“If God does not exist, then all things are permitted.”

share away and i can share mine.....i think its so sad you need a god to be a good person and think that everyone needs god to be moral.....

Like I said, you don't need to have a relationship with God to be viewed as a "good person" by SOCIETAL standards.....
i know. i bear the Truest Witness in public venues and chics still "hate on me" for no good reason they can articulate in front of witnesses.

even the abominable snowman finally felt bad for me and told me to not feel bad for not being invited to "family reunions".
Stone I really don't care.

All I know dude I always tried to treat a lady right..and I feel god helped me in that way.
share away and i can share mine.....i think its so sad you need a god to be a good person and think that everyone needs god to be moral.....

Like I said, you don't need to have a relationship with God to be viewed as a "good person" by SOCIETAL standards.....
i know. i bear the Truest Witness in public venues and chics still "hate on me" for no good reason they can articulate in front of witnesses.

even the abominable snowman finally felt bad for me and told me to not feel bad for not being invited to "family reunions".
Stone I really don't care.

All I know dude I always tried to treat a lady right..and I feel god helped me in that way.
i feel god abandoned me on Nexus 6 because women refused to be honest enough simply for the sake of morals.
That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Why did you bother to quote me? Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has EVERYTHING to do with it! Hitler had the free will that GOD gave him!
In addition to that, our lives on this Earth can end at anytime, via disease or killing, but, ultimately it is GOD and his plan that matter. You don't see the connect?
God has a plan to give people cancer? How nice of him.

Actually no, we brought that on ourselves.
Do you think it's ok for adult children to continually blame their parents for the messes they have made in their lives.....? Same thing.
A lot of cancers are hereditary, you know, in the DNA that god made.
So why did god invent cancer in the first place? That's not a very nice thing to do. :(
Why did you bother to quote me? Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has EVERYTHING to do with it! Hitler had the free will that GOD gave him!
In addition to that, our lives on this Earth can end at anytime, via disease or killing, but, ultimately it is GOD and his plan that matter. You don't see the connect?
God has a plan to give people cancer? How nice of him.

Actually no, we brought that on ourselves.
Do you think it's ok for adult children to continually blame their parents for the messes they have made in their lives.....? Same thing.
What are adult children?

Your children who are now grown.
I have 2 adult sons, yet, they are still my children (human offspring if you will).
Do they still believe in Santa Claus? Or is it just you?
We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Why did you bother to quote me? Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has EVERYTHING to do with it! Hitler had the free will that GOD gave him!
In addition to that, our lives on this Earth can end at anytime, via disease or killing, but, ultimately it is GOD and his plan that matter. You don't see the connect?
God has a plan to give people cancer? How nice of him.
I didn't start lying cheating or stealing more the day after I became an athiest. I still lie cheat and steal just as much as I did before.

there are many ways and types of sin.
we all WANT to sin, it is our nature.
only relationship with God can give us the desire to NOT sin....
So what kind of sin do YOU crave to do constantly?
share away and i can share mine.....i think its so sad you need a god to be a good person and think that everyone needs god to be moral.....

Like I said, you don't need to have a relationship with God to be viewed as a "good person" by SOCIETAL standards.....
i know. i bear the Truest Witness in public venues and chics still "hate on me" for no good reason they can articulate in front of witnesses.

even the abominable snowman finally felt bad for me and told me to not feel bad for not being invited to "family reunions".
Stone I really don't care.

All I know dude I always tried to treat a lady right..and I feel god helped me in that way.

arent you the one who threatens people with their pit bulldog?
God has a plan to give people cancer? How nice of him.

Actually no, we brought that on ourselves.
Do you think it's ok for adult children to continually blame their parents for the messes they have made in their lives.....? Same thing.
What are adult children?

Your children who are now grown.
I have 2 adult sons, yet, they are still my children (human offspring if you will).
Yes they should stop blaming their parents.

Exactly. And we should stop blaming God.
Your parents just laid a product of what your god made. The kids can blame your god for making them stupid, or whatever.

PS your MWAH gif is really annoying. Please remove it.
Why did you bother to quote me? Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has EVERYTHING to do with it! Hitler had the free will that GOD gave him!
In addition to that, our lives on this Earth can end at anytime, via disease or killing, but, ultimately it is GOD and his plan that matter. You don't see the connect?
God has a plan to give people cancer? How nice of him.

Actually no, we brought that on ourselves.
Do you think it's ok for adult children to continually blame their parents for the messes they have made in their lives.....? Same thing.
What are adult children?

i find it sad that you must depend on some type of external containment to be a 'good' person......i dont have to depend on a 'god' to be a good person....i am sorry others feel that way....being a decent person should come from within you.....out of wanting to be a good person....not cause you think you can avoid hell....

Nah, what I think is sad is the religion of atheist think the person is the higher power..

Atheism is a New religion it's never been around in human history till today.

Atheism has no morals it don't make sense it's just self justification..

Its fucking stupid.
First of all, not believing in a gad doesn't mean that you are without morals. In fact, with all the nastiness in books like the bible and the koran... non-believers often have higher standards of morals than book followers. Ex: the same=sex marriage debate. The religious side is all about hate. Non-believers are cool with the whole thing, live and let live.
All things should be SERIOUSLY considered if you are to learn, be intelligent and have an open mind.
Always searching for reasons or proof there is not God, instead of looking for reasons or proof there isn't one is a one sided investigation.

There is no way to know if our conscience is God speaking to us or not.... to dismiss it out of hand is ignorant.
Whether 'god' exists depends on what is meant by 'god.'

If 'god' is the collective conscience of man, or the collective goodwill of man – then yes, 'god' exists as a metaphor for that aspect of the human condition.

But there is no omnipotent extraterrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of mortals, and issues edicts of religious dogma all must obey, where transgressors are subject to some post-mortem punishment – in this context 'god' does not exist.
Why did you bother to quote me? Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has EVERYTHING to do with it! Hitler had the free will that GOD gave him!
In addition to that, our lives on this Earth can end at anytime, via disease or killing, but, ultimately it is GOD and his plan that matter. You don't see the connect?
God has a plan to give people cancer? How nice of him.
I didn't start lying cheating or stealing more the day after I became an athiest. I still lie cheat and steal just as much as I did before.

there are many ways and types of sin.
we all WANT to sin, it is our nature.
only relationship with God can give us the desire to NOT sin....
So what kind of sin do YOU crave to do constantly?
most women love to practice the abomination of hypocrisy and try to convince us they are not really like that afterward.
It has EVERYTHING to do with it! Hitler had the free will that GOD gave him!
In addition to that, our lives on this Earth can end at anytime, via disease or killing, but, ultimately it is GOD and his plan that matter. You don't see the connect?
God has a plan to give people cancer? How nice of him.

Actually no, we brought that on ourselves.
Do you think it's ok for adult children to continually blame their parents for the messes they have made in their lives.....? Same thing.
What are adult children?

i find it sad that you must depend on some type of external containment to be a 'good' person......i dont have to depend on a 'god' to be a good person....i am sorry others feel that way....being a decent person should come from within you.....out of wanting to be a good person....not cause you think you can avoid hell....

Nah, what I think is sad is the religion of atheist think the person is the higher power..

Atheism is a New religion it's never been around in human history till today.

Atheism has no morals it don't make sense it's just self justification..

Its fucking stupid.
First of all, not believing in a gad doesn't mean that you are without morals. In fact, with all the nastiness in books like the bible and the koran... non-believers often have higher standards of morals than book followers. Ex: the same=sex marriage debate. The religious side is all about hate. Non-believers are cool with the whole thing, live and let live.
Socialism is all about social morals regarding any organization.
All things should be SERIOUSLY considered if you are to learn, be intelligent and have an open mind.
Always searching for reasons or proof there is not God, instead of looking for reasons or proof there isn't one is a one sided investigation.

There is no way to know if our conscience is God speaking to us or not.... to dismiss it out of hand is ignorant.
Whether 'god' exists depends on what is meant by 'god.'

If 'god' is the collective conscience of man, or the collective goodwill of man – then yes, 'god' exists as a metaphor for that aspect of the human condition.

But there is no omnipotent extraterrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of mortals, and issues edicts of religious dogma all must obey, where transgressors are subject to some post-mortem punishment – in this context 'god' does not exist.

Psalm 14:1
Fools say to themselves, "There is no God." They are corrupt and commit evil deeds; not one of them practices what is good.
yes, if god doesn't exist then all Things like lying to guys and letting us miss our turn is permitted, unfortunately. :( it is why morals can be soo important.

share away and i can share mine.....i think its so sad you need a god to be a good person and think that everyone needs god to be moral.....

Like I said, you don't need to have a relationship with God to be viewed as a "good person" by SOCIETAL standards.....
i know. i bear the Truest Witness in public venues and chics still "hate on me" for no good reason they can articulate in front of witnesses.

even the abominable snowman finally felt bad for me and told me to not feel bad for not being invited to "family reunions".
Stone I really don't care.

All I know dude I always tried to treat a lady right..and I feel god helped me in that way.
i feel god abandoned me on Nexus 6 because women refused to be honest enough simply for the sake of morals.

Maybe the honest women you want is yet to come (bad phrasing...)
yes, if god doesn't exist then all Things like lying to guys and letting us miss our turn is permitted, unfortunately. :( it is why morals can be soo important.


Fortunately for you, not all women are like that! (Maybe only really hot ones?)... ok never mind...
share away and i can share mine.....i think its so sad you need a god to be a good person and think that everyone needs god to be moral.....

Like I said, you don't need to have a relationship with God to be viewed as a "good person" by SOCIETAL standards.....
i know. i bear the Truest Witness in public venues and chics still "hate on me" for no good reason they can articulate in front of witnesses.

even the abominable snowman finally felt bad for me and told me to not feel bad for not being invited to "family reunions".
Stone I really don't care.

All I know dude I always tried to treat a lady right..and I feel god helped me in that way.
i feel god abandoned me on Nexus 6 because women refused to be honest enough simply for the sake of morals.

Maybe the honest women you want is yet to come (bad phrasing...)
like i said; if women won't do it, it must be because god doesn't exist and "all things" are permissible.

it should be "standard practice" for women to bear True Witness to us and proclaim to the world their understanding of supply side economics and simply supply us with sex until we clamor for a more serious relationship.
yes, if god doesn't exist then all Things like lying to guys and letting us miss our turn is permitted, unfortunately. :( it is why morals can be soo important.


Fortunately for you, not all women are like that! (Maybe only really hot ones?)... ok never mind...
yeah, right; the really hot ones just tell me they want to go get used by all of the other ones, and expect me to get used to it--and, ask me if i have any questions.
yes, if god doesn't exist then all Things like lying to guys and letting us miss our turn is permitted, unfortunately. :( it is why morals can be soo important.


Fortunately for you, not all women are like that! (Maybe only really hot ones?)... ok never mind...
yeah, right; the really hot ones just tell me they want to go get used by all of the other ones, and expect me to get used to it--and, ask me if i have any questions.

well I don't know enough really to say about your specific situation, but, I only hear you complaining this way. Are you the only honest guy?
yes, if god doesn't exist then all Things like lying to guys and letting us miss our turn is permitted, unfortunately. :( it is why morals can be soo important.


Fortunately for you, not all women are like that! (Maybe only really hot ones?)... ok never mind...
yeah, right; the really hot ones just tell me they want to go get used by all of the other ones, and expect me to get used to it--and, ask me if i have any questions.

well I don't know enough really to say about your specific situation, but, I only hear you complaining this way. Are you the only honest guy?
i am not the Only honest guy; i may be the only consistently honest guy, but that is a different subject and point.

besides; i take it "in stride" when really hot chics just goad me to get used to modern women in modern times.
sin is not about sex.....its about horrors like rape and murder....sorry you have sexual issues ...and did i say that i thought sex was slam bam and thank you mam no i didnt seems to be your issue.....nor do i think that sex before marriage is a sin....major or minor.....

humans were given 3 survival drives.....hunger thirst and sex....you must have all 3 to survive as a human and as a species....

God determines what sin is, not man.
Without God, there is no sin.
Sin is a Biblical term and defined by God.
I disagree because man made up God not the other way around.

You have a link to prove it?
Sucky as if sounds Hitler ain't burning in hell, unfortunately

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