If God doesn't destroy the U.S., he owes Sodom an apology

This decision by the supreme court will hurt Americas overall stature and how America is viewed by the rest of the world. The institution of marriage states that a man and a woman must be so joined as to form a family structure for the creation of children through the process of sexual reproduction of the two opposite sexes.
This is then a major aspect of the growth of the society. How is America supposed to be the leader of the free
world now with a decision now that the United States Supreme court has now ruled on?. The homosexual
relation is seen as abnormal and as an outcast type of relation in many third world and developing countries
of the world. And is still seen as illegal in many third world nations, that America needs for vital natural

Moreover this decision can be used to inflame various terrorist organizations and groups all over the world.And
may be used as a recruiting tool to ad members to these groups. The courts ruling can only hurt the United States reputation allover the world, and can be seen as another negative event in a process of societal decay.

There are many who do not accept interracial marriage in America. There are still many who will not accept
homosexual marriage in America.

The Ancient edicts are still obeyed by many in the world to this day. This is the start of the appocalyspe.
The rest of the world will look at is a not as much a bunch of stuck up conservative assholes they thought we were
The word "feel" and the word "factual" cannot be linked, facts are empirical....not emotional.

Salvation and your relationship with God is real. Not emotional. You don't make the rules on what is defined as "real" - sorry

"I can't believe I read this entire thread...

The God that so many Christians write about is the Titan named Chaos. Now as Christians will scream no that is a LIE, but Judaism has a lot of Greek Mythology to Sumerian Mythology and Samson is a good example seeing he is Hercules in Greek Mythology.

The destruction of Sodom was by a meteor and not a divine being. The story about Angels coming to Lot is a wonderful myth to teach us a lesson about how cultures viewed Homosexuality, but the reality is Sodom was never destroyed by a divine being and those stories were written by man.

So as I do find it amusing when someone grab their little black book and use the scriptures to support their close minded bigoted view the reality is the Bible was written by man and should be treated as a good scary book to scare ignorant and close minded people with but should not be the law of the land.

Now I know what I wrote will offend a few, but in the end the Bible is not the law of this country nor should it be, and I promise the chances of the U.S. will not meet the Sodom fate. "

This is what I responded to, you defended his "feelings" in a relative manner, meaning you implied if HE "felt" they were true then they were true....

To him YOUR faith is poppycock.....and in reality if his "feelings" are as real as your "feelings" how can you do you reconcile dual realities?

You see he denies the reality of your "feelings".....and the truth is that he has good cause to "feel" that way.

You are supporting dual realities...

I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

I think he apologized for that screw up a long time ago. Can you imagine his dismay when it turned out they guy his people said was honorable turned out to be an incestual pedophile? Yikes.

what people said LOT was honorable?--wasn't he drunk when he screwed his daughters. In the story---Lot is described as "honorable in his generation" ----which is a colloquialism for ----"relative to his place and time"----the story is presented as an historic event

Oh good God its not historical.
I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

I think he apologized for that screw up a long time ago. Can you imagine his dismay when it turned out they guy his people said was honorable turned out to be an incestual pedophile? Yikes.

what people said LOT was honorable?--wasn't he drunk when he screwed his daughters. In the story---Lot is described as "honorable in his generation" ----which is a colloquialism for ----"relative to his place and time"----the story is presented as an historic event

Oh good God its not historical.

To the contrary, in the Christian Faith the OT IS Historical.
I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

I think he apologized for that screw up a long time ago. Can you imagine his dismay when it turned out they guy his people said was honorable turned out to be an incestual pedophile? Yikes.

what people said LOT was honorable?--wasn't he drunk when he screwed his daughters. In the story---Lot is described as "honorable in his generation" ----which is a colloquialism for ----"relative to his place and time"----the story is presented as an historic event

Oh good God its not historical.

gee you are stupid-----I wrote "the story is presented as an historical event....." What
is there about the phrase "presented as...." that
is beyond your ken??? You have no way of
knowing whether any element of the story is based on an actual event or not. Remember HEINRICH SCHLIEMAN ?????
I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

I think he apologized for that screw up a long time ago. Can you imagine his dismay when it turned out they guy his people said was honorable turned out to be an incestual pedophile? Yikes.

what people said LOT was honorable?--wasn't he drunk when he screwed his daughters. In the story---Lot is described as "honorable in his generation" ----which is a colloquialism for ----"relative to his place and time"----the story is presented as an historic event

Oh good God its not historical.

To the contrary, in the Christian Faith the OT IS Historical.

Penelope is a woman of FAITH-----a TRUE BELIEVER -----she truly believes that anything produced by jews must be a BIG GIANT LIE. ----and evil. For some perspective----muslims present Christians in the same manner-----the theme of the very first mosque "sermon" I heard------long long ago, was "CHRISTIANS ARE PREVERSE LIARS----ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM" The NT was written solely as an attack on ISLAAAAAAAM. <<< the prime directive (really-----it was more than 45 years ago---the GENIUS IMAM was a visitor from AL AZHAR. He spoke English well------)
The word "feel" and the word "factual" cannot be linked, facts are empirical....not emotional.

Salvation and your relationship with God is real. Not emotional. You don't make the rules on what is defined as "real" - sorry

"I can't believe I read this entire thread...

The God that so many Christians write about is the Titan named Chaos. Now as Christians will scream no that is a LIE, but Judaism has a lot of Greek Mythology to Sumerian Mythology and Samson is a good example seeing he is Hercules in Greek Mythology.

The destruction of Sodom was by a meteor and not a divine being. The story about Angels coming to Lot is a wonderful myth to teach us a lesson about how cultures viewed Homosexuality, but the reality is Sodom was never destroyed by a divine being and those stories were written by man.

So as I do find it amusing when someone grab their little black book and use the scriptures to support their close minded bigoted view the reality is the Bible was written by man and should be treated as a good scary book to scare ignorant and close minded people with but should not be the law of the land.

Now I know what I wrote will offend a few, but in the end the Bible is not the law of this country nor should it be, and I promise the chances of the U.S. will not meet the Sodom fate. "

This is what I responded to, you defended his "feelings" in a relative manner, meaning you implied if HE "felt" they were true then they were true....

To him YOUR faith is poppycock.....and in reality if his "feelings" are as real as your "feelings" how can you do you reconcile dual realities?

You see he denies the reality of your "feelings".....and the truth is that he has good cause to "feel" that way.

You are supporting dual realities...

I thought you were saying Salvation and a relationship with God was merely a feeling...
The word "feel" and the word "factual" cannot be linked, facts are empirical....not emotional.

Salvation and your relationship with God is real. Not emotional. You don't make the rules on what is defined as "real" - sorry

"I can't believe I read this entire thread...

The God that so many Christians write about is the Titan named Chaos. Now as Christians will scream no that is a LIE, but Judaism has a lot of Greek Mythology to Sumerian Mythology and Samson is a good example seeing he is Hercules in Greek Mythology.

The destruction of Sodom was by a meteor and not a divine being. The story about Angels coming to Lot is a wonderful myth to teach us a lesson about how cultures viewed Homosexuality, but the reality is Sodom was never destroyed by a divine being and those stories were written by man.

So as I do find it amusing when someone grab their little black book and use the scriptures to support their close minded bigoted view the reality is the Bible was written by man and should be treated as a good scary book to scare ignorant and close minded people with but should not be the law of the land.

Now I know what I wrote will offend a few, but in the end the Bible is not the law of this country nor should it be, and I promise the chances of the U.S. will not meet the Sodom fate. "

This is what I responded to, you defended his "feelings" in a relative manner, meaning you implied if HE "felt" they were true then they were true....

To him YOUR faith is poppycock.....and in reality if his "feelings" are as real as your "feelings" how can you do you reconcile dual realities?

You see he denies the reality of your "feelings".....and the truth is that he has good cause to "feel" that way.

You are supporting dual realities...

I thought you were saying Salvation and a relationship with God was merely a feeling...

To him it is, I was defending the faith
Canada legalized gay marriage more than 10 years ago and God hasn't destroyed us. In fact, our country is thriving.

We have the fastest growing middle class in the world, our national budget is balanced, and our country ranks high in the "best countries to live" and "happiest population" polls.

We're rated higher on the personal freedom index than the U.S. even without the freedom to own handguns.
I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

If the point hasn't already been made (haven't read the entire thread), God's punishment of of Sodom and Gomorrah had more to do with the lack of hospitality to strangers than it had to do with sexual preferences/activity.
It may not be as dramatic as Sodom and Gomorrah but, this County is going down! Of course, the entire world is ultimately going down because it's Satan's domain. And his children are revellng now, even God said "Their is pleasure in sin... for a season.."

There is no God; there is no Satan. They are myths, no different than people once believing in Zeus and Ra.

What astonishes me is that in the 21st century people still cling to these primitive beliefs.

You have never experienced either? Interesting.
I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

If the point hasn't already been made (haven't read the entire thread), God's punishment of of Sodom and Gomorrah had more to do with the lack of hospitality to strangers than it had to do with sexual preferences/activity.

Meriweather nice to see you. I was about to point this out. Most people we post with sadly never read the book they love to criticize eh?
ok non bible readers. lets have a little lesson here.

S&G was alive and kicking and Jehovah wasn't wiping it out. Oh there were biblical dick suckings and bum fuckings galore. Fudge packing on the old testament scale.

San Francisco on a mega leather scale partying down.

Oh Jehovah didn' t wipe S&G out for their sins.

God got pissed when the fudge packers demanded they they get to fuck his angels he'd sent to earth.

Oooooooooooooh, the Lord got really pissed. S&G got smoked.

You guys really need to read the Word before commenting on sections. It really would help you.

I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

sodom wasn't blown up b/c of ass sex, it was blown up b/c of bad hospitality.
^^^This must be from a reincarnated that was there.^^^^
ignorance is not bliss, you're assumption is wrong.

I was trying to be helpful since you somehow made it this far in life being a fucking idiot, I thought some actual, accurate, and true information would help you.

but go on being a retard, you seem to be good at that.
I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

sodom wasn't blown up b/c of ass sex, it was blown up b/c of bad hospitality.

Then why does God allow France to exist?

he never talks to me, calls, writes, nuthin.

you'd think he ask my advice once or twice by now.

I've been to France, it could use a good smiting.
I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.
Could you explain your reasoning?
I wonder if the judges considered that. I wonder if the lawyers arguing against gay marriage brought up that point.

One thing for sure, this should prove whether the bible is true, or if God consistent in his judgments.

Hold on to your hats, things could get rough.

The world will not end, but the marriages of straight people are in jeopardy, so watch out!

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