Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

No you don't you have to follow your gods commands OR ELSE

And it's the OR ELSE you're afraid of
Feel free to believe that. I couldn't care less. Your continued arguing is a sign you are not at peace and are not in harmony with the chi.
Feel free to believe that. I couldn't care less. Your continued arguing is a sign you are not at peace and are not in harmony with the chi.
You obviously do because you keep responding to my posts
You obviously do because you keep responding to my posts
Yes, by first correcting it and then when that wasn't enough, by saying go ahead and believe that. Seemed perfectly logical to me. You on the other hand are demonstrating your rage. You are here to attack rival religions. You're looking for a fight. You aren't in harmony with the chi.
Yes, by first correcting it and then when that wasn't enough, by saying go ahead and believe that. Seemed perfectly logical to me. You on the other hand are demonstrating your rage. You are here to attack rival religions. You're looking for a fight. You aren't in harmony with the chi.

You have done nothing but whine about me criticizing the Church because you don't understand that an institution is not a person.
You have done nothing but whine about me criticizing the Church because you don't understand that an institution is not a person.
In Taoism there is no good and bad. Yet you use words like blight and detrimental. Obviously you are not a Taoist. You attack rival religions. You are not at peace. You are not in harmony with the chi.
In Taoism there is no good and bad. Yet you use words like blight and detrimental. Obviously you are not a Taoist. You attack rival religions. You are not at peace. You are not in harmony with the chi.

There is no good or bad in the Tao because you cannot have one without the other.

No following the Tao ever burned heretics at the stake like your Christians did
There is no good or bad in the Tao because you cannot have one without the other.

No following the Tao ever burned heretics at the stake like your Christians did
Or attacked rival religions.
Criticizing is not "attacking"

Telling the truth about an institution is not "attacking"
Attacking a rival religion.

The best warrior
leads without haste
fights without anger
overcomes without confrontation
Attacking a rival religion.

The best warrior
leads without haste
fights without anger
overcomes without confrontation
So telling the truth about the Catholic church executing people and harboring pedophiles is attacking now?

It's just a fact you want to deny
So telling the truth about the Catholic church executing people and harboring pedophiles is attacking now?

It's just a fact you want to deny
I'm happy to talk about it. That's not what you are after though. You are in attack mode. You've made no effort to understand the situation. You never read the John Jay report.

So what you are really doing is attacking a rival religion because you have no flavor. You are not in harmony with the chi. You are the least Tao Taoist I have ever met. And I know a few. We get along great. Agree on almost everything. That's not what you are here for though.
Wait, these Neanderthal would be evidence of EVOLUTION.

The Bible says the Earth is what, 6,000 years old? Neanderthal died out, perhaps, 35,000 years ago.

When I say "died out", they also ended up with other humanoid species

"No one knows precisely why Neanderthals died out 40,000 years ago, but we do know there was some intermarriage between their community and our ancestors. Many of these genes have been purged from the modern human population over time due to natural selection, so the current prevalence is only 1–4% of the current human genome."
The Pure Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

I agree with the Evolutionists' facts, but not the Liberal interpretation they put on them. Besides extinction through extermination, common experience, if we were allowed to use it in sheltered academia, would tell us that those who had positive mutations would have been shunned or even killed because they were different (also be rejected by the females). That's why, if we accept the fantasy that reindeer act like people, we can understand why "all the other reindeer used to laugh and call him (Rudolph) names."

A case in your link (also, the Low-IQ Grammar "was comprised of") is calling the Neanderthal abduction and sex-slavery of human females "intermarriage."
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So on my part I don't see a reason to further involve myself into a 7000 year idea/belief.
The Theological Theoretical Theater

Not only you, but Evolutionist writers are wasting print trying to refute these mindless and primitive myths. They do it to associate anyone questioning their Liberal interpretations of proven facts with the strawman of Creationism. Subconsciously, what really offends Christians is the Liberal Darwinists' contempt for man and his significance.
God gave you the feel will free to believe he isn't all powerful or that he is mean and cruel.
God gave revelation. I have never and will never believe that God is mean and cruel. Do you really think lack of power to do anything you can imagine in your mind = mean and cruel? Good luck with that!
The Pure Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

I agree with the Evolutionists' facts, but not the Liberal interpretation they put on them. Besides extinction through extermination, common experience, if we were allowed to use it in sheltered academia, would tell us that those who had positive mutations would have been shunned or even killed because they were different (also be rejected by the females). That's why, if we accept the fantasy that reindeer act like people, we can understand why "all the other reindeer used to laugh and call him (Rudolph) names."

A case in your link (also, the Low-IQ Grammar "was comprised of") is calling the Neanderthal abduction and sex-slavery of human females "intermarriage."

Feel free to believe that God isn't all powerful or that God is mean.
I do believe God is all powerful. I just believe that 'All Powerful' means that He can do anything that is possible to do in reality. I don't believe He can do the impossible. Again, All Powerful does not mean He can do anything you can dream up. And just because He can't do that which is eternally impossible, does not mean that God is mean.
Maybe you can explain his errors to him.
He has already revealed that He did not create our intelligence and never could. That's not an error. It is only your belief system that calls it an error.

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