If God doesn't exist...

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You detractors to the big bang keep referring to an equilibrium that was supposed to have existed.

That assumption is stupid. No scientists theory I have seen suggested that the precursor to our universe, the "ball", was just sitting around for some unspecified period of our time before the bang. It makes more sense to me that the so called "ball" was building all along with some unknown force applied to this incomplete "ball" to keep it in check. At some point all hell broke loose as the "ball" reached a certain point outside the density/pressure needed to contain it. It could not be contained just as the unknown force reached it's opposite and relative decreasing strength needed to contain the "ball".

This theory could be compared to having a bottle of compressed gas sent upwards while more and more pressure is added to the bottle on the inside of the cylinder and the atmospheric pressure is steadily decreasing as the cylinder goes skyward. At some point in altitude ascended to the cylinder explodes because the strength to hold it intact is not enough.

That is just one possibility of how our current universe could have started to expand. You can see I did not need to refer to any god like creature in my theory.
Imagine all the debree floating around in space before all the stars. The remains of a previous universe in complete darkness. Because of gravity and the pull of black holes, everything eventually collects together and then all that "stuff" gets sucked into a black hole and either explodes (big bang) or gets sucked through the black hole and starts a universe on the other side of that black hole, just like our universe was started from the "stuff" that stirred around in a once dead universe in another dimension.

Or God did it.

Which answer is simple yet stupid

That's only stupid because of your own lack of knowledge, what seems to give you a wrong impression about the stupidity of other people, who try to touch your own frustrated emptyness, intentional ignorance and agressive arrogance.

If you would use the including "or" (in Latin "vel", logical sign "v" - in Kantors mathematics called "union" sign "U" - in computer science called "or" sign "or") then the sentence "or god did it" is anything else than stupid.

and makes most people feel comfortable? God of course. Its what our simple ancient ancestors thought up. And whoever created Christianity created the greatest bs story ever told.

But it doesn't even have to be a great story because people are really stupid. Just look at Jehovas, Mormons and Muslims.

Lots of people fought and fight with god. Lots of them live in the illusion they could not win against god. But they win and crucify him or bring his people in concentration camps like Auschwitz-Birkenau. God dies many deaths. He died this days also in Brussels many deaths caused from people speaking and believing nonsense about this what they think what god is. They forget that no one needs to defend an allmighty entity and they forget: Who kills a human being kills a universe. You are by the way right: God is not existing. He died on a cross today. The god who is is not - and the cross he died on is also a symbol for the justice of human beings. There's no need for god to die with us - he could also break us - but he dies with us, because he loves us.

Hi zaangalewa I agree with your point that the death on the cross is a symbol of justice.
The point is to break the cycle of injustice and war, and bring lasting peace and justice by healing and RESTORING good faith relations
between neighbors, nations and tribes world wide.

This is what is meant by receiving divine forgiveness and GRACE to bring on this healing and transformation,
from a broken corrupted world of social ills to rebirth as children of the Kingdom of God or heaven on earth.

So the key is forgiveness.
Where you see people reaching out with compassion and charity,
inclusion and not rejection, correction and healing instead of judgment or punishment,
that is the path of Restorative Justice that Christ Jesus represents and fulfills.

the death on the cross was one stage of this process.
the rising and return is what we will see when these
past patterns are overcome and we end the cause of war, ills and suffering.

Peace be unto you and may God abundantly
multiple all blessings you receive and share
with others. Salaam Malaikum and Amen!

There will never be "peace" if there are competing religions. Just look to history and the present times. Religion was invented to control people. That is quite obvious.

I'd say the root problem is fear and unforgiveness.
(See MLK quote on fear as the root cause of the whole chain of reactions:

You can have separate competing teams and nations at the Olympics and still be peaceful and good sports.

What messes things up is when people try to undercut and harm each other.
When school team rivalry becomes bullying and jealousy out of ill will, instead of holding good will for all, then it goes sour.

There used to be a video story posted at Rachel's Challenge
about two schools with a rivalry that disrupted in vandalism and bullying
until this program changed how they perceived and interacted with each other.

So kindness and the commitment to healthy relations to build communities
can change this. Starting with local people and working globally. (remember Buckminster Fuller's vision to Think Globally, Act Locally, whatever we do individually collectively changes the rest of the world in a chain reaction, also the concept behind Rachel's challenge
that has ended bullying and saved teen's lives at schools across the nation.)

You can still compete, but in constructive ways to be better, not to bring other people down.
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I find the very intelligence present in the chaos absolutely fascinating. Though the mathematical possibility of even a single cell organism surviving long enough to mutate into a two cell organism is a virtual impossibility, the very premise that somehow not only did a multi-celled organism crawl forth from that cesspool but that in reality two very complicated and advanced multi-celled organisms must had crawled forth at about the very same time. Since the survival of any species must depend upon the intercourse between both a male and a female organism then both male and female humans, cattle, dogs, cats, elephants, rodents, hippos, etc., must have all crawled out of that same slime pit. Yes indeed, there must have been some smarts in that chaos else there might have only been male organisms crawl forth.
What intelligence in the chaos would that be?

I suspect your math is derived from the website Answers in Genesis which suggests your math is the religious fundie version of math.
I find the very intelligence present in the chaos absolutely fascinating. Though the mathematical possibility of even a single cell organism surviving long enough to mutate into a two cell organism is a virtual impossibility, the very premise that somehow not only did a multi-celled organism crawl forth from that cesspool but that in reality two very complicated and advanced multi-celled organisms must had crawled forth at about the very same time. Since the survival of any species must depend upon the intercourse between both a male and a female organism then both male and female humans, cattle, dogs, cats, elephants, rodents, hippos, etc., must have all crawled out of that same slime pit. Yes indeed, there must have been some smarts in that chaos else there might have only been male organisms crawl forth.
What intelligence in the chaos would that be?

Chaos is not a destructive power. There's some confusion in this expression. Some seem to see in the chaos something like a kind of heavily exploding destructive entropy. The chaos of the old Greece was a pre-created situation of the universe where all opposits were existing the same time. It was for example as well cold and hot. I remember in in this context: " ... even the eyes of the wisest of the wise were not able to view clearly through the chaos - but what they saw and reported was this: 'once a shimering light glimmed up in the chaos - this came from Eros, the god of heavenly love, the first of all gods ...'". Indeed chaos seems to be a force of life and not a force of destruction and death. And law and order are often a might of the death - how in case of good friday. But now is Eastermonday.

Life is per se intelligence. But there are also other forms of the intelligence of the chaos. If mathematics is intelligence - what I doubt about a little, but most people see it in this way - then chaos is a part of this intelligence of mathematics. Mandelbrot or Feigenbaum are for example two prophets of this form of chaos. Very very interesting - and unbelievable beautiful - structures. Life is by the way also always very beautiful. Not to respect life shows the darkness of the souls. And the very astonsihing thing: The chaos that exists in mathematics is existing also in the reality in the same way - so we can see in the chaos in a very good way how our internal spiritual structures are in a kind of identity or fitness with the world all around us. Or with other words: "In the beginning was the logos and god was the logos"

I suspect your math is derived from the website Answers in Genesis which suggests your math is the religious fundie version of math.

I never understood the discussion "evolution vs creation" in the english speaking world. Hope my sentences here help to bring a little more light into the chaos of this discussion.

You seem insane, all over the place, irrational, in short a mad man.

I don't see your problem. In the moment my heart is in Pakistan where so many Christians were murdered from unbelievers.

Why do 98% of the people in Pakistan let 2% kill Christians?

You are a religious extremist on your own. You also try to wipe the christian religion from this planet. So you should know how this unbelievers are thinking. Wether someone argues with god or against god if he likes to force others to do his own personal will or the will of his group of people is for me personally - you got it: completly unimportant.

It was by the way the english speaking world which created the state Pakistan in one of the most absurde actions history ever saw.
... The state religion in Pakistan is Islam, which is practiced by 98% of the 195,343,000 people of the nation.

I would guess you are confusing unbelievers with people who believe in other gods. You mean they don't believe your religion? Because make no mistake, they believe in God. In fact they are more sure of its existence than you. They walk around all day allah akbar. They pray to it 7 times a day. Do you?

In fact, if 98% of Pakistan believe in Allah, I'm guessing some of the 2% left over are the Christians who you are referring to. So maybe 1% of Pakistan agrees with me. 99% agrees with you. Only difference is they believe in a different god. This is what wars start over. This is why religion has to go.

If you think so, enemy mine.

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I find the very intelligence present in the chaos absolutely fascinating. Though the mathematical possibility of even a single cell organism surviving long enough to mutate into a two cell organism is a virtual impossibility, the very premise that somehow not only did a multi-celled organism crawl forth from that cesspool but that in reality two very complicated and advanced multi-celled organisms must had crawled forth at about the very same time. Since the survival of any species must depend upon the intercourse between both a male and a female organism then both male and female humans, cattle, dogs, cats, elephants, rodents, hippos, etc., must have all crawled out of that same slime pit. Yes indeed, there must have been some smarts in that chaos else there might have only been male organisms crawl forth.
What intelligence in the chaos would that be?

I suspect your math is derived from the website Answers in Genesis which suggests your math is the religious fundie version of math.
I find the very intelligence present in the chaos absolutely fascinating. Though the mathematical possibility of even a single cell organism surviving long enough to mutate into a two cell organism is a virtual impossibility, the very premise that somehow not only did a multi-celled organism crawl forth from that cesspool but that in reality two very complicated and advanced multi-celled organisms must had crawled forth at about the very same time. Since the survival of any species must depend upon the intercourse between both a male and a female organism then both male and female humans, cattle, dogs, cats, elephants, rodents, hippos, etc., must have all crawled out of that same slime pit. Yes indeed, there must have been some smarts in that chaos else there might have only been male organisms crawl forth.
What intelligence in the chaos would that be?

Chaos is not a destructive power. There's some confusion in this expression. Some seem to see in the chaos something like a kind of heavily exploding destructive entropy. The chaos of the old Greece was a pre-created situation of the universe where all opposits were existing the same time. It was for example as well cold and hot. I remember in in this context: " ... even the eyes of the wisest of the wise were not able to view clearly through the chaos - but what they saw and reported was this: 'once a shimering light glimmed up in the chaos - this came from Eros, the god of heavenly love, the first of all gods ...'". Indeed chaos seems to be a force of life and not a force of destruction and death. And law and order are often a might of the death - how in case of good friday. But now is Eastermonday.

Life is per se intelligence. But there are also other forms of the intelligence of the chaos. If mathematics is intelligence - what I doubt about a little, but most people see it in this way - then chaos is a part of this intelligence of mathematics. Mandelbrot or Feigenbaum are for example two prophets of this form of chaos. Very very interesting - and unbelievable beautiful - structures. Life is by the way also always very beautiful. Not to respect life shows the darkness of the souls. And the very astonsihing thing: The chaos that exists in mathematics is existing also in the reality in the same way - so we can see in the chaos in a very good way how our internal spiritual structures are in a kind of identity or fitness with the world all around us. Or with other words: "In the beginning was the logos and god was the logos"

I suspect your math is derived from the website Answers in Genesis which suggests your math is the religious fundie version of math.

I never understood the discussion "evolution vs creation" in the english speaking world. Hope my sentences here help to bring a little more light into the chaos of this discussion.

You seem insane, all over the place, irrational, in short a mad man.

I don't see your problem. In the moment my heart is in Pakistan where so many Christians were murdered from unbelievers.

Par for the course for the so-called "religious" people. They have always been fighting and killing one another. Sick.

I don't fight against Muslims. Some Muslims are even very good friends. I have to take care not to give anyone any information about them, because they are also in danger to be murdered from this unbelievers, who try to be murderers in the name of god - what's more than only a paradox.

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What do you mean when you take a step back and look at the facts? There is more evidence that God exists. It helps to have a little faith.

And how can you say someone who has lasted all these years suggests ignorance? Science, while it eventually comes to the truth, is mostly wrong. Science ends up backing the Bible. What other ignorance are you referring to besides science?

And who is lying to you? Descartes? Surely, his, "I think, therefore I am" has stood the test of time. His proof of God lies in striving for perfection. That means getting 100% correct on the test. Winning. Doing your best since we're not perfect.
There is more evidence that God exists. FALSE
It helps to have a little faith. TRUE
Science is mostly wrong FALSE
Science ends up backing the bible FALSE
The rest is just nonsense. Zero extra credit for that last part.

So you got 1 out of 4 wrong. You didn't get even close to 100% on the test.

Since you made it a test, atheists are usually wrong. BTW, if I got 1 out of 4 wrong, then I'm 75% right.

The answers are 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) TRUE. You got 2/4. I'll give you #3 because I meant to say, "Science is mostly wrong before they get it right." The rest is the Ontological argument which you didn't seem to understand. I'll make it extra credit, so zero extra credit.
Give me evidence backed by science that god exist please.Since you believe science ends up backing the bible anyway. Any example will do.

That's a whole another thread, but I can give you an example of how science backs up the Bible. Science says GMO foods are fine. There are pros and cons according to the Bible. (Note that the Bible can't change, but science keeps changing its theories all the time until they get it right.)

Genesis 1:26-30 tells us that God created Adam and Eve and instructed them to multiply and fill the earth, to subdue it and rule over every living thing that moves on the earth. He also told them that every plant and tree yielding seed was to be their food.

Genesis 2:15-17 tells us that Adam cultivated and kept the Garden of Eden and they were free to eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was a test of their free will. So, prior to Adam and Eve’s sin, working the land didn’t involve toil and hard labor as the ground hadn’t been cursed yet. They were to be good stewards of the earth. Genesis 3:17-19 tells us it was only after Adam and Eve disobeyed and sinned against God by eating of the tree of knowledge that God cursed the ground. He told Adam he would now only be able to eat the plants that grew for him by toiling and laboring over the land.

The above passages show us mankind’s role on the earth and how that role changed after sin entered the world. Plants, animals and trees today are still suffering the effects of that initial sin and are very susceptible to the ravages of disease, drought and insects. By genetically modifying food sources, it offsets the effects of the original sin. By altering the genetic makeup of organisms such as plants, animals or bacteria to make them more resistant to insects, temperature or disease, scientists and farmers are working together to improve food sources for the world’s population.

This was perfect for them, but they sinned and that's what has caused all the problems.

GMO foods are known to cause serious allergies for some people. This is caused by the foreign proteins introduced into the plants. The proteins added could be from a plant that they are allergic to causing a reaction. Also, some genetically modified plants are engineered to be resistant to diseases and viruses by adding antibiotic genes to the plant so that the resistance to these diseases is built in. These antibiotics can remain in the consumer's body and actually reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics medications.

These genetic alterations may come with much risk to humans, animals and plants, though, and only time will tell if this experiment will be helpful or harmful in the long run.

People admire perfection and we strive for it, often falling short. As Descartes and I have been saying, that's evidence for God. We long to get back to the original state or source. It's inherent in us. As to those who do not care, that was their free choice and they chose the consequences.

This is not evidence and makes no sense. Strictly rambling ons.

Makes a lot more sense than those videos you post. We are done, sir.
What intelligence in the chaos would that be?

I suspect your math is derived from the website Answers in Genesis which suggests your math is the religious fundie version of math.
What intelligence in the chaos would that be?

Chaos is not a destructive power. There's some confusion in this expression. Some seem to see in the chaos something like a kind of heavily exploding destructive entropy. The chaos of the old Greece was a pre-created situation of the universe where all opposits were existing the same time. It was for example as well cold and hot. I remember in in this context: " ... even the eyes of the wisest of the wise were not able to view clearly through the chaos - but what they saw and reported was this: 'once a shimering light glimmed up in the chaos - this came from Eros, the god of heavenly love, the first of all gods ...'". Indeed chaos seems to be a force of life and not a force of destruction and death. And law and order are often a might of the death - how in case of good friday. But now is Eastermonday.

Life is per se intelligence. But there are also other forms of the intelligence of the chaos. If mathematics is intelligence - what I doubt about a little, but most people see it in this way - then chaos is a part of this intelligence of mathematics. Mandelbrot or Feigenbaum are for example two prophets of this form of chaos. Very very interesting - and unbelievable beautiful - structures. Life is by the way also always very beautiful. Not to respect life shows the darkness of the souls. And the very astonsihing thing: The chaos that exists in mathematics is existing also in the reality in the same way - so we can see in the chaos in a very good way how our internal spiritual structures are in a kind of identity or fitness with the world all around us. Or with other words: "In the beginning was the logos and god was the logos"

I suspect your math is derived from the website Answers in Genesis which suggests your math is the religious fundie version of math.

I never understood the discussion "evolution vs creation" in the english speaking world. Hope my sentences here help to bring a little more light into the chaos of this discussion.

You seem insane, all over the place, irrational, in short a mad man.

I don't see your problem. In the moment my heart is in Pakistan where so many Christians were murdered from unbelievers.

Par for the course for the so-called "religious" people. They have always been fighting and killing one another. Sick.

I don't fight against Muslims. Some Muslims are even very good friends. I have to take care not to give anyone any information about them, because they are also in danger to be murdered from this unbelievers, who try to be murderers in the name of god - what's more than only a paradox.

You and James blond have lost it. Like James said, you and I are done.

As long as future human isn't this dumb I'll be happy. But religion isn't done holding us back not for another 500-1000 years. Maybe it'll set us back to the stone age again or the dark ages. Have you ever watched the 2 Cosmos Series'? They are both much watch's. Even you can be saved.....from stupidity.
So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.
You detractors to the big bang keep referring to an equilibrium that was supposed to have existed.

That assumption is stupid. No scientists theory I have seen suggested that the precursor to our universe, the "ball", was just sitting around for some unspecified period of our time before the bang. It makes more sense to me that the so called "ball" was building all along with some unknown force applied to this incomplete "ball" to keep it in check. At some point all hell broke loose as the "ball" reached a certain point outside the density/pressure needed to contain it. It could not be contained just as the unknown force reached it's opposite and relative decreasing strength needed to contain the "ball".

This theory could be compared to having a bottle of compressed gas sent upwards while more and more pressure is added to the bottle on the inside of the cylinder and the atmospheric pressure is steadily decreasing as the cylinder goes skyward. At some point in altitude ascended to the cylinder explodes because the strength to hold it intact is not enough.

That is just one possibility of how our current universe could have started to expand. You can see I did not need to refer to any god like creature in my theory.
Imagine all the debree floating around in space before all the stars. The remains of a previous universe in complete darkness. Because of gravity and the pull of black holes, everything eventually collects together and then all that "stuff" gets sucked into a black hole and either explodes (big bang) or gets sucked through the black hole and starts a universe on the other side of that black hole, just like our universe was started from the "stuff" that stirred around in a once dead universe in another dimension.

Or God did it.

Which answer is simple yet stupid

That's only stupid because of your own lack of knowledge, what seems to give you a wrong impression about the stupidity of other people, who try to touch your own frustrated emptyness, intentional ignorance and agressive arrogance.

If you would use the including "or" (in Latin "vel", logical sign "v" - in Kantors mathematics called "union" sign "U" - in computer science called "or" sign "or") then the sentence "or god did it" is anything else than stupid.

and makes most people feel comfortable? God of course. Its what our simple ancient ancestors thought up. And whoever created Christianity created the greatest bs story ever told.

But it doesn't even have to be a great story because people are really stupid. Just look at Jehovas, Mormons and Muslims.

Lots of people fought and fight with god. Lots of them live in the illusion they could not win against god. But they win and crucify him or bring his people in concentration camps like Auschwitz-Birkenau. God dies many deaths. He died this days also in Brussels many deaths caused from people speaking and believing nonsense about this what they think what god is. They forget that no one needs to defend an allmighty entity and they forget: Who kills a human being kills a universe. You are by the way right: God is not existing. He died on a cross today. The god who is is not - and the cross he died on is also a symbol for the justice of human beings. There's no need for god to die with us - he could also break us - but he dies with us, because he loves us.

Hi zaangalewa I agree with your point that the death on the cross is a symbol of justice.

I never said so: I said the cross itselve is also a symbol for a [perverted] human justice.

The point is to break the cycle of injustice and war, and bring lasting peace and justice by healing and RESTORING good faith relations
between neighbors, nations and tribes world wide.

This is what is meant by receiving divine forgiveness and GRACE to bring on this healing and transformation,
from a broken corrupted world of social ills to rebirth as children of the Kingdom of God or heaven on earth.

So the key is forgiveness.

I don't remember that I ever forgave anyone anything. The people who need forgiveness don't ask - and I am not unhappy about.

Where you see people reaching out with compassion and charity,
inclusion and not rejection, correction and healing instead of judgment or punishment,

I agree - rejection, correction and healing are very important steps. The best accident is the accident that never happened. And the good deeds in context with this are nearly always only invisible, because normally we don't know if a terrible thing did not happen and we were the reason for. Only god knows.

that is the path of Restorative Justice that Christ Jesus represents and fulfills.

the death on the cross was one stage of this process.
the rising and return is what we will see when these
past patterns are overcome and we end the cause of war, ills and suffering.

Peace be unto you and may God abundantly
multiple all blessings you receive and share
with others. Salaam Malaikum and Amen!


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So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?
You detractors to the big bang keep referring to an equilibrium that was supposed to have existed.

That assumption is stupid. No scientists theory I have seen suggested that the precursor to our universe, the "ball", was just sitting around for some unspecified period of our time before the bang. It makes more sense to me that the so called "ball" was building all along with some unknown force applied to this incomplete "ball" to keep it in check. At some point all hell broke loose as the "ball" reached a certain point outside the density/pressure needed to contain it. It could not be contained just as the unknown force reached it's opposite and relative decreasing strength needed to contain the "ball".

This theory could be compared to having a bottle of compressed gas sent upwards while more and more pressure is added to the bottle on the inside of the cylinder and the atmospheric pressure is steadily decreasing as the cylinder goes skyward. At some point in altitude ascended to the cylinder explodes because the strength to hold it intact is not enough.

That is just one possibility of how our current universe could have started to expand. You can see I did not need to refer to any god like creature in my theory.
Imagine all the debree floating around in space before all the stars. The remains of a previous universe in complete darkness. Because of gravity and the pull of black holes, everything eventually collects together and then all that "stuff" gets sucked into a black hole and either explodes (big bang) or gets sucked through the black hole and starts a universe on the other side of that black hole, just like our universe was started from the "stuff" that stirred around in a once dead universe in another dimension.

Or God did it.

Which answer is simple yet stupid

That's only stupid because of your own lack of knowledge, what seems to give you a wrong impression about the stupidity of other people, who try to touch your own frustrated emptyness, intentional ignorance and agressive arrogance.

If you would use the including "or" (in Latin "vel", logical sign "v" - in Kantors mathematics called "union" sign "U" - in computer science called "or" sign "or") then the sentence "or god did it" is anything else than stupid.

and makes most people feel comfortable? God of course. Its what our simple ancient ancestors thought up. And whoever created Christianity created the greatest bs story ever told.

But it doesn't even have to be a great story because people are really stupid. Just look at Jehovas, Mormons and Muslims.

Lots of people fought and fight with god. Lots of them live in the illusion they could not win against god. But they win and crucify him or bring his people in concentration camps like Auschwitz-Birkenau. God dies many deaths. He died this days also in Brussels many deaths caused from people speaking and believing nonsense about this what they think what god is. They forget that no one needs to defend an allmighty entity and they forget: Who kills a human being kills a universe. You are by the way right: God is not existing. He died on a cross today. The god who is is not - and the cross he died on is also a symbol for the justice of human beings. There's no need for god to die with us - he could also break us - but he dies with us, because he loves us.

Hi zaangalewa I agree with your point that the death on the cross is a symbol of justice.

I never said so: I said the cross itselve is also a symbol for a [perverted] human justice.

The point is to break the cycle of injustice and war, and bring lasting peace and justice by healing and RESTORING good faith relations
between neighbors, nations and tribes world wide.

This is what is meant by receiving divine forgiveness and GRACE to bring on this healing and transformation,
from a broken corrupted world of social ills to rebirth as children of the Kingdom of God or heaven on earth.

So the key is forgiveness.

I don't remember that I ever forgave anyone anything. The people who need forgiveness don't ask - and I am not unhappy about.

Where you see people reaching out with compassion and charity,
inclusion and not rejection, correction and healing instead of judgment or punishment,

I agree - rejection, correction and healing are very important steps. The best accident is the accident that never happened. And the good deeds in context with this are nearly always only invisible, because normally we don't know if a terrible thing did not happen and we were the reason for. Only god knows.

that is the path of Restorative Justice that Christ Jesus represents and fulfills.

the death on the cross was one stage of this process.
the rising and return is what we will see when these
past patterns are overcome and we end the cause of war, ills and suffering.

Peace be unto you and may God abundantly
multiple all blessings you receive and share
with others. Salaam Malaikum and Amen!


Do you want to watch a real good video explaining my religion? It is only 3:33

Chaos is not a destructive power. There's some confusion in this expression. Some seem to see in the chaos something like a kind of heavily exploding destructive entropy. The chaos of the old Greece was a pre-created situation of the universe where all opposits were existing the same time. It was for example as well cold and hot. I remember in in this context: " ... even the eyes of the wisest of the wise were not able to view clearly through the chaos - but what they saw and reported was this: 'once a shimering light glimmed up in the chaos - this came from Eros, the god of heavenly love, the first of all gods ...'". Indeed chaos seems to be a force of life and not a force of destruction and death. And law and order are often a might of the death - how in case of good friday. But now is Eastermonday.

Life is per se intelligence. But there are also other forms of the intelligence of the chaos. If mathematics is intelligence - what I doubt about a little, but most people see it in this way - then chaos is a part of this intelligence of mathematics. Mandelbrot or Feigenbaum are for example two prophets of this form of chaos. Very very interesting - and unbelievable beautiful - structures. Life is by the way also always very beautiful. Not to respect life shows the darkness of the souls. And the very astonsihing thing: The chaos that exists in mathematics is existing also in the reality in the same way - so we can see in the chaos in a very good way how our internal spiritual structures are in a kind of identity or fitness with the world all around us. Or with other words: "In the beginning was the logos and god was the logos"

I never understood the discussion "evolution vs creation" in the english speaking world. Hope my sentences here help to bring a little more light into the chaos of this discussion.

You seem insane, all over the place, irrational, in short a mad man.

I don't see your problem. In the moment my heart is in Pakistan where so many Christians were murdered from unbelievers.

Par for the course for the so-called "religious" people. They have always been fighting and killing one another. Sick.

I don't fight against Muslims. Some Muslims are even very good friends. I have to take care not to give anyone any information about them, because they are also in danger to be murdered from this unbelievers, who try to be murderers in the name of god - what's more than only a paradox.

You and James blond have lost it. Like James said, you and I are done.

As long as future human isn't this dumb I'll be happy. But religion isn't done holding us back not for another 500-1000 years. Maybe it'll set us back to the stone age again or the dark ages. Have you ever watched the 2 Cosmos Series'? They are both much watch's. Even you can be saved.....from stupidity.

What you say is very easy: "If I would be everyone then I would be able to be happy." But I fear you would not be patient enough to speak with yourselve.

So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?

Dear sealybobo also what about other costs:
costs to health
costs to society

if you believe in being charitable toward all, and treating others equally, then finding the healthiest most cost effective food sources and means of distribution would be a way for people to (1) take care of our own households which is in the Bible (2) love our neighbors as ourselves by wanting them to have ACCESS to the healthiest sustainable food sources (3) teaching people to fish by making sure every community has help to become self-sustaining.

I guess this is part of ethics and "social justice"
if you believe Christ Jesus brings Peace and Justice to all humanity as equal children under one family, father or "God."

If you believe that the greatest good and good will for all is the meaning of God's will. so we as people of conscience and good faith would seek what is most beneficial, equitable and sustainable for all humanity. if we love our neighbors as ourselves.
There is more evidence that God exists. FALSE
It helps to have a little faith. TRUE
Science is mostly wrong FALSE
Science ends up backing the bible FALSE
The rest is just nonsense. Zero extra credit for that last part.

So you got 1 out of 4 wrong. You didn't get even close to 100% on the test.

Since you made it a test, atheists are usually wrong. BTW, if I got 1 out of 4 wrong, then I'm 75% right.

The answers are 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) TRUE. You got 2/4. I'll give you #3 because I meant to say, "Science is mostly wrong before they get it right." The rest is the Ontological argument which you didn't seem to understand. I'll make it extra credit, so zero extra credit.
Give me evidence backed by science that god exist please.Since you believe science ends up backing the bible anyway. Any example will do.

That's a whole another thread, but I can give you an example of how science backs up the Bible. Science says GMO foods are fine. There are pros and cons according to the Bible. (Note that the Bible can't change, but science keeps changing its theories all the time until they get it right.)

Genesis 1:26-30 tells us that God created Adam and Eve and instructed them to multiply and fill the earth, to subdue it and rule over every living thing that moves on the earth. He also told them that every plant and tree yielding seed was to be their food.

Genesis 2:15-17 tells us that Adam cultivated and kept the Garden of Eden and they were free to eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was a test of their free will. So, prior to Adam and Eve’s sin, working the land didn’t involve toil and hard labor as the ground hadn’t been cursed yet. They were to be good stewards of the earth. Genesis 3:17-19 tells us it was only after Adam and Eve disobeyed and sinned against God by eating of the tree of knowledge that God cursed the ground. He told Adam he would now only be able to eat the plants that grew for him by toiling and laboring over the land.

The above passages show us mankind’s role on the earth and how that role changed after sin entered the world. Plants, animals and trees today are still suffering the effects of that initial sin and are very susceptible to the ravages of disease, drought and insects. By genetically modifying food sources, it offsets the effects of the original sin. By altering the genetic makeup of organisms such as plants, animals or bacteria to make them more resistant to insects, temperature or disease, scientists and farmers are working together to improve food sources for the world’s population.

This was perfect for them, but they sinned and that's what has caused all the problems.

GMO foods are known to cause serious allergies for some people. This is caused by the foreign proteins introduced into the plants. The proteins added could be from a plant that they are allergic to causing a reaction. Also, some genetically modified plants are engineered to be resistant to diseases and viruses by adding antibiotic genes to the plant so that the resistance to these diseases is built in. These antibiotics can remain in the consumer's body and actually reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics medications.

These genetic alterations may come with much risk to humans, animals and plants, though, and only time will tell if this experiment will be helpful or harmful in the long run.

People admire perfection and we strive for it, often falling short. As Descartes and I have been saying, that's evidence for God. We long to get back to the original state or source. It's inherent in us. As to those who do not care, that was their free choice and they chose the consequences.

This is not evidence and makes no sense. Strictly rambling ons.

Makes a lot more sense than those videos you post. We are done, sir.

Let me get this straight. I ask for a proof science backs the bible and as an answer you give me the fact that crops are suseptible to disease. And that that is a proof of original sin? Original sin is a biblical story, the fact that crops are suseptable to anything isn't a proof of anything.
Since you made it a test, atheists are usually wrong. BTW, if I got 1 out of 4 wrong, then I'm 75% right.

The answers are 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) TRUE. You got 2/4. I'll give you #3 because I meant to say, "Science is mostly wrong before they get it right." The rest is the Ontological argument which you didn't seem to understand. I'll make it extra credit, so zero extra credit.
Give me evidence backed by science that god exist please.Since you believe science ends up backing the bible anyway. Any example will do.

That's a whole another thread, but I can give you an example of how science backs up the Bible. Science says GMO foods are fine. There are pros and cons according to the Bible. (Note that the Bible can't change, but science keeps changing its theories all the time until they get it right.)

Genesis 1:26-30 tells us that God created Adam and Eve and instructed them to multiply and fill the earth, to subdue it and rule over every living thing that moves on the earth. He also told them that every plant and tree yielding seed was to be their food.

Genesis 2:15-17 tells us that Adam cultivated and kept the Garden of Eden and they were free to eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was a test of their free will. So, prior to Adam and Eve’s sin, working the land didn’t involve toil and hard labor as the ground hadn’t been cursed yet. They were to be good stewards of the earth. Genesis 3:17-19 tells us it was only after Adam and Eve disobeyed and sinned against God by eating of the tree of knowledge that God cursed the ground. He told Adam he would now only be able to eat the plants that grew for him by toiling and laboring over the land.

The above passages show us mankind’s role on the earth and how that role changed after sin entered the world. Plants, animals and trees today are still suffering the effects of that initial sin and are very susceptible to the ravages of disease, drought and insects. By genetically modifying food sources, it offsets the effects of the original sin. By altering the genetic makeup of organisms such as plants, animals or bacteria to make them more resistant to insects, temperature or disease, scientists and farmers are working together to improve food sources for the world’s population.

This was perfect for them, but they sinned and that's what has caused all the problems.

GMO foods are known to cause serious allergies for some people. This is caused by the foreign proteins introduced into the plants. The proteins added could be from a plant that they are allergic to causing a reaction. Also, some genetically modified plants are engineered to be resistant to diseases and viruses by adding antibiotic genes to the plant so that the resistance to these diseases is built in. These antibiotics can remain in the consumer's body and actually reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics medications.

These genetic alterations may come with much risk to humans, animals and plants, though, and only time will tell if this experiment will be helpful or harmful in the long run.

People admire perfection and we strive for it, often falling short. As Descartes and I have been saying, that's evidence for God. We long to get back to the original state or source. It's inherent in us. As to those who do not care, that was their free choice and they chose the consequences.

This is not evidence and makes no sense. Strictly rambling ons.

Makes a lot more sense than those videos you post. We are done, sir.

Let me get this straight. I ask for a proof science backs the bible and as an answer you give me the fact that crops are suseptible to disease. And that that is a proof of original sin? Original sin is a biblical story, the fact that crops are suseptable to anything isn't a proof of anything.

I can give you a veritable mountain of proof that genesis is a fairy tail,using a whole aray of scientific data,you give me a statement based in Genesis. Interesting to say the least.
Since you made it a test, atheists are usually wrong. BTW, if I got 1 out of 4 wrong, then I'm 75% right.

The answers are 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) TRUE. You got 2/4. I'll give you #3 because I meant to say, "Science is mostly wrong before they get it right." The rest is the Ontological argument which you didn't seem to understand. I'll make it extra credit, so zero extra credit.
Give me evidence backed by science that god exist please.Since you believe science ends up backing the bible anyway. Any example will do.

That's a whole another thread, but I can give you an example of how science backs up the Bible. Science says GMO foods are fine. There are pros and cons according to the Bible. (Note that the Bible can't change, but science keeps changing its theories all the time until they get it right.)

Genesis 1:26-30 tells us that God created Adam and Eve and instructed them to multiply and fill the earth, to subdue it and rule over every living thing that moves on the earth. He also told them that every plant and tree yielding seed was to be their food.

Genesis 2:15-17 tells us that Adam cultivated and kept the Garden of Eden and they were free to eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was a test of their free will. So, prior to Adam and Eve’s sin, working the land didn’t involve toil and hard labor as the ground hadn’t been cursed yet. They were to be good stewards of the earth. Genesis 3:17-19 tells us it was only after Adam and Eve disobeyed and sinned against God by eating of the tree of knowledge that God cursed the ground. He told Adam he would now only be able to eat the plants that grew for him by toiling and laboring over the land.

The above passages show us mankind’s role on the earth and how that role changed after sin entered the world. Plants, animals and trees today are still suffering the effects of that initial sin and are very susceptible to the ravages of disease, drought and insects. By genetically modifying food sources, it offsets the effects of the original sin. By altering the genetic makeup of organisms such as plants, animals or bacteria to make them more resistant to insects, temperature or disease, scientists and farmers are working together to improve food sources for the world’s population.

This was perfect for them, but they sinned and that's what has caused all the problems.

GMO foods are known to cause serious allergies for some people. This is caused by the foreign proteins introduced into the plants. The proteins added could be from a plant that they are allergic to causing a reaction. Also, some genetically modified plants are engineered to be resistant to diseases and viruses by adding antibiotic genes to the plant so that the resistance to these diseases is built in. These antibiotics can remain in the consumer's body and actually reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics medications.

These genetic alterations may come with much risk to humans, animals and plants, though, and only time will tell if this experiment will be helpful or harmful in the long run.

People admire perfection and we strive for it, often falling short. As Descartes and I have been saying, that's evidence for God. We long to get back to the original state or source. It's inherent in us. As to those who do not care, that was their free choice and they chose the consequences.

This is not evidence and makes no sense. Strictly rambling ons.

Makes a lot more sense than those videos you post. We are done, sir.

Let me get this straight. I ask for a proof science backs the bible and as an answer you give me the fact that crops are suseptible to disease. And that that is a proof of original sin? Original sin is a biblical story, the fact that crops are suseptable to anything isn't a proof of anything.

They will grab at anything and claim it is "proof" of some sort. Lol. :D
So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?

Dear sealybobo also what about other costs:
costs to health
costs to society

if you believe in being charitable toward all, and treating others equally, then finding the healthiest most cost effective food sources and means of distribution would be a way for people to (1) take care of our own households which is in the Bible (2) love our neighbors as ourselves by wanting them to have ACCESS to the healthiest sustainable food sources (3) teaching people to fish by making sure every community has help to become self-sustaining.

I guess this is part of ethics and "social justice"
if you believe Christ Jesus brings Peace and Justice to all humanity as equal children under one family, father or "God."

If you believe that the greatest good and good will for all is the meaning of God's will. so we as people of conscience and good faith would seek what is most beneficial, equitable and sustainable for all humanity. if we love our neighbors as ourselves.

You don't need a belief in a God to be a good person. In fact, I would say it is just the opposite. A lot of times these believes create some really BAD people.
So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?

Dear sealybobo also what about other costs:
costs to health
costs to society

if you believe in being charitable toward all, and treating others equally, then finding the healthiest most cost effective food sources and means of distribution would be a way for people to (1) take care of our own households which is in the Bible (2) love our neighbors as ourselves by wanting them to have ACCESS to the healthiest sustainable food sources (3) teaching people to fish by making sure every community has help to become self-sustaining.

I guess this is part of ethics and "social justice"
if you believe Christ Jesus brings Peace and Justice to all humanity as equal children under one family, father or "God."

If you believe that the greatest good and good will for all is the meaning of God's will. so we as people of conscience and good faith would seek what is most beneficial, equitable and sustainable for all humanity. if we love our neighbors as ourselves.

You don't need a belief in a God to be a good person. In fact, I would say it is just the opposite. A lot of times these believes create some really BAD people.

Nah I think, weirdly enough by talking on this forum, problems start when ppl believe their faiths supersede secular laws. It starts giving them the moral right in their heads to try to forcible and even violently change ppl's mind or even kill them. Faith as long as it's a personal choice isn't bad, it's the religious dogma that gets ppl.
So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?

Dear sealybobo also what about other costs:
costs to health
costs to society

if you believe in being charitable toward all, and treating others equally, then finding the healthiest most cost effective food sources and means of distribution would be a way for people to (1) take care of our own households which is in the Bible (2) love our neighbors as ourselves by wanting them to have ACCESS to the healthiest sustainable food sources (3) teaching people to fish by making sure every community has help to become self-sustaining.

I guess this is part of ethics and "social justice"
if you believe Christ Jesus brings Peace and Justice to all humanity as equal children under one family, father or "God."

If you believe that the greatest good and good will for all is the meaning of God's will. so we as people of conscience and good faith would seek what is most beneficial, equitable and sustainable for all humanity. if we love our neighbors as ourselves.

No offense Emily but if you haven't figured out by now your style of writing is not effective and it is off putting. I don't even read the shit you say anymore. You are a broken record.
So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?

Dear sealybobo also what about other costs:
costs to health
costs to society

if you believe in being charitable toward all, and treating others equally, then finding the healthiest most cost effective food sources and means of distribution would be a way for people to (1) take care of our own households which is in the Bible (2) love our neighbors as ourselves by wanting them to have ACCESS to the healthiest sustainable food sources (3) teaching people to fish by making sure every community has help to become self-sustaining.

I guess this is part of ethics and "social justice"
if you believe Christ Jesus brings Peace and Justice to all humanity as equal children under one family, father or "God."

If you believe that the greatest good and good will for all is the meaning of God's will. so we as people of conscience and good faith would seek what is most beneficial, equitable and sustainable for all humanity. if we love our neighbors as ourselves.

You don't need a belief in a God to be a good person. In fact, I would say it is just the opposite. A lot of times these believes create some really BAD people.

Nah I think, weirdly enough by talking on this forum, problems start when ppl believe their faiths supersede secular laws. It starts giving them the moral right in their heads to try to forcible and even violently change ppl's mind or even kill them. Faith as long as it's a personal choice isn't bad, it's the religious dogma that gets ppl.

For example, people really believe that abortion is murdering a human. They think it is the same as walking up to a person and shooting them in the head. They don't realize that life just isn't that precious. It m
So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?

Dear sealybobo also what about other costs:
costs to health
costs to society

if you believe in being charitable toward all, and treating others equally, then finding the healthiest most cost effective food sources and means of distribution would be a way for people to (1) take care of our own households which is in the Bible (2) love our neighbors as ourselves by wanting them to have ACCESS to the healthiest sustainable food sources (3) teaching people to fish by making sure every community has help to become self-sustaining.

I guess this is part of ethics and "social justice"
if you believe Christ Jesus brings Peace and Justice to all humanity as equal children under one family, father or "God."

If you believe that the greatest good and good will for all is the meaning of God's will. so we as people of conscience and good faith would seek what is most beneficial, equitable and sustainable for all humanity. if we love our neighbors as ourselves.

You don't need a belief in a God to be a good person. In fact, I would say it is just the opposite. A lot of times these believes create some really BAD people.

Nah I think, weirdly enough by talking on this forum, problems start when ppl believe their faiths supersede secular laws. It starts giving them the moral right in their heads to try to forcible and even violently change ppl's mind or even kill them. Faith as long as it's a personal choice isn't bad, it's the religious dogma that gets ppl.

Kind of true because no matter how hard I yell There Is No God I would never want to chop someone's head off because I have no God to offend.

And I don't think believers are going to hell.

If it weren't for uptight religious people this would just be a fun debate. Some people arguing why they think there is a creator and some arguing why they don't.

The problem is, am I talking to a person who believes moses parted the sea with God's help? It's kind of hard to not call bs on that and all their other insane stories.

And kind of hard for them to hear that Santa ain't real. Of course they get defensive.

That's OK. Except for in the middle East these organized religions are on their way out. Less than 500 years no one will be teaching this crap.
So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?

Dear sealybobo also what about other costs:
costs to health
costs to society

if you believe in being charitable toward all, and treating others equally, then finding the healthiest most cost effective food sources and means of distribution would be a way for people to (1) take care of our own households which is in the Bible (2) love our neighbors as ourselves by wanting them to have ACCESS to the healthiest sustainable food sources (3) teaching people to fish by making sure every community has help to become self-sustaining.

I guess this is part of ethics and "social justice"
if you believe Christ Jesus brings Peace and Justice to all humanity as equal children under one family, father or "God."

If you believe that the greatest good and good will for all is the meaning of God's will. so we as people of conscience and good faith would seek what is most beneficial, equitable and sustainable for all humanity. if we love our neighbors as ourselves.

You don't need a belief in a God to be a good person. In fact, I would say it is just the opposite. A lot of times these believes create some really BAD people.

Nah I think, weirdly enough by talking on this forum, problems start when ppl believe their faiths supersede secular laws. It starts giving them the moral right in their heads to try to forcible and even violently change ppl's mind or even kill them. Faith as long as it's a personal choice isn't bad, it's the religious dogma that gets ppl.

By the way Gordie howe was dying until he went to Mexico and got stem cells that aren't legal here in Michigan. How many poor Americans die every year because of religion? Tonight Gordie howe is walking into the Joe Lewis arena on his own. Fuck you religion!

I think Nancy Reagan flip flopped on stem cell when she heard it could lead to a cure for Alzheimer's. This is why we wish bad things on religious people. Seems they don't have empathy for ANYONE but themselves. It sounds mean but if that's the only way they will see the light
So to further make my point about how the Bible explained the type of foods we should have. The closer to the source the better. That means organic or natural foods. However, be sure that you are indeed getting "organic" or "natural" foods and not just hyperbole. Organic is not just a label, but the way farming used to be done until science took over. Science led to more higher refined and processed foods and having too much in our diet leads to problems. Take a look at how canola oil is made. It's disgusting. Using olive, peanut or coconut is better. Unfortunately, organic and natural foods cost more so, as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version.

It is baffling that someone ever thought they would be suitable for human consumption. The process involves a harsh extraction process that includes bleaching, deodorizing and the highly toxic solvent hexane. These oils are used in a lot of our processed foods due to cheaper cost. These include “healthy” salad dressings, butter replicates, mayonnaise, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these seed oils (canola, safflower, vegetable, corn, soy, sunflower) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Eating an excess of Omega-6 can lead to increased inflammation in the body and potentially contribute to disease. Even though Adam had to toil away in the fields to eat since being banished, he still lived to a ripe old 930.

I'm not against science, by any means, but the way it is used is not healthy and what the Bible or God had in mind.

You said, "as good Christians, we should be on the lookout for a lower cost version." Why would being on the lookout for a lower cost version make you a good christian? How does that make you a better person in gods eyes?

Dear sealybobo also what about other costs:
costs to health
costs to society

if you believe in being charitable toward all, and treating others equally, then finding the healthiest most cost effective food sources and means of distribution would be a way for people to (1) take care of our own households which is in the Bible (2) love our neighbors as ourselves by wanting them to have ACCESS to the healthiest sustainable food sources (3) teaching people to fish by making sure every community has help to become self-sustaining.

I guess this is part of ethics and "social justice"
if you believe Christ Jesus brings Peace and Justice to all humanity as equal children under one family, father or "God."

If you believe that the greatest good and good will for all is the meaning of God's will. so we as people of conscience and good faith would seek what is most beneficial, equitable and sustainable for all humanity. if we love our neighbors as ourselves.

You don't need a belief in a God to be a good person. In fact, I would say it is just the opposite. A lot of times these believes create some really BAD people.

Nah I think, weirdly enough by talking on this forum, problems start when ppl believe their faiths supersede secular laws. It starts giving them the moral right in their heads to try to forcible and even violently change ppl's mind or even kill them. Faith as long as it's a personal choice isn't bad, it's the religious dogma that gets ppl.

But that is exactly what they say, that their "God's laws" surpass the laws of man . . . it's crazy.
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