If God doesn't exist...

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He specifies Lucy when he starts talking about "Unlike any higher primate" Lucy is an Australopithecus so, yes he sais she is unlike any chimpansee. It's deductive reasoning on a 5 year old level. You are not 5 years old, so that means you are dishonest. Hence me questioning the sense in continuing if you are completely unwilling to grant even such a thouroughly debunked statement as claiming "Lovejoy thinks she is a chimpansee like ape"
-Lactose persistence is a positive mutation, the fact that lactose intolerance is not dibilatating with modern medicines is neither here nore there.
-ccr5-delta 32 mutation is positive the fact that it has drawbacks too is of no consequence if the net result is positive wich resistance to 3 of the deadliest diseases in history certainly is.
- Being insanely strong thanks to a mutation is positive, if it might and I stress might because the doctors don't know yet if it is the case, cause problems down the line that is of little consequence. -The only rule evolution really adheres to is. "Does this mutation gives me a higher chance of survival". Digesting something previously undigestable, resistance to diseases and extra strenght qualify that criterea. Btw most medicines have drawbacks are you going to claim that medicines are negative to peoples health? The net result not possible drawbacks determine if something is positive. If you don't your opinion that there are no positive mutations is thouroughly debunked.

This should not be strictly be about Lovejoy and me. What you should consider is what the creation museum is saying and different interpretations -- Lucy | Creation Museum . If what you claim is true, then we should see more and better apemen fossils. We have put together whole dinosaurs. As well as being able to explain the footprints found a thousand miles away. In general, creation states that God made certain traits like feathers, bipedality, being able to breathe underwater and so on for certain creatures. Thus, creation explains the lack of the evidence for transitional forms.

Of course, it is of consequence. That is the entire crux of the matter. All of these mutations do not add genetic information which is what it takes to make your transitional forms. What they do is change the information. That's all and it is negative or neutral. I will give you this. What you call "postive" is questionable. What these evo scientists are doing is taking what they have discovered and exploiting it for their own purpose. Some have become very rich off the sufferings of others. I have to admit for someone like Magic Johnson, taking the ccr5-delta 32 mutation (and destroying his cell receptors?) did prevent AIDS. We'll have to see whether he has liver or other problems down the road. That said, people think ccr5 is the silver bullet. It is not a solution, but a questionable cure. That goes all for these new mutated PED-like products. It may help get people over their immediate health problem, but cause others down the road. Achieving perfection does not work that way.

As for PEDs, we have tests to disqualify or penalize a sports participant. Also, they'll pay a price down the road even if they did get their big payday. Is there a safe PED? I don't know, but it does not involve mutations. I looked into the myostin-blocker supplements (mostly from seaweed extract and considered a PED) and they do nothing but placebo. Better to have a "healthy" diet. Some of these athletes have personal chefs, but one can eat healthy by understanding what is bad for you, i.e what foods to avoid or consume in moderation, and what one can eat regularly.

Again, I can't answer what is optimum for the health-impaired. If it will save their life or make their life better, the maybe taking the PED is the answer. However, I can't recommend it for normal people as the way to go. What about the big payday? There's no guarantee that it will lead to that. Very few athletes get it although it is widely publicized when they do.
First of all, it is not about you and Lovejoy, it's about just you. You and your tendency to try and use any and every argument that you think is helpfull, and not being able to admit in the slightest when you say something wrong and get called on it. This whole Lovejoy thing clearly shows that you are willing to try as a source someone who utters a single sentence that you think you can use. You use that 1 sentence and then when I point out, in detail I might add how you misrepresent his position you do anything but admit to your fault.Being wrong at a certain point is inevitable if you have a discussion as long as we've been going at it. Maybe you simply got exited when you saw the title to that youtube video and you didn't take the time to properly check. I'm a grownup and I might find it funny but in the end I get that if your arguing sometimes people get overzealous. In short, If you just would have said you're right and you'd moved on, it wouldn't have been anything but a minor blip. Instead you chose like I've seen numorous times in the course of this discussion a no retreat stance, never ever admit a mistake, or to the other person making his point. Which brings me to the other part of your post. This is such a strawman argument. Your assertion is that there are no positive mutations. I proved that there were. Like I pointed out the fact that both the muscle boy and the ccr-5 mutation have possible drawback is of no consequence from an evolutionary standpoint since the net effect increases survivability. You didn't even attempt to talk about lactose persistence because the net effect is positive accross the board.. Instead you start talking about it doesn't increase information and then put out out a disjointed explanation about anyting but the mutation in general. I disproved your original assertion. Trying to use strawman arguments to distract from that fact makes you dishonest yet again, hence my problem. I can understand people being wrong in a debate. I have no understanding for people who are unable to admit to being wrong. You can correct mistakes, being dishonest is systemic and therefore not correctable.

It's not me who does what you described, but you. You're the dishonest one. Instead of answering my questions, you avoid them and resort to this kind of post when you clearly have no answers. Where is the mountain of evidence that evos claim? Instead, it's the creationists who have the mountain. If the evidence that you have are true, then we can all use it as a fact. However, we can't use Lucy to believe in evolution because there isn't enough there. That's why people do not care about Lucy the chimpanzee. Nor do they care about Tiktaalik nor Archeopteryx. There isn't enough there. You probably do not even know where the originals are kept.

Instead, people care about finding Noah's Ark, the Holy Grail and Ark of the Covenant. It really isn't about science vs religion, but creation vs evolution and finding the truth. Evolution has done a lousy job of providing the evidence and we can see that it does not have the answers. Otherwise, you would not be frustrated and be able to answer all my questions.

What were you right about? Positive benefits in mutations? You have not proven that. You still have to overcome the side effects. I'll grant you HIV or Ebola blockers, but eventually the side effects will take over. You have not proven that information is added to the DNA. That's the only way evolution would create an evolution. You have not proven how even the basic building block of life is created outside the cell? Even millions of years cannot overcome these issues.

You can continue to believe in your "positive" mutations and keep lying about how you were able to disprove my statements. Certainly, you failed in showing how mutations cause evolution. I hope you practice what you preach on the "positive" mutations. Then you can give us a first-hand lecture on how mutations are "beneficial" and how it increased your "survivability."

I admitted I was wrong is stating 100 million years instead of 1 million years, so you're wrong about that. I did address the lactose persistence with lactase. Or did you just conveniently ignore that?

What argument was strawman? Instead, you continue to use circular reasoning to explain evolution when the so-called mountain of evidence isn't there.
-K I'll first go into your first assertion, the fact that I'm the dishonest one. This has been taken from another conversation I had about gun control, if you can show me anything like it I will immediatly appoligise for calling you dishonest.
I'm gonna do something here you'll probably find weird. I just did a search about the amount of people that actually used a gun to prevent burglary. Now I just said that the government should try to help the most amount of people. I found that statistically it is more likely to stop a crime by owning a gun then it is to be used in a crime. So in light of this I find my objection to handguns in the house untennable. I still have strong objections to asault rifles because they are excessive but I'm someone who tries to be honest even when honest means I have to admit I'm wrong. I'll provide a link with the article.Private Guns Stop Crime 2.5M Times A Year In US
This is the difference between me and you. I put out an assertion. In my quest to find outside confermation I found my assertion wasn't supported by fact. I didn't just give up my objections or admit that I was wrong. I gave him the link. I could have quite easily not said anything, but it wouldn't have been honest. Btw this is also the scientific method, when something isn't supported by the evidence it is given up no matter how much the people who put forth the hypothesis have invested in the idea.
- On your second assertion that I haven't presented a mountain of evidence. The thing is I have, the problem is you don't accept it even if you sometimes admit to it. For instance you don't accept any transitional fossils altough you do admit to certain fossils having traits of different species, what do you suppose a transitional fossil is but a fossil that shows traits of 2 different species? You don't accept positive mutations altough you do admit that having resistance to HIV is positive. So on and so forth. I talked about radiometric dating and the different dating methods that exist and you simply say, I don't accept it. I talked about stars and light and you come back with some weird explanation that astronomers for some reason didn't account for spacetime, an assertion so ridiculous that none of your Creasionist friends try that argument, they use different ones also ridiculous but this one doesn't even have a wisp of credibility. I have used Bioligy ( vestigality), Genetics (mutations),Geoligy (stratas), vulkanoligy and history( the fact that there's is no written record of supervolcanoes or the Siberean traps, events so massive they would have been recorded if they occured during human existence.) and probably a few more that I've forgotten. And I know I haven't used all the arguments available to me. So saying I haven't presented my case is false.
- This is the reason you saying I want Creationism thaught in schools as science makes me shiver. In order for Creationism to be true, litteraly all branches of science have to be fundamentally flawed. You want something thaught as science wich is the exact opposite of science. Creationism wants all critical thinking and the scientific method suspended in favor of blind faith.
- On lactase something I ignored. There's a good reason I ignored it. It's another strawman argument. How does the fact that modern medicine created lactase supplements have anything to do with the fact that Europeans have developed a mutation to tolerate lactose? A mutation that has allowed us to digest different milks when for instance most Asian people can't. It's a mutation that has brought Europeans another source of nutrition previously unavailable. How is that mutation in any way negative? I'm sure your lactase argument is an argument for something just not for what I was talking about.

Too much for me to get into in one post right now, so will stick with Lucy. You put out an assertion that Lucy is an apeman. If we follow what you did with having a gun to prevent burglary and crime, then do you investigate what I said?

My criteria from Malcolm Bowden who states in order to distinguish an ape from human skeleton or fossil 1) a human skull has to have a larger cranium area, over a 1000 cc's, in order to house a brain that is a human brain, 2) the skulls that we are comparing either has to be ape or human (there are no other classes), and 3) have a mouth positioned almost vertically under the nose. Now, you're going to disagree with statement #2, but the creationist argument is the reputed ape-man transitional forms, which are used to support human evolution, are actually distortions or exaggerations of the fossil evidence. Will you investigate this?
Sure I'll investigate. First of just so you know, another claim of Malcolm Bowden is that the earth is stationary and the rest of the universe tuns around it in 24 hours. Now to the point. You put out a set of arbitrary criterea in order to not have to admit to transitionary homonid fossils. As we have established in Lucy for instance she doesn't have teeth like an modern primate, but even that is not the entire proof that the line is arbitrary Creasionist have played that game before, saying something is either ape or human and something in between doesn't exist. It's an argument wich has been used before and you know what the intresting thing is, Creasionist amongst themselfs can't agree on what criterea to handle.

Btw using your 1000 cc limit, homo erectus would be an ape since it's brain size is 900 cc. Homo erectus is an advanced toolmaker and theirs strong evidence took care of the elderly so advanced social behavior.Homo erectus | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
. This is how he looked
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This should not be strictly be about Lovejoy and me. What you should consider is what the creation museum is saying and different interpretations -- Lucy | Creation Museum . If what you claim is true, then we should see more and better apemen fossils. We have put together whole dinosaurs. As well as being able to explain the footprints found a thousand miles away. In general, creation states that God made certain traits like feathers, bipedality, being able to breathe underwater and so on for certain creatures. Thus, creation explains the lack of the evidence for transitional forms.

Of course, it is of consequence. That is the entire crux of the matter. All of these mutations do not add genetic information which is what it takes to make your transitional forms. What they do is change the information. That's all and it is negative or neutral. I will give you this. What you call "postive" is questionable. What these evo scientists are doing is taking what they have discovered and exploiting it for their own purpose. Some have become very rich off the sufferings of others. I have to admit for someone like Magic Johnson, taking the ccr5-delta 32 mutation (and destroying his cell receptors?) did prevent AIDS. We'll have to see whether he has liver or other problems down the road. That said, people think ccr5 is the silver bullet. It is not a solution, but a questionable cure. That goes all for these new mutated PED-like products. It may help get people over their immediate health problem, but cause others down the road. Achieving perfection does not work that way.

As for PEDs, we have tests to disqualify or penalize a sports participant. Also, they'll pay a price down the road even if they did get their big payday. Is there a safe PED? I don't know, but it does not involve mutations. I looked into the myostin-blocker supplements (mostly from seaweed extract and considered a PED) and they do nothing but placebo. Better to have a "healthy" diet. Some of these athletes have personal chefs, but one can eat healthy by understanding what is bad for you, i.e what foods to avoid or consume in moderation, and what one can eat regularly.

Again, I can't answer what is optimum for the health-impaired. If it will save their life or make their life better, the maybe taking the PED is the answer. However, I can't recommend it for normal people as the way to go. What about the big payday? There's no guarantee that it will lead to that. Very few athletes get it although it is widely publicized when they do.
First of all, it is not about you and Lovejoy, it's about just you. You and your tendency to try and use any and every argument that you think is helpfull, and not being able to admit in the slightest when you say something wrong and get called on it. This whole Lovejoy thing clearly shows that you are willing to try as a source someone who utters a single sentence that you think you can use. You use that 1 sentence and then when I point out, in detail I might add how you misrepresent his position you do anything but admit to your fault.Being wrong at a certain point is inevitable if you have a discussion as long as we've been going at it. Maybe you simply got exited when you saw the title to that youtube video and you didn't take the time to properly check. I'm a grownup and I might find it funny but in the end I get that if your arguing sometimes people get overzealous. In short, If you just would have said you're right and you'd moved on, it wouldn't have been anything but a minor blip. Instead you chose like I've seen numorous times in the course of this discussion a no retreat stance, never ever admit a mistake, or to the other person making his point. Which brings me to the other part of your post. This is such a strawman argument. Your assertion is that there are no positive mutations. I proved that there were. Like I pointed out the fact that both the muscle boy and the ccr-5 mutation have possible drawback is of no consequence from an evolutionary standpoint since the net effect increases survivability. You didn't even attempt to talk about lactose persistence because the net effect is positive accross the board.. Instead you start talking about it doesn't increase information and then put out out a disjointed explanation about anyting but the mutation in general. I disproved your original assertion. Trying to use strawman arguments to distract from that fact makes you dishonest yet again, hence my problem. I can understand people being wrong in a debate. I have no understanding for people who are unable to admit to being wrong. You can correct mistakes, being dishonest is systemic and therefore not correctable.

It's not me who does what you described, but you. You're the dishonest one. Instead of answering my questions, you avoid them and resort to this kind of post when you clearly have no answers. Where is the mountain of evidence that evos claim? Instead, it's the creationists who have the mountain. If the evidence that you have are true, then we can all use it as a fact. However, we can't use Lucy to believe in evolution because there isn't enough there. That's why people do not care about Lucy the chimpanzee. Nor do they care about Tiktaalik nor Archeopteryx. There isn't enough there. You probably do not even know where the originals are kept.

Instead, people care about finding Noah's Ark, the Holy Grail and Ark of the Covenant. It really isn't about science vs religion, but creation vs evolution and finding the truth. Evolution has done a lousy job of providing the evidence and we can see that it does not have the answers. Otherwise, you would not be frustrated and be able to answer all my questions.

What were you right about? Positive benefits in mutations? You have not proven that. You still have to overcome the side effects. I'll grant you HIV or Ebola blockers, but eventually the side effects will take over. You have not proven that information is added to the DNA. That's the only way evolution would create an evolution. You have not proven how even the basic building block of life is created outside the cell? Even millions of years cannot overcome these issues.

You can continue to believe in your "positive" mutations and keep lying about how you were able to disprove my statements. Certainly, you failed in showing how mutations cause evolution. I hope you practice what you preach on the "positive" mutations. Then you can give us a first-hand lecture on how mutations are "beneficial" and how it increased your "survivability."

I admitted I was wrong is stating 100 million years instead of 1 million years, so you're wrong about that. I did address the lactose persistence with lactase. Or did you just conveniently ignore that?

What argument was strawman? Instead, you continue to use circular reasoning to explain evolution when the so-called mountain of evidence isn't there.
-K I'll first go into your first assertion, the fact that I'm the dishonest one. This has been taken from another conversation I had about gun control, if you can show me anything like it I will immediatly appoligise for calling you dishonest.
I'm gonna do something here you'll probably find weird. I just did a search about the amount of people that actually used a gun to prevent burglary. Now I just said that the government should try to help the most amount of people. I found that statistically it is more likely to stop a crime by owning a gun then it is to be used in a crime. So in light of this I find my objection to handguns in the house untennable. I still have strong objections to asault rifles because they are excessive but I'm someone who tries to be honest even when honest means I have to admit I'm wrong. I'll provide a link with the article.Private Guns Stop Crime 2.5M Times A Year In US
This is the difference between me and you. I put out an assertion. In my quest to find outside confermation I found my assertion wasn't supported by fact. I didn't just give up my objections or admit that I was wrong. I gave him the link. I could have quite easily not said anything, but it wouldn't have been honest. Btw this is also the scientific method, when something isn't supported by the evidence it is given up no matter how much the people who put forth the hypothesis have invested in the idea.
- On your second assertion that I haven't presented a mountain of evidence. The thing is I have, the problem is you don't accept it even if you sometimes admit to it. For instance you don't accept any transitional fossils altough you do admit to certain fossils having traits of different species, what do you suppose a transitional fossil is but a fossil that shows traits of 2 different species? You don't accept positive mutations altough you do admit that having resistance to HIV is positive. So on and so forth. I talked about radiometric dating and the different dating methods that exist and you simply say, I don't accept it. I talked about stars and light and you come back with some weird explanation that astronomers for some reason didn't account for spacetime, an assertion so ridiculous that none of your Creasionist friends try that argument, they use different ones also ridiculous but this one doesn't even have a wisp of credibility. I have used Bioligy ( vestigality), Genetics (mutations),Geoligy (stratas), vulkanoligy and history( the fact that there's is no written record of supervolcanoes or the Siberean traps, events so massive they would have been recorded if they occured during human existence.) and probably a few more that I've forgotten. And I know I haven't used all the arguments available to me. So saying I haven't presented my case is false.
- This is the reason you saying I want Creationism thaught in schools as science makes me shiver. In order for Creationism to be true, litteraly all branches of science have to be fundamentally flawed. You want something thaught as science wich is the exact opposite of science. Creationism wants all critical thinking and the scientific method suspended in favor of blind faith.
- On lactase something I ignored. There's a good reason I ignored it. It's another strawman argument. How does the fact that modern medicine created lactase supplements have anything to do with the fact that Europeans have developed a mutation to tolerate lactose? A mutation that has allowed us to digest different milks when for instance most Asian people can't. It's a mutation that has brought Europeans another source of nutrition previously unavailable. How is that mutation in any way negative? I'm sure your lactase argument is an argument for something just not for what I was talking about.

Too much for me to get into in one post right now, so will stick with Lucy. You put out an assertion that Lucy is an apeman. If we follow what you did with having a gun to prevent burglary and crime, then do you investigate what I said?

My criteria from Malcolm Bowden who states in order to distinguish an ape from human skeleton or fossil 1) a human skull has to have a larger cranium area, over a 1000 cc's, in order to house a brain that is a human brain, 2) the skulls that we are comparing either has to be ape or human (there are no other classes), and 3) have a mouth positioned almost vertically under the nose. Now, you're going to disagree with statement #2, but the creationist argument is the reputed ape-man transitional forms, which are used to support human evolution, are actually distortions or exaggerations of the fossil evidence. Will you investigate this?
Sure I'll investigate. First of just so you know, another claim of Malcolm Bowden is that the earth is stationary and the rest of the universe tuns around it in 24 hours. Now to the point. You put out a set of arbitrary criterea in order to not have to admit to transitionary homonid fossils. As we have established in Lucy for instance she doesn't have teeth like an modern primate, but even that is not the entire proof that the line is arbitrary Creasionist have played that game before, saying something is either ape or human and something in between doesn't exist. It's an argument wich has been used before and you know what the intresting thing is, Creasionist amongst themselfs can't agree on what criterea to handle.
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Btw using your 1000 cc limit, homo erectus would be an ape since it's brain size is 900 cc. Homo erectus is an advanced toolmaker and theirs strong evidence took care of the elderly so advanced social behavior.Homo erectus | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
. This is how he looked
View attachment 83518

Last point first. Just because they call an ape homo doesn't make it so. Homo erectus is supposed to be the transitional form between australopithecines and Neanderthals and modern humans. There are about 280 fossils of this type. Creationists think that the name was fabricated to show evolution, i.e. homo erectus means upright man. I'll look into your advanced toolmaker and that they took care of their elderly. When I saw the video you posted of Lovejoy making his speech, I thought it was an assumption because he discusses the hands of Ardi.

From the pics you posted, I did wonder why they didn't show a side view. My Lovejoy vid has him discussing the teeth from Ardi to Lucy and it shows what I think are Ardi's teeth that look human. He states Ardi's teeth were more primitive (canine?). I think those are supposed to be a reconstruction of Ardi's. Do you think they are from Lucy's? Chimpanzees do have front teeth that look human, but they have fairly larger canines. If we go to the evolution.berkeley.edu website, they state smaller canines for Ardi and Lucy.

The emergence of humans
First of all, it is not about you and Lovejoy, it's about just you. You and your tendency to try and use any and every argument that you think is helpfull, and not being able to admit in the slightest when you say something wrong and get called on it. This whole Lovejoy thing clearly shows that you are willing to try as a source someone who utters a single sentence that you think you can use. You use that 1 sentence and then when I point out, in detail I might add how you misrepresent his position you do anything but admit to your fault.Being wrong at a certain point is inevitable if you have a discussion as long as we've been going at it. Maybe you simply got exited when you saw the title to that youtube video and you didn't take the time to properly check. I'm a grownup and I might find it funny but in the end I get that if your arguing sometimes people get overzealous. In short, If you just would have said you're right and you'd moved on, it wouldn't have been anything but a minor blip. Instead you chose like I've seen numorous times in the course of this discussion a no retreat stance, never ever admit a mistake, or to the other person making his point. Which brings me to the other part of your post. This is such a strawman argument. Your assertion is that there are no positive mutations. I proved that there were. Like I pointed out the fact that both the muscle boy and the ccr-5 mutation have possible drawback is of no consequence from an evolutionary standpoint since the net effect increases survivability. You didn't even attempt to talk about lactose persistence because the net effect is positive accross the board.. Instead you start talking about it doesn't increase information and then put out out a disjointed explanation about anyting but the mutation in general. I disproved your original assertion. Trying to use strawman arguments to distract from that fact makes you dishonest yet again, hence my problem. I can understand people being wrong in a debate. I have no understanding for people who are unable to admit to being wrong. You can correct mistakes, being dishonest is systemic and therefore not correctable.

It's not me who does what you described, but you. You're the dishonest one. Instead of answering my questions, you avoid them and resort to this kind of post when you clearly have no answers. Where is the mountain of evidence that evos claim? Instead, it's the creationists who have the mountain. If the evidence that you have are true, then we can all use it as a fact. However, we can't use Lucy to believe in evolution because there isn't enough there. That's why people do not care about Lucy the chimpanzee. Nor do they care about Tiktaalik nor Archeopteryx. There isn't enough there. You probably do not even know where the originals are kept.

Instead, people care about finding Noah's Ark, the Holy Grail and Ark of the Covenant. It really isn't about science vs religion, but creation vs evolution and finding the truth. Evolution has done a lousy job of providing the evidence and we can see that it does not have the answers. Otherwise, you would not be frustrated and be able to answer all my questions.

What were you right about? Positive benefits in mutations? You have not proven that. You still have to overcome the side effects. I'll grant you HIV or Ebola blockers, but eventually the side effects will take over. You have not proven that information is added to the DNA. That's the only way evolution would create an evolution. You have not proven how even the basic building block of life is created outside the cell? Even millions of years cannot overcome these issues.

You can continue to believe in your "positive" mutations and keep lying about how you were able to disprove my statements. Certainly, you failed in showing how mutations cause evolution. I hope you practice what you preach on the "positive" mutations. Then you can give us a first-hand lecture on how mutations are "beneficial" and how it increased your "survivability."

I admitted I was wrong is stating 100 million years instead of 1 million years, so you're wrong about that. I did address the lactose persistence with lactase. Or did you just conveniently ignore that?

What argument was strawman? Instead, you continue to use circular reasoning to explain evolution when the so-called mountain of evidence isn't there.
-K I'll first go into your first assertion, the fact that I'm the dishonest one. This has been taken from another conversation I had about gun control, if you can show me anything like it I will immediatly appoligise for calling you dishonest.
I'm gonna do something here you'll probably find weird. I just did a search about the amount of people that actually used a gun to prevent burglary. Now I just said that the government should try to help the most amount of people. I found that statistically it is more likely to stop a crime by owning a gun then it is to be used in a crime. So in light of this I find my objection to handguns in the house untennable. I still have strong objections to asault rifles because they are excessive but I'm someone who tries to be honest even when honest means I have to admit I'm wrong. I'll provide a link with the article.Private Guns Stop Crime 2.5M Times A Year In US
This is the difference between me and you. I put out an assertion. In my quest to find outside confermation I found my assertion wasn't supported by fact. I didn't just give up my objections or admit that I was wrong. I gave him the link. I could have quite easily not said anything, but it wouldn't have been honest. Btw this is also the scientific method, when something isn't supported by the evidence it is given up no matter how much the people who put forth the hypothesis have invested in the idea.
- On your second assertion that I haven't presented a mountain of evidence. The thing is I have, the problem is you don't accept it even if you sometimes admit to it. For instance you don't accept any transitional fossils altough you do admit to certain fossils having traits of different species, what do you suppose a transitional fossil is but a fossil that shows traits of 2 different species? You don't accept positive mutations altough you do admit that having resistance to HIV is positive. So on and so forth. I talked about radiometric dating and the different dating methods that exist and you simply say, I don't accept it. I talked about stars and light and you come back with some weird explanation that astronomers for some reason didn't account for spacetime, an assertion so ridiculous that none of your Creasionist friends try that argument, they use different ones also ridiculous but this one doesn't even have a wisp of credibility. I have used Bioligy ( vestigality), Genetics (mutations),Geoligy (stratas), vulkanoligy and history( the fact that there's is no written record of supervolcanoes or the Siberean traps, events so massive they would have been recorded if they occured during human existence.) and probably a few more that I've forgotten. And I know I haven't used all the arguments available to me. So saying I haven't presented my case is false.
- This is the reason you saying I want Creationism thaught in schools as science makes me shiver. In order for Creationism to be true, litteraly all branches of science have to be fundamentally flawed. You want something thaught as science wich is the exact opposite of science. Creationism wants all critical thinking and the scientific method suspended in favor of blind faith.
- On lactase something I ignored. There's a good reason I ignored it. It's another strawman argument. How does the fact that modern medicine created lactase supplements have anything to do with the fact that Europeans have developed a mutation to tolerate lactose? A mutation that has allowed us to digest different milks when for instance most Asian people can't. It's a mutation that has brought Europeans another source of nutrition previously unavailable. How is that mutation in any way negative? I'm sure your lactase argument is an argument for something just not for what I was talking about.

Too much for me to get into in one post right now, so will stick with Lucy. You put out an assertion that Lucy is an apeman. If we follow what you did with having a gun to prevent burglary and crime, then do you investigate what I said?

My criteria from Malcolm Bowden who states in order to distinguish an ape from human skeleton or fossil 1) a human skull has to have a larger cranium area, over a 1000 cc's, in order to house a brain that is a human brain, 2) the skulls that we are comparing either has to be ape or human (there are no other classes), and 3) have a mouth positioned almost vertically under the nose. Now, you're going to disagree with statement #2, but the creationist argument is the reputed ape-man transitional forms, which are used to support human evolution, are actually distortions or exaggerations of the fossil evidence. Will you investigate this?
Sure I'll investigate. First of just so you know, another claim of Malcolm Bowden is that the earth is stationary and the rest of the universe tuns around it in 24 hours. Now to the point. You put out a set of arbitrary criterea in order to not have to admit to transitionary homonid fossils. As we have established in Lucy for instance she doesn't have teeth like an modern primate, but even that is not the entire proof that the line is arbitrary Creasionist have played that game before, saying something is either ape or human and something in between doesn't exist. It's an argument wich has been used before and you know what the intresting thing is, Creasionist amongst themselfs can't agree on what criterea to handle.
View attachment 83517
Btw using your 1000 cc limit, homo erectus would be an ape since it's brain size is 900 cc. Homo erectus is an advanced toolmaker and theirs strong evidence took care of the elderly so advanced social behavior.Homo erectus | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
. This is how he looked
View attachment 83518

Last point first. Just because they call an ape homo doesn't make it so. Homo erectus is supposed to be the transitional form between australopithecines and Neanderthals and modern humans. There are about 280 fossils of this type. Creationists think that the name was fabricated to show evolution, i.e. homo erectus means upright man. I'll look into your advanced toolmaker and that they took care of their elderly. When I saw the video you posted of Lovejoy making his speech, I thought it was an assumption because he discusses the hands of Ardi.

From the pics you posted, I did wonder why they didn't show a side view. My Lovejoy vid has him discussing the teeth from Ardi to Lucy and it shows what I think are Ardi's teeth that look human. He states Ardi's teeth were more primitive (canine?). I think those are supposed to be a reconstruction of Ardi's. Do you think they are from Lucy's? Chimpanzees do have front teeth that look human, but they have fairly larger canines. If we go to the evolution.berkeley.edu website, they state smaller canines for Ardi and Lucy.

The emergence of humans
I'm a bit confused to your post. First of you say last point first, wich implies that you re going to answer the first bit to but instead of doing that, you jump to the videos about Lovejoy that you and me posted. And when you talk about my video wich do you mean? I posted 2, you posted 1. From the context I suppose you mean your video and their starting on the 2 minute mark he switches from Ardi to Austrolopithicus, after that he starts talking about the canines of male austroloitisenes wich are human looking.Early Human Evolution:  Homo ergaster and erectus this shows a side by side of erectus and modern humans notice the teeth.
It's not me who does what you described, but you. You're the dishonest one. Instead of answering my questions, you avoid them and resort to this kind of post when you clearly have no answers. Where is the mountain of evidence that evos claim? Instead, it's the creationists who have the mountain. If the evidence that you have are true, then we can all use it as a fact. However, we can't use Lucy to believe in evolution because there isn't enough there. That's why people do not care about Lucy the chimpanzee. Nor do they care about Tiktaalik nor Archeopteryx. There isn't enough there. You probably do not even know where the originals are kept.

Instead, people care about finding Noah's Ark, the Holy Grail and Ark of the Covenant. It really isn't about science vs religion, but creation vs evolution and finding the truth. Evolution has done a lousy job of providing the evidence and we can see that it does not have the answers. Otherwise, you would not be frustrated and be able to answer all my questions.

What were you right about? Positive benefits in mutations? You have not proven that. You still have to overcome the side effects. I'll grant you HIV or Ebola blockers, but eventually the side effects will take over. You have not proven that information is added to the DNA. That's the only way evolution would create an evolution. You have not proven how even the basic building block of life is created outside the cell? Even millions of years cannot overcome these issues.

You can continue to believe in your "positive" mutations and keep lying about how you were able to disprove my statements. Certainly, you failed in showing how mutations cause evolution. I hope you practice what you preach on the "positive" mutations. Then you can give us a first-hand lecture on how mutations are "beneficial" and how it increased your "survivability."

I admitted I was wrong is stating 100 million years instead of 1 million years, so you're wrong about that. I did address the lactose persistence with lactase. Or did you just conveniently ignore that?

What argument was strawman? Instead, you continue to use circular reasoning to explain evolution when the so-called mountain of evidence isn't there.
-K I'll first go into your first assertion, the fact that I'm the dishonest one. This has been taken from another conversation I had about gun control, if you can show me anything like it I will immediatly appoligise for calling you dishonest.
I'm gonna do something here you'll probably find weird. I just did a search about the amount of people that actually used a gun to prevent burglary. Now I just said that the government should try to help the most amount of people. I found that statistically it is more likely to stop a crime by owning a gun then it is to be used in a crime. So in light of this I find my objection to handguns in the house untennable. I still have strong objections to asault rifles because they are excessive but I'm someone who tries to be honest even when honest means I have to admit I'm wrong. I'll provide a link with the article.Private Guns Stop Crime 2.5M Times A Year In US
This is the difference between me and you. I put out an assertion. In my quest to find outside confermation I found my assertion wasn't supported by fact. I didn't just give up my objections or admit that I was wrong. I gave him the link. I could have quite easily not said anything, but it wouldn't have been honest. Btw this is also the scientific method, when something isn't supported by the evidence it is given up no matter how much the people who put forth the hypothesis have invested in the idea.
- On your second assertion that I haven't presented a mountain of evidence. The thing is I have, the problem is you don't accept it even if you sometimes admit to it. For instance you don't accept any transitional fossils altough you do admit to certain fossils having traits of different species, what do you suppose a transitional fossil is but a fossil that shows traits of 2 different species? You don't accept positive mutations altough you do admit that having resistance to HIV is positive. So on and so forth. I talked about radiometric dating and the different dating methods that exist and you simply say, I don't accept it. I talked about stars and light and you come back with some weird explanation that astronomers for some reason didn't account for spacetime, an assertion so ridiculous that none of your Creasionist friends try that argument, they use different ones also ridiculous but this one doesn't even have a wisp of credibility. I have used Bioligy ( vestigality), Genetics (mutations),Geoligy (stratas), vulkanoligy and history( the fact that there's is no written record of supervolcanoes or the Siberean traps, events so massive they would have been recorded if they occured during human existence.) and probably a few more that I've forgotten. And I know I haven't used all the arguments available to me. So saying I haven't presented my case is false.
- This is the reason you saying I want Creationism thaught in schools as science makes me shiver. In order for Creationism to be true, litteraly all branches of science have to be fundamentally flawed. You want something thaught as science wich is the exact opposite of science. Creationism wants all critical thinking and the scientific method suspended in favor of blind faith.
- On lactase something I ignored. There's a good reason I ignored it. It's another strawman argument. How does the fact that modern medicine created lactase supplements have anything to do with the fact that Europeans have developed a mutation to tolerate lactose? A mutation that has allowed us to digest different milks when for instance most Asian people can't. It's a mutation that has brought Europeans another source of nutrition previously unavailable. How is that mutation in any way negative? I'm sure your lactase argument is an argument for something just not for what I was talking about.

Too much for me to get into in one post right now, so will stick with Lucy. You put out an assertion that Lucy is an apeman. If we follow what you did with having a gun to prevent burglary and crime, then do you investigate what I said?

My criteria from Malcolm Bowden who states in order to distinguish an ape from human skeleton or fossil 1) a human skull has to have a larger cranium area, over a 1000 cc's, in order to house a brain that is a human brain, 2) the skulls that we are comparing either has to be ape or human (there are no other classes), and 3) have a mouth positioned almost vertically under the nose. Now, you're going to disagree with statement #2, but the creationist argument is the reputed ape-man transitional forms, which are used to support human evolution, are actually distortions or exaggerations of the fossil evidence. Will you investigate this?
Sure I'll investigate. First of just so you know, another claim of Malcolm Bowden is that the earth is stationary and the rest of the universe tuns around it in 24 hours. Now to the point. You put out a set of arbitrary criterea in order to not have to admit to transitionary homonid fossils. As we have established in Lucy for instance she doesn't have teeth like an modern primate, but even that is not the entire proof that the line is arbitrary Creasionist have played that game before, saying something is either ape or human and something in between doesn't exist. It's an argument wich has been used before and you know what the intresting thing is, Creasionist amongst themselfs can't agree on what criterea to handle.
View attachment 83517
Btw using your 1000 cc limit, homo erectus would be an ape since it's brain size is 900 cc. Homo erectus is an advanced toolmaker and theirs strong evidence took care of the elderly so advanced social behavior.Homo erectus | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
. This is how he looked
View attachment 83518

Last point first. Just because they call an ape homo doesn't make it so. Homo erectus is supposed to be the transitional form between australopithecines and Neanderthals and modern humans. There are about 280 fossils of this type. Creationists think that the name was fabricated to show evolution, i.e. homo erectus means upright man. I'll look into your advanced toolmaker and that they took care of their elderly. When I saw the video you posted of Lovejoy making his speech, I thought it was an assumption because he discusses the hands of Ardi.

From the pics you posted, I did wonder why they didn't show a side view. My Lovejoy vid has him discussing the teeth from Ardi to Lucy and it shows what I think are Ardi's teeth that look human. He states Ardi's teeth were more primitive (canine?). I think those are supposed to be a reconstruction of Ardi's. Do you think they are from Lucy's? Chimpanzees do have front teeth that look human, but they have fairly larger canines. If we go to the evolution.berkeley.edu website, they state smaller canines for Ardi and Lucy.

The emergence of humans
I'm a bit confused to your post. First of you say last point first, wich implies that you re going to answer the first bit to but instead of doing that, you jump to the videos about Lovejoy that you and me posted. And when you talk about my video wich do you mean? I posted 2, you posted 1. From the context I suppose you mean your video and their starting on the 2 minute mark he switches from Ardi to Austrolopithicus, after that he starts talking about the canines of male austroloitisenes wich are human looking.Early Human Evolution: Homo ergaster and erectus this shows a side by side of erectus and modern humans notice the teeth.

My first paragraph refers to your vid in #1735. In it, he talks about Ardi's hands and states it could be for using tools. That is an assumption on his part. Or do you have evidence of this?

In the video I posted, I wasn't sure whether he said Australopithecus or Ardipithecus when he refers to the teeth. We'll go with australopithecus. Then was it Lucy's? Lucy's was not as complete as Ardi's (that's why I wasn't sure what he said). We agree the teeth are human looking. I think the teeth though were made to look human since the canines are missing. That's why I went back to my reference website and they state that the teeth for all had canines.
-K I'll first go into your first assertion, the fact that I'm the dishonest one. This has been taken from another conversation I had about gun control, if you can show me anything like it I will immediatly appoligise for calling you dishonest.
This is the difference between me and you. I put out an assertion. In my quest to find outside confermation I found my assertion wasn't supported by fact. I didn't just give up my objections or admit that I was wrong. I gave him the link. I could have quite easily not said anything, but it wouldn't have been honest. Btw this is also the scientific method, when something isn't supported by the evidence it is given up no matter how much the people who put forth the hypothesis have invested in the idea.
- On your second assertion that I haven't presented a mountain of evidence. The thing is I have, the problem is you don't accept it even if you sometimes admit to it. For instance you don't accept any transitional fossils altough you do admit to certain fossils having traits of different species, what do you suppose a transitional fossil is but a fossil that shows traits of 2 different species? You don't accept positive mutations altough you do admit that having resistance to HIV is positive. So on and so forth. I talked about radiometric dating and the different dating methods that exist and you simply say, I don't accept it. I talked about stars and light and you come back with some weird explanation that astronomers for some reason didn't account for spacetime, an assertion so ridiculous that none of your Creasionist friends try that argument, they use different ones also ridiculous but this one doesn't even have a wisp of credibility. I have used Bioligy ( vestigality), Genetics (mutations),Geoligy (stratas), vulkanoligy and history( the fact that there's is no written record of supervolcanoes or the Siberean traps, events so massive they would have been recorded if they occured during human existence.) and probably a few more that I've forgotten. And I know I haven't used all the arguments available to me. So saying I haven't presented my case is false.
- This is the reason you saying I want Creationism thaught in schools as science makes me shiver. In order for Creationism to be true, litteraly all branches of science have to be fundamentally flawed. You want something thaught as science wich is the exact opposite of science. Creationism wants all critical thinking and the scientific method suspended in favor of blind faith.
- On lactase something I ignored. There's a good reason I ignored it. It's another strawman argument. How does the fact that modern medicine created lactase supplements have anything to do with the fact that Europeans have developed a mutation to tolerate lactose? A mutation that has allowed us to digest different milks when for instance most Asian people can't. It's a mutation that has brought Europeans another source of nutrition previously unavailable. How is that mutation in any way negative? I'm sure your lactase argument is an argument for something just not for what I was talking about.

Too much for me to get into in one post right now, so will stick with Lucy. You put out an assertion that Lucy is an apeman. If we follow what you did with having a gun to prevent burglary and crime, then do you investigate what I said?

My criteria from Malcolm Bowden who states in order to distinguish an ape from human skeleton or fossil 1) a human skull has to have a larger cranium area, over a 1000 cc's, in order to house a brain that is a human brain, 2) the skulls that we are comparing either has to be ape or human (there are no other classes), and 3) have a mouth positioned almost vertically under the nose. Now, you're going to disagree with statement #2, but the creationist argument is the reputed ape-man transitional forms, which are used to support human evolution, are actually distortions or exaggerations of the fossil evidence. Will you investigate this?
Sure I'll investigate. First of just so you know, another claim of Malcolm Bowden is that the earth is stationary and the rest of the universe tuns around it in 24 hours. Now to the point. You put out a set of arbitrary criterea in order to not have to admit to transitionary homonid fossils. As we have established in Lucy for instance she doesn't have teeth like an modern primate, but even that is not the entire proof that the line is arbitrary Creasionist have played that game before, saying something is either ape or human and something in between doesn't exist. It's an argument wich has been used before and you know what the intresting thing is, Creasionist amongst themselfs can't agree on what criterea to handle.
View attachment 83517
Btw using your 1000 cc limit, homo erectus would be an ape since it's brain size is 900 cc. Homo erectus is an advanced toolmaker and theirs strong evidence took care of the elderly so advanced social behavior.Homo erectus | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
. This is how he looked
View attachment 83518

Last point first. Just because they call an ape homo doesn't make it so. Homo erectus is supposed to be the transitional form between australopithecines and Neanderthals and modern humans. There are about 280 fossils of this type. Creationists think that the name was fabricated to show evolution, i.e. homo erectus means upright man. I'll look into your advanced toolmaker and that they took care of their elderly. When I saw the video you posted of Lovejoy making his speech, I thought it was an assumption because he discusses the hands of Ardi.

From the pics you posted, I did wonder why they didn't show a side view. My Lovejoy vid has him discussing the teeth from Ardi to Lucy and it shows what I think are Ardi's teeth that look human. He states Ardi's teeth were more primitive (canine?). I think those are supposed to be a reconstruction of Ardi's. Do you think they are from Lucy's? Chimpanzees do have front teeth that look human, but they have fairly larger canines. If we go to the evolution.berkeley.edu website, they state smaller canines for Ardi and Lucy.

The emergence of humans
I'm a bit confused to your post. First of you say last point first, wich implies that you re going to answer the first bit to but instead of doing that, you jump to the videos about Lovejoy that you and me posted. And when you talk about my video wich do you mean? I posted 2, you posted 1. From the context I suppose you mean your video and their starting on the 2 minute mark he switches from Ardi to Austrolopithicus, after that he starts talking about the canines of male austroloitisenes wich are human looking.Early Human Evolution: Homo ergaster and erectus this shows a side by side of erectus and modern humans notice the teeth.

My first paragraph refers to your vid in #1735. In it, he talks about Ardi's hands and states it could be for using tools. That is an assumption on his part. Or do you have evidence of this?

In the video I posted, I wasn't sure whether he said Australopithecus or Ardipithecus when he refers to the teeth. We'll go with australopithecus. Then was it Lucy's? Lucy's was not as complete as Ardi's (that's why I wasn't sure what he said). We agree the teeth are human looking. I think the teeth though were made to look human since the canines are missing. That's why I went back to my reference website and they state that the teeth for all had canines.
No when he talks about teeth he generalises about all austrolophithisenes, we have found skulls most notably thet taung child wich had it's mandibles and teeth. The skull itself can also be used to establish true bipedalism becuase how it is positioned right above the spine.
-Well if he sais it COULD be used for handling tool isn't the same as saying I assume he did, pretty important distinction don't you think? If Ardi did or not it doesn't change anything in the evolutionary succession since Ardi is by every standard a protohuman, even older then Austrolipheticus. And come to think about it it is a known fact that modern chimpansees do have the ability the use simple tools, for instance sticks to get ants. Humans and later day homonids are different because they worked there tools to do specific tasks and we have opposable thumbs giving us more control to handle objects, which brings me to homo erectus, where hand axes, have been found in conjunction with homo erectus fossils. By all accounts the first really worked tools. Again a species you would call ape using your arbitrary criterea.Stone Tools Ties to Rise of Homo Erectus | Human Evolution
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James I'm very doubtfull that you will but I'd very much like you to watch this. The entire thing. The reason for it because it very clearly illustrates a couple of things.
First quite obviously it explains exactly how they figured out radiometric data. The other things it illustrates is the importance of the scientific method and how science goes about solving problems. Thirdly it also makes the point that science in some things lead to other discoveries. In this case lifesaving discoveries If he wouldn't had to come up with the clean room he never would have been able to make his second discovery. Fourthly it illustrates the lenghts vested intrests are willing to go to ignore and discredit undisputable evidence, something I feel you do to. And lastly as current events prove it illustrates that even after people lost the fight of the data, people will still ignore what the data sais. It's a lot to ask since it's a 45min clip and as a creasionist I'm pretty sure you hate Neil Degrasse. The only thing I can say that it is a thouroughly informative and entertaining clip, if off course you truly have an open mind.
Too much for me to get into in one post right now, so will stick with Lucy. You put out an assertion that Lucy is an apeman. If we follow what you did with having a gun to prevent burglary and crime, then do you investigate what I said?

My criteria from Malcolm Bowden who states in order to distinguish an ape from human skeleton or fossil 1) a human skull has to have a larger cranium area, over a 1000 cc's, in order to house a brain that is a human brain, 2) the skulls that we are comparing either has to be ape or human (there are no other classes), and 3) have a mouth positioned almost vertically under the nose. Now, you're going to disagree with statement #2, but the creationist argument is the reputed ape-man transitional forms, which are used to support human evolution, are actually distortions or exaggerations of the fossil evidence. Will you investigate this?
Sure I'll investigate. First of just so you know, another claim of Malcolm Bowden is that the earth is stationary and the rest of the universe tuns around it in 24 hours. Now to the point. You put out a set of arbitrary criterea in order to not have to admit to transitionary homonid fossils. As we have established in Lucy for instance she doesn't have teeth like an modern primate, but even that is not the entire proof that the line is arbitrary Creasionist have played that game before, saying something is either ape or human and something in between doesn't exist. It's an argument wich has been used before and you know what the intresting thing is, Creasionist amongst themselfs can't agree on what criterea to handle.
View attachment 83517
Btw using your 1000 cc limit, homo erectus would be an ape since it's brain size is 900 cc. Homo erectus is an advanced toolmaker and theirs strong evidence took care of the elderly so advanced social behavior.Homo erectus | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
. This is how he looked
View attachment 83518

Last point first. Just because they call an ape homo doesn't make it so. Homo erectus is supposed to be the transitional form between australopithecines and Neanderthals and modern humans. There are about 280 fossils of this type. Creationists think that the name was fabricated to show evolution, i.e. homo erectus means upright man. I'll look into your advanced toolmaker and that they took care of their elderly. When I saw the video you posted of Lovejoy making his speech, I thought it was an assumption because he discusses the hands of Ardi.

From the pics you posted, I did wonder why they didn't show a side view. My Lovejoy vid has him discussing the teeth from Ardi to Lucy and it shows what I think are Ardi's teeth that look human. He states Ardi's teeth were more primitive (canine?). I think those are supposed to be a reconstruction of Ardi's. Do you think they are from Lucy's? Chimpanzees do have front teeth that look human, but they have fairly larger canines. If we go to the evolution.berkeley.edu website, they state smaller canines for Ardi and Lucy.

The emergence of humans
I'm a bit confused to your post. First of you say last point first, wich implies that you re going to answer the first bit to but instead of doing that, you jump to the videos about Lovejoy that you and me posted. And when you talk about my video wich do you mean? I posted 2, you posted 1. From the context I suppose you mean your video and their starting on the 2 minute mark he switches from Ardi to Austrolopithicus, after that he starts talking about the canines of male austroloitisenes wich are human looking.Early Human Evolution: Homo ergaster and erectus this shows a side by side of erectus and modern humans notice the teeth.

My first paragraph refers to your vid in #1735. In it, he talks about Ardi's hands and states it could be for using tools. That is an assumption on his part. Or do you have evidence of this?

In the video I posted, I wasn't sure whether he said Australopithecus or Ardipithecus when he refers to the teeth. We'll go with australopithecus. Then was it Lucy's? Lucy's was not as complete as Ardi's (that's why I wasn't sure what he said). We agree the teeth are human looking. I think the teeth though were made to look human since the canines are missing. That's why I went back to my reference website and they state that the teeth for all had canines.
No when he talks about teeth he generalises about all austrolophithisenes, we have found skulls most notably thet taung child wich had it's mandibles and teeth. The skull itself can also be used to establish true bipedalism becuase how it is positioned right above the spine.
-Well if he sais it COULD be used for handling tool isn't the same as saying I assume he did, pretty important distinction don't you think? If Ardi did or not it doesn't change anything in the evolutionary succession since Ardi is by every standard a protohuman, even older then Austrolipheticus. And come to think about it it is a known fact that modern chimpansees do have the ability the use simple tools, for instance sticks to get ants. Humans and later day homonids are different because they worked there tools to do specific tasks and we have opposable thumbs giving us more control to handle objects, which brings me to homo erectus, where hand axes, have been found in conjunction with homo erectus fossils. By all accounts the first really worked tools. Again a species you would call ape using your arbitrary criterea.Stone Tools Ties to Rise of Homo Erectus | Human Evolution

Now, we're starting to diverge here since the skull capacity and mouth being under the nose isn't discussed or shown. The teeth should've been canine as stated in the evo website, so it's been recreated to make it more human-like.

When is the vid in #1735 from? Is it earlier than your second vid? I thought that my vid is more recent than both of your vids, probably around 2009.

Do you think Lovejoy was more general in discussing Australopithecines which broadens the class (see below). I still have doubts because he excitedly talks about Ardipithecus providing much more information. AFAIK all of the Australopithecines had cranial capacity of under 1000 ccs. Lucy had around 500 cc. Evos have discussed the differences between humans and apes and listed the following (sorry, I don't have a source for this):

Similarities between genus Pan and genus Australopithecus
-Both have similar brain case sizes (up to 500 cc).
-Australopithecus was probably covered with fur like chimps are.
-Both have long arms and curved fingers good for grasping and climbing.
-Both have arms longer than their legs.
-Both were/are social animals.
-A. afarensis may have had some ability to knuckle-walk like chimps.
-Some Australopithecus were similar in size to chimps.

Differences between genus Pan and genus Australopithecus
-Australopithecus pelvises are wider than they are tall, chimp pelvises are taller than they are wide.
-Australopithecus had knees that could lock, chimps do not.
-Australopithecus does not have adductable toes, whereas chimps do.
-Australopithecus has smaller canines than chimps.
-Australopithecus had a less prognathic (protruding) jaw than chimps.
-Australopithecus had arched feet, chimps do not.
-Australopithecus had a foramen magnum closer to the base of the skull than chimps.

Using the above criteria, creationists would say Australopithecines were all apes. What other evidence do you have from Australopithecines and the fossils of skeletons that come after?

The following is from the Nova program which aired in 1999:
From Nova:

DON JOHANSON:At first, I thought it was just from a monkey, maybe a baboon, but it went together in a way that didn't look like any monkey. If it wasn't a monkey's knee what was it? It looked vaguely human, but how could that be? I needed an expert opinion. Owen Lovejoy is an anatomist, part-time forensic scientist and an expert on animal locomotion. If anyone could tell me what sort of creature that knee belonged to, he could.

OWEN LOVEJOY: When Don brought the Hadar knee back from Ethiopia, he brought it over to my house and laid it out on the living room carpet, and I knew instantly, that was a human knee.

DON JOHANSON: My suspicions were confirmed. As Lovejoy pointed out, the joint had all the hallmarks of a creature that moved around on two legs, not on all fours. Walking upright is something that only humans can do. And it needs a special kind of knee joint, one that can be locked straight. A chimp gets around on all fours. If it tries to walk upright, it's knee joint doesn't lock. It's forced to walk with a bent leg and that's tiring. This mysterious fossil really perplexed us. What was a modern-looking human knee doing among fossils that were millions of years old.


DON JOHANSON: We needed Owen Lovejoy's expertise again, because the evidence wasn't quite adding up. The knee looked human, but the shape of her hip didn't. Superficially, her hip resembled a chimpanzee's, which meant that Lucy couldn't possibly have walked like a modern human. But Lovejoy noticed something odd about the way the bones had been fossilized.

OWEN LOVEJOY: When I put the two parts of the pelvis together that we had, this part of the pelvis has pressed so hard and so completely into this one, that it caused it to be broken into a series of individual pieces, which were then fused together in later fossilization.

DON JOHANSON: After Lucy died, some of her bones lying in the mud must have been crushed or broken, perhaps by animals browsing at the lake shore.

OWEN LOVEJOY: This has caused the two bones in fact to fit together so well that they're in an anatomically impossible position.

DON JOHANSON: The perfect fit was an allusion that made Lucy's hip bones seems to flair out like a chimps. But all was not lost. Lovejoy decided he could restore the pelvis to its natural shape. He didn't want to tamper with the original, so he made a copy in plaster. He cut the damaged pieces out and put them back together the way they were before Lucy died. It was a tricky job, but after taking the kink out of the pelvis, it all fit together perfectly, like a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle. As a result, the angle of the hip looks nothing like a chimps, but a lot like ours. Anatomically at least, Lucy could stand like a human. The case for our earliest ancestor walking upright was growing stronger, and Lucy wasn't the only evidence. Around the same time, another remarkable fossil was found by a team working in Tanzania led by Mary Leakey. It was a mysterious footprint. Three and a half million years ago, a volcano erupted a thousand miles from Hadar near a place called Laetoli in Tanzania. Over the weeks, it threw tons of ash into the air that repeatedly blanketed the landscape. By a stroke of good fortune, the eruption took place at the beginning of the rainy season. As the rain set in, the ash became muddy and covered with animal prints. A bird picked its way across the ground, followed by a scurrying African hare. Then as time passed, another creature arrived that left prints we would all recognize. Eventually, all these prints were covered by ash from another eruption and preserved forever as they hardened into rock. Three and a half million years later, Mary Leakey's expedition uncovered this trail. There were footprints from at least two individuals, apparently walking side by side. The unusual chemistry of the volcanic ash was like plaster, preserving the prints as a series of detailed molds and casts in solid rock. Evidence like this would delight a forensic scientist like Owen Lovejoy. The analysis of footprints from a crime scene can be vital in identifying a suspect. How different were those ancient footprints in Laetoli from ones like these?

OWEN LOVEJOY: There's no better evidence than that provided by a footprint. That's what makes the Laetoli prints so exciting, because they give us a direct record of how our ancestors walked almost four million years ago. When we compare the Laetoli print to that of a chimpanzee, the difference is immediately obvious. The chimpanzee, which is a quadruped, but occasionally a biped, still has a free great toe, and that great toe extends out away from the foot and leaves a very distinct mark. On the other hand, when we compare the Laetoli print to that of a crime scene human print, they're virtually indistinguishable. The great toe is in line with the rest of the toes. And what this has done in the human and the Laetoli print is to create an arch. And that's a hallmark of typical modern upright locomotion, because the arch is an energy absorber. And that's the kind of fine tuning that you would expect in a biped that had been that way for a very long period of time.

If you were an observer who had no idea of evolution, what would you conclude from the dialog above? Afterward, you were told that the knee was found first and 1.5 miles away and in a much different depth layer than the rest of the fossils. And that the Laetoli footprints were found 1000 miles away?
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James I'm very doubtfull that you will but I'd very much like you to watch this. The entire thing. The reason for it because it very clearly illustrates a couple of things.
First quite obviously it explains exactly how they figured out radiometric data. The other things it illustrates is the importance of the scientific method and how science goes about solving problems. Thirdly it also makes the point that science in some things lead to other discoveries. In this case lifesaving discoveries If he wouldn't had to come up with the clean room he never would have been able to make his second discovery. Fourthly it illustrates the lenghts vested intrests are willing to go to ignore and discredit undisputable evidence, something I feel you do to. And lastly as current events prove it illustrates that even after people lost the fight of the data, people will still ignore what the data sais. It's a lot to ask since it's a 45min clip and as a creasionist I'm pretty sure you hate Neil Degrasse. The only thing I can say that it is a thouroughly informative and entertaining clip, if off course you truly have an open mind.

I'll watch the entire thing, but there are better vids to explain radiometric data if that is what you want to discuss. In the beginning of this Cosmos, Tyson is at the Grand Canyon. Do you believe that it took millions of years to form? I believe most of it took less than a year to form.

I'm about halfway through and it mentions Clair Patterson whom I've already brought up. I'm bored to tears as this is such an elementary video.

The vid was very boring. This isn't science, as you like to state, but propaganda and the elementary level is insulting and the tone you take in trying to explain things to me is insulting. I'm not in middle school anymore. Not only that, other theories besides evolution is not allowed. If you want somebody who can explain how a canyon can be formed, then look at this video. The Grand Canyon was believed to be formed due to a flooding of a large lake on the northern border of the Colorado Plateau broke through its natural dam. Tremendous erosion of the massive canyon walls were driven by landslides and high-speed waters carrying gravels and other sediments during the catastrophic lake drainage.

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I am a beginner-intermediate white water rafter at class 3 level. If you ever get a chance, try it when the river is at class 3 river. You can do it in half-a-day. Now, compare that to a class 5 and above river. The power of running water is simply amazing, so it can cause massive erosion enough to carve out a majestic place such as the Grand Canyon. Love to visit it and Bryce Canyon whenever I am in the area.

Class 3

Class 5

Class 6

Flood stage
Flood stage - Biker washed away ...

what possible point was worth making by including the above video ... and one viewing was not enough ?

Sure I'll investigate. First of just so you know, another claim of Malcolm Bowden is that the earth is stationary and the rest of the universe tuns around it in 24 hours. Now to the point. You put out a set of arbitrary criterea in order to not have to admit to transitionary homonid fossils. As we have established in Lucy for instance she doesn't have teeth like an modern primate, but even that is not the entire proof that the line is arbitrary Creasionist have played that game before, saying something is either ape or human and something in between doesn't exist. It's an argument wich has been used before and you know what the intresting thing is, Creasionist amongst themselfs can't agree on what criterea to handle.
View attachment 83517
Btw using your 1000 cc limit, homo erectus would be an ape since it's brain size is 900 cc. Homo erectus is an advanced toolmaker and theirs strong evidence took care of the elderly so advanced social behavior.Homo erectus | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
. This is how he looked
View attachment 83518

Last point first. Just because they call an ape homo doesn't make it so. Homo erectus is supposed to be the transitional form between australopithecines and Neanderthals and modern humans. There are about 280 fossils of this type. Creationists think that the name was fabricated to show evolution, i.e. homo erectus means upright man. I'll look into your advanced toolmaker and that they took care of their elderly. When I saw the video you posted of Lovejoy making his speech, I thought it was an assumption because he discusses the hands of Ardi.

From the pics you posted, I did wonder why they didn't show a side view. My Lovejoy vid has him discussing the teeth from Ardi to Lucy and it shows what I think are Ardi's teeth that look human. He states Ardi's teeth were more primitive (canine?). I think those are supposed to be a reconstruction of Ardi's. Do you think they are from Lucy's? Chimpanzees do have front teeth that look human, but they have fairly larger canines. If we go to the evolution.berkeley.edu website, they state smaller canines for Ardi and Lucy.

The emergence of humans
I'm a bit confused to your post. First of you say last point first, wich implies that you re going to answer the first bit to but instead of doing that, you jump to the videos about Lovejoy that you and me posted. And when you talk about my video wich do you mean? I posted 2, you posted 1. From the context I suppose you mean your video and their starting on the 2 minute mark he switches from Ardi to Austrolopithicus, after that he starts talking about the canines of male austroloitisenes wich are human looking.Early Human Evolution: Homo ergaster and erectus this shows a side by side of erectus and modern humans notice the teeth.

My first paragraph refers to your vid in #1735. In it, he talks about Ardi's hands and states it could be for using tools. That is an assumption on his part. Or do you have evidence of this?

In the video I posted, I wasn't sure whether he said Australopithecus or Ardipithecus when he refers to the teeth. We'll go with australopithecus. Then was it Lucy's? Lucy's was not as complete as Ardi's (that's why I wasn't sure what he said). We agree the teeth are human looking. I think the teeth though were made to look human since the canines are missing. That's why I went back to my reference website and they state that the teeth for all had canines.
No when he talks about teeth he generalises about all austrolophithisenes, we have found skulls most notably thet taung child wich had it's mandibles and teeth. The skull itself can also be used to establish true bipedalism becuase how it is positioned right above the spine.
-Well if he sais it COULD be used for handling tool isn't the same as saying I assume he did, pretty important distinction don't you think? If Ardi did or not it doesn't change anything in the evolutionary succession since Ardi is by every standard a protohuman, even older then Austrolipheticus. And come to think about it it is a known fact that modern chimpansees do have the ability the use simple tools, for instance sticks to get ants. Humans and later day homonids are different because they worked there tools to do specific tasks and we have opposable thumbs giving us more control to handle objects, which brings me to homo erectus, where hand axes, have been found in conjunction with homo erectus fossils. By all accounts the first really worked tools. Again a species you would call ape using your arbitrary criterea.Stone Tools Ties to Rise of Homo Erectus | Human Evolution

Now, we're starting to diverge here since the skull capacity and mouth being under the nose isn't discussed or shown. The teeth should've been canine as stated in the evo website, so it's been recreated to make it more human-like.

When is the vid in #1735 from? Is it earlier than your second vid? I thought that my vid is more recent than both of your vids, probably around 2009.

Do you think Lovejoy was more general in discussing Australopithecines which broadens the class (see below). I still have doubts because he excitedly talks about Ardipithecus providing much more information. AFAIK all of the Australopithecines had cranial capacity of under 1000 ccs. Lucy had around 500 cc. Evos have discussed the differences between humans and apes and listed the following (sorry, I don't have a source for this):

Similarities between genus Pan and genus Australopithecus
-Both have similar brain case sizes (up to 500 cc).
-Australopithecus was probably covered with fur like chimps are.
-Both have long arms and curved fingers good for grasping and climbing.
-Both have arms longer than their legs.
-Both were/are social animals.
-A. afarensis may have had some ability to knuckle-walk like chimps.
-Some Australopithecus were similar in size to chimps.

Differences between genus Pan and genus Australopithecus
-Australopithecus pelvises are wider than they are tall, chimp pelvises are taller than they are wide.
-Australopithecus had knees that could lock, chimps do not.
-Australopithecus does not have adductable toes, whereas chimps do.
-Australopithecus has smaller canines than chimps.
-Australopithecus had a less prognathic (protruding) jaw than chimps.
-Australopithecus had arched feet, chimps do not.
-Australopithecus had a foramen magnum closer to the base of the skull than chimps.

Using the above criteria, creationists would say Australopithecines were all apes. What other evidence do you have from Australopithecines and the fossils of skeletons that come after?

The following is from the Nova program which aired in 1999:
From Nova:

DON JOHANSON:At first, I thought it was just from a monkey, maybe a baboon, but it went together in a way that didn't look like any monkey. If it wasn't a monkey's knee what was it? It looked vaguely human, but how could that be? I needed an expert opinion. Owen Lovejoy is an anatomist, part-time forensic scientist and an expert on animal locomotion. If anyone could tell me what sort of creature that knee belonged to, he could.

OWEN LOVEJOY: When Don brought the Hadar knee back from Ethiopia, he brought it over to my house and laid it out on the living room carpet, and I knew instantly, that was a human knee.

DON JOHANSON: My suspicions were confirmed. As Lovejoy pointed out, the joint had all the hallmarks of a creature that moved around on two legs, not on all fours. Walking upright is something that only humans can do. And it needs a special kind of knee joint, one that can be locked straight. A chimp gets around on all fours. If it tries to walk upright, it's knee joint doesn't lock. It's forced to walk with a bent leg and that's tiring. This mysterious fossil really perplexed us. What was a modern-looking human knee doing among fossils that were millions of years old.


DON JOHANSON: We needed Owen Lovejoy's expertise again, because the evidence wasn't quite adding up. The knee looked human, but the shape of her hip didn't. Superficially, her hip resembled a chimpanzee's, which meant that Lucy couldn't possibly have walked like a modern human. But Lovejoy noticed something odd about the way the bones had been fossilized.

OWEN LOVEJOY: When I put the two parts of the pelvis together that we had, this part of the pelvis has pressed so hard and so completely into this one, that it caused it to be broken into a series of individual pieces, which were then fused together in later fossilization.

DON JOHANSON: After Lucy died, some of her bones lying in the mud must have been crushed or broken, perhaps by animals browsing at the lake shore.

OWEN LOVEJOY: This has caused the two bones in fact to fit together so well that they're in an anatomically impossible position.

DON JOHANSON: The perfect fit was an allusion that made Lucy's hip bones seems to flair out like a chimps. But all was not lost. Lovejoy decided he could restore the pelvis to its natural shape. He didn't want to tamper with the original, so he made a copy in plaster. He cut the damaged pieces out and put them back together the way they were before Lucy died. It was a tricky job, but after taking the kink out of the pelvis, it all fit together perfectly, like a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle. As a result, the angle of the hip looks nothing like a chimps, but a lot like ours. Anatomically at least, Lucy could stand like a human. The case for our earliest ancestor walking upright was growing stronger, and Lucy wasn't the only evidence. Around the same time, another remarkable fossil was found by a team working in Tanzania led by Mary Leakey. It was a mysterious footprint. Three and a half million years ago, a volcano erupted a thousand miles from Hadar near a place called Laetoli in Tanzania. Over the weeks, it threw tons of ash into the air that repeatedly blanketed the landscape. By a stroke of good fortune, the eruption took place at the beginning of the rainy season. As the rain set in, the ash became muddy and covered with animal prints. A bird picked its way across the ground, followed by a scurrying African hare. Then as time passed, another creature arrived that left prints we would all recognize. Eventually, all these prints were covered by ash from another eruption and preserved forever as they hardened into rock. Three and a half million years later, Mary Leakey's expedition uncovered this trail. There were footprints from at least two individuals, apparently walking side by side. The unusual chemistry of the volcanic ash was like plaster, preserving the prints as a series of detailed molds and casts in solid rock. Evidence like this would delight a forensic scientist like Owen Lovejoy. The analysis of footprints from a crime scene can be vital in identifying a suspect. How different were those ancient footprints in Laetoli from ones like these?

OWEN LOVEJOY: There's no better evidence than that provided by a footprint. That's what makes the Laetoli prints so exciting, because they give us a direct record of how our ancestors walked almost four million years ago. When we compare the Laetoli print to that of a chimpanzee, the difference is immediately obvious. The chimpanzee, which is a quadruped, but occasionally a biped, still has a free great toe, and that great toe extends out away from the foot and leaves a very distinct mark. On the other hand, when we compare the Laetoli print to that of a crime scene human print, they're virtually indistinguishable. The great toe is in line with the rest of the toes. And what this has done in the human and the Laetoli print is to create an arch. And that's a hallmark of typical modern upright locomotion, because the arch is an energy absorber. And that's the kind of fine tuning that you would expect in a biped that had been that way for a very long period of time.

If you were an observer who had no idea of evolution, what would you conclude from the dialog above? Afterward, you were told that the knee was found first and 1.5 miles away and in a much different depth layer than the rest of the fossils. And that the Laetoli footprints were found 1000 miles away?
As I told you before you where told about Lucy's knee, by a little blip in a movie made by someone who was trying to sell creationism, and even when he was saying it he also said the textbooks don't mention it, basicly saying you'll have to take my word for it. What I find intresting here is that you as said before, you are basicly admitting to a species having traits of 2 different species. You think that as long as you don't use the word transitional it won't be. The problem is of course, if you admit to the textbook definition of something the words you use do not matter.
A transitional fossil is any fossilized remains of a life form that exhibits traits common to both an ancestral group and its derived descendant group.
James I'm very doubtfull that you will but I'd very much like you to watch this. The entire thing. The reason for it because it very clearly illustrates a couple of things.
First quite obviously it explains exactly how they figured out radiometric data. The other things it illustrates is the importance of the scientific method and how science goes about solving problems. Thirdly it also makes the point that science in some things lead to other discoveries. In this case lifesaving discoveries If he wouldn't had to come up with the clean room he never would have been able to make his second discovery. Fourthly it illustrates the lenghts vested intrests are willing to go to ignore and discredit undisputable evidence, something I feel you do to. And lastly as current events prove it illustrates that even after people lost the fight of the data, people will still ignore what the data sais. It's a lot to ask since it's a 45min clip and as a creasionist I'm pretty sure you hate Neil Degrasse. The only thing I can say that it is a thouroughly informative and entertaining clip, if off course you truly have an open mind.

I'll watch the entire thing, but there are better vids to explain radiometric data if that is what you want to discuss. In the beginning of this Cosmos, Tyson is at the Grand Canyon. Do you believe that it took millions of years to form? I believe most of it took less than a year to form.

I'm about halfway through and it mentions Clair Patterson whom I've already brought up. I'm bored to tears as this is such an elementary video.

The vid was very boring. This isn't science, as you like to state, but propaganda and the elementary level is insulting and the tone you take in trying to explain things to me is insulting. I'm not in middle school anymore. Not only that, other theories besides evolution is not allowed. If you want somebody who can explain how a canyon can be formed, then look at this video. The Grand Canyon was believed to be formed due to a flooding of a large lake on the northern border of the Colorado Plateau broke through its natural dam. Tremendous erosion of the massive canyon walls were driven by landslides and high-speed waters carrying gravels and other sediments during the catastrophic lake drainage.

If it is so elementary you will have absolutely no problem pointing out the elementary mistakes in it? If it is elementary you will have a clear explanation why the different layers show absolutelly no mingling of the different fossils in the different fossil layers. You have a problem with my tone? Guess what I have a problem with people being delibaretely obtuse. I saw a documentary that altough you consider it 'elementary', to me it showed a story about a scientist who has real world credentials talking about another scientist who can rightfully be considered as instrumental in banning one of the greatest health violations of the 20th century and this was after he already made history by discovering one of the great mysteries of the world. You call it not science and propaganda because his first discovery doesn't mesh with your belief system, to me it makes you an ingrate. If you have had your way, the human race would never have gotten past the dark ages, that's a fact. It is by people who where willing to question established beliefs, the beliefs you still cling to despite overwhelming evidence, that we have gotten to where we are today.
Last point first. Just because they call an ape homo doesn't make it so. Homo erectus is supposed to be the transitional form between australopithecines and Neanderthals and modern humans. There are about 280 fossils of this type. Creationists think that the name was fabricated to show evolution, i.e. homo erectus means upright man. I'll look into your advanced toolmaker and that they took care of their elderly. When I saw the video you posted of Lovejoy making his speech, I thought it was an assumption because he discusses the hands of Ardi.

From the pics you posted, I did wonder why they didn't show a side view. My Lovejoy vid has him discussing the teeth from Ardi to Lucy and it shows what I think are Ardi's teeth that look human. He states Ardi's teeth were more primitive (canine?). I think those are supposed to be a reconstruction of Ardi's. Do you think they are from Lucy's? Chimpanzees do have front teeth that look human, but they have fairly larger canines. If we go to the evolution.berkeley.edu website, they state smaller canines for Ardi and Lucy.

The emergence of humans
I'm a bit confused to your post. First of you say last point first, wich implies that you re going to answer the first bit to but instead of doing that, you jump to the videos about Lovejoy that you and me posted. And when you talk about my video wich do you mean? I posted 2, you posted 1. From the context I suppose you mean your video and their starting on the 2 minute mark he switches from Ardi to Austrolopithicus, after that he starts talking about the canines of male austroloitisenes wich are human looking.Early Human Evolution: Homo ergaster and erectus this shows a side by side of erectus and modern humans notice the teeth.

My first paragraph refers to your vid in #1735. In it, he talks about Ardi's hands and states it could be for using tools. That is an assumption on his part. Or do you have evidence of this?

In the video I posted, I wasn't sure whether he said Australopithecus or Ardipithecus when he refers to the teeth. We'll go with australopithecus. Then was it Lucy's? Lucy's was not as complete as Ardi's (that's why I wasn't sure what he said). We agree the teeth are human looking. I think the teeth though were made to look human since the canines are missing. That's why I went back to my reference website and they state that the teeth for all had canines.
No when he talks about teeth he generalises about all austrolophithisenes, we have found skulls most notably thet taung child wich had it's mandibles and teeth. The skull itself can also be used to establish true bipedalism becuase how it is positioned right above the spine.
-Well if he sais it COULD be used for handling tool isn't the same as saying I assume he did, pretty important distinction don't you think? If Ardi did or not it doesn't change anything in the evolutionary succession since Ardi is by every standard a protohuman, even older then Austrolipheticus. And come to think about it it is a known fact that modern chimpansees do have the ability the use simple tools, for instance sticks to get ants. Humans and later day homonids are different because they worked there tools to do specific tasks and we have opposable thumbs giving us more control to handle objects, which brings me to homo erectus, where hand axes, have been found in conjunction with homo erectus fossils. By all accounts the first really worked tools. Again a species you would call ape using your arbitrary criterea.Stone Tools Ties to Rise of Homo Erectus | Human Evolution

Now, we're starting to diverge here since the skull capacity and mouth being under the nose isn't discussed or shown. The teeth should've been canine as stated in the evo website, so it's been recreated to make it more human-like.

When is the vid in #1735 from? Is it earlier than your second vid? I thought that my vid is more recent than both of your vids, probably around 2009.

Do you think Lovejoy was more general in discussing Australopithecines which broadens the class (see below). I still have doubts because he excitedly talks about Ardipithecus providing much more information. AFAIK all of the Australopithecines had cranial capacity of under 1000 ccs. Lucy had around 500 cc. Evos have discussed the differences between humans and apes and listed the following (sorry, I don't have a source for this):

Similarities between genus Pan and genus Australopithecus
-Both have similar brain case sizes (up to 500 cc).
-Australopithecus was probably covered with fur like chimps are.
-Both have long arms and curved fingers good for grasping and climbing.
-Both have arms longer than their legs.
-Both were/are social animals.
-A. afarensis may have had some ability to knuckle-walk like chimps.
-Some Australopithecus were similar in size to chimps.

Differences between genus Pan and genus Australopithecus
-Australopithecus pelvises are wider than they are tall, chimp pelvises are taller than they are wide.
-Australopithecus had knees that could lock, chimps do not.
-Australopithecus does not have adductable toes, whereas chimps do.
-Australopithecus has smaller canines than chimps.
-Australopithecus had a less prognathic (protruding) jaw than chimps.
-Australopithecus had arched feet, chimps do not.
-Australopithecus had a foramen magnum closer to the base of the skull than chimps.

Using the above criteria, creationists would say Australopithecines were all apes. What other evidence do you have from Australopithecines and the fossils of skeletons that come after?

The following is from the Nova program which aired in 1999:
From Nova:

DON JOHANSON:At first, I thought it was just from a monkey, maybe a baboon, but it went together in a way that didn't look like any monkey. If it wasn't a monkey's knee what was it? It looked vaguely human, but how could that be? I needed an expert opinion. Owen Lovejoy is an anatomist, part-time forensic scientist and an expert on animal locomotion. If anyone could tell me what sort of creature that knee belonged to, he could.

OWEN LOVEJOY: When Don brought the Hadar knee back from Ethiopia, he brought it over to my house and laid it out on the living room carpet, and I knew instantly, that was a human knee.

DON JOHANSON: My suspicions were confirmed. As Lovejoy pointed out, the joint had all the hallmarks of a creature that moved around on two legs, not on all fours. Walking upright is something that only humans can do. And it needs a special kind of knee joint, one that can be locked straight. A chimp gets around on all fours. If it tries to walk upright, it's knee joint doesn't lock. It's forced to walk with a bent leg and that's tiring. This mysterious fossil really perplexed us. What was a modern-looking human knee doing among fossils that were millions of years old.


DON JOHANSON: We needed Owen Lovejoy's expertise again, because the evidence wasn't quite adding up. The knee looked human, but the shape of her hip didn't. Superficially, her hip resembled a chimpanzee's, which meant that Lucy couldn't possibly have walked like a modern human. But Lovejoy noticed something odd about the way the bones had been fossilized.

OWEN LOVEJOY: When I put the two parts of the pelvis together that we had, this part of the pelvis has pressed so hard and so completely into this one, that it caused it to be broken into a series of individual pieces, which were then fused together in later fossilization.

DON JOHANSON: After Lucy died, some of her bones lying in the mud must have been crushed or broken, perhaps by animals browsing at the lake shore.

OWEN LOVEJOY: This has caused the two bones in fact to fit together so well that they're in an anatomically impossible position.

DON JOHANSON: The perfect fit was an allusion that made Lucy's hip bones seems to flair out like a chimps. But all was not lost. Lovejoy decided he could restore the pelvis to its natural shape. He didn't want to tamper with the original, so he made a copy in plaster. He cut the damaged pieces out and put them back together the way they were before Lucy died. It was a tricky job, but after taking the kink out of the pelvis, it all fit together perfectly, like a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle. As a result, the angle of the hip looks nothing like a chimps, but a lot like ours. Anatomically at least, Lucy could stand like a human. The case for our earliest ancestor walking upright was growing stronger, and Lucy wasn't the only evidence. Around the same time, another remarkable fossil was found by a team working in Tanzania led by Mary Leakey. It was a mysterious footprint. Three and a half million years ago, a volcano erupted a thousand miles from Hadar near a place called Laetoli in Tanzania. Over the weeks, it threw tons of ash into the air that repeatedly blanketed the landscape. By a stroke of good fortune, the eruption took place at the beginning of the rainy season. As the rain set in, the ash became muddy and covered with animal prints. A bird picked its way across the ground, followed by a scurrying African hare. Then as time passed, another creature arrived that left prints we would all recognize. Eventually, all these prints were covered by ash from another eruption and preserved forever as they hardened into rock. Three and a half million years later, Mary Leakey's expedition uncovered this trail. There were footprints from at least two individuals, apparently walking side by side. The unusual chemistry of the volcanic ash was like plaster, preserving the prints as a series of detailed molds and casts in solid rock. Evidence like this would delight a forensic scientist like Owen Lovejoy. The analysis of footprints from a crime scene can be vital in identifying a suspect. How different were those ancient footprints in Laetoli from ones like these?

OWEN LOVEJOY: There's no better evidence than that provided by a footprint. That's what makes the Laetoli prints so exciting, because they give us a direct record of how our ancestors walked almost four million years ago. When we compare the Laetoli print to that of a chimpanzee, the difference is immediately obvious. The chimpanzee, which is a quadruped, but occasionally a biped, still has a free great toe, and that great toe extends out away from the foot and leaves a very distinct mark. On the other hand, when we compare the Laetoli print to that of a crime scene human print, they're virtually indistinguishable. The great toe is in line with the rest of the toes. And what this has done in the human and the Laetoli print is to create an arch. And that's a hallmark of typical modern upright locomotion, because the arch is an energy absorber. And that's the kind of fine tuning that you would expect in a biped that had been that way for a very long period of time.

If you were an observer who had no idea of evolution, what would you conclude from the dialog above? Afterward, you were told that the knee was found first and 1.5 miles away and in a much different depth layer than the rest of the fossils. And that the Laetoli footprints were found 1000 miles away?
As I told you before you where told about Lucy's knee, by a little blip in a movie made by someone who was trying to sell creationism, and even when he was saying it he also said the textbooks don't mention it, basicly saying you'll have to take my word for it. What I find intresting here is that you as said before, you are basicly admitting to a species having traits of 2 different species. You think that as long as you don't use the word transitional it won't be. The problem is of course, if you admit to the textbook definition of something the words you use do not matter.
A transitional fossil is any fossilized remains of a life form that exhibits traits common to both an ancestral group and its derived descendant group.

It's from Johanson himself. The sequence is laid out for you. Except Johanson does not reveal nor Lovejoy once the Lucy fossils were found and put together afterward. I'm not sure why you blame creationists for giving you the facts. You should be able to find other fossils to back up the claims as I have been saying all along. If you still want to believe in apemen, then go ahead. I'm not stopping you, but don't state creationists are making it up. If you believe that, then provide the evidence. If it was me, then I would question what Johanson found and start thinking it was a chimpanzee or chimpanzee like-ape (whatever that is). Those are Lovejoy's words. I just happen to know this stuff because I studied evolution, too.

Basically, I kept and open mind and questioned why transitional forms? I do not see the progression such as with natural selection. So, what I am giving you is the evidence that I've found. Not something to convince me of a pov. That's like the mainstream media articles always telling me how old something is when it comes to these evolution articles. I already knew how old it is, but they kept telling me until I started to question why they are telling me this all the time? When I checked what the creationists were saying, they explained it very clearly, concisely and presented their evidence. It was much more thorough and scientific (my opinion) than what we get from Johanson and Lovejoy.

No need to define transitional fossils b/c I posted the differences which were provided by evolutionists. I asked the person who provided it to give me the source, if they had it, so I'm going beyond what most people would do in a forum setting like this.

Again, my intent is not to change your mind. I'm presenting the evidence and the arguments against Australopithecines. The evidence for Australopithecines are lacking as I stated already. It does not meet expectations. If an evolutionist presented a clear explanation like that with natural selection, then I would reassess.

Finally, you do not discuss men-apes. That is what Lovejoy concluded in 2009 and he's the expert. You should have answers for that, but Lovejoy doesn't really present the evidence. It sounds like he quickly gets to the conclusion.
James I'm very doubtfull that you will but I'd very much like you to watch this. The entire thing. The reason for it because it very clearly illustrates a couple of things.
First quite obviously it explains exactly how they figured out radiometric data. The other things it illustrates is the importance of the scientific method and how science goes about solving problems. Thirdly it also makes the point that science in some things lead to other discoveries. In this case lifesaving discoveries If he wouldn't had to come up with the clean room he never would have been able to make his second discovery. Fourthly it illustrates the lenghts vested intrests are willing to go to ignore and discredit undisputable evidence, something I feel you do to. And lastly as current events prove it illustrates that even after people lost the fight of the data, people will still ignore what the data sais. It's a lot to ask since it's a 45min clip and as a creasionist I'm pretty sure you hate Neil Degrasse. The only thing I can say that it is a thouroughly informative and entertaining clip, if off course you truly have an open mind.

I'll watch the entire thing, but there are better vids to explain radiometric data if that is what you want to discuss. In the beginning of this Cosmos, Tyson is at the Grand Canyon. Do you believe that it took millions of years to form? I believe most of it took less than a year to form.

I'm about halfway through and it mentions Clair Patterson whom I've already brought up. I'm bored to tears as this is such an elementary video.

The vid was very boring. This isn't science, as you like to state, but propaganda and the elementary level is insulting and the tone you take in trying to explain things to me is insulting. I'm not in middle school anymore. Not only that, other theories besides evolution is not allowed. If you want somebody who can explain how a canyon can be formed, then look at this video. The Grand Canyon was believed to be formed due to a flooding of a large lake on the northern border of the Colorado Plateau broke through its natural dam. Tremendous erosion of the massive canyon walls were driven by landslides and high-speed waters carrying gravels and other sediments during the catastrophic lake drainage.

If it is so elementary you will have absolutely no problem pointing out the elementary mistakes in it? If it is elementary you will have a clear explanation why the different layers show absolutelly no mingling of the different fossils in the different fossil layers. You have a problem with my tone? Guess what I have a problem with people being delibaretely obtuse. I saw a documentary that altough you consider it 'elementary', to me it showed a story about a scientist who has real world credentials talking about another scientist who can rightfully be considered as instrumental in banning one of the greatest health violations of the 20th century and this was after he already made history by discovering one of the great mysteries of the world. You call it not science and propaganda because his first discovery doesn't mesh with your belief system, to me it makes you an ingrate. If you have had your way, the human race would never have gotten past the dark ages, that's a fact. It is by people who where willing to question established beliefs, the beliefs you still cling to despite overwhelming evidence, that we have gotten to where we are today.

It's for middle school students. Why do you present something like that when we have been having an adult scientific discussion and talk to me in a condescending manner? Atheists like to do that all the time with Christians because they think we do not know science. It seems like this idea is drummed into their pointy little heads because of vids or arguments like "science vs religion." It's a simpleton's argument. That is why I say that they are usually wrong. I really don't care if they're wrong because they're going to keep believing in it no matter what the evidence. I already presented this argument explaining the difference scenarios.

Next, I already presented some of the mistakes. The Grand Canyon wasn't formed in millions of years, but catastrophism could do that in months. I also pointed out the power of rushing water or floods. Floods have killed the most people in the world in terms of disasters. There may be natural disasters with more force, like a hurricane or earthquake, but in terms of people and living things killed, it's floods. I'm stating that using modern statistics.

Radiometric dating gives us how long something has existed. Not the age of its surroundings. Then there is error in assuming that the original ratio of isotopes are known. We do not know if there was contamination from another source with the same nucleides in the rock or fossil. Take a candle. We know it burns one inch every hour. We start burning it a noon and at 3 pm, we can see that it burned 3 inches. Thus, we know it burned for 3 hours. There are 3 inches left, so we know it will burn another 3 hours. That's all we can tell unless you knew it was a 12 inch candle in the beginning.
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Flood stage - Biker washed away ...

what possible point was worth making by including the above video ... and one viewing was not enough ?


I would guess to point out how dangerous flooding is due to the power of rushing water. We have that in the news here when you're driving and see a little stream of water cross in front of you. It means to stop because a large amount of water is coming immediately after. Or people wade into a river when signs warn not to. They get trapped and end up being washed away after tiring. The water isn't that deep, so people ignore the warnings. I would not try nor recommend trying a class 6 river. I suppose it was class 6 with the help of gravity. Most people would not recommend it as it could cause death or serious injury.
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Flood stage - Biker washed away ...

what possible point was worth making by including the above video ... and one viewing was not enough ?


I would guess to point out how dangerous flooding is due to the power of rushing water. We have that in the news here when you're driving and see a little stream of water cross in front of you. It means to stop because a large amount of water is coming immediately after. Or people wade into a river when signs warn not to. They get trapped and end up being washed away after tiring. The water isn't that deep, so people ignore the warnings. I would not try nor recommend trying a class 6 river. I suppose it was class 6 with the help of gravity. Most people would not recommend it as it could cause death or serious injury.

due to the power of rushing water.

especially a Rocky Mtn creek (Colorado) without knowing an extra step can send one cascading to their death and unfortunately the Mountain god seems to do that each summer ...

I just wondered why they kept showing the clueless person's mistake over and over again ...

There aren't well more than one God and five evil with The Devil. Or The Devil is alone but how creator our earth and universum. Well, isn't one explosion high away.
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