If God doesn't exist...

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The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an eternal universe.
What's an eternal universe? Our universe is just one of many. Think of a lava lamp only infinite.

You're thinking too small. Think outside the universe or beyond it. What's beyond that? Are you saying God doesn't exist outside our universe?
And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?
I'm pretty sure I have forgotten more science then you will ever know. So your I don't believe in science argument rings a little hollow. I've been a practicing engineer for over 30 years. What exactly have you done which makes you an expert on science?

Are you serious? If you're a practicing engineer, basing your measurements on stuff you hope is true based on what your parents told you upon birth, then I do not want to ride in your car... :)
That's good because I don't build cars.

happinessbeyondthought: How "consciousness" creates matter...the God particle?
Show me a hot woman and I'll show you a man whos sick of banging her. Its better than nothing but to some guy that girls only an 8. To us she's an eleven

Same applies to good food, good movies, good anything. We Buddhists call it changing suffering. If banging hot girls created true happiness then the more you did it the happier you'd be.
Name something you do where the more you do it the happier you get.

Compassionate caring or giving to others.
Good ones. I wish being kind were addicting and contagous. Where I do something nice for someone and it feels so good I have to run out and do it again ASAP. And the people I do something nice for turn around and do something nice for someone else and they get addicted and so in till no one gets bullied killed or raped ever again.

How come we aren't more compassionate? If it makes us feel so good why do we do it so seldom?
What's an eternal universe? Our universe is just one of many. Think of a lava lamp only infinite.

You're thinking too small. Think outside the universe or beyond it. What's beyond that? Are you saying God doesn't exist outside our universe?
And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?
I'm pretty sure I have forgotten more science then you will ever know. So your I don't believe in science argument rings a little hollow. I've been a practicing engineer for over 30 years. What exactly have you done which makes you an expert on science?

Are you serious? If you're a practicing engineer, basing your measurements on stuff you hope is true based on what your parents told you upon birth, then I do not want to ride in your car... :)
That's good because I don't build cars.

happinessbeyondthought: How "consciousness" creates matter...the God particle?
But matter existed before consciousness.
And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?
I'm pretty sure I have forgotten more science then you will ever know. So your I don't believe in science argument rings a little hollow. I've been a practicing engineer for over 30 years. What exactly have you done which makes you an expert on science?

Are you serious? If you're a practicing engineer, basing your measurements on stuff you hope is true based on what your parents told you upon birth, then I do not want to ride in your car... :)
That's good because I don't build cars.

happinessbeyondthought: How "consciousness" creates matter...the God particle?
But matter existed before consciousness.
There are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. We don't know what happened before that.
Show me a hot woman and I'll show you a man whos sick of banging her. Its better than nothing but to some guy that girls only an 8. To us she's an eleven

Same applies to good food, good movies, good anything. We Buddhists call it changing suffering. If banging hot girls created true happiness then the more you did it the happier you'd be.
Name something you do where the more you do it the happier you get.
Die to self.
In essence, the Buddhist view is that suffering is caused by wishing for things to be other than they are.

That's not quite it.

Suffering (all 3 types) are caused by ignorance of self grasping. Self grasping is the misconception that the 'I' exists inherently. From this misconception arises the misconception of all phenomena as existing inherently.

That's the root - the start of all suffering.
Order from chaos is more than suffering. Sure suffering is part of it. Do you believe that good can come from bad? Do you believe that lessons can come from mistakes? Do you believe that excellence can come from competition? Those are part of it too.

I was just commenting on suffering - putting a more accurate point on it.

As to your explanation: it still begs the question why create a universe where the beings you created suffer? Just so they can struggle OUT of suffering? So they can become better people? That's absurd. That doesn't make any sense. Create better people. Create a universe where people already don't suffer. Create one where everyone is happy. Done and done.
Do they only suffer?

Mostly. Because "God" is a really bad video game player.

He has had eternity to perfect his skillz, and he lets savagery happen on a daily basis. Even in his own church!
Basically you have just admitted that YOU mostly suffer.
And my daughters are quite aware of that now.

I don't have to lie anymore...
My nephews are too young. 11 and 14. Their dad would kill me if I ruined the brainwashing.

I told them myone Arab buddy is an atheist and he said, "then I don't like him", so I don't want my nephews to not like me. But I defended being an atheist. Subtly. I asked him if he believes Islam. He said no. I said well should they not like you?
Show me a hot woman and I'll show you a man whos sick of banging her. Its better than nothing but to some guy that girls only an 8. To us she's an eleven

Same applies to good food, good movies, good anything. We Buddhists call it changing suffering. If banging hot girls created true happiness then the more you did it the happier you'd be.
Name something you do where the more you do it the happier you get.
Die to self.
Huh? Is that Shakespeare?
Show me a hot woman and I'll show you a man whos sick of banging her. Its better than nothing but to some guy that girls only an 8. To us she's an eleven

Same applies to good food, good movies, good anything. We Buddhists call it changing suffering. If banging hot girls created true happiness then the more you did it the happier you'd be.
Name something you do where the more you do it the happier you get.
Die to self.
Huh? Is that Shakespeare?
No. It is a common theme to all religions and a key to happiness and success. It really is the only way to see reality and sharpen one's intelligence.
So He doesn't exist, doesn't care, is unaware, likes the savagery, or is just a really bad Player in the Universal God Game.

We should be travelling to other star systems by now. Except that religion keeps erasing our knowledge for the benefit of the ruler.

We have to start over every 1000 years or so.... Why?
That is an idiotic statement. The external locus of control is strong in this one.
Show me a hot woman and I'll show you a man whos sick of banging her. Its better than nothing but to some guy that girls only an 8. To us she's an eleven

Same applies to good food, good movies, good anything. We Buddhists call it changing suffering. If banging hot girls created true happiness then the more you did it the happier you'd be.
Name something you do where the more you do it the happier you get.

Compassionate caring or giving to others.
Good ones. I wish being kind were addicting and contagous. Where I do something nice for someone and it feels so good I have to run out and do it again ASAP. And the people I do something nice for turn around and do something nice for someone else and they get addicted and so in till no one gets bullied killed or raped ever again.

How come we aren't more compassionate? If it makes us feel so good why do we do it so seldom?

Not sure you'll like the answer but it goes like this:

Because we are saturated in ignorance and heavily contaminated with delusions such as lust, greed and anger. The 'ignorance' I'm referring to is the misconception of our true nature. Like how we conceive all phenomena, we conceive ourselves as existing inherently. This means the 'I' we identify as being out true selves and seen to be real is a misconception. It doesn't actually exist. This ignorance is the root cause of all our unhappiness and through habit we are chained to it.
Show me a hot woman and I'll show you a man whos sick of banging her. Its better than nothing but to some guy that girls only an 8. To us she's an eleven

Same applies to good food, good movies, good anything. We Buddhists call it changing suffering. If banging hot girls created true happiness then the more you did it the happier you'd be.
Name something you do where the more you do it the happier you get.

Compassionate caring or giving to others.
Good ones. I wish being kind were addicting and contagous. Where I do something nice for someone and it feels so good I have to run out and do it again ASAP. And the people I do something nice for turn around and do something nice for someone else and they get addicted and so in till no one gets bullied killed or raped ever again.

How come we aren't more compassionate? If it makes us feel so good why do we do it so seldom?

Not sure you'll like the answer but it goes like this:

Because we are saturated in ignorance and heavily contaminated with delusions such as lust, greed and anger. The 'ignorance' I'm referring to is the misconception of our true nature. Like how we conceive all phenomena, we conceive ourselves as existing inherently. This means the 'I' we identify as being out true selves and seen to be real is a misconception. It doesn't actually exist. This ignorance is the root cause of all our unhappiness and through habit we are chained to it.
What is our true nature?
Same applies to good food, good movies, good anything. We Buddhists call it changing suffering. If banging hot girls created true happiness then the more you did it the happier you'd be.
Name something you do where the more you do it the happier you get.

Compassionate caring or giving to others.
Good ones. I wish being kind were addicting and contagous. Where I do something nice for someone and it feels so good I have to run out and do it again ASAP. And the people I do something nice for turn around and do something nice for someone else and they get addicted and so in till no one gets bullied killed or raped ever again.

How come we aren't more compassionate? If it makes us feel so good why do we do it so seldom?

Not sure you'll like the answer but it goes like this:

Because we are saturated in ignorance and heavily contaminated with delusions such as lust, greed and anger. The 'ignorance' I'm referring to is the misconception of our true nature. Like how we conceive all phenomena, we conceive ourselves as existing inherently. This means the 'I' we identify as being out true selves and seen to be real is a misconception. It doesn't actually exist. This ignorance is the root cause of all our unhappiness and through habit we are chained to it.
What is our true nature?

Emptiness, otherwise known as Buddha nature.
Name something you do where the more you do it the happier you get.

Compassionate caring or giving to others.
Good ones. I wish being kind were addicting and contagous. Where I do something nice for someone and it feels so good I have to run out and do it again ASAP. And the people I do something nice for turn around and do something nice for someone else and they get addicted and so in till no one gets bullied killed or raped ever again.

How come we aren't more compassionate? If it makes us feel so good why do we do it so seldom?

Not sure you'll like the answer but it goes like this:

Because we are saturated in ignorance and heavily contaminated with delusions such as lust, greed and anger. The 'ignorance' I'm referring to is the misconception of our true nature. Like how we conceive all phenomena, we conceive ourselves as existing inherently. This means the 'I' we identify as being out true selves and seen to be real is a misconception. It doesn't actually exist. This ignorance is the root cause of all our unhappiness and through habit we are chained to it.
What is our true nature?

Emptiness, otherwise known as Buddha nature.
Can you be a little more specific? You know... can you put that in practical terms?
Compassionate caring or giving to others.
Good ones. I wish being kind were addicting and contagous. Where I do something nice for someone and it feels so good I have to run out and do it again ASAP. And the people I do something nice for turn around and do something nice for someone else and they get addicted and so in till no one gets bullied killed or raped ever again.

How come we aren't more compassionate? If it makes us feel so good why do we do it so seldom?

Not sure you'll like the answer but it goes like this:

Because we are saturated in ignorance and heavily contaminated with delusions such as lust, greed and anger. The 'ignorance' I'm referring to is the misconception of our true nature. Like how we conceive all phenomena, we conceive ourselves as existing inherently. This means the 'I' we identify as being out true selves and seen to be real is a misconception. It doesn't actually exist. This ignorance is the root cause of all our unhappiness and through habit we are chained to it.
What is our true nature?

Emptiness, otherwise known as Buddha nature.
Can you be a little more specific? You know... can you put that in practical terms?
He's trying to say that religion makes people depressed.
All I know, no atheist in Fox holes and no one I ever heard of on their death bed say I pray to nothing for just one last breath
Plenty of atheists in foxholes. I was one.

And I dated her in the late 1980s after she broke up with my good friend Tom


Every Christian, in the instant before they die thinks the same thing.........

SHIT! I wasted all those Sundays, I want my money back
Compassionate caring or giving to others.
Good ones. I wish being kind were addicting and contagous. Where I do something nice for someone and it feels so good I have to run out and do it again ASAP. And the people I do something nice for turn around and do something nice for someone else and they get addicted and so in till no one gets bullied killed or raped ever again.

How come we aren't more compassionate? If it makes us feel so good why do we do it so seldom?

Not sure you'll like the answer but it goes like this:

Because we are saturated in ignorance and heavily contaminated with delusions such as lust, greed and anger. The 'ignorance' I'm referring to is the misconception of our true nature. Like how we conceive all phenomena, we conceive ourselves as existing inherently. This means the 'I' we identify as being out true selves and seen to be real is a misconception. It doesn't actually exist. This ignorance is the root cause of all our unhappiness and through habit we are chained to it.
What is our true nature?

Emptiness, otherwise known as Buddha nature.
Can you be a little more specific? You know... can you put that in practical terms?


Emptiness isn't nothingness. It's merely the lack of inherent existence. Normally see ourselves and things existing as they appear, which is solidly existing right there in their collection of parts. Like a house - a house thingy, right there like we can point to it. But no such house exists and no such inherently existing 'me' exists either. Because we think it does, we cherish it greatly. We cling to this inherently existing 'I' for personal gain or for fear of harm, loss, change etc. This self cherishing causes us to act in ways that leads to unhappiness.

This is nutshell stuff. Volumes have been written about this topic so it's difficult to explain in a few paragraphs.
Good ones. I wish being kind were addicting and contagous. Where I do something nice for someone and it feels so good I have to run out and do it again ASAP. And the people I do something nice for turn around and do something nice for someone else and they get addicted and so in till no one gets bullied killed or raped ever again.

How come we aren't more compassionate? If it makes us feel so good why do we do it so seldom?

Not sure you'll like the answer but it goes like this:

Because we are saturated in ignorance and heavily contaminated with delusions such as lust, greed and anger. The 'ignorance' I'm referring to is the misconception of our true nature. Like how we conceive all phenomena, we conceive ourselves as existing inherently. This means the 'I' we identify as being out true selves and seen to be real is a misconception. It doesn't actually exist. This ignorance is the root cause of all our unhappiness and through habit we are chained to it.
What is our true nature?

Emptiness, otherwise known as Buddha nature.
Can you be a little more specific? You know... can you put that in practical terms?


Emptiness isn't nothingness. It's merely the lack of inherent existence. Normally see ourselves and things existing as they appear, which is solidly existing right there in their collection of parts. Like a house - a house thingy, right there like we can point to it. But no such house exists and no such inherent 'me' exists either. Because we think it does, we cherish it greatly. We cling to this inherently existing 'I' for personal gain or for fear of harm, loss, change etc. This self cherishing causes us to act in ways that leads to unhappiness.

This is nutshell stuff. Volumes have been written about this topic so it's difficult to explain in a few paragraphs.
So you are saying die to self?
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