If God doesn't exist...

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What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
I could use religion to make a terrorist or I could make someone into mother Theresa using religion. Either way I could lie and create a religious person.

Do I need religion to make a good person? No. In fact lots of Americans raise good people without religion.
This is what I believe a world devoid religion would look like... Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.

As I already said, Socialism is a religion that is very closely related to two Christian religions, one of which we have a holiday for, minus the "god". The goal of socialism is
to get to Communism, rather than Heaven. And of course, the goal is unattainable, but people are forced to strive and obey their rulers regardless, and the rulers keep making more money and power, while never letting the truth be known.

Socialism intentionally denies examination. In fact there is no formal defined dogma. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something noble and good, of equality, communal ownership, and justice: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. World socialism as a whole, and all the figures associated with it, are shrouded in legend; its contradictions are forgotten or concealed; it does not respond to arguments but continually ignores them--all this stems from the mist of irrationality that surrounds socialism and from its instinctive aversion to scientific analysis. Socialism dismisses its defeats and ignores its incongruities. The genesis of the first socialist doctrines were reactions: Plato as a reaction to Greek culture, and the Gnostics as a reaction to Christianity. They sought to counteract the endeavor of the human spirit to stand erect, and strove to return to the earthbound existence of the primitive states of antiquity. Socialism is diametrically opposed between the concepts of man held by religion and by socialism. Socialism seeks to reduce human personality to its most primitive levels and to extinguish the highest, most complex, and "God-like" aspects of human individuality. And even equality itself, that powerful appeal and great promise of socialists throughout the ages, turns out to signify not equality of rights, of opportunities, and of external conditions, but equality qua identity, equality seen as the movement of variety toward uniformity.

Socialism acts like a religion which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn -- A World Split Apart — Commencement Address Delivered At Harvard University, June 8, 1978

The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarevich

More links?!?

Did you take the time to read them this time, to make sure they're not falsifying your argument? I sure ain't gonna click 'em anymore...

But your reply is EXACTLY what Christianity did. Minus the God part... Think Puritanism and Calvinism as easy examples. I'm not promoting Socialism either, it is equally bad due to coercing people to do bad things in the name of their "God" (god being government in Socialism). And Socialists killed millions of people due to their religion in the 20th century. Just showing you that Socialism is a religion, just as bad as Christianity.

But atheists are not Socialists! Geez...

Just because people are atheist/agnostic, does not make them part of mother Russia! You sound like McCarthy at his peak!

People that are atheist/agnostic simply haven't been fooled by the snake-oil salesmen that have tried to embed themselves into our psyche from birth.

We're rational people, looking at an irrational society of religious lemmings killing each other over supernatural beings, and wondering where this craziness is going to lead us...

And I don't see it leading anywhere "good" for humanity, as it stands right now. I think the Earth could definitely use an "intervention".
Except believing socialism is bad I agree. Some things should be socialized.

Or properly regulated.
The word being searched for here is 'ideology'. 'Socialism' (varied as it is) is an example of ideology. Religion is something else, although ideology can certainly play.
I divide human thought into 3 divisions:

1 - Philosophy

2 - Science

3 - Religion

I would put socialism under political philosophy and ideology under personal philosophy.
I just found a 2005 poll said something like 60% Americans take the bible literally. Today 23% do. Proof we are evolving

Evolving into what? I'm pretty perfect the way I am. I was blessed with good looks and a high IQ.
Your ancestors 1000 years from now will be a lot smarter.

The ones living on Mars will be evolving into better Martians

I don't know if they will or not. There are still some things I have to do that my kids can't do and they all have college educations. I see many young college graduates who can't pour piss out of a boot.

another example of a mindless debauchery ... human x being, the 4th century bible and modern society.


74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.
74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.

other than the disparity within that number who might even own a bible who do not disagree your post has what to do with christianities history of oppression and bloodshed ... something sane people work to remedy as is the Commandment from the Almighty than the disingenuous that strive to repeat the past for their own self-centered and pseudo well being.

I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.
Well, for you educated folks the first rule of biology is that it takes life to produce life. Life doesn't come from something that is not alive itself. Now, all you need do is figure out what or who was alive first.
Yeah, it's bad. That's why women agonize over the decision.
Some women. Since, IIRC, the nation is about 74% Christian, it's natural that Christian indoctrination/teachings would give a woman who is considering an abortion pause before making a decision.
I just found a 2005 poll said something like 60% Americans take the bible literally. Today 23% do. Proof we are evolving
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.

all beings have consciousness, there is no more or less morality for atheist than pseudo religious worshiping a false 4th century book or those honestly believing in an Almighty as the final entitlement is accomplished solely by their ability to distinguish correctly between good and evil. the Everlasting is not without variety.

Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person. The one example is abortion. To us its not murder but it is ending a life. I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want but I'm sure if the Abraham God existed he wouldn't approve.

But heck even Christians get abortions.
Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person.

and also, for him he believes 4th century christianity are the gods to believe in.

I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want

much the same as the Terrapin hatchlings to the Seagulls along the oceans edge - the Almighty's is a carnivorous Garden.

And I would euthanize a severely retarded baby that was just born. But I'm Greek. My Spartan ancestors would have thrown it in the pit of death
Zika babies may convert a lot of Christians and/or Republicans to reconsidering their stance on abortion prior to 24 weeks. Many such birth defects and diseases can be detected prior to the 24 week period.
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.

all beings have consciousness, there is no more or less morality for atheist than pseudo religious worshiping a false 4th century book or those honestly believing in an Almighty as the final entitlement is accomplished solely by their ability to distinguish correctly between good and evil. the Everlasting is not without variety.

Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person. The one example is abortion. To us its not murder but it is ending a life. I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want but I'm sure if the Abraham God existed he wouldn't approve.

But heck even Christians get abortions.
Ding is suggesting believing in God makes him a better person.

and also, for him he believes 4th century christianity are the gods to believe in.

I myself don't think life is that precious we should force women to have a baby they don't want

much the same as the Terrapin hatchlings to the Seagulls along the oceans edge - the Almighty's is a carnivorous Garden.

And I would euthanize a severely retarded baby that was just born. But I'm Greek. My Spartan ancestors would have thrown it in the pit of death
Zika babies may convert a lot of Christians and/or Republicans to reconsidering their stance on abortion prior to 24 weeks. Many such birth defects and diseases can be detected prior to the 24 week period.

You mean prior to 24 weeks or past 24 weeks? And did you mean CAN'T be detected prior to 24 weeks or can it be detected? I'd abort my zika baby.
I just found a 2005 poll said something like 60% Americans take the bible literally. Today 23% do. Proof we are evolving

Evolving into what? I'm pretty perfect the way I am. I was blessed with good looks and a high IQ.
Your ancestors 1000 years from now will be a lot smarter.

The ones living on Mars will be evolving into better Martians

I don't know if they will or not. There are still some things I have to do that my kids can't do and they all have college educations. I see many young college graduates who can't pour piss out of a boot.

Oh that's absolutely true. Us humans rely so heavily on technology there's a lot we can't do that we could do 100 years ago. Very true.

Can you start a fire with 2 sticks? I've never done that. So my ancestors 1000 years ago might consider me a retard.
Yeah, it's bad. That's why women agonize over the decision.
Some women. Since, IIRC, the nation is about 74% Christian, it's natural that Christian indoctrination/teachings would give a woman who is considering an abortion pause before making a decision.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Check out the abortion clock. 40 million abortions this year alone? Imagine if we had 40 million extra humans consuming our resources. Thank god for abortions and wars and Chicago

'TRAUMATIZED CITY': More Than 50 People Shot In Chicago During Christmas Holiday | The Huffington Post
Well, for you educated folks the first rule of biology is that it takes life to produce life. Life doesn't come from something that is not alive itself. Now, all you need do is figure out what or who was alive first.

You do realize us, the planets, moons, meteors and comets all come from stars, right? So I would agree because stars seem to be "alive". They are certainly not dead.

But what created those stars? Was it something "alive" How alive? Alive like you and me or alive like a sun is alive? Because we came from a sun that died billions of years ago.

Most likely the stars came from something that is "alive" just like stars are alive.

So do you think suns think? They are alive and we came from them this is true. But did they design us intelligently?

another example of a mindless debauchery ... human x being, the 4th century bible and modern society.


74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.
74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.

other than the disparity within that number who might even own a bible who do not disagree your post has what to do with christianities history of oppression and bloodshed ... something sane people work to remedy as is the Commandment from the Almighty than the disingenuous that strive to repeat the past for their own self-centered and pseudo well being.

I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.

I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?
Well, for you educated folks the first rule of biology is that it takes life to produce life. Life doesn't come from something that is not alive itself. Now, all you need do is figure out what or who was alive first.

You do realize us, the planets, moons, meteors and comets all come from stars, right? So I would agree because stars seem to be "alive". They are certainly not dead.

But what created those stars? Was it something "alive" How alive? Alive like you and me or alive like a sun is alive? Because we came from a sun that died billions of years ago.

Most likely the stars came from something that is "alive" just like stars are alive.

So do you think suns think? They are alive and we came from them this is true. But did they design us intelligently?

I asked you super intelligent science folks to explain it. I didn't ask for a bunch of "do you thinks"?

another example of a mindless debauchery ... human x being, the 4th century bible and modern society.


74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.
74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.

other than the disparity within that number who might even own a bible who do not disagree your post has what to do with christianities history of oppression and bloodshed ... something sane people work to remedy as is the Commandment from the Almighty than the disingenuous that strive to repeat the past for their own self-centered and pseudo well being.

I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.

I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?

You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.

another example of a mindless debauchery ... human x being, the 4th century bible and modern society.


74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.
74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.

other than the disparity within that number who might even own a bible who do not disagree your post has what to do with christianities history of oppression and bloodshed ... something sane people work to remedy as is the Commandment from the Almighty than the disingenuous that strive to repeat the past for their own self-centered and pseudo well being.

I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.

I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?

You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in
74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.
74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.

other than the disparity within that number who might even own a bible who do not disagree your post has what to do with christianities history of oppression and bloodshed ... something sane people work to remedy as is the Commandment from the Almighty than the disingenuous that strive to repeat the past for their own self-centered and pseudo well being.

I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.

I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?

You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in

Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?
other than the disparity within that number who might even own a bible who do not disagree your post has what to do with christianities history of oppression and bloodshed ... something sane people work to remedy as is the Commandment from the Almighty than the disingenuous that strive to repeat the past for their own self-centered and pseudo well being.

I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.

I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?

You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in

Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?

Three in Four in U.S. Still See the Bible as Word of God

But 21%, near the 40-year high, consider it fables and history

I just found a 2005 poll said something like 60% Americans take the bible literally. Today 23% do. Proof we are evolving
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.

28% of Americans believe the Bible is the actual word of God and that it should be taken literally. This is below the 40% seen in the 70s.

But about half of Americans continue to say the Bible is the inspired word of God, not to be taken literally -- meaning a combined 75% believe the Bible is in some way connected to God.

About one in five Americans view the Bible in purely secular terms -- as ancient fables, legends, history, and precepts written by man -- which is up from 13% in 1976.
I agree the number is high. Many who own Bibles never open them and read them. I think the question was asked and many responded without being totally honest.

I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?

You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in

Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?

Three in Four in U.S. Still See the Bible as Word of God

But 21%, near the 40-year high, consider it fables and history

So, I suppose you are attempting to now claim somehow that these three in four are not part of the governed people of the United States and only you non-believers are?
I read the bible. It didn't move me. It seemed like scattered thoughts and ramblings of a cult. Were there some nice messages in it? Sure. But it was all over the place and I doubt very many people who read the bible understand it in fact many who are addicted to religion say they had to read it several times and each sentence can be translated a different way. Was that on purpose?

You have my permission to believe or to not believe whatever you wish if that is what you are asking for.
Yes. And while you are filling requests, keep your silly invisible man stuff out of my government for example on things like abortion and science and anything that requires logic without magical thinking factored in

Actually, it's not just YOUR government. It is written, "Government by the people, for the people, and OF the people". Christians, the last time I checked, were people too. I would suggest you learn to live with opposing views. Perhaps, grow up?

Three in Four in U.S. Still See the Bible as Word of God

But 21%, near the 40-year high, consider it fables and history

So, I suppose you are attempting to now claim somehow that these three in four are not part of the governed people of the United States and only you non-believers are?
I wish.
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