Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

NO! I already have my answer to why he didn't make us perfect. But according to your belief system, you hold that God could have made us perfect but chose not to. My belief system tells me that God couldn't make us perfect. I simply want the explanation from your belief system as to why He didn't create us perfect when He could have. I'm not like the kid you suggest because I'm not unhappy but fully satisfied with my beliefs and understand why He couldn't. I am happy with my belief system. I just want your solid reasoning for why He didn't create us perfect when he could have. So far your answers haven't really satisfied my question.
Correct. I believe that everything is according to God's plan. I don't doubt God like you do. I don't limit God like you do.
Are you seriously telling me that you can't think of one reason why an all powerful, good God allows suffering?
From the very beginning GOD set out to test his creations. Like a cosmic chess game where GOD either isn't able or willing to look ahead a billion moves.
So if God created us with a perfect love, perfect knowledge, perfect understanding, perfect wisdom, etc., you don't believe good can come from that?
I don't believe it accomplishes God's objective but it would make you more happy if you never had to face any adversity. You want everyone to to be forced to be virtuous. God wants everyone to choose to be virtuous.
From the very beginning GOD set out to test his creations. Like a cosmic chess game where GOD either isn't able or willing to look ahead a billion moves.
I do believe we are being tested but the deck is stacked against us so to speak. There is a law of compensation at work. Whenever evil arises a good will rise up against it eventually. So in my worldview God is looking ahead.
Correct. I believe that everything is according to God's plan. I don't doubt God like you do. I don't limit God like you do.
In a near infinite universe, why would GOD limit himself to just one planet?
Because He couldn't. God doesn't have the power to create intelligence. I believe there is intelligence in all things. This is how Moses could command the Red Sea to part and it obeyed him, or how Jesus commanded the water to be wine and it was so.
Congratulations, you just limited God's power because you can't understand or accept that good comes from bad.
I don't believe it accomplishes God's objective but it would make you more happy if you never had to face any adversity. You want everyone to to be forced to be virtuous. God wants everyone to choose to be virtuous.
Trite but true, you can have good, without evil.
Without something to compare and contrast, whatever state existed would just be "what is".
In a near infinite universe, why would GOD limit himself to just one planet?
Never said he would. But the universe isn't infinite or even near infinite. It's just really big.

As near as I can tell the universe is an intelligence creating machine. I would expect intelligence to arise whenever the conditions existed for it and enough time passed for it to arise.
Trite but true, you can have good, without evil.
Without something to compare and contrast, whatever state existed would just be "what is".
But is it trite? Or is it the conflict and confusion process for how truth is discovered? Because I consider that to be the key point in the evolution of consciousness.

Why do you believe that is trite?
I do believe we are being tested but the deck is stacked against us so to speak. There is a law of compensation at work. Whenever evil arises a good will rise up against it eventually. So in my worldview God is looking ahead.
Also whenever there is good, then evil will rise up against it. And as I said. You can't have one without the other.
Even if you had everyone good, if one ends up being better, then that one becomes good, and the rest would now be evil (less good)
Never said he would. But the universe isn't infinite or even near infinite. It's just really big.

As near as I can tell the universe is an intelligence creating machine. I would expect intelligence to arise whenever the conditions existed for it and enough time passed for it to arise.
Sounds similar to creating a robot that was capable of learning. Which would bring forth artificial intelligence, leading to self awareness, leading to GODS creations creating creations of their own.
Also whenever there is good, then evil will rise up against it. And as I said. You can't have one without the other.
Even if you had everyone good, if one ends up being better, then that one becomes good, and the rest would now be evil (less good)
I think it is more like whenever there is good, men become satisfied and then they become proud. And then they forget the things that made them successful. It's a vicious cycle.
Sounds similar to creating a robot that was capable of learning. Which would bring forth artificial intelligence, leading to self awareness, leading to GODS creations creating creations of their own.
That's not how I see it. While it is true that we are beings that know and create, we are still God's creatures. So while I believe the end game is to develop a Christ consciousness, it's not to turn us into gods. We came from dust and to dust we shall return.
I think it is more like whenever there is good, men become satisfied and then they become proud. And then they forget the things that made them successful. It's a vicious cycle.
It's like a credit score. If everyone had the same credit score, everybody would be "average" and banks would have to either accept or reject everybody equally.
But everything changes as soon as someone has a score either above or below that average.
That's not how I see it. While it is true that we are beings that know and create, we are still God's creatures. So while I believe the end game is to develop a Christ consciousness, it's not to turn us into gods. We came from dust and to dust we shall return.
Actually returning to dust is because we failed one of GODS tests. Genesis tested Eve, and failure cost them their immortality, and banished them from the garden.
Actually returning to dust is because we failed one of GODS tests. Genesis tested Eve, and failure cost them their immortality, and banished them from the garden.
I don't read that account literally like some do. I think the fall of man and knowledge of good and evil is an allegorical account. I believe that much of the meaning of that account has been lost through time.

So I believe we return to dust no matter what. That all of the "bad" things that that account portends will happen because Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil didn't happen because they disobeyed God. They happened because they are artifacts of intelligence and because man has free will to do good or not do good.
I don't read that account literally like some do. I think the fall of man and knowledge of good and evil is an allegorical account. I believe that much of the meaning of that account has been lost through time.

I take Genesis seriously. But then, i'm working from a translation of a translation of a translation.

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