Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

^^ From a preacher who believes that his opinions are superior to all others. ^^ See how that works?
A Call to Attack Is Not the Same As the Influencers' Call to Run and Hide

No, I don't. Your simplistic mode of thinking equates totally different things by emphasizing superficial similarities.
If our intelligence is self-existing and exists outside of God's creation, and that is the only way God can create mankind by combining these intelligences with self-existing spirit matter, then if he can't create intelligence and matter, then he can't create it to be perfect. then it is what it is. For them to reach perfection, they would need to choose to abide by laws of perfection.
Investor Supremacy, Government Supremacy, and Religious Supremacy

In Intelligent Self-Design, there's no need to be dependent on an outside power to take over and take credit for what was done by the independent individual. These power plays by control freaks all crush the pride out of the creative achievers.
I want to know why he created us as he did, then got totally annoyed about humans being bad, and then went on a GENOCIDE SPREE killing just about everything... what kind of a complete and utter fucking knobhead would do
These Legends Are Facts Distorted by the Tyrants' Priests

Those evildoers were the Neanderthal, who were finished off when the glaciers melted. That flood created a body of water that extended from Switzerland to Afghanistan. Noah was one of many who took to the sea. They wound up in the Caucasus Mountains.
These Legends Are Facts Distorted by the Tyrants' Priests

Those evildoers were the Neanderthal, who were finished off when the glaciers melted. That flood created a body of water that extended from Switzerland to Afghanistan. Noah was one of many who took to the sea. They wound up in the Caucasus Mountains.

Wait, these Neanderthal would be evidence of EVOLUTION.

The Bible says the Earth is what, 6,000 years old? Neanderthal died out, perhaps, 35,000 years ago.

When I say "died out", they also ended up with other humanoid species

"No one knows precisely why Neanderthals died out 40,000 years ago, but we do know there was some intermarriage between their community and our ancestors. Many of these genes have been purged from the modern human population over time due to natural selection, so the current prevalence is only 1–4% of the current human genome."
It's literally how the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) was created. There are no other explanations for the CMB other than paired particle production. The CMB is literally the smoking gun of how the universe was created.
We don't know how CMB was created or even if it began from the primordial universe. There are theories and if nobody else has an opposing theory yet, it doesn't make the theory a fact. They link it to the Big Bang which itself is a theory and not a fact.
And your answer was that it was impossible for God to do it any other way and that never gave you pause for concern because you couldn't possibly understand why God would do that.
I don't understand why a God who can do absolutely anything imaginable and had the power to create us as perfect beings like himself would choose to create us as imperfect beings when we could have been created to already have all the knowledge, wisdom, understanding, courage, and virtue without being an imperfect being. And frankly, if you understand it, then I question if you have the ability to explain it because so far you haven't.
So you just assumed God couldn't do it rather than try to understand how it is more beneficial for you to overcome adversity.
No, I didn't assume it. You ignore what I've told you. I have read it in what I believe to be the revelations of God. I believe God has revealed that He created us from self-existing intelligence and not created us from absolutely nothing.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

Abraham 3:18
18 Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.
Yes, we all have the capacity and free will to dream up whatever we wish to convict God of sadism........
Anyone IMO, is free to believe whatever one wishes to believe.

Your question was as to why didn't God create "design" human traits to be impeccable.
And my answer was simply stating that God, "the big, infallible Boss", obviously created humans 1:1 in reference to his own, known (religiously propagated) traits.

Since you obviously believe in a God - who created everything, starting right of with the universe and that little blue planet, he logically had also created the Dino's, so why did he create em nasty meat eaters and not just plant munchers? having created meat eaters he voluntarily and decisively introduced the traits/instincts of; stalking, ambush, hunting and killing. - the exact same traits/instincts that humans share as well.

As such taking the last 4.5 billion years into account, since "life" got underway - the entire concept of life (supposedly created by God), is entirely based onto - "survival of the fittest" via any given means.

So why should humans (which he supposedly also created) be any different in regards to "his" basic principle governing life?
You might as well be blaming God for death and male pattern baldness too.
God is responsible for death and probably male pattern baldness. Knowing our intelligence to not be perfect, God devised a means to help us learn and grow by coming to a temporary existence to experience many things. Among those things was pain, suffering, and death. God certainly has the power to allow the matter that makes up our bodies to be inseparably connected to our spirits. That is how He will make us in the resurrection. As the creator of our mortal bodies, God may very well be responsible for male pattern baldness. I don't think about it much but as the creator of mankind He may very well be responsible for male pattern baldness.
And you most certainly have judged God. In your eyes God is either incompetent or a sadist. As those are your only two options. Whereas I believe God is not incompetent and for reasons known to him suffering and death serve his purpose which is to make good come from bad to produce the crop he desires.

I have judged God not to be liar when He revealed that our intelligence was not created or made and neither indeed can be. God is anything but incompetent. You accuse me of that because you assume that God can create out of nothing and can do anything imaginable. I believe God is all powerful in the He can only all things that are infinitely possible. If God could do anything imaginable then I imagine that God could have saved us all without having His sinless, Only Begotten Son suffer for all the sins of the world. Why then would He choose to do that if He was capable of saving us without doing so? Just as you choose to accuse me of believing God is incompetent, I could accuse you of believing God is a sadist. But I don't believe that you believe that. I think if you thought about it more and more you might realize that God is not capable of doing absolutely anything imaginable. You believe that if I believe that He can't do anything imaginable that somehow God is incompetent. Let me imagine some things that I don't believe God can do but you would have to believe He can if your believe He can do anything imaginable:

1. Can God simultaneously be an absolute all good being and an absolute all evil being?

2. Can God exist and simultaneously not exist?

3. Can God create an object so heavy He cannot lift it?

4. Can God who is perfect create a being more perfect than Himself?

5. Can God be immortal and mortal simultaneously?

I could go on and on and give examples of contradictions which are completely illogical to the human mind which I believe God cannot do. I believe there are things that are eternally impossible for anyone to do, even God Himself. Just from these examples I conclude that God cannot do absolutely anything we can dream up. There are eternal contradictions that not even God can do. So in this way, I believe God does have limitations. If God reveals, as I believe He has, that intelligence was never created or made and neither indeed can be, then I believe that God is telling the truth and letting us know that that is something that not even He can do. If there are self-existing things, then they would not be created by God.
To serve his purpose and not yours. To create order from chaos; to bring good from evil; to grow the crop he desires. Take your pick.
Why would he need to create order from chaos when He could simply create perfection without chaos? Why bring good from evil when He could simply create us to be perfect without evil? Why would he need to grow the crop if he had the power to create us to be perfect without all the extra trouble? Why is it God's purpose to not create us perfect like Himself from the start of our creation instead of choosing to make us imperfect and have to go through all the extra trouble to gain perfection?
These are your mistakes to make. My obligation has been satisfied.
You call my belief system mistakes but I have given all the reason for why I believe what I do. You have not addressed why a God, who could make us as perfect as Himself, would choose not to and make us go through an imperfect existence. I already believe that such a belief as yours cannot address this question with a solid answer. All you can say is God has his reasons of which you do not understand.
Anyone IMO, is free to believe whatever one wishes to believe.
I agree. We have all been given that freedom. Isn't it nice to live by your own beliefs and conscience!!
Your question was as to why didn't God create "design" human traits to be impeccable.
And my answer was simply stating that God, "the big, infallible Boss", obviously created humans 1:1 in reference to his own, known (religiously propagated) traits.
Yes, I have asked that question of which I have stated that I believe that God could not create us perfect because our intelligence is self-existing. Thus God could not create our intelligence and thus needs to teaches us to become perfect. This temporal life is a school for learning good and evil. We already have free will, and God allows us to live in and good and evil environment so that we can experience both and we are smart enough to choose good then our lives will be better and if we choose evil our lives will not be so good. Free will is critical because one must choose, in and of oneself to be a truly good being. You cannot become a truly good being by being forced to be good.
Since you obviously believe in a God - who created everything, starting right of with the universe and that little blue planet, he logically had also created the Dino's, so why did he create em nasty meat eaters and not just plant munchers? having created meat eaters he voluntarily and decisively introduced the traits/instincts of; stalking, ambush, hunting and killing. - the exact same traits/instincts that humans share as well.
I don't believe that God created everything since I believe our intelligence and matter are self-existing. He created man and all animals such as dinosaurs by combining self-existing intelligence and matter to create their spirits. He later placed them on this earth by combining more course matter to their beings. Since their intelligences are self-existing and God could not create them as perfect, I don't believe God forced them to decide with their intelligence to be meat eaters or plant munchers. I think this was self decided by their own intelligences after being placed in this world.
As such taking the last 4.5 billion years into account, since "life" got underway - the entire concept of life (supposedly created by God), is entirely based onto - "survival of the fittest" via any given means.

So why should humans (which he supposedly also created) be any different in regards to "his" basic principle governing life?
I believe the oldest life has been on this planet is 7000 years or less. I believe the 7 days of creation of the earth were actually 7000 years since I believe it was according to God's days and not our days. Then I believe that this temporal existence will only last another 7000 years. However, life was not introduced on this planet until the 7th day of creation. I believe we are currently in the end of the 6000 year period of our temporal existence. So, the last 1000 years of creation + 6000 years of our temporal existence come out to around 7000 years of man and creatures being on the earth so far. But this is another topic for another time.

So, I don't believe the existence of life on this earth is a representative example of life in the eternities. It is mean for progress and learning. However, we must have free will, and that leads to things in this life that God is not in agreement with.
I believe the oldest life has been on this planet is 7000 years or less. I believe the 7 days of creation of the earth were actually 7000 years since I believe it was according to God's days and not our days. Then I believe that this temporal existence will only last another 7000 years. However, life was not introduced on this planet until the 7th day of creation. I believe we are currently in the end of the 6000 year period of our temporal existence. So, the last 1000 years of creation + 6000 years of our temporal existence come out to around 7000 years of man and creatures being on the earth so far. But this is another topic for another time.
Well, both history and archeology clearly "nullify" your above stated personal belief. Not even to mention science.

So on my part I don't see a reason to further involve myself into a 7000 year idea/belief.

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