If God is all powerful...

...Why does it makes babies with cancer, or retarded, or deformed, or in pain, or even with all of that together? Is god not capable of a perfect creation? Is it a punishment of some sort?
Well, everyone has their cross to bear. Everyone is called to carry it. From a theological standpoint, it is because of our lack of thankfulness that people are asked to carry that cross.

Cancer, while APPARENTLY "evil" is necessary in life. Every time we intervene and mess with nature we tend to not consider the LONG TERM ramifications.

Let me put it at a more basic level. When I see a blind person, one of the first thoughts I have is thankfulness for my eye sight. That goes for many of the things you listed. I also find it interesting how so many that are afflicted with such crosses, display a grace that is not describable.

No, it is NOT a PUNISHMENT. It is in fact A GRACE. Yes, I get very angry at times with life or GOD at times. However, when I settle down and the few times God is able to reach through my pride, I see the PURPOSE.

In the meantime, lets talk about how it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance. Literally, it is mathematically impossible. Physicists dating back to Newton and astronomers like Copernicus knew this. Physicists today, also know this. Hence, the reason for quantum physics and theories like PARALLEL universes etc. All to address the FACT that it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance or coincidence.
But just because we built smaller houses back then is in no way proof that people were smaller.

And if people were smaller, it isn't evidence of evolution. People in Venezuela and north korea are smaller than their modern day counterparts. Because they starve from birth.

People who have fewer resources build smaller houses, also. They are easier to heat, and use fewer resources to create.

So meh, that's it for you. You're a waste of time. I thought you might have something that would recommend you...but you don't.

And btw, nobody here has ever argued that evolution doesn't exist. Most of us have pets and/or fish....we understand that creatures can be bred to certain specifications and that is a type of evolution.

What the creationists argue isn't that evolution doesn't exist. What we argue is that there are no non-human ancestors. We were created by God, in God's image. We did not branch off from some primate or marsupial animal branch and change into modern man via evolution. Didn't happen..which is why it has never been proven to be so.
So you think that an invisible being poofed us into existence?

Correction, in your case, he pooped you into existence.

And as for your moronic theory that taller people have suddenly evolved in the past three centuries, here is the real cause: better nutrition available through economic growth. Compare the short stature of North Koreans to the relatives in South Korea. That difference isn't due to evolution. It's due to the fact that Norks are STARVING. It's only been in the past three centuries (industrial revolution etc.) that economic growth enabled a bountiful and consistent food supply.
It doesn't matter what the reasons are, that's all part of evolution as well. Animals who have access to easy and better food will progress faster, that's simply more proof of evolution, they evolve faster and better/bigger. Thanks for clearing that up.
Really...maybe you can cite the study that establishes that.

I don't think you know what *evolve* means

Taz thinks people evolve if they cut their hair, get fat, go on a diet, lose a limb through amputation, get a tatoo....
Or move into a bigger house.
But just because we built smaller houses back then is in no way proof that people were smaller.

And if people were smaller, it isn't evidence of evolution. People in Venezuela and north korea are smaller than their modern day counterparts. Because they starve from birth.

People who have fewer resources build smaller houses, also. They are easier to heat, and use fewer resources to create.

So meh, that's it for you. You're a waste of time. I thought you might have something that would recommend you...but you don't.

And btw, nobody here has ever argued that evolution doesn't exist. Most of us have pets and/or fish....we understand that creatures can be bred to certain specifications and that is a type of evolution.

What the creationists argue isn't that evolution doesn't exist. What we argue is that there are no non-human ancestors. We were created by God, in God's image. We did not branch off from some primate or marsupial animal branch and change into modern man via evolution. Didn't happen..which is why it has never been proven to be so.
So you think that an invisible being poofed us into existence?

Correction, in your case, he pooped you into existence.

And as for your moronic theory that taller people have suddenly evolved in the past three centuries, here is the real cause: better nutrition available through economic growth. Compare the short stature of North Koreans to the relatives in South Korea. That difference isn't due to evolution. It's due to the fact that Norks are STARVING. It's only been in the past three centuries (industrial revolution etc.) that economic growth enabled a bountiful and consistent food supply.
It doesn't matter what the reasons are, that's all part of evolution as well. Animals who have access to easy and better food will progress faster, that's simply more proof of evolution, they evolve faster and better/bigger. Thanks for clearing that up.
Really...maybe you can cite the study that establishes that.

I don't think you know what *evolve* means
I used to eat meat but my outlook on things has evolved to a healthier and less harmful diet, so now I'm a vegetarian. Did I use the word properly there? :biggrin:
Yes but when people talk about evolution in terms of creation that isn't what they're talking about.

We all agree that we live differently than we used to. We have electricity..and gas powered engines, and plastic now...But when people are speaking of the creation of mankind, that isn't what we're talking about. We're talking about the evolution of man from one type of animal, into another type of animal.

And it's a lie. We didn't come into being randomly.

But if you're using the word evolution to mean we have different lifestyles, well of course we do.
That would depend upon the region. Not every mountain is Mt. Everest, bub.

And it makes perfect sense that Noah would gather up breeding pairs of animals in order to re-establish the local economy when the flood subsided.

It wouldn't hurt you to educate yourself on the nature of myth in cultures where most people are not literate.
So where is the geologic evidence that the mountains in the area were once submerged for 40 days? Do you have a link to that?

And god wasn't thinking about saving the animals, but saving the economy? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

I bet you believe that a tiny scrap of bone is all the proof you need for the Theory of Evolution.

As, according to the Bible, God gave Man dominium over the animals (which includes domesticating them to enable Man to live), it is not at all illogical to assume God would wish Man to save the animals necessary for Man's wellbeing.

My final answer is that you are an ignorant, uneducated fool, but I will give you 10 points for consistency.
So you have no proof of the flood but believe it anyways.

And "God gave Man dominium"? I've never heard of that element, you make that up?

I believe there was a worldwide flood. Every major religion that I'm aware of tells of one, even the Popol Vuh, and many old legends and myths tell of one. Even Plato had an account of a sunken city/continent.

It happened around ten thousand years ago when the mile thick ice sheets covering North America, Europe, and part of Asia, melted. Then there's the cities that are sunk in hundreds of feet of water...

The Exceptional Underwater City of Cuba: A New Theory on its Origins – Part I

Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars

Sunken City off India Coast - 7500 B.C.

...off the coasts of Cuba, Japan, and India.

Are you going to accept my scientific proof that a flood happened at that time or do you want to tell me were all that water went?




When the glaciers melted after the last ice age, sea levels roses and some coastal cities went underwater, like you showed in your links. It didn't melt all at once, the ice retreated over time. So no 40 day flood from that event, and there wasn't enough water melted to cover the whole earth over the mountain tops. So no, that's not scientific proof of the biblical flood. Only proof of sea rising after the ice sheet melted. So where is the geologic evidence of a world wide flood?


You have no idea how fast the ice melted or what kind of storms there were during that massive climate event that lasted years and most likely decades. Nor do you know what kind of land submergence happened due to billions of tons of water suddenly being placed on the low lying areas while the continents that were covered with ice rose due to no longer having that ice on them.

I have plenty of proof that a massive world wide event happened at that time while all you appear to have is denial.


Last edited:

Of course it is. Why wouldn't we be evolving into taller beings? Because we are!

But just because we built smaller houses back then is in no way proof that people were smaller.

And if people were smaller, it isn't evidence of evolution. People in Venezuela and north korea are smaller than their modern day counterparts. Because they starve from birth.

People who have fewer resources build smaller houses, also. They are easier to heat, and use fewer resources to create.

So meh, that's it for you. You're a waste of time. I thought you might have something that would recommend you...but you don't.

And btw, nobody here has ever argued that evolution doesn't exist. Most of us have pets and/or fish....we understand that creatures can be bred to certain specifications and that is a type of evolution.

What the creationists argue isn't that evolution doesn't exist. What we argue is that there are no non-human ancestors. We were created by God, in God's image. We did not branch off from some primate or marsupial animal branch and change into modern man via evolution. Didn't happen..which is why it has never been proven to be so.
So you think that an invisible being poofed us into existence?


What kick started the Big Bang fifteen billion years ago? The magic flying spaghetti monster?



We haven't figured that out yet. Which doesn't automatically default to an invisible superbeing in another dimension.


Oh I see we're supposed to believe that it magically happened.

Some people call that a miracle.


Last edited:
...Why does it makes babies with cancer, or retarded, or deformed, or in pain, or even with all of that together? Is god not capable of a perfect creation? Is it a punishment of some sort?
Well, everyone has their cross to bear. Everyone is called to carry it. From a theological standpoint, it is because of our lack of thankfulness that people are asked to carry that cross.

Cancer, while APPARENTLY "evil" is necessary in life. Every time we intervene and mess with nature we tend to not consider the LONG TERM ramifications.

Let me put it at a more basic level. When I see a blind person, one of the first thoughts I have is thankfulness for my eye sight. That goes for many of the things you listed. I also find it interesting how so many that are afflicted with such crosses, display a grace that is not describable.

No, it is NOT a PUNISHMENT. It is in fact A GRACE. Yes, I get very angry at times with life or GOD at times. However, when I settle down and the few times God is able to reach through my pride, I see the PURPOSE.

In the meantime, lets talk about how it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance. Literally, it is mathematically impossible. Physicists dating back to Newton and astronomers like Copernicus knew this. Physicists today, also know this. Hence, the reason for quantum physics and theories like PARALLEL universes etc. All to address the FACT that it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance or coincidence.
So what's the PURPOSE of giving a child deformities , mental retardation and constant pain? For you to feel good that you don't have that? Wow, that's pretty shallow.

What astronomers know today is that the building blocks of life whizz past us on comets and meteors, and that they are quite hopeful to find life on another planet or moon in our own solar system very soon. Never mind the trillions and trillions of planets iand moons in our universe.
So you think that an invisible being poofed us into existence?

Correction, in your case, he pooped you into existence.

And as for your moronic theory that taller people have suddenly evolved in the past three centuries, here is the real cause: better nutrition available through economic growth. Compare the short stature of North Koreans to the relatives in South Korea. That difference isn't due to evolution. It's due to the fact that Norks are STARVING. It's only been in the past three centuries (industrial revolution etc.) that economic growth enabled a bountiful and consistent food supply.
It doesn't matter what the reasons are, that's all part of evolution as well. Animals who have access to easy and better food will progress faster, that's simply more proof of evolution, they evolve faster and better/bigger. Thanks for clearing that up.
Really...maybe you can cite the study that establishes that.

I don't think you know what *evolve* means
I used to eat meat but my outlook on things has evolved to a healthier and less harmful diet, so now I'm a vegetarian. Did I use the word properly there? :biggrin:
Yes but when people talk about evolution in terms of creation that isn't what they're talking about.

We all agree that we live differently than we used to. We have electricity..and gas powered engines, and plastic now...But when people are speaking of the creation of mankind, that isn't what we're talking about. We're talking about the evolution of man from one type of animal, into another type of animal.

And it's a lie. We didn't come into being randomly.

But if you're using the word evolution to mean we have different lifestyles, well of course we do.
Evolution works on a very long timeframe. As we grow taller and smarter, who knows what kind of being we will be in 10 million years? I sure don't pretend to. And to say that some extra-terrestrial visible or not poofed us into being as we are know is not supported by real science.
So where is the geologic evidence that the mountains in the area were once submerged for 40 days? Do you have a link to that?

And god wasn't thinking about saving the animals, but saving the economy? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

I bet you believe that a tiny scrap of bone is all the proof you need for the Theory of Evolution.

As, according to the Bible, God gave Man dominium over the animals (which includes domesticating them to enable Man to live), it is not at all illogical to assume God would wish Man to save the animals necessary for Man's wellbeing.

My final answer is that you are an ignorant, uneducated fool, but I will give you 10 points for consistency.
So you have no proof of the flood but believe it anyways.

And "God gave Man dominium"? I've never heard of that element, you make that up?

I believe there was a worldwide flood. Every major religion that I'm aware of tells of one, even the Popol Vuh, and many old legends and myths tell of one. Even Plato had an account of a sunken city/continent.

It happened around ten thousand years ago when the mile thick ice sheets covering North America, Europe, and part of Asia, melted. Then there's the cities that are sunk in hundreds of feet of water...

The Exceptional Underwater City of Cuba: A New Theory on its Origins – Part I

Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars

Sunken City off India Coast - 7500 B.C.

...off the coasts of Cuba, Japan, and India.

Are you going to accept my scientific proof that a flood happened at that time or do you want to tell me were all that water went?




When the glaciers melted after the last ice age, sea levels roses and some coastal cities went underwater, like you showed in your links. It didn't melt all at once, the ice retreated over time. So no 40 day flood from that event, and there wasn't enough water melted to cover the whole earth over the mountain tops. So no, that's not scientific proof of the biblical flood. Only proof of sea rising after the ice sheet melted. So where is the geologic evidence of a world wide flood?


You have no idea how fast the ice melted or what kind of storms there were during that massive climate event that lasted years and most likely decades. Nor do you know what kind of land submergence happened due to billions of tons of water suddenly being placed on the low lying areas while the continents that were covered with ice rose due to no longer having that ice on them.

I have plenty of proof that a massive world wide event happened at that time while all you appear to have is denial.



All you showed were cities at the bottom of water, that only shows that the sea rose, from ice melting, not from some extra-terrestrial who wanted to drown us all. That's absurd and without foundation whatsoever.
Of course it is. Why wouldn't we be evolving into taller beings? Because we are!

But just because we built smaller houses back then is in no way proof that people were smaller.

And if people were smaller, it isn't evidence of evolution. People in Venezuela and north korea are smaller than their modern day counterparts. Because they starve from birth.

People who have fewer resources build smaller houses, also. They are easier to heat, and use fewer resources to create.

So meh, that's it for you. You're a waste of time. I thought you might have something that would recommend you...but you don't.

And btw, nobody here has ever argued that evolution doesn't exist. Most of us have pets and/or fish....we understand that creatures can be bred to certain specifications and that is a type of evolution.

What the creationists argue isn't that evolution doesn't exist. What we argue is that there are no non-human ancestors. We were created by God, in God's image. We did not branch off from some primate or marsupial animal branch and change into modern man via evolution. Didn't happen..which is why it has never been proven to be so.
So you think that an invisible being poofed us into existence?


What kick started the Big Bang fifteen billion years ago? The magic flying spaghetti monster?



We haven't figured that out yet. Which doesn't automatically default to an invisible superbeing in another dimension.


Oh I see we're supposed to believe that it magically happened.

Some people call that a miracle.



No, we need to keep looking to try to figure why it happened. You've settled on an extra-terrestrial poofing us into being. You're probably still hanging on to Santa Claus as well. :biggrin:
...Why does it makes babies with cancer, or retarded, or deformed, or in pain, or even with all of that together? Is god not capable of a perfect creation? Is it a punishment of some sort?
Well, everyone has their cross to bear. Everyone is called to carry it. From a theological standpoint, it is because of our lack of thankfulness that people are asked to carry that cross.

Cancer, while APPARENTLY "evil" is necessary in life. Every time we intervene and mess with nature we tend to not consider the LONG TERM ramifications.

Let me put it at a more basic level. When I see a blind person, one of the first thoughts I have is thankfulness for my eye sight. That goes for many of the things you listed. I also find it interesting how so many that are afflicted with such crosses, display a grace that is not describable.

No, it is NOT a PUNISHMENT. It is in fact A GRACE. Yes, I get very angry at times with life or GOD at times. However, when I settle down and the few times God is able to reach through my pride, I see the PURPOSE.

In the meantime, lets talk about how it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance. Literally, it is mathematically impossible. Physicists dating back to Newton and astronomers like Copernicus knew this. Physicists today, also know this. Hence, the reason for quantum physics and theories like PARALLEL universes etc. All to address the FACT that it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance or coincidence.
So what's the PURPOSE of giving a child deformities , mental retardation and constant pain? For you to feel good that you don't have that? Wow, that's pretty shallow.

What astronomers know today is that the building blocks of life whizz past us on comets and meteors, and that they are quite hopeful to find life on another planet or moon in our own solar system very soon. Never mind the trillions and trillions of planets iand moons in our universe.

There are lot more things than the notion of the BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE whizzing past us. For instance:

Astronomer Sir Martin Rees noted in his book, Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe, that the strength of the fundamental strong nuclear force, which expresses the strength of the electrical force that holds atoms together, was precisely balanced and calibrated to the force of gravity to allow the existence of the Universe.

The weak nuclear force: Sir Martin Rees also commented on another fundamental force in the Universe, the weak nuclear force, that was also precisely calibrated to allow our Universe to exist and humanity to flourish. If the nuclear weak force were even slightly stronger than the expansion force at the moment of Creation it would have burned up all of the hydrogen atoms in the Universe to leave only helium—a result that would have prevented our present Universe and life from ever existing. Rees wrote: Another number, E [the Weak Nuclear Force], whose value is 0.007, defines how firmly atomic nuclei bind together and how all the atoms on Earth were made. Its value reflects the power from the Sun and, more sensitively, how stars tranmute hydrogen into all the atoms of the periodic table. Carbon and oxygen are common, whereas gold and uranium are rare, because of what happens in the stars. If E were 0.006 or 0.008, we could not exist.

There are all sorts of natural laws that if they did not exist, life would not be possible. Also, life is more than mere matter. Abstract THOUGHT for instance.
I bet you believe that a tiny scrap of bone is all the proof you need for the Theory of Evolution.

As, according to the Bible, God gave Man dominium over the animals (which includes domesticating them to enable Man to live), it is not at all illogical to assume God would wish Man to save the animals necessary for Man's wellbeing.

My final answer is that you are an ignorant, uneducated fool, but I will give you 10 points for consistency.
So you have no proof of the flood but believe it anyways.

And "God gave Man dominium"? I've never heard of that element, you make that up?

I believe there was a worldwide flood. Every major religion that I'm aware of tells of one, even the Popol Vuh, and many old legends and myths tell of one. Even Plato had an account of a sunken city/continent.

It happened around ten thousand years ago when the mile thick ice sheets covering North America, Europe, and part of Asia, melted. Then there's the cities that are sunk in hundreds of feet of water...

The Exceptional Underwater City of Cuba: A New Theory on its Origins – Part I

Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars

Sunken City off India Coast - 7500 B.C.

...off the coasts of Cuba, Japan, and India.

Are you going to accept my scientific proof that a flood happened at that time or do you want to tell me were all that water went?




When the glaciers melted after the last ice age, sea levels roses and some coastal cities went underwater, like you showed in your links. It didn't melt all at once, the ice retreated over time. So no 40 day flood from that event, and there wasn't enough water melted to cover the whole earth over the mountain tops. So no, that's not scientific proof of the biblical flood. Only proof of sea rising after the ice sheet melted. So where is the geologic evidence of a world wide flood?


You have no idea how fast the ice melted or what kind of storms there were during that massive climate event that lasted years and most likely decades. Nor do you know what kind of land submergence happened due to billions of tons of water suddenly being placed on the low lying areas while the continents that were covered with ice rose due to no longer having that ice on them.

I have plenty of proof that a massive world wide event happened at that time while all you appear to have is denial.



All you showed were cities at the bottom of water, that only shows that the sea rose, from ice melting, not from some extra-terrestrial who wanted to drown us all. That's absurd and without foundation whatsoever.


So you have nothing.


But just because we built smaller houses back then is in no way proof that people were smaller.

And if people were smaller, it isn't evidence of evolution. People in Venezuela and north korea are smaller than their modern day counterparts. Because they starve from birth.

People who have fewer resources build smaller houses, also. They are easier to heat, and use fewer resources to create.

So meh, that's it for you. You're a waste of time. I thought you might have something that would recommend you...but you don't.

And btw, nobody here has ever argued that evolution doesn't exist. Most of us have pets and/or fish....we understand that creatures can be bred to certain specifications and that is a type of evolution.

What the creationists argue isn't that evolution doesn't exist. What we argue is that there are no non-human ancestors. We were created by God, in God's image. We did not branch off from some primate or marsupial animal branch and change into modern man via evolution. Didn't happen..which is why it has never been proven to be so.
So you think that an invisible being poofed us into existence?


What kick started the Big Bang fifteen billion years ago? The magic flying spaghetti monster?



We haven't figured that out yet. Which doesn't automatically default to an invisible superbeing in another dimension.


Oh I see we're supposed to believe that it magically happened.

Some people call that a miracle.



No, we need to keep looking to try to figure why it happened. You've settled on an extra-terrestrial poofing us into being. You're probably still hanging on to Santa Claus as well. :biggrin:


And a continuation of your nothing.


...Why does it makes babies with cancer, or retarded, or deformed, or in pain, or even with all of that together? Is god not capable of a perfect creation? Is it a punishment of some sort?
Well, everyone has their cross to bear. Everyone is called to carry it. From a theological standpoint, it is because of our lack of thankfulness that people are asked to carry that cross.

Cancer, while APPARENTLY "evil" is necessary in life. Every time we intervene and mess with nature we tend to not consider the LONG TERM ramifications.

Let me put it at a more basic level. When I see a blind person, one of the first thoughts I have is thankfulness for my eye sight. That goes for many of the things you listed. I also find it interesting how so many that are afflicted with such crosses, display a grace that is not describable.

No, it is NOT a PUNISHMENT. It is in fact A GRACE. Yes, I get very angry at times with life or GOD at times. However, when I settle down and the few times God is able to reach through my pride, I see the PURPOSE.

In the meantime, lets talk about how it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance. Literally, it is mathematically impossible. Physicists dating back to Newton and astronomers like Copernicus knew this. Physicists today, also know this. Hence, the reason for quantum physics and theories like PARALLEL universes etc. All to address the FACT that it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance or coincidence.
So what's the PURPOSE of giving a child deformities , mental retardation and constant pain? For you to feel good that you don't have that? Wow, that's pretty shallow.

What astronomers know today is that the building blocks of life whizz past us on comets and meteors, and that they are quite hopeful to find life on another planet or moon in our own solar system very soon. Never mind the trillions and trillions of planets iand moons in our universe.
The purpose is to bring people to God.

Because people like you are so stupid that you reject God until something catastrophic and horrible happens to you.
...Why does it makes babies with cancer, or retarded, or deformed, or in pain, or even with all of that together? Is god not capable of a perfect creation? Is it a punishment of some sort?
Well, everyone has their cross to bear. Everyone is called to carry it. From a theological standpoint, it is because of our lack of thankfulness that people are asked to carry that cross.

Cancer, while APPARENTLY "evil" is necessary in life. Every time we intervene and mess with nature we tend to not consider the LONG TERM ramifications.

Let me put it at a more basic level. When I see a blind person, one of the first thoughts I have is thankfulness for my eye sight. That goes for many of the things you listed. I also find it interesting how so many that are afflicted with such crosses, display a grace that is not describable.

No, it is NOT a PUNISHMENT. It is in fact A GRACE. Yes, I get very angry at times with life or GOD at times. However, when I settle down and the few times God is able to reach through my pride, I see the PURPOSE.

In the meantime, lets talk about how it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance. Literally, it is mathematically impossible. Physicists dating back to Newton and astronomers like Copernicus knew this. Physicists today, also know this. Hence, the reason for quantum physics and theories like PARALLEL universes etc. All to address the FACT that it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance or coincidence.
So what's the PURPOSE of giving a child deformities , mental retardation and constant pain? For you to feel good that you don't have that? Wow, that's pretty shallow.

What astronomers know today is that the building blocks of life whizz past us on comets and meteors, and that they are quite hopeful to find life on another planet or moon in our own solar system very soon. Never mind the trillions and trillions of planets iand moons in our universe.

There are lot more things than the notion of the BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE whizzing past us. For instance:

Astronomer Sir Martin Rees noted in his book, Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe, that the strength of the fundamental strong nuclear force, which expresses the strength of the electrical force that holds atoms together, was precisely balanced and calibrated to the force of gravity to allow the existence of the Universe.

The weak nuclear force: Sir Martin Rees also commented on another fundamental force in the Universe, the weak nuclear force, that was also precisely calibrated to allow our Universe to exist and humanity to flourish. If the nuclear weak force were even slightly stronger than the expansion force at the moment of Creation it would have burned up all of the hydrogen atoms in the Universe to leave only helium—a result that would have prevented our present Universe and life from ever existing. Rees wrote: Another number, E [the Weak Nuclear Force], whose value is 0.007, defines how firmly atomic nuclei bind together and how all the atoms on Earth were made. Its value reflects the power from the Sun and, more sensitively, how stars tranmute hydrogen into all the atoms of the periodic table. Carbon and oxygen are common, whereas gold and uranium are rare, because of what happens in the stars. If E were 0.006 or 0.008, we could not exist.

There are all sorts of natural laws that if they did not exist, life would not be possible. Also, life is more than mere matter. Abstract THOUGHT for instance.
Doesn't default to point to a singular god, and of the bible either. We simply don't know. What you're doing is a cross between a guess and wishful thinking.
So you have no proof of the flood but believe it anyways.

And "God gave Man dominium"? I've never heard of that element, you make that up?

I believe there was a worldwide flood. Every major religion that I'm aware of tells of one, even the Popol Vuh, and many old legends and myths tell of one. Even Plato had an account of a sunken city/continent.

It happened around ten thousand years ago when the mile thick ice sheets covering North America, Europe, and part of Asia, melted. Then there's the cities that are sunk in hundreds of feet of water...

The Exceptional Underwater City of Cuba: A New Theory on its Origins – Part I

Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars

Sunken City off India Coast - 7500 B.C.

...off the coasts of Cuba, Japan, and India.

Are you going to accept my scientific proof that a flood happened at that time or do you want to tell me were all that water went?




When the glaciers melted after the last ice age, sea levels roses and some coastal cities went underwater, like you showed in your links. It didn't melt all at once, the ice retreated over time. So no 40 day flood from that event, and there wasn't enough water melted to cover the whole earth over the mountain tops. So no, that's not scientific proof of the biblical flood. Only proof of sea rising after the ice sheet melted. So where is the geologic evidence of a world wide flood?


You have no idea how fast the ice melted or what kind of storms there were during that massive climate event that lasted years and most likely decades. Nor do you know what kind of land submergence happened due to billions of tons of water suddenly being placed on the low lying areas while the continents that were covered with ice rose due to no longer having that ice on them.

I have plenty of proof that a massive world wide event happened at that time while all you appear to have is denial.



All you showed were cities at the bottom of water, that only shows that the sea rose, from ice melting, not from some extra-terrestrial who wanted to drown us all. That's absurd and without foundation whatsoever.


So you have nothing.



You're right, I have nothing to prove a worldwide flood... and neither do you.
So you think that an invisible being poofed us into existence?


What kick started the Big Bang fifteen billion years ago? The magic flying spaghetti monster?



We haven't figured that out yet. Which doesn't automatically default to an invisible superbeing in another dimension.


Oh I see we're supposed to believe that it magically happened.

Some people call that a miracle.



No, we need to keep looking to try to figure why it happened. You've settled on an extra-terrestrial poofing us into being. You're probably still hanging on to Santa Claus as well. :biggrin:


And a continuation of your nothing.



At least I'm keeping an open mind to searching for what's potentially out there. You've settled on a clown-like invisible being.
...Why does it makes babies with cancer, or retarded, or deformed, or in pain, or even with all of that together? Is god not capable of a perfect creation? Is it a punishment of some sort?
Well, everyone has their cross to bear. Everyone is called to carry it. From a theological standpoint, it is because of our lack of thankfulness that people are asked to carry that cross.

Cancer, while APPARENTLY "evil" is necessary in life. Every time we intervene and mess with nature we tend to not consider the LONG TERM ramifications.

Let me put it at a more basic level. When I see a blind person, one of the first thoughts I have is thankfulness for my eye sight. That goes for many of the things you listed. I also find it interesting how so many that are afflicted with such crosses, display a grace that is not describable.

No, it is NOT a PUNISHMENT. It is in fact A GRACE. Yes, I get very angry at times with life or GOD at times. However, when I settle down and the few times God is able to reach through my pride, I see the PURPOSE.

In the meantime, lets talk about how it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance. Literally, it is mathematically impossible. Physicists dating back to Newton and astronomers like Copernicus knew this. Physicists today, also know this. Hence, the reason for quantum physics and theories like PARALLEL universes etc. All to address the FACT that it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance or coincidence.
So what's the PURPOSE of giving a child deformities , mental retardation and constant pain? For you to feel good that you don't have that? Wow, that's pretty shallow.

What astronomers know today is that the building blocks of life whizz past us on comets and meteors, and that they are quite hopeful to find life on another planet or moon in our own solar system very soon. Never mind the trillions and trillions of planets iand moons in our universe.
The purpose is to bring people to God.

Because people like you are so stupid that you reject God until something catastrophic and horrible happens to you.
So a deformed baby in constant pain is there to bring me closer to the being that made it? is that your final answer? Because that's pretty dumb. :biggrin:
...Why does it makes babies with cancer, or retarded, or deformed, or in pain, or even with all of that together? Is god not capable of a perfect creation? Is it a punishment of some sort?
Well, everyone has their cross to bear. Everyone is called to carry it. From a theological standpoint, it is because of our lack of thankfulness that people are asked to carry that cross.

Cancer, while APPARENTLY "evil" is necessary in life. Every time we intervene and mess with nature we tend to not consider the LONG TERM ramifications.

Let me put it at a more basic level. When I see a blind person, one of the first thoughts I have is thankfulness for my eye sight. That goes for many of the things you listed. I also find it interesting how so many that are afflicted with such crosses, display a grace that is not describable.

No, it is NOT a PUNISHMENT. It is in fact A GRACE. Yes, I get very angry at times with life or GOD at times. However, when I settle down and the few times God is able to reach through my pride, I see the PURPOSE.

In the meantime, lets talk about how it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance. Literally, it is mathematically impossible. Physicists dating back to Newton and astronomers like Copernicus knew this. Physicists today, also know this. Hence, the reason for quantum physics and theories like PARALLEL universes etc. All to address the FACT that it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance or coincidence.
So what's the PURPOSE of giving a child deformities , mental retardation and constant pain? For you to feel good that you don't have that? Wow, that's pretty shallow.

What astronomers know today is that the building blocks of life whizz past us on comets and meteors, and that they are quite hopeful to find life on another planet or moon in our own solar system very soon. Never mind the trillions and trillions of planets iand moons in our universe.

There are lot more things than the notion of the BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE whizzing past us. For instance:

Astronomer Sir Martin Rees noted in his book, Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe, that the strength of the fundamental strong nuclear force, which expresses the strength of the electrical force that holds atoms together, was precisely balanced and calibrated to the force of gravity to allow the existence of the Universe.

The weak nuclear force: Sir Martin Rees also commented on another fundamental force in the Universe, the weak nuclear force, that was also precisely calibrated to allow our Universe to exist and humanity to flourish. If the nuclear weak force were even slightly stronger than the expansion force at the moment of Creation it would have burned up all of the hydrogen atoms in the Universe to leave only helium—a result that would have prevented our present Universe and life from ever existing. Rees wrote: Another number, E [the Weak Nuclear Force], whose value is 0.007, defines how firmly atomic nuclei bind together and how all the atoms on Earth were made. Its value reflects the power from the Sun and, more sensitively, how stars tranmute hydrogen into all the atoms of the periodic table. Carbon and oxygen are common, whereas gold and uranium are rare, because of what happens in the stars. If E were 0.006 or 0.008, we could not exist.

There are all sorts of natural laws that if they did not exist, life would not be possible. Also, life is more than mere matter. Abstract THOUGHT for instance.
Doesn't default to point to a singular god, and of the bible either. We simply don't know. What you're doing is a cross between a guess and wishful thinking.
...Why does it makes babies with cancer, or retarded, or deformed, or in pain, or even with all of that together? Is god not capable of a perfect creation? Is it a punishment of some sort?
Well, everyone has their cross to bear. Everyone is called to carry it. From a theological standpoint, it is because of our lack of thankfulness that people are asked to carry that cross.

Cancer, while APPARENTLY "evil" is necessary in life. Every time we intervene and mess with nature we tend to not consider the LONG TERM ramifications.

Let me put it at a more basic level. When I see a blind person, one of the first thoughts I have is thankfulness for my eye sight. That goes for many of the things you listed. I also find it interesting how so many that are afflicted with such crosses, display a grace that is not describable.

No, it is NOT a PUNISHMENT. It is in fact A GRACE. Yes, I get very angry at times with life or GOD at times. However, when I settle down and the few times God is able to reach through my pride, I see the PURPOSE.

In the meantime, lets talk about how it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance. Literally, it is mathematically impossible. Physicists dating back to Newton and astronomers like Copernicus knew this. Physicists today, also know this. Hence, the reason for quantum physics and theories like PARALLEL universes etc. All to address the FACT that it is mathematically impossible that life happened by chance or coincidence.
So what's the PURPOSE of giving a child deformities , mental retardation and constant pain? For you to feel good that you don't have that? Wow, that's pretty shallow.

What astronomers know today is that the building blocks of life whizz past us on comets and meteors, and that they are quite hopeful to find life on another planet or moon in our own solar system very soon. Never mind the trillions and trillions of planets iand moons in our universe.

There are lot more things than the notion of the BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE whizzing past us. For instance:

Astronomer Sir Martin Rees noted in his book, Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe, that the strength of the fundamental strong nuclear force, which expresses the strength of the electrical force that holds atoms together, was precisely balanced and calibrated to the force of gravity to allow the existence of the Universe.

The weak nuclear force: Sir Martin Rees also commented on another fundamental force in the Universe, the weak nuclear force, that was also precisely calibrated to allow our Universe to exist and humanity to flourish. If the nuclear weak force were even slightly stronger than the expansion force at the moment of Creation it would have burned up all of the hydrogen atoms in the Universe to leave only helium—a result that would have prevented our present Universe and life from ever existing. Rees wrote: Another number, E [the Weak Nuclear Force], whose value is 0.007, defines how firmly atomic nuclei bind together and how all the atoms on Earth were made. Its value reflects the power from the Sun and, more sensitively, how stars tranmute hydrogen into all the atoms of the periodic table. Carbon and oxygen are common, whereas gold and uranium are rare, because of what happens in the stars. If E were 0.006 or 0.008, we could not exist.

There are all sorts of natural laws that if they did not exist, life would not be possible. Also, life is more than mere matter. Abstract THOUGHT for instance.
Doesn't default to point to a singular god, and of the bible either. We simply don't know. What you're doing is a cross between a guess and wishful thinking.
I said nothing about a singular God in regards to the FACT that it is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for life to have happened BY CHANCE.

Do you know anything about statistics and the notion of probability?

In order to claim that LIFE happened by CHANCE, then you need to apply a probability that EVERYTHING happened so coincidentally. Are you aware that it is literally impossible to calculate that.

Every aspect, from the mere existence of elements, to how gravity is. To say nothing about the realities and how cells work. How the nucleus in atoms and cells work. To say nothing of water and the entire reality that without it, life is impossible.

Scientists really have no clue how it got here. There are many theories.

The FACT is it is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE that it ALL HAPPENED by chance. From a probability stand point, it is literally incalculable. Cannot be done.

Now what? Parallel universes?
But just because we built smaller houses back then is in no way proof that people were smaller.

And if people were smaller, it isn't evidence of evolution. People in Venezuela and north korea are smaller than their modern day counterparts. Because they starve from birth.

People who have fewer resources build smaller houses, also. They are easier to heat, and use fewer resources to create.

So meh, that's it for you. You're a waste of time. I thought you might have something that would recommend you...but you don't.

And btw, nobody here has ever argued that evolution doesn't exist. Most of us have pets and/or fish....we understand that creatures can be bred to certain specifications and that is a type of evolution.

What the creationists argue isn't that evolution doesn't exist. What we argue is that there are no non-human ancestors. We were created by God, in God's image. We did not branch off from some primate or marsupial animal branch and change into modern man via evolution. Didn't happen..which is why it has never been proven to be so.
So you think that an invisible being poofed us into existence?

Correction, in your case, he pooped you into existence.

And as for your moronic theory that taller people have suddenly evolved in the past three centuries, here is the real cause: better nutrition available through economic growth. Compare the short stature of North Koreans to the relatives in South Korea. That difference isn't due to evolution. It's due to the fact that Norks are STARVING. It's only been in the past three centuries (industrial revolution etc.) that economic growth enabled a bountiful and consistent food supply.
It doesn't matter what the reasons are, that's all part of evolution as well. Animals who have access to easy and better food will progress faster, that's simply more proof of evolution, they evolve faster and better/bigger. Thanks for clearing that up.
Really...maybe you can cite the study that establishes that.

I don't think you know what *evolve* means
I used to eat meat but my outlook on things has evolved to a healthier and less harmful diet, so now I'm a vegetarian. Did I use the word properly there? :biggrin:

That SPLAINS so much. Seriously.
That would depend upon the region. Not every mountain is Mt. Everest, bub.

And it makes perfect sense that Noah would gather up breeding pairs of animals in order to re-establish the local economy when the flood subsided.

It wouldn't hurt you to educate yourself on the nature of myth in cultures where most people are not literate.
So where is the geologic evidence that the mountains in the area were once submerged for 40 days? Do you have a link to that?

And god wasn't thinking about saving the animals, but saving the economy? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

I bet you believe that a tiny scrap of bone is all the proof you need for the Theory of Evolution.

As, according to the Bible, God gave Man dominium over the animals (which includes domesticating them to enable Man to live), it is not at all illogical to assume God would wish Man to save the animals necessary for Man's wellbeing.

My final answer is that you are an ignorant, uneducated fool, but I will give you 10 points for consistency.
So you have no proof of the flood but believe it anyways.

And "God gave Man dominium"? I've never heard of that element, you make that up?

I believe there was a worldwide flood. Every major religion that I'm aware of tells of one, even the Popol Vuh, and many old legends and myths tell of one. Even Plato had an account of a sunken city/continent.

It happened around ten thousand years ago when the mile thick ice sheets covering North America, Europe, and part of Asia, melted. Then there's the cities that are sunk in hundreds of feet of water...

The Exceptional Underwater City of Cuba: A New Theory on its Origins – Part I

Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars

Sunken City off India Coast - 7500 B.C.

...off the coasts of Cuba, Japan, and India.

Are you going to accept my scientific proof that a flood happened at that time or do you want to tell me were all that water went?




When the glaciers melted after the last ice age, sea levels roses and some coastal cities went underwater, like you showed in your links. It didn't melt all at once, the ice retreated over time. So no 40 day flood from that event, and there wasn't enough water melted to cover the whole earth over the mountain tops. So no, that's not scientific proof of the biblical flood. Only proof of sea rising after the ice sheet melted. So where is the geologic evidence of a world wide flood?

/----/ I was taught the Bible referred to the known world at the time. How would the authors know about the Western Hemisphere? The area flooded in 1656 AM would have been thought of as the entire world (Middle east) at the time the book was written.
The Masoretic Text of the Torah places the Great Deluge 1,656 years after Creation, or 1656 AM (Anno Mundi, "Year of the World").

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