If God gave his only son to die for our sins.....?

And since you cant agree on scriptures, the only way to settle the matter is with an appeal to the Lord Himself. He has no problem providing people with a witness that Jesus Christ is His Son. Anyone who denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is not a prophet of the Lord because the spirit of prophecy is a testimony of Jesus Christ.

I was speaking of his rhetoric. As for the verse there it doesn't make sense to portray God that way. I believe this

Surah 112
"He begets not, nor was He begotten;
"And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."

Unfortunatley, the Lord disagrees. Ask Him about it.

Oh really? I never knew you met The Lord.
Avatar so tell me if I was a Jew, I don't believe in the trinity concept nor do I believe Jesus is a God. Does The Lord disagree with me? Or does he only disagree with Muslims?
If we're ALL God's children, then what's so damned special about Jesus?!

Here is what is so special about Jesus:

He died so you may live. When Christ was hanging on that cross, he traded places with you.
He paid for every sin you have and will commit. Consequently, you took on the appearance of Jesus. Snow white and cleared for takeoff to an eternity as co-heir of the universe with Christ.
You DON'T have to hang on a cross. That is what is special. You NOT paying the consequences for your own behavior! Your debt is covered by the blood Christ that spilled on your sins, while He bled out.
All you have to do is thank Him. That is what is special.

BIK is confused. Allah has no son.
God has a Son. He said so:
Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. ...

Political correctness is trying to combine all religions. To do so, Bible manufactures are removing 91 verses that state unequivocally, that Jesus is the Son of God.
Chrislam is a hideous attempt to remove the one and ONLY way to God.

John 14:6. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

The punishment for sin is death. Christ conquered them both for us, not for Himself.

While Christ died for everyone, not everyone will accept His gift. Those that do, are called the children of God. Others rely on their own abilities to conquer sin and death. They belong to themselves. Others choose to belong to their father Satan.

The choice is ours. The opportunity to choose comes from Jesus, who took away the sins of the world, because He loves us.
Avatar so tell me if I was a Jew, I don't believe in the trinity concept nor do I believe Jesus is a God. Does The Lord disagree with me? Or does he only disagree with Muslims?

Do the Jews get to decide who Jesus is, or is Jesus who He says He is regardless of the opinion of the Jews?
And do you understand what happens in Revelation?
At the end of the age of the Gentiles, the Jews will recognize Jesus as their Messiah and run to Him when the fault under the Mt. of Olives gives way after Christ's foot touches down there. Not in Cleveland, or Cairo, or Istanbul.

The el at the end of Israel shows ownership by God. And He is coming back to claim what is His. He will remain with Israel forever.
I was speaking of his rhetoric. As for the verse there it doesn't make sense to portray God that way. I believe this

Surah 112
"He begets not, nor was He begotten;
"And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."

Unfortunatley, the Lord disagrees. Ask Him about it.

Oh really? I never knew you met The Lord.

So, you haven't been paying attention to his posts? He has made his belief that he has a personal relationship quite clear.
"◄ *John 3:16 *►

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

◄ *1 John 3:2 *►

"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."
"◄ *John 3:16 *►

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

◄ *1 John 3:2 *►

"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."

Is that you in the avie? Why do you spoz your god gave you banana boobs?
You're right Misty. Notice the timeline that John used. NOW we are children, and not, we have always been children....
At the moment of death, Christ ripped the veil in the temple, that separated us from God, and God from us/sin. Now, we can go boldly to the Throne of our father, with not one sin causing our blood to be impure. Once sin was introduced into Adam and Eve's blood, and handed down to every offspring, it made pure blood a necessary transfusion if we were to live. Only one had the right blood type. And it made Him special. :)

We have a glimpse of Jesus' glorified human body, that he has to this day, by the accounts of His return from the grave. He and those who accompanied Him from "Abraham's Bosom" had their own modified human bodies, and still do because they are coming back. For one thing, they had multi dimensional bodies, unencumbered by the 4 dimensions we are bound by. That will be fun. They had voice boxes, ate, sang. They had feet, they walked and were recognized. They could appear at will, and disappear without the use of a door. We will be like Him.
"◄ *John 3:16 *►

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

◄ *1 John 3:2 *►

"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."

Is that you in the avie? Why do you spoz your god gave you banana boobs?

So you'd go ape shit and buy her diamonds and furs and cars and stuff. :tongue:
"◄ *John 3:16 *►

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

◄ *1 John 3:2 *►

"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."

Is that you in the avie? Why do you spoz your god gave you banana boobs?

Who would kick her out of bed?
Unfortunatley, the Lord disagrees. Ask Him about it.

Oh really? I never knew you met The Lord.

So, you haven't been paying attention to his posts? He has made his belief that he has a personal relationship quite clear.

Every religious person has a relationship with God, that doesn't mean he answers your questions. Asking God is through prayer. There's no such thing as saying you've seen God either. I remember a Christian telling me God came and sat on their couch. I walked out after I heard that.
If we're all God's children, what do we have to call our biological father and mother? How many parents do we have?
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit". John 3.6 KJV But I wouldn't expect an immoral atheist to understand that.

Unlike you, I understand it perfectly. Even if it's true, it is a total non-sequitur (i.e., it has zero relevance to the question posed.)
If we're ALL God's children, then what's so damned special about Jesus?!

Here is what is so special about Jesus:

He died so you may live. When Christ was hanging on that cross, he traded places with you.
He paid for every sin you have and will commit.

I have yet to read any theologian who can give a rational explanation for how anyone can die for the sins of people who won't even be born until centuries later.
Oh really? I never knew you met The Lord.

So, you haven't been paying attention to his posts? He has made his belief that he has a personal relationship quite clear.

Every religious person has a relationship with God, that doesn't mean he answers your questions. Asking God is through prayer. There's no such thing as saying you've seen God either. I remember a Christian telling me God came and sat on their couch. I walked out after I heard that.

Now you're in trouble with the Church of L. D. S. The founder met Jesus and God together in the woods. Not to mention how upset the supporters of 'W' will be. He spoke with God.

Generally, you are in a world of hurt.
You're a so called 'atheist' and you're telling me I'm in a world of hurt because I'm not as naive as fools and liars? You actually believe that nonsense. Ha Ha Ha Ha! Hysterical.
You're a so called 'atheist' and you're telling me I'm in a world of hurt because I'm not as naive as fools and liars? You actually believe that nonsense. Ha Ha Ha Ha! Hysterical.

To whom are you referring? Where did the term 'atheist' become associated with my identity here?

Also, you need to sharpen your skills at recognizing hyperbole and just plain kidding. Do you really believe that I believe 'that nonsense'?
You're a so called 'atheist' and you're telling me I'm in a world of hurt because I'm not as naive as fools and liars? You actually believe that nonsense. Ha Ha Ha Ha! Hysterical.

To whom are you referring? Where did the term 'atheist' become associated with my identity here?

Also, you need to sharpen your skills at recognizing hyperbole and just plain kidding. Do you really believe that I believe 'that nonsense'?

My bad......:eusa_angel:

Here is what is so special about Jesus:

He died so you may live. When Christ was hanging on that cross, he traded places with you.
He paid for every sin you have and will commit.

I have yet to read any theologian who can give a rational explanation for how anyone can die for the sins of people who won't even be born until centuries later.

Keep reading then.
Try scientists if your theologians can't figure it out. Because the answer is dimensions.
You have 4.
To watch a parade, you stand on the ground. You see the parade once it turns the corner and passes in front of you. When it turns another corner it is out of your sight.
Watch from a different vantage point, say a helicopter, and you see where the parade started, where it goes, and where the parade ends up.

You are limited by time, one of our 4 dimensions. God is not. You can't go forward or backward in time. You are bound. God is not.

Isaiah 46:10
I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. ... declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet ...

If you don't believe it, set Revelation and today's newspaper in front of you. :eusa_angel:

And remember, half of the theologians graduated in the lower fifty percentile of their class. There are many who understand it fully, like Nachmanides in the early 1200's. Read one of them. ;)
Here is what is so special about Jesus:

He died so you may live. When Christ was hanging on that cross, he traded places with you.
He paid for every sin you have and will commit.

I have yet to read any theologian who can give a rational explanation for how anyone can die for the sins of people who won't even be born until centuries later.

Keep reading then.
Try scientists if your theologians can't figure it out. Because the answer is dimensions.
You have 4.
To watch a parade, you stand on the ground. You see the parade once it turns the corner and passes in front of you. When it turns another corner it is out of your sight.
Watch from a different vantage point, say a helicopter, and you see where the parade started, where it goes, and where the parade ends up.

You are limited by time, one of our 4 dimensions. God is not. You can't go forward or backward in time. You are bound. God is not.

Nope. That explanation can't work unless you assume absolute predetermination for all acts. Not possible if you also assume that humans have free will.

Isaiah 46:10
I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. ... declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet ...

If you don't believe it, set Revelation and today's newspaper in front of you. :eusa_angel:

My point wasn't whether I, personally, believe it: my point was that there's no rational explanation of it. Those who do believe it have no choice but to take it on blind faith.
"◄ *John 3:16 *►

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

◄ *1 John 3:2 *►

"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."

Is that you in the avie? Why do you spoz your god gave you banana boobs?

Who would kick her out of bed?

The same people who would be shameless enough to take her to bed withouto giving a damn about her.

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