If God doesn't exist...

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What is the scientific definition of life? How is the fact of life existing in the universe scientifically explained? Not scientific observations (or supposed observations), but explanation, definition.
Ridiculous. No distinction between good and evil? Yea, as if you know better then me what's good and evil.
Good and evil is a religious distinction. For atheists, it's all relative.
Aren't you an atheist?
All three of them are atheists who are ashamed of admitting they are atheists so they claim to be agnostics or humanists but argue against belief in God at every turn.
Is that what you believe? I thought were smarter than that.

For one, so what if I don't believe in God? Does it make me a bad person? Am I going to hell? Why do you believe belief is important?

And I don't believe a God exists. Nothing wrong with believing that, is there? Also nothing wrong with you believing there is as long as it's not hurting anyone. I believe religion is a lie that's holding us back.

So I'm not ashamed to admit I don't believe. Calling myself an agnostic atheist means I've recognized that in order for me to know a God doesn't exist I would have to be one myself. So anyone who says they are agnostic is just admitting there is no way to know.

So in a way, if you were being honest too, you'd admit you are an agnostic theist because you don't know either.

Unless you believe a religion that claims God visited. Then you might believe God literally wrote the bible. We have members here who believe that.
What is the scientific definition of life? How is the fact of life existing in the universe scientifically explained? Not scientific observations (or supposed observations), but explanation, definition.
What is religions explanation? Maybe we don't have one just don't buy yours
Ridiculous. No distinction between good and evil? Yea, as if you know better then me what's good and evil.
Good and evil is a religious distinction. For atheists, it's all relative.
Aren't you an atheist?
All three of them are atheists who are ashamed of admitting they are atheists so they claim to be agnostics or humanists but argue against belief in God at every turn.
Is that what you believe? I thought were smarter than that.

For one, so what if I don't believe in God? Does it make me a bad person? Am I going to hell? Why do you believe belief is important?

And I don't believe a God exists. Nothing wrong with believing that, is there? Also nothing wrong with you believing there is as long as it's not hurting anyone. I believe religion is a lie that's holding us back.

So I'm not ashamed to admit I don't believe. Calling myself an agnostic atheist means I've recognized that in order for me to know a God doesn't exist I would have to be one myself. So anyone who says they are agnostic is just admitting there is no way to know.

So in a way, if you were being honest too, you'd admit you are an agnostic theist because you don't know either.

Unless you believe a religion that claims God visited. Then you might believe God literally wrote the bible. We have members here who believe that.

How is someone else's beliefs holding you back? Are you so insecure that you must depend upon someone else in order to get to where you want to go? Your being agnostic is absolutely no millstone around my neck.

another example of a mindless debauchery ... human x being, the 4th century bible and modern society.


74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.
74% of Americans apparently disagree with you.

other than the disparity within that number who might even own a bible who do not disagree your post has what to do with christianities history of oppression and bloodshed ... something sane people work to remedy as is the Commandment from the Almighty than the disingenuous that strive to repeat the past for their own self-centered and pseudo well being.
What is the scientific definition of life? How is the fact of life existing in the universe scientifically explained? Not scientific observations (or supposed observations), but explanation, definition.
What is religions explanation? Maybe we don't have one just don't buy yours
Is this some kind of joke?
II know what your explanation is. It's ridiculous. That's why I want you to say it out loud and proud
Ridiculous. No distinction between good and evil? Yea, as if you know better then me what's good and evil.
Good and evil is a religious distinction. For atheists, it's all relative.
Aren't you an atheist?
All three of them are atheists who are ashamed of admitting they are atheists so they claim to be agnostics or humanists but argue against belief in God at every turn.
Is that what you believe? I thought were smarter than that.

For one, so what if I don't believe in God? Does it make me a bad person? Am I going to hell? Why do you believe belief is important?

And I don't believe a God exists. Nothing wrong with believing that, is there? Also nothing wrong with you believing there is as long as it's not hurting anyone. I believe religion is a lie that's holding us back.

So I'm not ashamed to admit I don't believe. Calling myself an agnostic atheist means I've recognized that in order for me to know a God doesn't exist I would have to be one myself. So anyone who says they are agnostic is just admitting there is no way to know.

So in a way, if you were being honest too, you'd admit you are an agnostic theist because you don't know either.

Unless you believe a religion that claims God visited. Then you might believe God literally wrote the bible. We have members here who believe that.
Yes, I believe that you are afraid or embarrassed to unconditionally admit that you are an atheist even though all you ever do is argue against belief in God. You don't act like an agnostic atheist. You act like an atheist. You don't believe in God. Face it, you are an atheist.
What is the scientific definition of life? How is the fact of life existing in the universe scientifically explained? Not scientific observations (or supposed observations), but explanation, definition.
The 7 Characteristics of Life
Observations, not analysis. Saying "We see this in living things" isn't the same as saying "This is what life is and how it comes to exist."
Don't be silly. Of course it is. Are you trying to argue as there is no such thing as life. Don't be stupid. Life exists and has common traits. Life is continuous. What you are really asking is where did the first life come from? That is irrelevant to what started this conversation. Human life begins at conception when a genetically distinct new human being is created. No amount of wannabe philosopher stupid logic changes this fact.
I just found a 2005 poll said something like 60% Americans take the bible literally. Today 23% do. Proof we are evolving
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.
No. That is not proof we are evolving. The last stage of evolution is the evolution of consciousness. It's called the morality progression. Atheists are excluded.

all beings have consciousness, there is no more or less morality for atheist than pseudo religious worshiping a false 4th century book or those honestly believing in an Almighty as the final entitlement is accomplished solely by their ability to distinguish correctly between good and evil. the Everlasting is not without variety.

Changing the subject isn't answering the question. Of what does life consist?
I didn't change the subject. We define what life is by what makes life unique. Those 7 traits are what makes life unique and distinguishes living organisms as living organisms. You want to play a silly word game to blur the line of living organisms. I have no interest in wasting my time doing that.
Good and evil is a religious distinction. For atheists, it's all relative.
Aren't you an atheist?
All three of them are atheists who are ashamed of admitting they are atheists so they claim to be agnostics or humanists but argue against belief in God at every turn.
Is that what you believe? I thought were smarter than that.

For one, so what if I don't believe in God? Does it make me a bad person? Am I going to hell? Why do you believe belief is important?

And I don't believe a God exists. Nothing wrong with believing that, is there? Also nothing wrong with you believing there is as long as it's not hurting anyone. I believe religion is a lie that's holding us back.

So I'm not ashamed to admit I don't believe. Calling myself an agnostic atheist means I've recognized that in order for me to know a God doesn't exist I would have to be one myself. So anyone who says they are agnostic is just admitting there is no way to know.

So in a way, if you were being honest too, you'd admit you are an agnostic theist because you don't know either.

Unless you believe a religion that claims God visited. Then you might believe God literally wrote the bible. We have members here who believe that.
Yes, I believe that you are afraid or embarrassed to unconditionally admit that you are an atheist even though all you ever do is argue against belief in God. You don't act like an agnostic atheist. You act like an atheist. You don't believe in God. Face it, you are an atheist.
Yes thank you! It's theists that make me have to admit I can't know so I can't truly be an atheist. In that sense I'm just being honest and admitting I don't know. When I say I'm an agnostic atheist I'm being nice and giving in. I'm not being stubborn or acting like I know there isn't a creator.

But everything tells me there is no God. And if there is he didn't visit. He isn't the character that visited Mary mo Jo or moses. He doesn't care if you believe and doesn't send people who don't believe Mary Jo mo or mo to hell. That I'm certain as can be
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