mean I hate you... I just feel pity for you.. :cool:
why do I know you're talking shit?
I know the bible ,the BOM and what christianity requires..
how does that make me ignorant?
answer: IT DOESN'T
simply put: I was not taken in by the fairy tale..

I don't give a damn about what you believe or don't believe, but you apparently care very much about what everyone else believes because you can't seem to shut your big mouth about it. So who has the problem here? Who keeps starting or participating in threads going on about what they don't believe like anyone gives a shit? And the day either you or your little friend even come close to 'persecuting' me will be a cold day in hell. Have a nice one!! :cool:

empty threats !
why do I know you're talking shit?
I know the bible ,the BOM and what christianity requires..
how does that make me ignorant?
answer: IT DOESN'T
simply put: I was not taken in by the fairy tale..

I don't give a damn about what you believe or don't believe, but you apparently care very much about what everyone else believes because you can't seem to shut your big mouth about it. So who has the problem here? Who keeps starting or participating in threads going on about what they don't believe like anyone gives a shit? And the day either you or your little friend even come close to 'persecuting' me will be a cold day in hell. Have a nice one!! :cool:

empty threats !

Empty head... :cuckoo:
It does not surprise me that someone like daws, who is demonstrably ignorant of the bible, what it contains, and what it means to be a Christian, is also clueless about what constitutes a *threat*.

Pssst...advising you that will never be capable of, or afforded the opportunity of, persecution of a particular person is not a threat.

The purpose behind the comment isn't that anyone is gong to hurt you in any way, shape, or form....the purpose is to point out that you #1, probably don't know what "persecute" means, and #2, will never be afforded the opportunity to do so, based on your lack of intellect, ability, and general ineptitude.
It does not surprise me that someone like daws, who is demonstrably ignorant of the bible, what it contains, and what it means to be a Christian, is also clueless about what constitutes a *threat*.

Pssst...advising you that will never be capable of, or afforded the opportunity of, persecution of a particular person is not a threat.

The purpose behind the comment isn't that anyone is gong to hurt you in any way, shape, or form....the purpose is to point out that you #1, probably don't know what "persecute" means, and #2, will never be afforded the opportunity to do so, based on your lack of intellect, ability, and general ineptitude.

Exactly... :lol:

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