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If GOP is upset about Michele Obama's anti-obesity campaign...

Wait, so the dictionary is wrong....or rather, YOU are saying the dictionary is wrong. Must be more of your INTEGRITY, no?

I guess these guys are wrong too:

Irregardless - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

an erroneous word that, etymologically, means the exact opposite of what it is used to express,

Gee you're dumb...
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DUDE! Read the shit you write. It wasn't that long ago actually.

What drugs are you taking or concussions have you suffered that your attention span isn't that long.

THEY ALL get funds. And they ALL use them in public campaigns for causes.

Stop being a fuckwit.


Why dont YOU read what I write.

My question was what first lady used tax payer money to push LEGISLATION.

Why do you keep ignoring that part of my question?

I have done nothing but agree that it is appropriate for her to have obesity as a cause and spend money educating the public as it pertains to proper eating habits.

But I also keep saying it crosses the line when she uses tax payer money to push legislation that GOVERNMENT should control the eating habits of the people.


STOP ignoring that word!

I'm not IGNORING that word you fuckwit. They all push legislation. You seriously have your head up your own ass.


Ellen Wilson, 1913-1914
After visiting the squalid streets where many of Washington D.C.'s poor black and immigrant denizens lived, Woodrow Wilson's first wife took up the need for better urban housing. In early 1914, "Ellen Wilson's bill" — the first legislation to be so publicly spurred on by a first lady — was introduced. Although Congress initially squabbled over who would pay, lawmakers quickly passed the bill after hearing of Ellen's rapidly declining health. She lived just long enough to get the news before succumbing to kidney disease that August.

Read more: A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes - Photo Essays - TIME

And that's just the beginning. Stop trying to get your ass out of a sling with little technicalities that dont stand up.

Take your lumps like a man, fuckwit. They all push legislation and changes in the government. And they all use their staff to do it.

Fuck this is like hitting my brain against a brick wall talking to such a fuckwit.

Yo....call me names if you wish....especially if it makes you feel better.

Didnt see that post of yours. I apologize.

But it still does not answer my question.....

Please name a first lady that used tax payer funds to gain support for a legislation that she wanted to have passed.

I know Hillary Clinton didnt do it with healthcare. She pushed for legislation...but not with ads on TV paid for by the tax payer.

Somemthing tells me Wislon didnt advertise on TV either....a good guess on my part.

So please.....maybe if you stop trying to come up with names you want to call me, you will spend a little time trying to answer my question.

Name one.
I already DID. Do you fail to read...or is it that you just CANT read?

The first lady mentioned above used taxpayer funds.

First you CAPITALIZED "legislation"...now you're shifting to "tax payer funds". I've address both of those ... and you wont sit still and take your medicine.

Thus the name fuckwit. It's the only thing at this point that describes the unique combination of sheer stupidity mixed with willful ignorance that you're displaying.

Admit that MO isn't the only one already. I know you hate the man, but at least give yourself SOME intellectual credibility. For your own sake, fuckwit.
Healthy kids reduce healthcare costs overall. they provide a better work force in the future.

Your IQ is actually less than your penis size in inches, isn't it?

Struggle to grasp that you placed possession of children in the hands of the government - you mindless little Stalinist.

Seriously, there are stumps out there that are substantially smarter than you.
I already DID. Do you fail to read...or is it that you just CANT read?

The first lady mentioned above used taxpayer funds.

First you CAPITALIZED "legislation"...now you're shifting to "tax payer funds". I've address both of those ... and you wont sit still and take your medicine.

Thus the name fuckwit. It's the only thing at this point that describes the unique combination of sheer stupidity mixed with willful ignorance that you're displaying.

Admit that MO isn't the only one already. I know you hate the man, but at least give yourself SOME intellectual credibility. For your own sake, fuckwit.


Nowhere does it say she used tax payer funds to gaiun support for her legislation. No where.

So it does not answer my questiuon.

And as an FYI....at first you (or someone) used the "just say no" as an example...so I had to emphasize the word legislation. Now you are showing me legislation, so I need to emphasize "tax payer funds".

My question included BOTH as what Michelle is doing includes both...

Why must you act so angry?

Is it becuase you dont have an answer?
I already GAVE you the answer. They all have offices and all those offices come from taxpayer money. Even back then you fuckwit. You just can't get it into your head, can you?

Either you get that:

1. First Lady's Office gets taxpayer money
2. That money is used to promote whatever their philanthropic agenda is for that term

or you dont.

It's got TWO...count 'em..TWO moving parts. That shouldnt be hard..unless you're being a fuckwit.
I suppose her declared cause of "military families" was boring.

It's better to count everyone's calories.
I already GAVE you the answer. They all have offices and all those offices come from taxpayer money. Even back then you fuckwit. You just can't get it into your head, can you?

Either you get that:

1. First Lady's Office gets taxpayer money
2. That money is used to promote whatever their philanthropic agenda is for that term

or you dont.

It's got TWO...count 'em..TWO moving parts. That shouldnt be hard..unless you're being a fuckwit.

So where in that answer do you say that first ladys get TAX PAYER MONEY to push their own LEGISLATION?

Legislation is not philanthropic....it is legislation.

My question has not changed.

Please tell me what first lady in the past used TAX PAYER money to gain support for her OWN LEGISLATION.

You keep saying you answered the question...but you havent.
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I HAVE answered. You're just two idiotic to recognize it.

Staying off drugs - Nancy Reagan - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Literacy - Laura Bush - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Healthy Eating - Michelle Obama - worked on by her office - PAID FOR BY TAXPAYER MONEY

Here you go again...making a distinction about philanthropy and legislation. You're an excruciating fuckwit because you keep making idiotic distinctions that mean nothing.

Fuck it. You're a fuckwit who won't even agree that the sky is blue when it is blue when you're staring out the window looking at it yourself.
I HAVE answered. You're just two idiotic to recognize it.

Staying off drugs - Nancy Reagan - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Literacy - Laura Bush - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Healthy Eating - Michelle Obama - worked on by her office - PAID FOR BY TAXPAYER MONEY

Here you go again...making a distinction about philanthropy and legislation. You're an excruciating fuckwit because you keep making idiotic distinctions that mean nothing.

Fuck it. You're a fuckwit who won't even agree that the sky is blue when it is blue when you're staring out the window looking at it yourself.

I'm curious about the legislative aspect. Did Nancy or Laura actually push forward legislation? I honestly don't remember.
I HAVE answered. You're just two idiotic to recognize it.

Staying off drugs - Nancy Reagan - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Literacy - Laura Bush - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Healthy Eating - Michelle Obama - worked on by her office - PAID FOR BY TAXPAYER MONEY

Here you go again...making a distinction about philanthropy and legislation. You're an excruciating fuckwit because you keep making idiotic distinctions that mean nothing.

Fuck it. You're a fuckwit who won't even agree that the sky is blue when it is blue when you're staring out the window looking at it yourself.

And to add, V your sig says this:

...so if you're insulting people in your posts, you're getting ignored.

What is up with that?
Yes. So much so that when Reagan signed anti-drug legislation into law...he turned the pen to his wife as a symbolic gesture of her weight on the issue (Nancy Reagan: the woman behind the man
By Pierre-Marie Loizeau; p. 106)
I HAVE answered. You're just two idiotic to recognize it.

Staying off drugs - Nancy Reagan - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Literacy - Laura Bush - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Healthy Eating - Michelle Obama - worked on by her office - PAID FOR BY TAXPAYER MONEY

Here you go again...making a distinction about philanthropy and legislation. You're an excruciating fuckwit because you keep making idiotic distinctions that mean nothing.

Fuck it. You're a fuckwit who won't even agree that the sky is blue when it is blue when you're staring out the window looking at it yourself.

V...listen up....

Staying off drugs - Nancy Reagan - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.....NOT LEGISLATION....just a cause

Literacy - Laura Bush - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.......NOT LEGISALTION....just a cause

Healthy Eating - Michelle Obama - worked on by her office - PAID FOR BY TAXPAYER MONEY....NOT LEgISLATION....just a cause...

No issue with any of them.


Healthy Eating-Michelle Obama-worked on by her office-putting ads on TV paid for taxpayer dollars saying "we need LAWS AND FOVERNMENT REGULATIONS that will allow government to decide what our children eat"....THAT IS LEGISLATION

So my question is...what other first lady used tax payer dollars to push legislation that she deems should be voted upon by congress?
Provacateur ... I'm definitely not practicing what I preach. Fuckwits who wont even acknowledge simple points...that really drag down debates...do that to me.

Mea Culpa.
I HAVE answered. You're just two idiotic to recognize it.

Staying off drugs - Nancy Reagan - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Literacy - Laura Bush - worked on by her office - paid for by taxpayer money.
Healthy Eating - Michelle Obama - worked on by her office - PAID FOR BY TAXPAYER MONEY

Here you go again...making a distinction about philanthropy and legislation. You're an excruciating fuckwit because you keep making idiotic distinctions that mean nothing.

Fuck it. You're a fuckwit who won't even agree that the sky is blue when it is blue when you're staring out the window looking at it yourself.

I'm curious about the legislative aspect. Did Nancy or Laura actually push forward legislation? I honestly don't remember.


That was my point all along.

You weren't even USING the word cause or philanthropy before I interjected the terms.

You're making another distinction without a difference...and digging your heels in.

Be a fuckwit if you want, you're simply wrong.
Jarhead, I just disproved you already.

Nancy Reagan: the woman behind the man
By Pierre-Marie Loizeau

might want to read it.
Personally i'm much more upset with her Husband's Massive Unemployment,Record Poverty,and Massive Debt. Her campaign against Obesity doesn't upset me at all. Many many much more serious problems to be upset with. As long as she doesn't advocate the Government passing Laws controlling what we can or can't eat,i wont be upset. Hey just my take on this anyway.

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