If God Doesn’t Exist

As sentient beings we know what's right and wrong, and it can differ based on religion, culture, etc. No God is required to acknowledge that hurting another human being is wrong.

And yet, the godless of many cultures, and even within our own, are perfectly fine with certain acts that seriously harm,or even destroy other human beings with no need and no just cause.

Abortion is probably the most perfect example, to be found in our own culture. You would think that even without acknowledging God, that killing an innocent and defenseless child for no better reason than that his existence is a burden or an inconvenience to someone else, should be unthinkable. But here we are.

This is where moral relativism leads. This is where denying God leads.
And yet, the godless of many cultures, and even within our own, are perfectly fine with certain acts that seriously harm,or even destroy other human beings with no need and no just cause.

Abortion is probably the most perfect example, to be found in our own culture.
your a joke -

the truth is blaylock, christianity and all three desert religions have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since they began writing their books of forgeries and fallacies - medicine for the truly immoral.


taking some time off to have some fun ... blaylock.
So? Rules of ancient days laid down that everyone understood.
Again, you're applying your version of morality. Caaninites believed putting babies on the red hot steel statue of Baal was a good and moral thing to do.

You miss the point entirely. Even putting aside the "propaganda" that the Canaantes were performing child sacrifice. (So did the Hebrews, read the story of Jephthah in Judges) the thing is, God laid down laws that murdering people for petty reasons was okay. Slavery was okay.

God didn't change his mind. We changed ours.
So? Rules of ancient days laid down that everyone understood.
Again, you're applying your version of morality. Caaninites believed putting babies on the red hot steel statue of Baal was a good and moral thing to do.

You miss the point entirely. Even putting aside the "propaganda" that the Canaantes were performing child sacrifice. (So did the Hebrews, read the story of Jephthah in Judges) the thing is, God laid down laws that murdering people for petty reasons was okay. Slavery was okay.

God didn't change his mind. We changed ours.
Talk about missing the point. You apply your version of morality to call something petty.
God made his position on the matter quite clear, after Cain murdered Abel, long before any culture existed that would try to create a moral standard separate from what God revealed.

1) Cain and Abel are a myth.
2) Go back to Post #52- Your god was pretty murder happy.

The reality is, Yahweh wasn't worshiped until about 2000 BCE. There are other Gods that long predated him, and they weren't nearly as much as pricks as he was.
As sentient beings we know what's right and wrong, and it can differ based on religion, culture, etc. No God is required to acknowledge that hurting another human being is wrong.

And yet, the godless of many cultures, and even within our own, are perfectly fine with certain acts that seriously harm,or even destroy other human beings with no need and no just cause.

Abortion is probably the most perfect example, to be found in our own culture. You would think that even without acknowledging God, that killing an innocent and defenseless child for no better reason than that his existence is a burden or an inconvenience to someone else, should be unthinkable. But here we are.

This is where moral relativism leads. This is where denying God leads.
And yet, the godless of many cultures, and even within our own, are perfectly fine with certain acts that seriously harm,or even destroy other human beings with no need and no just cause.

Abortion is probably the most perfect example, to be found in our own culture.
your a joke -

the truth is blaylock, christianity and all three desert religions have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since they began writing their books of forgeries and fallacies - medicine for the truly immoral.

View attachment 353846

taking some time off to have some fun ... blaylock.
Looking at the actions of people to judge God is an age old fallacy.
God made his position on the matter quite clear, after Cain murdered Abel, long before any culture existed that would try to create a moral standard separate from what God revealed.

1) Cain and Abel are a myth.
2) Go back to Post #52- Your god was pretty murder happy.

The reality is, Yahweh wasn't worshiped until about 2000 BCE. There are other Gods that long predated him, and they weren't nearly as much as pricks as he was.
Link to anything that proves Cain and Abel are a myth.

Lies, lies, and more lies. It’s all you have.
As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

Yet the Cannanites oh I mean jews wrote backwards. Laws evolved the same as everything in life evolved with no God and keeps evolving.
As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

Yet the Cannanites oh I mean jews wrote backwards. Laws evolved the same as everything in life evolved with no God and keeps evolving.
Yes, now in Leftards minds murder is acceptable.
Like the Cannanites believed.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance, the first living cell developed from non-living matter by chance, and all living things are the eventual product of the blind, undirected process of evolution. In such a case, human life is no more valuable than dust, and there is no basis for saying that any life matters. Only if there is an author of life who creates and imbues us with a meaning greater than our physical parts can lives actually matter, and in an equal way.

If God doesn’t exist, there’s also no objective standard for labeling an action—such as murder—wrong. If we’re all just the product of blind, purposeless forces, morality is just an opinion. Unless there is a higher-than-human moral authority, no one has a basis for claiming that murder is objectively wrong.

And finally, if God doesn’t exist, the concept of justice is meaningless because there can be no right or wrong in the first place to require justice. As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

You're pretty much correct. The universe (the one we have, not the one we want) is proof that God doesn't exist.

I tend to agree with that.

And at the same time, I would love to find out at the end there was some grand design to all of this; why my spouse died--what purpose that served (for one very personal example).
Adam and Eve worshipped Him from the very beginning.

Mormon Bob, there was no Adam and Eve.

First, if there were, it means that all humans descended from the same couple. You'd have generations of inbreeding and the human population would have died out in a few generations.

Second, the only "proof" we have that Adam and Eve worshiped him (or existed) is a book written only 3000 years ago. Archaeological evidence only shows evidence of Yahweh worship from about the same period. We know that other gods were worshiped long before that in Egypt and Sumeria.
As sentient beings we know what's right and wrong, and it can differ based on religion, culture, etc. No God is required to acknowledge that hurting another human being is wrong.

And yet, the godless of many cultures, and even within our own, are perfectly fine with certain acts that seriously harm,or even destroy other human beings with no need and no just cause.

Abortion is probably the most perfect example, to be found in our own culture. You would think that even without acknowledging God, that killing an innocent and defenseless child for no better reason than that his existence is a burden or an inconvenience to someone else, should be unthinkable. But here we are.

This is where moral relativism leads. This is where denying God leads.
And yet, the godless of many cultures, and even within our own, are perfectly fine with certain acts that seriously harm,or even destroy other human beings with no need and no just cause.

Abortion is probably the most perfect example, to be found in our own culture.
your a joke -

the truth is blaylock, christianity and all three desert religions have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since they began writing their books of forgeries and fallacies - medicine for the truly immoral.

View attachment 353846

taking some time off to have some fun ... blaylock.
Looking at the actions of people to judge God is an age old fallacy.
Looking at the actions of people to judge God is an age old fallacy.
not judging the Almighty rather the predatory desert religion's and their sociopaths followers, christianity - there is no messiah, watermelon try and remember your ordeal over santa clause - its the same thing.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance, the first living cell developed from non-living matter by chance, and all living things are the eventual product of the blind, undirected process of evolution. In such a case, human life is no more valuable than dust, and there is no basis for saying that any life matters. Only if there is an author of life who creates and imbues us with a meaning greater than our physical parts can lives actually matter, and in an equal way.

If God doesn’t exist, there’s also no objective standard for labeling an action—such as murder—wrong. If we’re all just the product of blind, purposeless forces, morality is just an opinion. Unless there is a higher-than-human moral authority, no one has a basis for claiming that murder is objectively wrong.

And finally, if God doesn’t exist, the concept of justice is meaningless because there can be no right or wrong in the first place to require justice. As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

The only ones who believe all that nonsense are christians.

There's nothing "by chance" about the universe, evolution is not "undirected" [sic],

" blind, purposeless forces" is probably true and its opposiot of what christians believe.

"morality IS an opinion" and "the concept of justice IS meaningless." I would add that there's no such thing as "sin". All are human constructs.

Another one I see from the thumpers is that non-theists believe 'the universe was formed out of nothing. In fact, that's what christians believe.

In any event, you're more than welcome to believe whatever you want but you do not have the right to constantly try to force it on others. And that is not an opinion.
Okay, let's look at that.

If we went by "God's" morality in the old testament.

We'd execute children for talking back to their parents. -- Leviticus 20:9
We'd execute girls for not being virgins on their wedding day. Deuteronomy 22:13-22
We'd execute our neighbors for working on Sunday Exodus 31:14
We'd execute people for being gay Leviticus 20:13
We'd execute people for committing adultery. Leviticus 20:10
We'd execute rape victims for not crying out loud enough - -- Deuteronomy 22:23-24

These are the laws your "God" came up with. The people who did these things thought they were righteous and moral.
So? Rules of ancient days laid down that everyone understood.
Again, you're applying your version of morality. Caaninites believed putting babies on the red hot steel statue of Baal was a good and moral thing to do.

Funny you use babies to make your point. I've always been horrified at what the bible/god/christians says of how we should treat babies and children.

The Biblical Cruelty of Child Beating

And its not just babies and children. Women, slaves, animals - none are well treated in the bible.

Edited to add incest. The christian bible does love incest.
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About the cruelty in the christian bible -

When I was a kid, the first thing I objected to was the idiotic 'for god so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son ...'

Bull shit. Yes, he arranged to have his kid (who is also himself) tortured and killed but he was killed for only three days. PUH,lese.

Then there was the bizarre belief in a hell where god burns non-believers forever and ever.

We all hate ISIS right? We've all seen or heard of the horrendous burning people to death. BUT, ISIS victims die. They unspeakable misery ends.

Why would anyone worship a god that is so vicious?

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