If God doesn't exist...

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You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in

Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?

Three in Four in U.S. Still See the Bible as Word of God

But 21%, near the 40-year high, consider it fables and history

So, I suppose you are attempting to now claim somehow that these three in four are not part of the governed people of the United States and only you non-believers are?
I wish.

You're really being disappointed about a lot of things lately aren't you? Poor baby.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in

Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?

Three in Four in U.S. Still See the Bible as Word of God

But 21%, near the 40-year high, consider it fables and history

So, I suppose you are attempting to now claim somehow that these three in four are not part of the governed people of the United States and only you non-believers are?
I wish.

You're really being disappointed about a lot of things lately aren't you? Poor baby.

Nah I'm ok. It's my turn. It'll be your turn again in 2-12 years.
I just found a 2005 poll said something like 60% Americans take the bible literally. Today 23% do. Proof we are evolving
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.

all beings have consciousness, there is no more or less morality for atheist than pseudo religious worshiping a false 4th century book or those honestly believing in an Almighty as the final entitlement is accomplished solely by their ability to distinguish correctly between good and evil. the Everlasting is not without variety.

Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person. The one example is abortion. To us its not murder but it is ending a life. I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want but I'm sure if the Abraham God existed he wouldn't approve.

But heck even Christians get abortions.
Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person.

and also, for him he believes 4th century christianity are the gods to believe in.

I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want

much the same as the Terrapin hatchlings to the Seagulls along the oceans edge - the Almighty's is a carnivorous Garden.

And I would euthanize a severely retarded baby that was just born. But I'm Greek. My Spartan ancestors would have thrown it in the pit of death
Of course you would.
No. What makes people better people is not rationalizing they are doing right when they are doing wrong.
Sorry but lots of Christians get abortions too. So many of them that we made it legal despite what the religious right says about it being murder.

I think you know the difference between these women and real murderers
Are you making a two wrongs makes a right argument?
What makes you think getting an abortion is wrong? I mean I get it that that seed would grow to be a human but whats the problem with removing the seed before it matures?

Republicans are going to do a lot to abortion. Limit the number of clinics that perform them, make it a 2 month cut off, etc.

So if someone removes the seed 5 weeks in, who told you this is bad?
Yeah, it's bad. That's why women agonize over the decision.
They agonize over miscarriages too but their child didn't die. That's why no funeral or burial site
Which has nothing to do with the fact that it is wrong to do.
all beings have consciousness, there is no more or less morality for atheist than pseudo religious worshiping a false 4th century book or those honestly believing in an Almighty as the final entitlement is accomplished solely by their ability to distinguish correctly between good and evil. the Everlasting is not without variety.

Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person. The one example is abortion. To us its not murder but it is ending a life. I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want but I'm sure if the Abraham God existed he wouldn't approve.

But heck even Christians get abortions.
Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person.

and also, for him he believes 4th century christianity are the gods to believe in.

I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want

much the same as the Terrapin hatchlings to the Seagulls along the oceans edge - the Almighty's is a carnivorous Garden.

And I would euthanize a severely retarded baby that was just born. But I'm Greek. My Spartan ancestors would have thrown it in the pit of death
Zika babies may convert a lot of Christians and/or Republicans to reconsidering their stance on abortion prior to 24 weeks. Many such birth defects and diseases can be detected prior to the 24 week period.

You mean prior to 24 weeks or past 24 weeks? And did you mean CAN'T be detected prior to 24 weeks or can it be detected? I'd abort my zika baby.
24 weeks is the common limit on abortions. Many diseases and problems can be detected before that limit is reached. People don't have to wait until birth to see if a baby is defective.

Diagnosis | Birth Defects | NCBDDD | CDC
I just found a 2005 poll said something like 60% Americans take the bible literally. Today 23% do. Proof we are evolving
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.

28% of Americans believe the Bible is the actual word of God and that it should be taken literally. This is below the 40% seen in the 70s.

But about half of Americans continue to say the Bible is the inspired word of God, not to be taken literally -- meaning a combined 75% believe the Bible is in some way connected to God.

About one in five Americans view the Bible in purely secular terms -- as ancient fables, legends, history, and precepts written by man -- which is up from 13% in 1976.
Maybe if you believed in God you would know that it is wrong to end a human life.
Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person. The one example is abortion. To us its not murder but it is ending a life. I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want but I'm sure if the Abraham God existed he wouldn't approve.

But heck even Christians get abortions.
Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person.

and also, for him he believes 4th century christianity are the gods to believe in.

I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want

much the same as the Terrapin hatchlings to the Seagulls along the oceans edge - the Almighty's is a carnivorous Garden.

And I would euthanize a severely retarded baby that was just born. But I'm Greek. My Spartan ancestors would have thrown it in the pit of death
Zika babies may convert a lot of Christians and/or Republicans to reconsidering their stance on abortion prior to 24 weeks. Many such birth defects and diseases can be detected prior to the 24 week period.

You mean prior to 24 weeks or past 24 weeks? And did you mean CAN'T be detected prior to 24 weeks or can it be detected? I'd abort my zika baby.
24 weeks is the common limit on abortions. Many diseases and problems can be detected before that limit is reached. People don't have to wait until birth to see if a baby is defective.

Diagnosis | Birth Defects | NCBDDD | CDC

Republicans want to make it 8 weeks.
Well, for you educated folks the first rule of biology is that it takes life to produce life. Life doesn't come from something that is not alive itself. Now, all you need do is figure out what or who was alive first.
That's a "as far as we know" answer. If mankind can never use technology to create life, that would really be something. OTOH, if mankind could create life using technology, does that mean the Almighty doesn't exist? Of course not. It also doesn't mean we're anything close to becoming God.

Given that, your question is not as important as you think it is. If it was, and mankind does create life, that would put your religious beliefs into question.
Maybe if you believed in God you would know that it is wrong to end a human life.
So we should disband our military and ban all weapons? Ban the death penalty. If what you say is true, then that's exactly what we should do.

OTOH, if it's okay to kill human beings under certain circumstances, then that opens up an entirely different line of conversation.
I just found a 2005 poll said something like 60% Americans take the bible literally. Today 23% do. Proof we are evolving
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.

28% of Americans believe the Bible is the actual word of God and that it should be taken literally. This is below the 40% seen in the 70s.

But about half of Americans continue to say the Bible is the inspired word of God, not to be taken literally -- meaning a combined 75% believe the Bible is in some way connected to God.

About one in five Americans view the Bible in purely secular terms -- as ancient fables, legends, history, and precepts written by man -- which is up from 13% in 1976.
Maybe if you believed in God you would know that it is wrong to end a human life.

The use of the term "murder" requires that a person has been killed. A fetus is not a person or even an entity; it's just a collection of cells in a woman's body. If that woman wants to allow those cells to develop until they have become organized enough to be a person, that's her choice. If she wants to remove this part of her body before it develops further into a separate entity, that's her choice also.

If she chooses abortion, then no person has been killed since no person exists at that point, therefore no murder can have been committed.

So the question re abortion is actually purely legal and linguistic. There is no debate as to what species the tissue of a pre-personhood fetus or zygote is. There is no question as to whether the cells forming the pre-personhood fetus or zygote are alive.

There is debate as to whether it is ensouled, but that is not a scientific question. Rather it is a religious question and therefore legally irrelevant as religious propositions are forbidden from being enshrined in laws owing to the First Amenment. So this has no place in the legislature or in public policy either.
Well, for you educated folks the first rule of biology is that it takes life to produce life. Life doesn't come from something that is not alive itself. Now, all you need do is figure out what or who was alive first.
That's a "as far as we know" answer. If mankind can never use technology to create life, that would really be something. OTOH, if mankind could create life using technology, does that mean the Almighty doesn't exist? Of course not. It also doesn't mean we're anything close to becoming God.

Given that, your question is not as important as you think it is. If it was, and mankind does create life, that would put your religious beliefs into question.

If pigs could fly, we could use them in the military.
other than the disparity within that number who might even own a bible who do not disagree your post has what to do with christianities history of oppression and bloodshed ... something sane people work to remedy as is the Commandment from the Almighty than the disingenuous that strive to repeat the past for their own self-centered and pseudo well being.

I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.

I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?

You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in

Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?
Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?

the above is an endorsement of just how far our nation has matured in the last 8 years -

since when did christians ever think they did not own everything in sight and were strictly controlled by their beliefs alone ... they have squirmed for 8 years to redeem their lost shield and used abortion to proselytize a value for themselves that does not exist.

it will be interesting to see if they have learned anything at all or simply whittled away their opportunity to gain insight to the true meaning of a free society, under law.

Well, for you educated folks the first rule of biology is that it takes life to produce life. Life doesn't come from something that is not alive itself. Now, all you need do is figure out what or who was alive first.
That's a "as far as we know" answer. If mankind can never use technology to create life, that would really be something. OTOH, if mankind could create life using technology, does that mean the Almighty doesn't exist? Of course not. It also doesn't mean we're anything close to becoming God.

Given that, your question is not as important as you think it is. If it was, and mankind does create life, that would put your religious beliefs into question.

If pigs could fly, we could use them in the military.
And send them to fight ISIS.
I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.

I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?

You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in

Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?
Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?

the above is an endorsement of just how far our nation has matured in the last 8 years -

since when did christians ever think they did not own everything in sight and were strictly controlled by their beliefs alone ... they have squirmed for 8 years to redeem their lost shield and used abortion to proselytize a value for themselves that does not exist.

it will be interesting to see if they have learned anything at all or simply whittled away their opportunity to gain insight to the true meaning of a free society, under law.


Actually, it was the Christians who were instrumental in electing a President to return us to a free society.
....since when did christians ever think they did not own everything in sight and were strictly controlled by their beliefs alone ... they have squirmed for 8 years to redeem their lost shield and used abortion to proselytize a value for themselves that does not exist.

it will be interesting to see if they have learned anything at all or simply whittled away their opportunity to gain insight to the true meaning of a free society, under law..
You're broadbrushing of all Christians is interesting, and proves you are no better than those you accuse. It's no different than someone calling all atheists lying sadists who are secretly Satanists. Just because a few are doesn't mean all are.

The "Christians" to which you are referring are a very loud minority. If you attack all because of a few, all you will succeed in doing is causing more Christians to flock to their side against fucking broadbrushing assholes.
....since when did christians ever think they did not own everything in sight and were strictly controlled by their beliefs alone ... they have squirmed for 8 years to redeem their lost shield and used abortion to proselytize a value for themselves that does not exist.

it will be interesting to see if they have learned anything at all or simply whittled away their opportunity to gain insight to the true meaning of a free society, under law..
You're broadbrushing of all Christians is interesting, and proves you are no better than those you accuse. It's no different than someone calling all atheists lying sadists who are secretly Satanists. Just because a few are doesn't mean all are.

The "Christians" to which you are referring are a very loud minority. If you attack all because of a few, all you will succeed in doing is causing more Christians to flock to their side against fucking broadbrushing assholes.
The "Christians" to which you are referring are a very loud minority. If you attack all because of a few, all you will succeed in doing is causing more Christians to flock to their side against fucking broadbrushing assholes.

10/4, thanks you give me hope they may not all be the same ... history dictates otherwise, that your "loud minority" will not have it their way. think of A H (Hitler) and who he enabled.

it will be interesting the maturity of our nation and whether it will stand fast against the coming storm.

10/4, thanks you give me hope they may not all be the same ... history dictates otherwise, that your "loud minority" will not have it their way. think of A H (Hitler) and who he enabled.

it will be interesting the maturity of our nation and whether it will stand fast against the coming storm.

History shows our nation has weathered storms far more severe than anything we're facing today. In fact, the old farts on this forum like myself can remember the 1960s were far worse than today's issues.
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