If God doesn't exist...

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You said god exists, it's up to you to prove it, which you haven't yet.
No. It's not. The burden is on you to discover it. I don't give a crap what you believe.
You mean "No. I can't." :lol:
No. I wrote what I meant. The burden is on you to discover it. I don't give a crap what you believe.
The burden is on me to discover that what you said is nonsense? I already did that.
No. The burden is on you to discover proof of God. I couldn't care less what you believe.
Where do I look?
No. It's not. The burden is on you to discover it. I don't give a crap what you believe.
You mean "No. I can't." :lol:
No. I wrote what I meant. The burden is on you to discover it. I don't give a crap what you believe.
The burden is on me to discover that what you said is nonsense? I already did that.
No. The burden is on you to discover proof of God. I couldn't care less what you believe.
Where do I look?
Your conscience.
You mean "No. I can't." :lol:
No. I wrote what I meant. The burden is on you to discover it. I don't give a crap what you believe.
The burden is on me to discover that what you said is nonsense? I already did that.
No. The burden is on you to discover proof of God. I couldn't care less what you believe.
Where do I look?
Your conscience.
So I have to make Him up myself? Bummer.
No. I wrote what I meant. The burden is on you to discover it. I don't give a crap what you believe.
The burden is on me to discover that what you said is nonsense? I already did that.
No. The burden is on you to discover proof of God. I couldn't care less what you believe.
Where do I look?
Your conscience.
So I have to make Him up myself? Bummer.
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
The burden is on me to discover that what you said is nonsense? I already did that.
No. The burden is on you to discover proof of God. I couldn't care less what you believe.
Where do I look?
Your conscience.
So I have to make Him up myself? Bummer.
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
That totally sucks if I have to make Him up myself. I thought you said this was a real being?
No. The burden is on you to discover proof of God. I couldn't care less what you believe.
Where do I look?
Your conscience.
So I have to make Him up myself? Bummer.
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
That totally sucks if I have to make Him up myself. I thought you said this was a real being?
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
Your conscience.
So I have to make Him up myself? Bummer.
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
That totally sucks if I have to make Him up myself. I thought you said this was a real being?
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
Of course, but isn't your god real?
Then it shouldn't be that hard for you to find Him. Problem solved.
So I have to make Him up myself? Bummer.
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
That totally sucks if I have to make Him up myself. I thought you said this was a real being?
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
Of course, but isn't your god real?
Then it shouldn't be that hard for you to find Him. Problem solved.
You make no sense.
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
That totally sucks if I have to make Him up myself. I thought you said this was a real being?
Why? Don't you have a conscience?
Of course, but isn't your god real?
Then it shouldn't be that hard for you to find Him. Problem solved.
You make no sense.
That's because you are at odds with nature and nature rejects you. If you were one with nature, you would understand.
pretty friggin funny exchange! Nature rejects nobody dude...

But "lack of God' is evident in everyday activities. Murders, rapes, innocent people/children getting killed, stuff that "God" should not allow to happen, yet he/she/it allows it to happen, constantly, and to our horror!

And it happens to people who are devoutly religious people, atheists, and innocents.

He either doesn't care, or doesn't exist...

It's that simple. Either way, it's not something to worship and argue over...

The goodness we find in our hearts, especially during the holidays, is a culmination of the protection we need to provide to our species. We cannot survive being a species that hates and kills each other over imaginary beings!

C'mon... let's get real! Let's learn to love each other. Your faith is something you keep private to yoursef, and cherish it and hold it sacred. And do not try to force it on anybody else...

It would be so simple, if it was that way.
Let's all have a happy time together, and if this helps, this gets me happy every time! The song, and the movie!

pretty friggin funny exchange! Nature rejects nobody dude...

But "lack of God' is evident in everyday activities. Murders, rapes, innocent people/children getting killed, stuff that "God" should not allow to happen, yet he/she/it allows it to happen, constantly, and to our horror!

And it happens to people who are devoutly religious people, atheists, and innocents.

He either doesn't care, or doesn't exist...

It's that simple. Either way, it's not something to worship and argue over...

The goodness we find in our hearts, especially during the holidays, is a culmination of the protection we need to provide to our species. We cannot survive being a species that hates and kills each other over imaginary beings!

C'mon... let's get real! Let's learn to love each other. Your faith is something you keep private to yoursef, and cherish it and hold it sacred. And do not try to force it on anybody else...

It would be so simple, if it was that way.
So what you are saying is that you don't believe there can be a God as long as bad things happen to good people? That's like saying you can't be an honest person because you did something dishonest or you can't be an intelligent person because you did something stupid. No offense but that is a really stupid reason to not believe in God.

Nature rejects nobody? Are you familiar with the concept of natural selection? Please tell me that you do not believe that all behaviors lead to equal outcomes. Mudda's going to find that out soon enough.

More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.
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pretty friggin funny exchange! Nature rejects nobody dude...

But "lack of God' is evident in everyday activities. Murders, rapes, innocent people/children getting killed, stuff that "God" should not allow to happen, yet he/she/it allows it to happen, constantly, and to our horror!

And it happens to people who are devoutly religious people, atheists, and innocents.

He either doesn't care, or doesn't exist...

It's that simple. Either way, it's not something to worship and argue over...

The goodness we find in our hearts, especially during the holidays, is a culmination of the protection we need to provide to our species. We cannot survive being a species that hates and kills each other over imaginary beings!

C'mon... let's get real! Let's learn to love each other. Your faith is something you keep private to yoursef, and cherish it and hold it sacred. And do not try to force it on anybody else...

It would be so simple, if it was that way.
So what you are saying is that you don't believe there can be a God as long as bad things happen to good people? That's like saying you can't be an honest person because you did something dishonest or you can't be an intelligent person because you did something stupid. No offense but that is a really stupid reason to not believe in God.

Nature rejects nobody? Are you familiar with the concept of natural selection? Please tell me that you do not believe that all behaviors lead to equal outcomes. Mudda's going to find that out soon enough.

More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.

Wow you have it completely wrong... :) You are so off on your perspective... You need an intervention!

You didn't listen to a single thing I said, and just went off on your own warp on each quote... :)

You must be related to the OP. That's cool though. Reread your quotes, and think about them more, before I make fun...

I'll give you until tomorrow night to adjust them... :)
pretty friggin funny exchange! Nature rejects nobody dude...

But "lack of God' is evident in everyday activities. Murders, rapes, innocent people/children getting killed, stuff that "God" should not allow to happen, yet he/she/it allows it to happen, constantly, and to our horror!

And it happens to people who are devoutly religious people, atheists, and innocents.

He either doesn't care, or doesn't exist...

It's that simple. Either way, it's not something to worship and argue over...

The goodness we find in our hearts, especially during the holidays, is a culmination of the protection we need to provide to our species. We cannot survive being a species that hates and kills each other over imaginary beings!

C'mon... let's get real! Let's learn to love each other. Your faith is something you keep private to yoursef, and cherish it and hold it sacred. And do not try to force it on anybody else...

It would be so simple, if it was that way.
So what you are saying is that you don't believe there can be a God as long as bad things happen to good people? That's like saying you can't be an honest person because you did something dishonest or you can't be an intelligent person because you did something stupid. No offense but that is a really stupid reason to not believe in God.

Nature rejects nobody? Are you familiar with the concept of natural selection? Please tell me that you do not believe that all behaviors lead to equal outcomes. Mudda's going to find that out soon enough.

More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.

Wow you have it completely wrong... :) You are so off on your perspective... You need an intervention!

You didn't listen to a single thing I said, and just went off on your own warp on each quote... :)

You must be related to the OP. That's cool though. Reread your quotes, and think about them more, before I make fun...

I'll give you until tomorrow night to adjust them... :)
Why wait? Please do show me the error of my way.

Virtue is the greatest organizing principle. When people behave virtuously, predictable success will NATURALLY follow. When people behave without virtue, predictable failures will NATURALLY occur. How is this not nature accepting or rejecting us? Do you really believe that if there is Creator, He would not leave a way for us to figure out the difference between right and wrong?

Man is born with the ability to know right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept, he rationalizes that he did not violate it. Men don't do evil for evil's sake, they do evil for the sake of their own good. So from this we can know that man prefers good over evil.

So getting back to the concept of nature rejecting us, how can we know if we are truly doing good or doing evil and rationalizing that we are doing good? The answer is simple... outcomes. Moral laws are not like physical laws. When you violate a physical law, the consequence is immediate. Not so for moral laws. The consequence of violating a moral law is not usually immediate, but since error cannot stand it will eventually fail. And when it does, if we are honest and paying attention we will come to know the error of our way and repent (i.e. transform). Thus evolving our consciousness (i.e. growing as human beings) and continuing our march towards the next leap in the evolution of matter.
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I said that nature rejects nobody. Based on what you're saying, I think we are in agreement. :)

You just misinterpreted that, i think. But I'm with you and I agree that morality is not something that "God" gave us.

It is an evolutionary trait that we, and other life forms, evolved to guarantee the success of our species'. Rather than killing each other for shits and giggles.

Only religion promotes killing each other for giggles. They try to tell us that what we define as "good" was given to us by "god". But no, the truth is that animals don't randomly kill their own species for fun or sport. They realize the importance of keeping their own alive. A species that goes around randomly killing others of its own species will soon disappear. It is not "god" that teaches them this, it is evolutionary principles.

Only religion tells people to kill other people and promotes genocide for no reason other than imaginary ideas.

Of course, there are crazy people out there that just kill people for no reason, but they are not organized to do that. The sole purpose of religion is to amass legions of people willing to donate, die, and kill, for the whims of their leaders and their interests, based on the idea that they will rot in hell if they don't, or go to heaven if they do. It's so stupid.
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I said that nature rejects nobody. Based on what you're saying, I think we are in agreement. :)

You just misinterpreted that, i think. But I'm with you and I agree that morality is not something that "God" gave us.

It is an evolutionary trait that we, and other life forms, evolved to guarantee the success of our species'. Rather than killing each other for shits and giggles.

Only religion promotes killing each other for giggles. They try to tell us that what we define as "good" was given to us by "god". But no, the truth is that animals don't randomly kill their own species for fun or sport. They realize the importance of keeping their own alive. A species that goes around randomly killing others of its own species will soon disappear. It is not "god" that teaches them this, it is evolutionary principles.

Only religion tells people to kill other people and promotes genocide for no reason other than imaginary ideas.

Of course, there are crazy people out there that just kill people for no reason, but they are not organized to do that. The sole purpose of religion is to amass legions of people willing to donate, die, and kill, for the whims of their leaders and their interests, based on the idea that they will rot in hell if they don't, or go to heaven if they do. It's so stupid.
I guess we don't see eye to eye after all. I believe we know the moral law because we are God's creatures. I believe that by any objective measure, religion has been a force for good. I don't believe you are being objective. I believe your assessment is biased. You have not weighed the good and the bad.
I said that nature rejects nobody. Based on what you're saying, I think we are in agreement. :)

You just misinterpreted that, i think. But I'm with you and I agree that morality is not something that "God" gave us.

It is an evolutionary trait that we, and other life forms, evolved to guarantee the success of our species'. Rather than killing each other for shits and giggles.

Only religion promotes killing each other for giggles. They try to tell us that what we define as "good" was given to us by "god". But no, the truth is that animals don't randomly kill their own species for fun or sport. They realize the importance of keeping their own alive. A species that goes around randomly killing others of its own species will soon disappear. It is not "god" that teaches them this, it is evolutionary principles.

Only religion tells people to kill other people and promotes genocide for no reason other than imaginary ideas.

Of course, there are crazy people out there that just kill people for no reason, but they are not organized to do that. The sole purpose of religion is to amass legions of people willing to donate, die, and kill, for the whims of their leaders and their interests, based on the idea that they will rot in hell if they don't, or go to heaven if they do. It's so stupid.
I guess we don't see eye to eye after all. I believe we know the moral law because we are God's creatures. I believe that by any objective measure, religion has been a force for good. I don't believe you are being objective. I believe your assessment is biased. You have not weighed the good and the bad.
Morality is subjective, no a universal force. Now you know.
I said that nature rejects nobody. Based on what you're saying, I think we are in agreement. :)

You just misinterpreted that, i think. But I'm with you and I agree that morality is not something that "God" gave us.

It is an evolutionary trait that we, and other life forms, evolved to guarantee the success of our species'. Rather than killing each other for shits and giggles.

Only religion promotes killing each other for giggles. They try to tell us that what we define as "good" was given to us by "god". But no, the truth is that animals don't randomly kill their own species for fun or sport. They realize the importance of keeping their own alive. A species that goes around randomly killing others of its own species will soon disappear. It is not "god" that teaches them this, it is evolutionary principles.

Only religion tells people to kill other people and promotes genocide for no reason other than imaginary ideas.

Of course, there are crazy people out there that just kill people for no reason, but they are not organized to do that. The sole purpose of religion is to amass legions of people willing to donate, die, and kill, for the whims of their leaders and their interests, based on the idea that they will rot in hell if they don't, or go to heaven if they do. It's so stupid.
I guess we don't see eye to eye after all. I believe we know the moral law because we are God's creatures. I believe that by any objective measure, religion has been a force for good. I don't believe you are being objective. I believe your assessment is biased. You have not weighed the good and the bad.
Morality is subjective, no a universal force. Now you know.
No. Morality is not subjective, but thank you for proving my point that atheists/socialists practice moral relativity.

Do you believe that slavery is moral? Do you believe there was a time in the past it was moral? Do you believe there is a time in the future it will be moral? If you answered no to all three questions we have just proven that morals are not relative.
I said that nature rejects nobody. Based on what you're saying, I think we are in agreement. :)

You just misinterpreted that, i think. But I'm with you and I agree that morality is not something that "God" gave us.

It is an evolutionary trait that we, and other life forms, evolved to guarantee the success of our species'. Rather than killing each other for shits and giggles.

Only religion promotes killing each other for giggles. They try to tell us that what we define as "good" was given to us by "god". But no, the truth is that animals don't randomly kill their own species for fun or sport. They realize the importance of keeping their own alive. A species that goes around randomly killing others of its own species will soon disappear. It is not "god" that teaches them this, it is evolutionary principles.

Only religion tells people to kill other people and promotes genocide for no reason other than imaginary ideas.

Of course, there are crazy people out there that just kill people for no reason, but they are not organized to do that. The sole purpose of religion is to amass legions of people willing to donate, die, and kill, for the whims of their leaders and their interests, based on the idea that they will rot in hell if they don't, or go to heaven if they do. It's so stupid.
I guess we don't see eye to eye after all. I believe we know the moral law because we are God's creatures. I believe that by any objective measure, religion has been a force for good. I don't believe you are being objective. I believe your assessment is biased. You have not weighed the good and the bad.
Morality is subjective, no a universal force. Now you know.
No. Morality is not subjective, but thank you for proving my point that atheists/socialists practice moral relativity.

Do you believe that slavery is moral? Do you believe there was a time in the past it was moral? Do you believe there is a time in the future it will be moral? If you answered no to all three questions we have just proven that morals are not relative.
Slavery was moral to some people in history. You suffer an EPIC FAILURE.
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