If God doesn't exist...

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View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

Just remember I'll stop having a problem with theists when they stop having a problem with us.[/uqpote]

I'm not a theist - I'm a Catholic. Only because you give us names makes nothing right or wrong what you say. And I don't know anything about your problems. You never spoke about your problems.

For example would an atheist stand a chance of becoming president? Hell no.

Who was not an atheist in this function?

[Qutoe]So stop asking us why we are so anti religion. We aren't nearly as bothered by you as you are us. And that makes no sense seeing as how you KNOW God exists.

If you were sure you wouldn't get your feelings hurt.

You are not able to hurt my feeling because you don't believe in god. That's your freedom. God gave this freedom. Your problem seems to be that you spiral slowly down into indoctrinated toughts as if they would be a black hole. But you have more degrees of freedom. Physics or science is not always a wise philosopher. Ask concrete scientists or phycicists or technicians or programmers or ... homeless people maybe. No one stops to be a human being only because he knows something about natural laws or mathematics. There's always more.

Zaan is a fake holocaust survivor. Don't listen to anything he says.

A Jew for Jesus?
Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

Just remember I'll stop having a problem with theists when they stop having a problem with us.[/uqpote]

I'm not a theist - I'm a Catholic. Only because you give us names makes nothing right or wrong what you say. And I don't know anything about your problems. You never spoke about your problems.

For example would an atheist stand a chance of becoming president? Hell no.

Who was not an atheist in this function?

[Qutoe]So stop asking us why we are so anti religion. We aren't nearly as bothered by you as you are us. And that makes no sense seeing as how you KNOW God exists.

If you were sure you wouldn't get your feelings hurt.

You are not able to hurt my feeling because you don't believe in god. That's your freedom. God gave this freedom. Your problem seems to be that you spiral slowly down into indoctrinated toughts as if they would be a black hole. But you have more degrees of freedom. Physics or science is not always a wise philosopher. Ask concrete scientists or phycicists or technicians or programmers or ... homeless people maybe. No one stops to be a human being only because he knows something about natural laws or mathematics. There's always more.

Zaan is a fake holocaust survivor. Don't listen to anything he says.

A Jew for Jesus?

I dunno if he's a Jew, but he's always on here whining for sympathy because he claims he's a Holocaust survivor.
What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

Just remember I'll stop having a problem with theists when they stop having a problem with us.[/uqpote]

I'm not a theist - I'm a Catholic. Only because you give us names makes nothing right or wrong what you say. And I don't know anything about your problems. You never spoke about your problems.

For example would an atheist stand a chance of becoming president? Hell no.

Who was not an atheist in this function?

[Qutoe]So stop asking us why we are so anti religion. We aren't nearly as bothered by you as you are us. And that makes no sense seeing as how you KNOW God exists.

If you were sure you wouldn't get your feelings hurt.

You are not able to hurt my feeling because you don't believe in god. That's your freedom. God gave this freedom. Your problem seems to be that you spiral slowly down into indoctrinated toughts as if they would be a black hole. But you have more degrees of freedom. Physics or science is not always a wise philosopher. Ask concrete scientists or phycicists or technicians or programmers or ... homeless people maybe. No one stops to be a human being only because he knows something about natural laws or mathematics. There's always more.

Zaan is a fake holocaust survivor. Don't listen to anything he says.

A Jew for Jesus?

I dunno if he's a Jew, but he's always on here whining for sympathy because he claims he's a Holocaust survivor.

Then is he an old fag? They locked them up too.

Sounds like a buddy of mine. Jew for jesus
View attachment 69172

You've never asked what my belief in God is, other than to mock me, so my premise stands...


Do you recognize it?

It would appear that you have a problem with my beliefs.

So why don't you address my beliefs instead of making things up?

Are you afraid I might be right or are you simply a troll who wishes to vilify things?

Sounds like you need to write a Analytical Empirical Scientific Analysis God Journal for your little crusade against God.

Then you can really get your crusade to rolling...



There's no need to get angry because I don't accept your "..... because I say so" claims to partisan gods.

Others have gods too. You've offered nothing that brings your gods to the front of the line vs. competing gods.

View attachment 69183

No one is getting angry here.... Bored with your ignorance and intolerance would be a more appropriate descriptive.

However it would appear that neither of you (Hollie and sealybobo) can recognize the equation I've provided as a basic premise for God's existence...



Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of you assume things instead of asking intelligent questions. So it's also pretty obvious that neither of you have any concept of differing religious beliefs and only wish to mock others about their religious beliefs. In my opinion that makes both of you nothing better than trolls and I'm no longer wasting my time with either of you.

Oh!!!!! Since you decided not to read the thread...


Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I spect' neither of you will read that either so...

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.

So yes my God is represented in the equation I provided you and preformed a miracle when the big bang happened.



Math doesn't prove God. Why doesn't everyone know that equasion?

What's not really true. Mr. Gödel made a mathematical prove of god - and this prove is not wrong so it should be still true for everyone who has to do with science. But nearly no one - or indeed no one - understands what this genius said there. A short time ago some computer scientists found out that this prove is correct by producing a PC-program what tested the formal correctness of this prove again. The mathematics (=a special form of logical notation) Gödl used knows nearly no one very good - specially not in the perfect way Goedel used mathematics. But I would say this prove is not important for Christians, because it is somehow a prove without love and life. It are only some symbols on paper. Nevertheless would the correct interpretation of the philosophy of science now force every scientist to believe in god on reasons of mathematics and science, because the existance of god is proven not to be wrong and what's not wrong is definetelly true in science. But this would hurt on the other side the freedom of religion in a simliar way like you try to hurt the freedom of religion of scientists by making science itselve to a kind of substitute of religion and a kind of [anti-]theology of your atheistic belief.

PS: He refers to the field equations of Einstein - see: Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have terrible taste in music. Just terrible. Lol.

Hmmm ...

Last edited:
... Or you're just another animal that lives and dies.

Just be glad you have a 50+ year lifespan, you live in this era and not back when Jesus was alive, you live in a good country and you are the smartest animal on this planet.

A priest on TV today said you should consider me your Goliath. Without him who would Sampson have been?

David fought against Goliath - not Mr. Simson. Mr. Simson works in a nuclear power plant. And the USA is comparable more with a Goliath under all other nations - what helps nothing if god is not with you.

I find the very intelligence present in the chaos absolutely fascinating. Though the mathematical possibility of even a single cell organism surviving long enough to mutate into a two cell organism is a virtual impossibility, the very premise that somehow not only did a multi-celled organism crawl forth from that cesspool but that in reality two very complicated and advanced multi-celled organisms must had crawled forth at about the very same time. Since the survival of any species must depend upon the intercourse between both a male and a female organism then both male and female humans, cattle, dogs, cats, elephants, rodents, hippos, etc., must have all crawled out of that same slime pit. Yes indeed, there must have been some smarts in that chaos else there might have only been male organisms crawl forth.
I find the very intelligence present in the chaos absolutely fascinating. Though the mathematical possibility of even a single cell organism surviving long enough to mutate into a two cell organism is a virtual impossibility, the very premise that somehow not only did a multi-celled organism crawl forth from that cesspool but that in reality two very complicated and advanced multi-celled organisms must had crawled forth at about the very same time. Since the survival of any species must depend upon the intercourse between both a male and a female organism then both male and female humans, cattle, dogs, cats, elephants, rodents, hippos, etc., must have all crawled out of that same slime pit. Yes indeed, there must have been some smarts in that chaos else there might have only been male organisms crawl forth.
What intelligence in the chaos would that be?

I suspect your math is derived from the website Answers in Genesis which suggests your math is the religious fundie version of math.

Of course if one cannot dispute the math then attack the source. Why not give me the product of your own mathematical probability of a single cell organism mutating into a four celled organism? I'll await your answer since you are the scientific one here.

Of course if one cannot dispute the math then attack the source. Why not give me the product of your own mathematical probability of a single cell organism mutating into a four celled organism? I'll await your answer since you are the scientific one here.

The silly ID'iot creationism math has been refuted more tones than Aidan recall.

Evolution and Chance

I was hoping you can give us the math that defines supernatural gods? Not just any of the gods but your particular, partisan gods. Supernatural math, perhaps?

Of course if one cannot dispute the math then attack the source. Why not give me the product of your own mathematical probability of a single cell organism mutating into a four celled organism? I'll await your answer since you are the scientific one here.

The silly ID'iot creationism math has been refuted more tones than Aidan recall.

Evolution and Chance

I was hoping you can give us the math that defines supernatural gods? Not just any of the gods but your particular, partisan gods. Supernatural math, perhaps?

I'm not a party to your "gods" discussion if you would take notice. I do not fault you for not responding directly to my math challenge. Most people lack education in probability analysis. That's not their fault at all it's just that their education and occupation did not require advanced mathematical studies. Actually, I have discovered that most folks really have very limited study in any of the scientific fields. Many hold degrees in the Liberal Arts arena and have only read some info from some web site or heard a Liberal college professor attempt to sound scientific. Those of us who actually work in fields such as engineering know better though.
Shall we put forth a little honesty here? Intelligence has little at all to do with education. Most people are considered to be educated but are they actually intelligent? In fact, are most people really educated? I went to college and learned electrical engineering. I also hold a minor in mathematics. Does this make me intelligent? Not really. I am good at my vocation. I know nothing about astronomy or medicine or about many other subjects other than as a layman. There are certainly reputable people on all sides of an issue. The father of modern rocketry was a Christian and engaged in prayer to the Christian God. He was hardly considered a fool by any recognized standard. Was he intelligent or was he simply educated in his particular field? It's not my call to make. I respect his beliefs and that he was the foremost authority in modern rocketry. Were I an atheist, I would never accuse him of being a fool. There are many reputable people who are atheists. Many are more educated in their own right than am I. I don't call them ignorant either. There is ample room for everyone.

Of course if one cannot dispute the math then attack the source. Why not give me the product of your own mathematical probability of a single cell organism mutating into a four celled organism? I'll await your answer since you are the scientific one here.

The silly ID'iot creationism math has been refuted more tones than Aidan recall.

Evolution and Chance

I was hoping you can give us the math that defines supernatural gods? Not just any of the gods but your particular, partisan gods. Supernatural math, perhaps?

I'm not a party to your "gods" discussion if you would take notice. I do not fault you for not responding directly to my math challenge. Most people lack education in probability analysis. That's not their fault at all it's just that their education and occupation did not require advanced mathematical studies. Actually, I have discovered that most folks really have very limited study in any of the scientific fields. Many hold degrees in the Liberal Arts arena and have only read some info from some web site or heard a Liberal college professor attempt to sound scientific. Those of us who actually work in fields such as engineering know better though.

You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to blogs hosted by people who have no where else to post their tripe but ID'iot creation websites.

You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to people's blogs.

Let's take a look at your first link. It's written by a student who later identifies an article he submitted to the Disco'tute. As we know, the Disco'tute is one of many ID'iot creationist warehouses for charlatans / religious fundamentalists.

Your second link is sillier than the first. We're directed to the musings of a knucklehead, Robert Kehr.

Webster Kehr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Webster Kehr
(born 7 October 1946 in Jefferson City, Missouri) is an amateur American author and promoter. Claiming since 2002 to be a sort of "cancer researcher (of natural medicine)," he holds a belief in so-called creation science and maintains a website promoting cancer quackery and discouraging cancer patients from seeking medical health care.[1] Kehr is also a conspiracy theorist who claims that the medical profession and drug companies are deliberately suppressing so-called cures for cancer.[2

It just gets worse from there. How it is you're not embarrassed beyond words to post links to such piffle is remarkable.

Of course if one cannot dispute the math then attack the source. Why not give me the product of your own mathematical probability of a single cell organism mutating into a four celled organism? I'll await your answer since you are the scientific one here.

The silly ID'iot creationism math has been refuted more tones than Aidan recall.

Evolution and Chance

I was hoping you can give us the math that defines supernatural gods? Not just any of the gods but your particular, partisan gods. Supernatural math, perhaps?

I'm not a party to your "gods" discussion if you would take notice. I do not fault you for not responding directly to my math challenge. Most people lack education in probability analysis. That's not their fault at all it's just that their education and occupation did not require advanced mathematical studies. Actually, I have discovered that most folks really have very limited study in any of the scientific fields. Many hold degrees in the Liberal Arts arena and have only read some info from some web site or heard a Liberal college professor attempt to sound scientific. Those of us who actually work in fields such as engineering know better though.

You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to blogs hosted by people who have no where else to post their tripe but ID'iot creation websites.

You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to people's blogs.

Let's take a look at your first link. It's written by a student who later identifies an article he submitted to the Disco'tute. As we know, the Disco'tute is one of many ID'iot creationist warehouses for charlatans / religious fundamentalists.

Your second link is sillier than the first. We're directed to the musings of a knucklehead, Robert Kehr.

Webster Kehr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Webster Kehr
(born 7 October 1946 in Jefferson City, Missouri) is an amateur American author and promoter. Claiming since 2002 to be a sort of "cancer researcher (of natural medicine)," he holds a belief in so-called creation science and maintains a website promoting cancer quackery and discouraging cancer patients from seeking medical health care.[1] Kehr is also a conspiracy theorist who claims that the medical profession and drug companies are deliberately suppressing so-called cures for cancer.[2

It just gets worse from there. How it is you're not embarrassed beyond words to post links to such piffle is remarkable.

No. What is much worse is the fact that you take it upon yourself to call people ignorant who actually have more education and life experiences than you do. Yours is simple bigotry at its finest. What are your credentials that afford you the right to call anyone ignorant?
Obviously you must realize that one or more of your link are to the most notoriously silly religious whack-jobs on the planet: Henry Morris.

Of course if one cannot dispute the math then attack the source. Why not give me the product of your own mathematical probability of a single cell organism mutating into a four celled organism? I'll await your answer since you are the scientific one here.
The silly ID'iot creationism math has been refuted more tones than Aidan recall.

Evolution and Chance

I was hoping you can give us the math that defines supernatural gods? Not just any of the gods but your particular, partisan gods. Supernatural math, perhaps?

I'm not a party to your "gods" discussion if you would take notice. I do not fault you for not responding directly to my math challenge. Most people lack education in probability analysis. That's not their fault at all it's just that their education and occupation did not require advanced mathematical studies. Actually, I have discovered that most folks really have very limited study in any of the scientific fields. Many hold degrees in the Liberal Arts arena and have only read some info from some web site or heard a Liberal college professor attempt to sound scientific. Those of us who actually work in fields such as engineering know better though.
You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to blogs hosted by people who have no where else to post their tripe but ID'iot creation websites.

You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to people's blogs.

Let's take a look at your first link. It's written by a student who later identifies an article he submitted to the Disco'tute. As we know, the Disco'tute is one of many ID'iot creationist warehouses for charlatans / religious fundamentalists.

Your second link is sillier than the first. We're directed to the musings of a knucklehead, Robert Kehr.

Webster Kehr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Webster Kehr
(born 7 October 1946 in Jefferson City, Missouri) is an amateur American author and promoter. Claiming since 2002 to be a sort of "cancer researcher (of natural medicine)," he holds a belief in so-called creation science and maintains a website promoting cancer quackery and discouraging cancer patients from seeking medical health care.[1] Kehr is also a conspiracy theorist who claims that the medical profession and drug companies are deliberately suppressing so-called cures for cancer.[2

It just gets worse from there. How it is you're not embarrassed beyond words to post links to such piffle is remarkable.

No. What is much worse is the fact that you take it upon yourself to call people ignorant who actually have more education and life experiences than you do. Yours is simple bigotry at its finest. What are your credentials that afford you the right to call anyone ignorant?
It can't be anything but ignorance that would cause you to offer wacky conspiracy theorists to support your arguments for gods.
Of course if one cannot dispute the math then attack the source. Why not give me the product of your own mathematical probability of a single cell organism mutating into a four celled organism? I'll await your answer since you are the scientific one here.
The silly ID'iot creationism math has been refuted more tones than Aidan recall.

Evolution and Chance

I was hoping you can give us the math that defines supernatural gods? Not just any of the gods but your particular, partisan gods. Supernatural math, perhaps?

I'm not a party to your "gods" discussion if you would take notice. I do not fault you for not responding directly to my math challenge. Most people lack education in probability analysis. That's not their fault at all it's just that their education and occupation did not require advanced mathematical studies. Actually, I have discovered that most folks really have very limited study in any of the scientific fields. Many hold degrees in the Liberal Arts arena and have only read some info from some web site or heard a Liberal college professor attempt to sound scientific. Those of us who actually work in fields such as engineering know better though.
You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to blogs hosted by people who have no where else to post their tripe but ID'iot creation websites.

You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to people's blogs.

Let's take a look at your first link. It's written by a student who later identifies an article he submitted to the Disco'tute. As we know, the Disco'tute is one of many ID'iot creationist warehouses for charlatans / religious fundamentalists.

Your second link is sillier than the first. We're directed to the musings of a knucklehead, Robert Kehr.

Webster Kehr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Webster Kehr
(born 7 October 1946 in Jefferson City, Missouri) is an amateur American author and promoter. Claiming since 2002 to be a sort of "cancer researcher (of natural medicine)," he holds a belief in so-called creation science and maintains a website promoting cancer quackery and discouraging cancer patients from seeking medical health care.[1] Kehr is also a conspiracy theorist who claims that the medical profession and drug companies are deliberately suppressing so-called cures for cancer.[2

It just gets worse from there. How it is you're not embarrassed beyond words to post links to such piffle is remarkable.

No. What is much worse is the fact that you take it upon yourself to call people ignorant who actually have more education and life experiences than you do. Yours is simple bigotry at its finest. What are your credentials that afford you the right to call anyone ignorant?
It can't be anything but ignorance that would cause you to offer wacky conspiracy theorists to support your arguments for gods.

Well, we all simply cannot be as intelligent as you deem yourself to be. Most of us are not gifted with the bigot trait. I don't know why I engage you since in all probability, you don't even exist:

The silly ID'iot creationism math has been refuted more tones than Aidan recall.

Evolution and Chance

I was hoping you can give us the math that defines supernatural gods? Not just any of the gods but your particular, partisan gods. Supernatural math, perhaps?

I'm not a party to your "gods" discussion if you would take notice. I do not fault you for not responding directly to my math challenge. Most people lack education in probability analysis. That's not their fault at all it's just that their education and occupation did not require advanced mathematical studies. Actually, I have discovered that most folks really have very limited study in any of the scientific fields. Many hold degrees in the Liberal Arts arena and have only read some info from some web site or heard a Liberal college professor attempt to sound scientific. Those of us who actually work in fields such as engineering know better though.
You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to blogs hosted by people who have no where else to post their tripe but ID'iot creation websites.

You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to people's blogs.

Let's take a look at your first link. It's written by a student who later identifies an article he submitted to the Disco'tute. As we know, the Disco'tute is one of many ID'iot creationist warehouses for charlatans / religious fundamentalists.

Your second link is sillier than the first. We're directed to the musings of a knucklehead, Robert Kehr.

Webster Kehr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Webster Kehr
(born 7 October 1946 in Jefferson City, Missouri) is an amateur American author and promoter. Claiming since 2002 to be a sort of "cancer researcher (of natural medicine)," he holds a belief in so-called creation science and maintains a website promoting cancer quackery and discouraging cancer patients from seeking medical health care.[1] Kehr is also a conspiracy theorist who claims that the medical profession and drug companies are deliberately suppressing so-called cures for cancer.[2

It just gets worse from there. How it is you're not embarrassed beyond words to post links to such piffle is remarkable.

No. What is much worse is the fact that you take it upon yourself to call people ignorant who actually have more education and life experiences than you do. Yours is simple bigotry at its finest. What are your credentials that afford you the right to call anyone ignorant?
It can't be anything but ignorance that would cause you to offer wacky conspiracy theorists to support your arguments for gods.

Well, we all simply cannot be as intelligent as you deem yourself to be. Most of us are not gifted with the bigot trait. I don't know why I engage you since in all probability, you don't even exist:

View attachment 69271

Funny stuff. It's obvious where you scour this cut and paste material from.

Typical ID'iot creationist piffle.
... Or you're just another animal that lives and dies.

Just be glad you have a 50+ year lifespan, you live in this era and not back when Jesus was alive, you live in a good country and you are the smartest animal on this planet.

A priest on TV today said you should consider me your Goliath. Without him who would Sampson have been?

David fought against Goliath - not Mr. Simson. Mr. Simson works in a nuclear power plant. And the USA is comparable more with a Goliath under all other nations - what helps nothing if god is not with you.

Do you miss the point or argue with your preachers when they try to make a point? This message came from a televangelist on TV this morning.

The point he was trying to make is without brutis there is no Popeye. I'm your brutis. In other words, don't let me stop you from being who you are. And I don't want to hurt good Christians. I figure anyone coming to this topic is asking for it. This is the internet after all.

And I truly believe We'd be better off without religion. America and Europe are pretty secular nice societies. We have too many religious nuts but freedom from religion is nice. Now compare that with the middle East where they are all about religion. I'd take the freedom from religion society anyday and so would you.

If we woke up tomorrow and no one ever heard about God would we have not figured out its not right to cover thy neighbors wife? Seems like a easy rule to follow.
The silly ID'iot creationism math has been refuted more tones than Aidan recall.

Evolution and Chance

I was hoping you can give us the math that defines supernatural gods? Not just any of the gods but your particular, partisan gods. Supernatural math, perhaps?

I'm not a party to your "gods" discussion if you would take notice. I do not fault you for not responding directly to my math challenge. Most people lack education in probability analysis. That's not their fault at all it's just that their education and occupation did not require advanced mathematical studies. Actually, I have discovered that most folks really have very limited study in any of the scientific fields. Many hold degrees in the Liberal Arts arena and have only read some info from some web site or heard a Liberal college professor attempt to sound scientific. Those of us who actually work in fields such as engineering know better though.
You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to blogs hosted by people who have no where else to post their tripe but ID'iot creation websites.

You offered no math challenge. You simply cut and pasted links to people's blogs.

Let's take a look at your first link. It's written by a student who later identifies an article he submitted to the Disco'tute. As we know, the Disco'tute is one of many ID'iot creationist warehouses for charlatans / religious fundamentalists.

Your second link is sillier than the first. We're directed to the musings of a knucklehead, Robert Kehr.

Webster Kehr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Webster Kehr
(born 7 October 1946 in Jefferson City, Missouri) is an amateur American author and promoter. Claiming since 2002 to be a sort of "cancer researcher (of natural medicine)," he holds a belief in so-called creation science and maintains a website promoting cancer quackery and discouraging cancer patients from seeking medical health care.[1] Kehr is also a conspiracy theorist who claims that the medical profession and drug companies are deliberately suppressing so-called cures for cancer.[2

It just gets worse from there. How it is you're not embarrassed beyond words to post links to such piffle is remarkable.

No. What is much worse is the fact that you take it upon yourself to call people ignorant who actually have more education and life experiences than you do. Yours is simple bigotry at its finest. What are your credentials that afford you the right to call anyone ignorant?
It can't be anything but ignorance that would cause you to offer wacky conspiracy theorists to support your arguments for gods.

Well, we all simply cannot be as intelligent as you deem yourself to be. Most of us are not gifted with the bigot trait. I don't know why I engage you since in all probability, you don't even exist:

View attachment 69271
But it's probably happening around every star. And life already existed on Mars and Venus. You'll see. We only just begun understanding our universe.

The 5 most common elements in the universe are hydrogen helium oxygen carbon and neon. When stars blow up they send out the elements that turn into planets moons meteors comets asteroids etc. Even the protean amino acids molds and single organisms all come from the inside of stars. That means you come from a star. That's right! A star died so you could live. Billions of years after the big bang.

The truth is so much better
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