If God doesn't exist...

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No, just at some point all that's left is to mock. You want us to assume your God exists but haven't even come close to proving it does.

That's very mature of you... It's pretty obvious that appears to be all they taught you in school.

Of course the Jews came up with the "there's only one God" shtick. They cornered the market.. Brilliant.

Perhaps they were right.

I would like to see the evidence humans were given when they decided there is only one God. Other than religion logic of course. Can I see the evidence?




It's a bit disingenuous to claim you offered anything at all as a premise for your gods. Your claim that you witness the gods everyday is nothing more than an emotional need or want. It tells us nothing about the nature of your gods or if you are witnessing some gods other than your partisan gods.

Unfortunately, the religious perspectives have been the prime antecedent of 10,000 years of odd rituals, human and animal sacrifice, deistic moral codes, cathedral building, sectarian strife, chants-Gregorian and otherwise, magic beads, smelly incense, golden icons, prayers of petition, public stoning, plastic effigies on dashboards, blind worship of arbitrarily compiled and dubiously translated books, and lots of guys sporting big funny hats!

None of them make the absolute case of authority -- hence, I select the default position of "the gods to be announced at a future date" until such time as there is a clear defining reason to select Zeus and his unionized gods over yours.


You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...


@sealbody: You "know " very exact what your selfdefined enemies are thinking: it's wrong what they are thinking while you are right because you don't believe but you know only. Question: Why are you not able to explain what the knowledge is and where the knowledge comes from that you forces not to believe in god?

Surrexit dominus vere. Alleluja. Alleluja. Surrexit Christus. Alleluja. Alleluja.

Where do I begin. Googl whynogod, read every point and get back to me

You don't know very much about science. You know nearly nothing about relgion. And now you don't know why you don't believe in god but others know? ... Hmm ... If I see it in the right way, then you don't like to speak with me nor with any other Christian about anything else than our wrongness ... You only like to speak nonsense and preach abhorrence. Do you have other hobbies too?

Last edited:
It's a bit disingenuous to claim you offered anything at all as a premise for your gods. Your claim that you witness the gods everyday is nothing more than an emotional need or want. It tells us nothing about the nature of your gods or if you are witnessing some gods other than your partisan gods.

Unfortunately, the religious perspectives have been the prime antecedent of 10,000 years of odd rituals, human and animal sacrifice, deistic moral codes, cathedral building, sectarian strife, chants-Gregorian and otherwise, magic beads, smelly incense, golden icons, prayers of petition, public stoning, plastic effigies on dashboards, blind worship of arbitrarily compiled and dubiously translated books, and lots of guys sporting big funny hats!

None of them make the absolute case of authority -- hence, I select the default position of "the gods to be announced at a future date" until such time as there is a clear defining reason to select Zeus and his unionized gods over yours.

View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.
@sealbody: You "know " very exact what your selfdefined enemies are thinking: it's wrong what they are thinking while you are right because you don't believe but you know only. Question: Why are you not able to explain what the knowledge is and where the knowledge comes from that you forces not to believe in god?

Surrexit dominus vere. Alleluja. Alleluja. Surrexit Christus. Alleluja. Alleluja.

Where do I begin. Googl whynogod, read every point and get back to me

You don't know very much about science. You know nearly nothing about relgion. And now you don't know why you don't believe in god but others know? ... Hmm ... If I see it in the right way, then you don't like to speak with me nor with any other Christian about anything else than our wrongness. ...You only like to speak nonsens about us and preach abhorrence. Do you have other hobbies too?

I see the harm caused by believing in god or people who believe in God, especially towards us non believers. But I don't see the harm in someone not believing. Hollie and I aren't monsters. So what we don't believe?
It's a bit disingenuous to claim you offered anything at all as a premise for your gods. Your claim that you witness the gods everyday is nothing more than an emotional need or want. It tells us nothing about the nature of your gods or if you are witnessing some gods other than your partisan gods.

Unfortunately, the religious perspectives have been the prime antecedent of 10,000 years of odd rituals, human and animal sacrifice, deistic moral codes, cathedral building, sectarian strife, chants-Gregorian and otherwise, magic beads, smelly incense, golden icons, prayers of petition, public stoning, plastic effigies on dashboards, blind worship of arbitrarily compiled and dubiously translated books, and lots of guys sporting big funny hats!

None of them make the absolute case of authority -- hence, I select the default position of "the gods to be announced at a future date" until such time as there is a clear defining reason to select Zeus and his unionized gods over yours.

View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.


No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.


@sealbody: You "know " very exact what your selfdefined enemies are thinking: it's wrong what they are thinking while you are right because you don't believe but you know only. Question: Why are you not able to explain what the knowledge is and where the knowledge comes from that you forces not to believe in god?

Surrexit dominus vere. Alleluja. Alleluja. Surrexit Christus. Alleluja. Alleluja.

Where do I begin. Googl whynogod, read every point and get back to me

You don't know very much about science. You know nearly nothing about relgion. And now you don't know why you don't believe in god but others know? ... Hmm ... If I see it in the right way, then you don't like to speak with me nor with any other Christian about anything else than our wrongness. ...You only like to speak nonsens about us and preach abhorrence. Do you have other hobbies too?

I see the harm caused by believing in god or people who believe in God, especially towards us non believers. But I don't see the harm in someone not believing. Hollie and I aren't monsters. So what we don't believe?

I will go and pray now for people who lost someone this Easter. One of this killed human beings is a Muslim who was murdered from an unbeliever - a Muslim too - because he wished Christians "Happy Easter". I don't know his name - but god knows.

Tell me what you wan when your war is over - if it ever will be over.

Last edited:
It's a bit disingenuous to claim you offered anything at all as a premise for your gods. Your claim that you witness the gods everyday is nothing more than an emotional need or want. It tells us nothing about the nature of your gods or if you are witnessing some gods other than your partisan gods.

Unfortunately, the religious perspectives have been the prime antecedent of 10,000 years of odd rituals, human and animal sacrifice, deistic moral codes, cathedral building, sectarian strife, chants-Gregorian and otherwise, magic beads, smelly incense, golden icons, prayers of petition, public stoning, plastic effigies on dashboards, blind worship of arbitrarily compiled and dubiously translated books, and lots of guys sporting big funny hats!

None of them make the absolute case of authority -- hence, I select the default position of "the gods to be announced at a future date" until such time as there is a clear defining reason to select Zeus and his unionized gods over yours.

View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?
@sealbody: You "know " very exact what your selfdefined enemies are thinking: it's wrong what they are thinking while you are right because you don't believe but you know only. Question: Why are you not able to explain what the knowledge is and where the knowledge comes from that you forces not to believe in god?

Surrexit dominus vere. Alleluja. Alleluja. Surrexit Christus. Alleluja. Alleluja.

Where do I begin. Googl whynogod, read every point and get back to me

You don't know very much about science. You know nearly nothing about relgion. And now you don't know why you don't believe in god but others know? ... Hmm ... If I see it in the right way, then you don't like to speak with me nor with any other Christian about anything else than our wrongness. ...You only like to speak nonsens about us and preach abhorrence. Do you have other hobbies too?

I see the harm caused by believing in god or people who believe in God, especially towards us non believers. But I don't see the harm in someone not believing. Hollie and I aren't monsters. So what we don't believe?

I will go and pray now for people who lost someone this Easter. One of this killed human beings is a Muslim who was murdered from an unbeliever - a Muslim too - because he wished Christians "Happy Easter". I don't know his name - but god knows.

Tell me what you wan when your war is over - if it ever will be over.

When it is acceptable for a presidential candidate to be openly atheist, we'll talk then. But not before. And until then, boo hoo.
This is a nice philosofical post and I don't doubt that for you god is completely real. Couple of things God has gotten carried away if you believe in him, unless you believe drowning every living thing on this planet expect those creatures put on the ark is reaonable. And I do not have much of a problem with religion in itself, what I have a humongous problem with is when religion thinks it has a right to way in on scientific problems, without feeling the need then to be subjected to scientific scrutiny. And when science treads on area's where religion previously had the only answer, wich has happened numerous times in history. Religion has to bow out unless they can come up with rational, verifiable proof. Man's place in nature, earth's prominence in the universe even the question where we come from, are all things where science has come up with rational answers and then religion has to retreat.
How is this proof? "So the first proof of God is based on the following:
1. After determining that I exist because I think and can doubt, I realize that I am not perfect. I make mistakes. Get angry. I do not do what I am supposed to do. On the other hand, God, this being, is perfect and all powerful."

How do you know that god is perfect and all powerful? Did you make that up? :dunno:
How do you know that god gets angry and never makes mistakes? What about babies born with severe deformities? :dunno:
What about this load of malarkey, where's your proof? "God must exist because we all admire perfection".

You lack a real sense of deduction. Your reasoning doesn't make any sense. Hope you get a clue someday.

It's logical proof or rationalism.

Descartes based it on how humans admire perfection.

It's not I that do not have a clue. You'll understand one day.

To me, it's more who gets the last laugh.
If you take a step back and look at all the facts, it seems that God is just the ignorant answer to how we got here. We didn't know shit when we came to that conclusion. The fact is we don't know. I don't have a problem with people who believe God exists but admit they don't know. I just don't like being lied to.

You don't believe all the other religions are real, do you?

What do you mean when you take a step back and look at the facts? There is more evidence that God exists. It helps to have a little faith.

And how can you say someone who has lasted all these years suggests ignorance? Science, while it eventually comes to the truth, is mostly wrong. Science ends up backing the Bible. What other ignorance are you referring to besides science?

And who is lying to you? Descartes? Surely, his, "I think, therefore I am" has stood the test of time. His proof of God lies in striving for perfection. That means getting 100% correct on the test. Winning. Doing your best since we're not perfect.
There is more evidence that God exists. FALSE
It helps to have a little faith. TRUE
Science is mostly wrong FALSE
Science ends up backing the bible FALSE
The rest is just nonsense. Zero extra credit for that last part.

So you got 1 out of 4 wrong. You didn't get even close to 100% on the test.

Since you made it a test, atheists are usually wrong. BTW, if I got 1 out of 4 wrong, then I'm 75% right.

The answers are 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) TRUE. You got 2/4. I'll give you #3 because I meant to say, "Science is mostly wrong before they get it right." The rest is the Ontological argument which you didn't seem to understand. I'll make it extra credit, so zero extra credit.
How is this proof? "So the first proof of God is based on the following:
1. After determining that I exist because I think and can doubt, I realize that I am not perfect. I make mistakes. Get angry. I do not do what I am supposed to do. On the other hand, God, this being, is perfect and all powerful."

How do you know that god is perfect and all powerful? Did you make that up? :dunno:
How do you know that god gets angry and never makes mistakes? What about babies born with severe deformities? :dunno:
What about this load of malarkey, where's your proof? "God must exist because we all admire perfection".

You lack a real sense of deduction. Your reasoning doesn't make any sense. Hope you get a clue someday.

It's logical proof or rationalism.

Descartes based it on how humans admire perfection.

It's not I that do not have a clue. You'll understand one day.

To me, it's more who gets the last laugh.
If you take a step back and look at all the facts, it seems that God is just the ignorant answer to how we got here. We didn't know shit when we came to that conclusion. The fact is we don't know. I don't have a problem with people who believe God exists but admit they don't know. I just don't like being lied to.

You don't believe all the other religions are real, do you?

What do you mean when you take a step back and look at the facts? There is more evidence that God exists. It helps to have a little faith.

And how can you say someone who has lasted all these years suggests ignorance? Science, while it eventually comes to the truth, is mostly wrong. Science ends up backing the Bible. What other ignorance are you referring to besides science?

And who is lying to you? Descartes? Surely, his, "I think, therefore I am" has stood the test of time. His proof of God lies in striving for perfection. That means getting 100% correct on the test. Winning. Doing your best since we're not perfect.
There is more evidence that God exists. FALSE
It helps to have a little faith. TRUE
Science is mostly wrong FALSE
Science ends up backing the bible FALSE
The rest is just nonsense. Zero extra credit for that last part.

So you got 1 out of 4 wrong. You didn't get even close to 100% on the test.

Since you made it a test, atheists are usually wrong. BTW, if I got 1 out of 4 wrong, then I'm 75% right.

The answers are 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) TRUE. You got 2/4. I'll give you #3 because I meant to say, "Science is mostly wrong before they get it right." The rest is the Ontological argument which you didn't seem to understand. I'll make it extra credit, so zero extra credit.
Give me evidence backed by science that god exist please.Since you believe science ends up backing the bible anyway. Any example will do.
@sealbody: You "know " very exact what your selfdefined enemies are thinking: it's wrong what they are thinking while you are right because you don't believe but you know only. Question: Why are you not able to explain what the knowledge is and where the knowledge comes from that you forces not to believe in god?

Surrexit dominus vere. Alleluja. Alleluja. Surrexit Christus. Alleluja. Alleluja.

Where do I begin. Googl whynogod, read every point and get back to me

You don't know very much about science. You know nearly nothing about relgion. And now you don't know why you don't believe in god but others know? ... Hmm ... If I see it in the right way, then you don't like to speak with me nor with any other Christian about anything else than our wrongness. ...You only like to speak nonsens about us and preach abhorrence. Do you have other hobbies too?

I see the harm caused by believing in god or people who believe in God, especially towards us non believers. But I don't see the harm in someone not believing. Hollie and I aren't monsters. So what we don't believe?

I will go and pray now for people who lost someone this Easter. One of this killed human beings is a Muslim who was murdered from an unbeliever - a Muslim too - because he wished Christians "Happy Easter". I don't know his name - but god knows.

Tell me what you wan when your war is over - if it ever will be over.

When it is acceptable for a presidential candidate to be openly atheist, we'll talk then. But not before. And until then, boo hoo.

Bye bye Mr. "I like to be the president maker". Atheists in governments are by the way nothing what I prefer. But on the other side: Lots of people suffer a lack of orientation. Do you know where the word "orientation" comes from? It means to orient oneselve together with others direction Easter for praying, where the sun of god will start to begin to shine in the new morning of everyones life who has eyes to see. From my point of view you are a prisoner of your own thoughts. Perhaps you will find a way to leave this prison. Sometimes this needs only a step through a not existing wall.


Die Verträge sind gemacht
und es wurde viel gelacht
und was Süßes zum Dessert
Freiheit Freiheit

Die Kappelle rum-ta-ta
und der Papst war auch schon da
und mein Nachbar vorneweg
Freiheit Freiheit
ist die einzige die fehlt
Freiheit Freiheit
ist die einzige die fehlt

Der Mensch ist leider nicht naiv
der Mensch ist leider primitiv
Freiheit Freiheit
wurde wieder abbestellt

Alle die von Freiheit träumen
sollen's Feiern nicht versäumen
sollen tanzen auch auf Gräbern
Freiheit Freiheit
ist das einzige was zählt

Freiheit Freiheit
ist das einzige was zählt

Marius Müller-Westernhagen
Last edited:
It's a bit disingenuous to claim you offered anything at all as a premise for your gods. Your claim that you witness the gods everyday is nothing more than an emotional need or want. It tells us nothing about the nature of your gods or if you are witnessing some gods other than your partisan gods.

Unfortunately, the religious perspectives have been the prime antecedent of 10,000 years of odd rituals, human and animal sacrifice, deistic moral codes, cathedral building, sectarian strife, chants-Gregorian and otherwise, magic beads, smelly incense, golden icons, prayers of petition, public stoning, plastic effigies on dashboards, blind worship of arbitrarily compiled and dubiously translated books, and lots of guys sporting big funny hats!

None of them make the absolute case of authority -- hence, I select the default position of "the gods to be announced at a future date" until such time as there is a clear defining reason to select Zeus and his unionized gods over yours.

View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

PS: He refers to the field equations of Einstein - see: Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
It's a bit disingenuous to claim you offered anything at all as a premise for your gods. Your claim that you witness the gods everyday is nothing more than an emotional need or want. It tells us nothing about the nature of your gods or if you are witnessing some gods other than your partisan gods.

Unfortunately, the religious perspectives have been the prime antecedent of 10,000 years of odd rituals, human and animal sacrifice, deistic moral codes, cathedral building, sectarian strife, chants-Gregorian and otherwise, magic beads, smelly incense, golden icons, prayers of petition, public stoning, plastic effigies on dashboards, blind worship of arbitrarily compiled and dubiously translated books, and lots of guys sporting big funny hats!

None of them make the absolute case of authority -- hence, I select the default position of "the gods to be announced at a future date" until such time as there is a clear defining reason to select Zeus and his unionized gods over yours.

View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

Just remember I'll stop having a problem with theists when they stop having a problem with us.

For example would an atheist stand a chance of becoming president? Hell no. So stop asking us why we are so anti religion. We aren't nearly as bothered by you as you are us. And that makes no sense seeing as how you KNOW God exists.

If you were sure you wouldn't get your feelings hurt.
It's a bit disingenuous to claim you offered anything at all as a premise for your gods. Your claim that you witness the gods everyday is nothing more than an emotional need or want. It tells us nothing about the nature of your gods or if you are witnessing some gods other than your partisan gods.

Unfortunately, the religious perspectives have been the prime antecedent of 10,000 years of odd rituals, human and animal sacrifice, deistic moral codes, cathedral building, sectarian strife, chants-Gregorian and otherwise, magic beads, smelly incense, golden icons, prayers of petition, public stoning, plastic effigies on dashboards, blind worship of arbitrarily compiled and dubiously translated books, and lots of guys sporting big funny hats!

None of them make the absolute case of authority -- hence, I select the default position of "the gods to be announced at a future date" until such time as there is a clear defining reason to select Zeus and his unionized gods over yours.

View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



How does Einstein's equation prove God? :dunno:
View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

Just remember I'll stop having a problem with theists when they stop having a problem with us.[/uqpote]

I'm not a theist - I'm a Catholic. Only because you give us names makes nothing right or wrong what you say. And I don't know anything about your problems. You never spoke about your problems.

For example would an atheist stand a chance of becoming president? Hell no.

Who was not an atheist in this function?

[Qutoe]So stop asking us why we are so anti religion. We aren't nearly as bothered by you as you are us. And that makes no sense seeing as how you KNOW God exists.

If you were sure you wouldn't get your feelings hurt.

You are not able to hurt my feeling because you don't believe in god. That's your freedom. God gave this freedom. Your problem seems to be that you spiral slowly down into indoctrinated toughts as if they would be a black hole. But you have more degrees of freedom. Physics or science is not always a wise philosopher. Ask concrete scientists or phycicists or technicians or programmers or ... homeless people maybe. No one stops to be a human being only because he knows something about natural laws or mathematics. There's always more.

There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

Just remember I'll stop having a problem with theists when they stop having a problem with us.[/uqpote]

I'm not a theist - I'm a Catholic. Only because you give us names makes nothing right or wrong what you say. And I don't know anything about your problems. You never spoke about your problems.

For example would an atheist stand a chance of becoming president? Hell no.

Who was not an atheist in this function?

[Qutoe]So stop asking us why we are so anti religion. We aren't nearly as bothered by you as you are us. And that makes no sense seeing as how you KNOW God exists.

If you were sure you wouldn't get your feelings hurt.

You are not able to hurt my feeling because you don't believe in god. That's your freedom. God gave this freedom. Your problem seems to be that you spiral slowly down into indoctrinated toughts as if they would be a black hole. But you have more degrees of freedom. Physics or science is not always a wise philosopher. Ask concrete scientists or phycicists or technicians or programmers or ... homeless people maybe. No one stops to be a human being only because he knows something about natural laws or mathematics. There's always more.

Zaan is a fake holocaust survivor. Don't listen to anything he says.
It's a bit disingenuous to claim you offered anything at all as a premise for your gods. Your claim that you witness the gods everyday is nothing more than an emotional need or want. It tells us nothing about the nature of your gods or if you are witnessing some gods other than your partisan gods.

Unfortunately, the religious perspectives have been the prime antecedent of 10,000 years of odd rituals, human and animal sacrifice, deistic moral codes, cathedral building, sectarian strife, chants-Gregorian and otherwise, magic beads, smelly incense, golden icons, prayers of petition, public stoning, plastic effigies on dashboards, blind worship of arbitrarily compiled and dubiously translated books, and lots of guys sporting big funny hats!

None of them make the absolute case of authority -- hence, I select the default position of "the gods to be announced at a future date" until such time as there is a clear defining reason to select Zeus and his unionized gods over yours.

View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

PS: He refers to the field equations of Einstein - see: Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have terrible taste in music. Just terrible. Lol.
There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

Just remember I'll stop having a problem with theists when they stop having a problem with us.[/uqpote]

I'm not a theist - I'm a Catholic. Only because you give us names makes nothing right or wrong what you say. And I don't know anything about your problems. You never spoke about your problems.

For example would an atheist stand a chance of becoming president? Hell no.

Who was not an atheist in this function?

[Qutoe]So stop asking us why we are so anti religion. We aren't nearly as bothered by you as you are us. And that makes no sense seeing as how you KNOW God exists.

If you were sure you wouldn't get your feelings hurt.

You are not able to hurt my feeling because you don't believe in god. That's your freedom. God gave this freedom. Your problem seems to be that you spiral slowly down into indoctrinated toughts as if they would be a black hole. But you have more degrees of freedom. Physics or science is not always a wise philosopher. Ask concrete scientists or phycicists or technicians or programmers or ... homeless people maybe. No one stops to be a human being only because he knows something about natural laws or mathematics. There's always more.

Or you're just another animal that lives and dies.

Just be glad you have a 50+ year lifespan, you live in this era and not back when Jesus was alive, you live in a good country and you are the smartest animal on this planet.

A priest on TV today said you should consider me your Goliath. Without him who would Sampson have been?
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