If God Doesn’t Exist

Your link:
while the majority of scholars nevertheless hold that it contains an authentic nucleus referencing the execution of Jesus by Pilate

But if you like I can go change the Wiki entry.
BTW: Pilot was also said to be a fictional character.
Until they recently found direct evidence he did exist....

Actually, Pilate (Not Pilot) was confirmed as a historical person because he was attested to in other sources.

Jesus, not so much. He doesn't really "appear" in the historical record until the third century.
Your link:
while the majority of scholars nevertheless hold that it contains an authentic nucleus referencing the execution of Jesus by Pilate

But if you like I can go change the Wiki entry.
BTW: Pilot was also said to be a fictional character.
Until they recently found direct evidence he did exist....

Actually, Pilate (Not Pilot) was confirmed as a historical person because he was attested to in other sources.

Jesus, not so much. He doesn't really "appear" in the historical record until the third century.
Thanks for the autocorrect policing.
Hilarious. You’re blathering about people and NAZIs. Topic is the existence of God.

Naw, some Mormon Turd tried to claim that the Nazis denied the humanity of Jews, and I pointed out they were all Christians and the Churches were cheering them on all the way to the Oven Doors.
Using actions of select humans to determine if God exists.
Hilarious and pathetic.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
That’s the oldest stupid argument in history.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
That’s the oldest stupid argument in history.
So who did create god?

if something can't come from nothing....

as evangelicals keep telling me.....

where did god come from?

certainly, as you insist, he must have come from something?
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
That’s the oldest stupid argument in history.
So who did create god?

Humans. Same as created all the other 4000 or so gods and the countless religions.
Like the Left stand up to fascism by promoting it and their leadership?

How many wreaths have you placed at the Lenin statue?

quit trying to change the subject, buddy. The fact is, most Christians in Germany were just fine with what Hitler was doing. Most of the countries in Europe were happy to turn over their Jews... The Pope and all the clergy said nothing until AFTER the war was over.

The Nazis said, "Gott Mit Uns" and the Christian Churches didn't contradict them. Neither did God. I mean, a good thing that the Godless Red Army defeated them, otherwise we'd all be speaking German today. Ugh. Ever try to learn German?
Hilarious. You’re blathering about people and NAZIs. Topic is the existence of God.

But you used others to push your agenda.

You haven't changed a bit.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
That's a great question for which we can never know the answer as it simply lies outside our ability to understand, because God is everything, so there is nothing outside him, no duality of creator and created, he is the original cause of everything, the universe, without beginning nor end because time itself is his creation, therefore he lies outside of time and so, the possibility of not being in a time before his "creation."

But I know such concepts annoy the atheist, because vanity doesn't allow them to concede that anything is above their ability to understand, but the problem remains that to understand God, to understand unlimited knowledge and power would mean becoming God yourself.
Like the Left stand up to fascism by promoting it and their leadership?

How many wreaths have you placed at the Lenin statue?

quit trying to change the subject, buddy. The fact is, most Christians in Germany were just fine with what Hitler was doing. Most of the countries in Europe were happy to turn over their Jews... The Pope and all the clergy said nothing until AFTER the war was over.

The Nazis said, "Gott Mit Uns" and the Christian Churches didn't contradict them. Neither did God. I mean, a good thing that the Godless Red Army defeated them, otherwise we'd all be speaking German today. Ugh. Ever try to learn German?
Hilarious. You’re blathering about people and NAZIs. Topic is the existence of God.

But you used others to push your agenda.

You haven't changed a bit.
I used others to push my agenda!
What’s that have to do with the existence of God?
if something can't come from nothing....
as evangelicals keep telling me.....
where did god come from?
certainly, as you insist, he must have come from something?
I won't belabor the issue further with silly intellectual exercises in structural contradiction, but suffice it to simply say two things:
  1. Something CAN come from nothing. That is the very basis of most quantum theory and probability mechanics, such as brane or M-theory.
  2. The answer to your second question is simple. He came from God.
For if God "came" from something (or someone), then THAT is God and not the former. For God is the ORIGINAL cause of everything.

Aren't you glad you asked?
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
That’s the oldest stupid argument in history.
So who did create god?

Humans. Same as created all the other 4000 or so gods and the countless religions.
Yep. And there you have about the most absurd example of arrogance possible, that in all the endless immensities of the universe without end, that man, an infinitesimal mote on the face of the earth, itself an infinitesimal mote of the solar system, the Sun, an infinitesimal mote within the Milky Way, itself an infinitesimal mote within the Virgo Supercluster, itself an infinitesimal mote within the Local Chain, itself an infinitesimal mote within the universe,

all came from the mind of man.

What better travesty than to confuse man's supremely imperfect knowledge of God, himself imagining the world on the back of elephants just a blink of an eye ago, as meaning that God himself must be an imperfect concept because we fail to understand him perfectly!
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
That's a great question for which we can never know the answer as it simply lies outside our ability to understand, because God is everything, so there is nothing outside him, no duality of creator and created, he is the original cause of everything, the universe, without beginning nor end because time itself is his creation, therefore he lies outside of time and so, the possibility of not being in a time before his "creation."

But I know such concepts annoy the atheist, because vanity doesn't allow them to concede that anything is above their ability to understand, but the problem remains that to understand God, to understand unlimited knowledge and power would mean becoming God yourself.
Atheists understand that we are still learning about the universe and its origins. Yours is just a theory as you have no proof for what you claim about god.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
That's a great question for which we can never know the answer as it simply lies outside our ability to understand, because God is everything, so there is nothing outside him, no duality of creator and created, he is the original cause of everything, the universe, without beginning nor end because time itself is his creation, therefore he lies outside of time and so, the possibility of not being in a time before his "creation."

But I know such concepts annoy the atheist, because vanity doesn't allow them to concede that anything is above their ability to understand, but the problem remains that to understand God, to understand unlimited knowledge and power would mean becoming God yourself.
Atheists understand that we are still learning about the universe and its origins. Yours is just a theory as you have no proof for what you claim about god.
EVERYONE is still learning about the universe and its origins. Your theory that mine is just a theory is YOUR theory to rationalize your not understanding it. If a man walks by and slaps you in the face and you go tell someone but can't prove it because they weren't there to see it too, it still happened and a lack of being able to show your proof within yourself to others doesn't make it a theory.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance
Even if the universe came into being by probability wave, there is still a God. God is the original cause behind everything. If that cause was a probability wave, then that is God. Something caused that probability wave to exist, something created that there was a probability, and something created waves. That's God.

There is no escaping God only denying the personal aspect of Him. Athiests who deny the personal aspect and claim personality, love and intelligence came out of chance are merely accepting the Impersonal nature of God, even if they don't realize, accept or wish to say so.
But who created god?
That's a great question for which we can never know the answer as it simply lies outside our ability to understand, because God is everything, so there is nothing outside him, no duality of creator and created, he is the original cause of everything, the universe, without beginning nor end because time itself is his creation, therefore he lies outside of time and so, the possibility of not being in a time before his "creation."

But I know such concepts annoy the atheist, because vanity doesn't allow them to concede that anything is above their ability to understand, but the problem remains that to understand God, to understand unlimited knowledge and power would mean becoming God yourself.
Atheists understand that we are still learning about the universe and its origins. Yours is just a theory as you have no proof for what you claim about god.
EVERYONE is still learning about the universe and its origins. Your theory that mine is just a theory is YOUR theory to rationalize your not understanding it. If a man walks by and slaps you in the face and you go tell someone but can't prove it because they weren't there to see it too, it still happened and a lack of being able to show your proof within yourself to others doesn't make it a theory.
Except that no one has seen god or how the universe came into being. Or to put it your way, you don't even know if there was a slap in the face.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance, the first living cell developed from non-living matter by chance, and all living things are the eventual product of the blind, undirected process of evolution. In such a case, human life is no more valuable than dust, and there is no basis for saying that any life matters. Only if there is an author of life who creates and imbues us with a meaning greater than our physical parts can lives actually matter, and in an equal way.

If God doesn’t exist, there’s also no objective standard for labeling an action—such as murder—wrong. If we’re all just the product of blind, purposeless forces, morality is just an opinion. Unless there is a higher-than-human moral authority, no one has a basis for claiming that murder is objectively wrong.

And finally, if God doesn’t exist, the concept of justice is meaningless because there can be no right or wrong in the first place to require justice. As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

Your postulate is flawed. Yes, God doesn't exist, and the universe came into existence by chance, the first living cell developed from non-living matter by chance, and all living things are the eventual product of the blind, undirected process of evolution. But it doesn't follow that this renders a human life no more valuable than dust. Why would it? A human being can think; dust cannot. You don't need a Creator to imbue you with meaning. YOU give your life meaning.

I also disagree that there are no objective standards if God doesn't exist. Morality is not just an opinion. It's a rational way to organize society. The universe may indeed be purposeless, but human civilization doesn't have to be that way. WE can make the society that we want, and we can certainly make a society that has the values that we choose.
What is thought?
Mere electrical impulses of energy.

Your point is moot.
Thought is electrical impulses, but they're not "mere." And please explain how my point is moot. I'd say it's entirely relevant.

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