If God Doesn’t Exist

If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance, the first living cell developed from non-living matter by chance, and all living things are the eventual product of the blind, undirected process of evolution. In such a case, human life is no more valuable than dust, and there is no basis for saying that any life matters. Only if there is an author of life who creates and imbues us with a meaning greater than our physical parts can lives actually matter, and in an equal way.

If God doesn’t exist, there’s also no objective standard for labeling an action—such as murder—wrong. If we’re all just the product of blind, purposeless forces, morality is just an opinion. Unless there is a higher-than-human moral authority, no one has a basis for claiming that murder is objectively wrong.

And finally, if God doesn’t exist, the concept of justice is meaningless because there can be no right or wrong in the first place to require justice. As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

That's why being agnostic is the thinking person's position. We don't know either way whether a god exists or not but leave the door open in case someone finds real proof either way.
Actually thinking people see that DNA is a molecular computer code of unimaginable ability that could not from itself by itself in a dead pond because nothing does not write code
No proof that's it's your preferred invisible dude. Only a possibility.
Actually there is proof that you are there and I am here.

Grow up
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance, the first living cell developed from non-living matter by chance, and all living things are the eventual product of the blind, undirected process of evolution. In such a case, human life is no more valuable than dust, and there is no basis for saying that any life matters. Only if there is an author of life who creates and imbues us with a meaning greater than our physical parts can lives actually matter, and in an equal way.

If God doesn’t exist, there’s also no objective standard for labeling an action—such as murder—wrong. If we’re all just the product of blind, purposeless forces, morality is just an opinion. Unless there is a higher-than-human moral authority, no one has a basis for claiming that murder is objectively wrong.

And finally, if God doesn’t exist, the concept of justice is meaningless because there can be no right or wrong in the first place to require justice. As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

That's why being agnostic is the thinking person's position. We don't know either way whether a god exists or not but leave the door open in case someone finds real proof either way.
Actually thinking people see that DNA is a molecular computer code of unimaginable ability that could not from itself by itself in a dead pond because nothing does not write code
No proof that's it's your preferred invisible dude. Only a possibility.
Actually there is proof that you are there and I am here.

Grow up
That also doesn't prove your preferred invisible dude.
The Question of the existence of God is meaningless because it can never be answered.
The Question of the existence of God is meaningless because it can never be answered.
columbus crossed the void and found land on the other side ...

there are always naysayers and perhaps not found by anyone to date that is not to say as beings the discovery of the metaphysical can not be recognized, either bridged which might not be truly desirable but an irrefutable truth to its existence and the means to free ones spirit to persist freely in the Everlasting.
Really if you believe that God brought life to Earth why are we not God when we bring life to another World? Mars is actually a poor example because life as we know would be different there, however there are trillions of other dead planets that are more or less just like Earth where life would flourish. So why are we not God when we move there and set up ecosystems to grow food?
Did we bring our own creation with us, or did we bring another's creation from our planet to a planet created by another? Even should we succeed on Mars, it is because of the creation of another, which rules us out as God.
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance, the first living cell developed from non-living matter by chance, and all living things are the eventual product of the blind, undirected process of evolution. In such a case, human life is no more valuable than dust, and there is no basis for saying that any life matters. Only if there is an author of life who creates and imbues us with a meaning greater than our physical parts can lives actually matter, and in an equal way.

If God doesn’t exist, there’s also no objective standard for labeling an action—such as murder—wrong. If we’re all just the product of blind, purposeless forces, morality is just an opinion. Unless there is a higher-than-human moral authority, no one has a basis for claiming that murder is objectively wrong.

And finally, if God doesn’t exist, the concept of justice is meaningless because there can be no right or wrong in the first place to require justice. As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

That's why being agnostic is the thinking person's position. We don't know either way whether a god exists or not but leave the door open in case someone finds real proof either way.
Actually thinking people see that DNA is a molecular computer code of unimaginable ability that could not from itself by itself in a dead pond because nothing does not write code
No proof that's it's your preferred invisible dude. Only a possibility.
Actually there is proof that you are there and I am here.

Grow up
That also doesn't prove your preferred invisible dude.
That's why being agnostic is the thinking person's position.
Some prefer not to sit and think, but to explore and discover.
That's what agnostic's do, I know I do, and if I ever come across any real proof either way, I'm open to changing my mind. Seems fair to me, what do you think?
That's what agnostic's do, I know I do, and if I ever come across any real proof either way, I'm open to changing my mind. Seems fair to me, what do you think?
I believe exploration and discovery is the step after thinking.
That's what agnostic's do, I know I do, and if I ever come across any real proof either way, I'm open to changing my mind. Seems fair to me, what do you think?
I believe exploration and discovery is the step after thinking.
I agree, but those who have settled on a side think they've figured it out, when more exploring is necessary.
That's what agnostic's do, I know I do, and if I ever come across any real proof either way, I'm open to changing my mind. Seems fair to me, what do you think?
I believe exploration and discovery is the step after thinking.
Exploration and discovery has lead us to the background microwave radiation of the early universe, shown us stars and galaxies billions of light years away, cured disease, etc.

Discovering the various gods people inherited from their socio-cultural background, well, not so much.
I agree, but those who have settled on a side think they've figured it out, when more exploring is necessary.
Get beyond thinking about God to knowing God. If that is what is wanted. Knowing can be a heavy burden which is why I believe Jesus said blessed are those who believe without seeing.
Exploration and discovery has lead us to the background microwave radiation of the early universe, shown us stars and galaxies billions of light years away, cured disease, etc.

Discovering the various gods people inherited from their socio-cultural background, well, not so much.
Sure, and when I want to know the physical aspects of the universe I study science. That does not slam the door to the discovery of God. As the old saying goes, we can walk and chew gum at the same time.
I agree, but those who have settled on a side think they've figured it out, when more exploring is necessary.
Get beyond thinking about God to knowing God. If that is what is wanted. Knowing can be a heavy burden which is why I believe Jesus said blessed are those who believe without seeing.
Blessed are the gullible noobs?

I need proof. God is a huge thing, you can't tell me there's ZERO real proof?
Exploration and discovery has lead us to the background microwave radiation of the early universe, shown us stars and galaxies billions of light years away, cured disease, etc.

Discovering the various gods people inherited from their socio-cultural background, well, not so much.
Sure, and when I want to know the physical aspects of the universe I study science. That does not slam the door to the discovery of God. As the old saying goes, we can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Discovering the gods is awesome. That’s why the Greek gods rock, dude.

As the old saying goes, “cheaper by the dozen.”
The Question of the existence of God is meaningless because it can never be answered.
THEY exist. When you leave this shithole you'll find out who built and designed the cage." We made man in our own image" No. He wasn't speaking to Jesus. He was speaking with the group.His name, apparently, was Yahwey. Jefe. Boss man.
The others, 33 % of them, were fucking pissed when he gave full control to this Adam . Satan was head of BLM at that time. They got tossed out of "wherever". Been wreaking havoc ever since.
I need proof. God is a huge thing, you can't tell me there's ZERO real proof?
Then explore and discover. This is an exploration each individual needs to undertake for him/herself. No bench sitting, no being simply a spectator while others do the work.
Discovering the gods is awesome. That’s why the Greek gods rock

Yes, ancient Greek history, culture, language, and stories of the Gods is certainly an awesome study and research. Part of what makes it so interesting is the differences between Greeks, Hebrews, Buddhists, Taoists, etc.
Discovering the gods is awesome. That’s why the Greek gods rock

Yes, ancient Greek history, culture, language, and stories of the Gods is certainly an awesome study and research. Part of what makes it so interesting is the differences between Greeks, Hebrews, Buddhists, Taoists, etc.
Yep. Custom assemble the consortium of gods who fit my lifestyle.

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