Zone1 If God Truly Loves Us Then Why Did He Cause The Great Flood?

Yes, that is the ultimate form of love, being willing to die for someone else.

However, to not beat around the bush about it, to love, involves free will, because when you love someone, you do what they say, as in obey them.

That said, is it starting to become clearer now?

No because God loves us but He's the one who makes the rules not us. So that's not always right.
For a start, this from a similar thread in this 'religion' subforum;
Try this on for size ...

If Gawd ~ Creative Intelligence ~ Intelligent Creator ~ whatever, is as portrayed in most religions = eternal; that means no Beginning nor any End.

Combine with you can't get Something from Nothing, then the Intelligent Creator had to make the universe/cosmos from substance of Itself. I use "It" because if the entity is eternal and not in need of reproduction, it doesn't need to have sexes, such as He and She.

Those two together mean that a Big Bang will eventually become a Big Collapse; which then becomes another Big Bang, then a Big Collapse, on and on, no beginnings nor any ends.

That means we humans would also be eternal since we are made from the substance of the Intelligent Creator. If we have souls, than they would be eternal. Reincarnating into new bodies each time as we progress through the physical phase(s) of our existence. Bodies being like another suit of clothes, only in this case another suit of 'meat'.

If not the above, then back to the quandary of what existed before this Universe was created and what exists after it is uncreated = gone ???
As for the thread topic ....
Start with the Old Testament being a variation on Sumerian/Akadian/Babylonian texts of history as they knew it.
In those earlier texts/records it was a feud among the Gawds/Anunnaki concerning what to do with an impending natural catastrophe. Not clearly defined but appears to be either an impending impact event by a large object/asteroid and/or resulting pole shifting. A large impact alone could cause the displace of much water into the atmosphere to cause major rain events along with tsunami like flooding.

In the myths/records of the Sumerian, there is an account of their "Noah" being contacted by 'god' Enki and instructed on how to be an ark vessel while another 'god' Enlil doesn't want to warn or preserve the humans since he thinks it was a mistake for Enki and company to have "made" humans (via genetic manipulation of earlier form of hominids)

The Hebrew rewrite of the Sumerian account gets the multiple deities/gods & goddesses merged into a single Gawd. Things get more garbled from there.
See also the Tale of Gilgamesh for some major parts of this his"story".
Sorry, but I didn't get a word of that. 😕
It's prologue or forward to provide context for what I present in post #24 here.

Short of it is that the "God" of Judeo-Christian-Islam "Genesis" is an allegory and simplification for more complex theology and is presenting distorted record of actions of a superior non-Earth species that was involved in human creation and establishment of our civilizations and religions.

In other words, most of the content and context of religious scripture and dogma is "fiction" and distortions of actual truth to be used as a population control device so we don't attain knowledge and power to supplant our owners and overlords. ;):cool:
And regret that He created humans in the first place? That doesn't sound like love to me.

God/s are all manmade lies. No reasoning with it, bub.

rep confused dumbfounded.jpg
And regret that He created humans in the first place? That doesn't sound like love to me.
The Only Thing Supernatural Is the Creative Mind of Human Genius

Zeus felt the same way. That's why he condemned Prometheus, the god of invention, for helping the human race survive and prosper.

All these myths are interconnected. Prometheus himself was punished with something very like a crucifixion.
It must suck to be you, knowing that when your time comes, you are only going to be either worm food, or just a pile as ash. But like the famous words of Globull Warming Zealots "What IF" when you die, you end up in hell for eternity, being damned for turning away from God.

That's his problem then. Not ours.
It must suck to be you, knowing that when your time comes, you are only going to be either worm food, or just a pile as ash. But like the famous words of Globull Warming Zealots "What IF" when you die, you end up in hell for eternity, being damned for turning away from God.
Domination Through Damnation

If you say so, I must obey, which imaginary power makes you feel superior to those not in your superstitious Stone Age cult. The real motivation for theists is the wannabe feeling of being boss that they get by identifying themselves as enforcing agents of a Higher Power.
Domination Through Damnation

If you say so, I must obey, which imaginary power makes you feel superior to those not in your superstitious Stone Age cult. The real motivation for theists is the wannabe feeling of being boss that they get by identifying themselves as enforcing agents of a Higher Power.
I could care less what you do with your sorry ass life, because you have nothing to live for. Just a jumbled mass of cells slowly decaying until that muscle inside your rib cage ceases to beat.

At least with God, there is a better place to go once you have lived with your trials and tribulations, which earns you a right to live in Heaven.
I believe one must have an eternal perspective when considering the destruction of all life during the flood of Noah. God's purpose in sending us to earth was to give us the opportunity to learn good and evil and learn to choose good over evil. If mankind chose to do evil continually and would raise their children in wickedness and their was no hope for those born on the earth to progress in righteousness, then God would see it fit to wipe the earth clean of all the wickedness and start over to allow mankind to have a fair chance to choose good over evil. This life is only a temporary existence. All mankind, thanks to God, will resurrect and live eternally in an immortal body of flesh and bones. Removing some from this life is not the end all be all of our existence. God gave us this life to have an opportunity to progress to become more like Him and become righteous and learn to choose the good over the evil. Maybe from an eternal perspective, it is an act of love to stop some from becoming more and more evil and also and act of love to cleans the earth from extreme wickedness so that those born into this life will have a better chance of becoming good beings.

Genesis 6:5-7, 11-13
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
I'm not arguing with you by any means, but that wasn't the question that I asked.

I guess that my translation was just different.

Again Satan is who kills innocent babies and God doesn't send anybody to Hell. People send themselves to Hell if they do evil and don't accept Christ. God wants everybody to go to Heaven.

Well,.. that is sort of a gray area to me because some people just weren't raised as Christians andt have never gotten the chance to hear the Gospel but yet do very good things onto others. I believe what I just posted above. If somebody is truly evil and hasn't repented then I do believe that they go to Hell, but would God send a nice and loving person to Hell just for having different beliefs than Christians do? I really don't think so. I know that isn't scripture but God also didn't write the Bible, man did and I just can't see God sending somebody who treats others well, doesn't steal, doesn't hurt people etc. to Hell.

Not by a God saying "I regret making you in the first place." As that was a sucker punch to me when I read it, but as I said before it was probably the translation as I was reading the NIV version.
You are lying. Your god hates liars.
Why do you make it this thread, and then immediately throw away other opinions? It's pathetic
In my humble opinion - the flood story (and other similar flood stories from ancient texts) - have to do with a certain human archetype that became violent, abusive and essentially began to attack, abuse, rape, etc other types of humans. Hence why ONE type was "saved" by God while the other type was "removed".

This narrative is portrayed in many ancient texts - not just the Bible. The Bible simply tells the story in a simple form - so that even a child can understand.

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